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Mated To A Vampire Princess: An African American Paranormal Romance

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by LeeSha McCoy


  To A

  Vampire Princess

  The Hybrid Series

  Book One

  LeeSha McCoy

  Copyright © 2021 LeeSha McCoy

  All rights reserved.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, incidents, and places are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to any persons, alive or dead and references to places and buildings are used fictitiously.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  First Edition.

  This is not a standalone series.

  In order to enjoy these books fully, I recommend you checking out my website for the reading order, or start the series


  Reading order

  The James Pack Wolves Series

  Becoming Aware



  The Lands of Aurellia & Caro – The Kratius Series

  Battle of the Pires – Book One

  Battle of the Pires – Book Two

  The James Pack Wolves Spin-off Series

  Awakening Ariella James – Book One

  The Lands of Aurellia & Caro – The Kratius Series

  Battle of the Pires – Book Three

  The James Pack Wolves Spin-off Series

  Awakening Ariella James – Book Two

  Taming Harmony James

  The Hybrid Series

  Mated to a Vampire Princess – Book One

  Mated to a Vampire Princess

  Book One

  She craves blood, he’s never tasted it. She can only eat fruits, he hunts for his food. Her venom could bring him to his knees, but a single drop of his bane could kill her.

  There's no way this will work.

  Or can it?

  Amarey James is the first son of alphas Abriya and Clarence. He's just changed for the first time, but he's not interested in finding his mate.

  Or at least he wasn't until the visions of her began.

  The scent of the blurry woman in his dreams becomes so disruptive to his daily life, he has no choice but to ask his sister Ariella what's going on.

  But what she tells him will blow his entire world apart.

  Princess Karrisee is the first daughter of Queen Vallessa and King Scarva Caro, rulers of the entire kratius. She's desperate for love but can't ever seem to find it, no matter what she tries.

  So, with a little advice from the Queens in her life, she decides to work on herself for a while, but she soon becomes distracted when her dreams are plagued with her deepest darkest fantasies. She's always been curious of the beasts in the world, but afraid of becoming a traitor to her own kind, it's a secret she's kept fiercely guarded.

  But when faced with the opportunity to meet one in the flesh, she jumps at the chance, and so begins the wildest journey she ever could've imagined.


  Reading order

  Mated to a Vampire Princess


  With thanks to…

  Dedicated to…

  Fifteen years ago…



  The Kratius







































  Thanks so much for reading!

  About LeeSha McCoy

  With thanks to…

  Nikki Nik

  For always being my knight in shining armour.

  I love you so much.

  A special thanks to…


  For never leaving my side when I felt most alone in this world. For helping me grow into the woman I am today. For showing me all I needed to heal so I’m better for myself and my children.

  And most of all, for loving me through all the years I didn’t love myself.

  Never again.

  Dedicated to…

  My Past.

  Thank you for the lessons and forcing me to realise my worth.

  My present.

  Thank you for continuously showing me the Queen I am.

  To my future.

  Get fucking ready.

  The best is yet to come.

  And to my readers.

  Know your worth, chase your dreams, love yourself first, and whatever you do, be you.

  No matter what!

  Life is too short to care what other people think, so make the most of the time you’re here, because the last thing the world needs is more fake shit.

  Fifteen years ago…


  I grab Harmony from her house in Canada before porting us to my parents’ kitchen in the UK. My aunts, Cecile and Asha, and my uncles, Dee and Marquis, are here too, sitting with them at the island. They all rule over this continent now and have done for the past six years, while Davonyé and I rule their previous continent, with the help of Harmony and Jaheim.

  We’re all doing a pretty amazing job of alpharing, especially our husbands—even though they have their own businesses to run. Harmony manages the hell out of all her free schools, too, while keeping any subordinate wares I hear about in check.

  And me… I’m loving being an elder more each day.

  Amarey, who is six now, is playing in the backyard with our youngest brother, Andreas—aka Dre, Dee Jr—aka DJ, and Roman—aka Rome, but Harmony will be staying close to them while my parents and I are gone. My parents’ home is beside a lake in the woods, not too far from my great nana’s cabin, and although the boys can’t drown, I know my parents will feel safer if Amarey and Dre were under Harmony’s protection while they’re away.

  Harmony’s the resident babysitter when any of our parents need to travel for ware business. Everyone trusts her with the young ones, but that’s because when it comes to fighting, she’s the ultimate savage. After she changed, her strength and heightened abilities took her self-defence skills to the next level, and I always remember the day my dad took her to our biggest hold in Canada so she could take on the entire pack.

  Which she did, singlehandedly.

  She says I’m a badass, but so is she, all in her own right.

  “Hey, baby girl,” Dad says, sitting forward on his stool. “Everything okay?” ‘Why is she here with Harmony?’

  “Yeah…” I ignore the questioning thoughts of the others as I turn my attention to mom, already knowing that she'll be most hesitant of this. “I have news from the kratius.”

/>   Her gold eyes widen. “Go on…” ‘What now…’

  Harmony and the others swiftly leave me and my parents, but I still silence us. “Well, Queen Vallessa and King Scarva would like to meet you both.”

  Mom nods in knowing before she sighs. “I knew this was coming.”

  ‘Same,’ Dad says to her. ‘It will be okay, though, baby. Don’t worry…’

  This first meeting could go either way, but I’ve been trying to talk more about Vallessa and Scarva around mom and dad over the past few years, because I know I need to build the foundations of their relationship so that when the time comes to tell them about Amarey’s mate, I’ll meet less resistance.


  But still, mom has been a tough cookie to crack.

  Dad, who forever shows his age and experience, is getting there, though. He’s also been helping mom to see things from a different perspective, which has been a Godsend for Aura and I. Unknowingly, he’s slowly been making her see how similar her and Vallessa are.

  Courageous, protective of their kind, and those who fight for what’s right.

  I really do hope that she changes her mind over the next fourteen years, because so far, no matter what I show or tell her about the kratius as it is now, she remains defensive.

  I reach across the island to hold her hand. “I know you've been putting it off, Mom, but now is the time.”

  Dad rolls his eyes, but I love his adoration for me that I always feel. “I hate when you take that ‘elder’ tone with us.”

  That makes me smile, more because I know how proud of me he is. “Sorry. You're the ones who asked to meet her, though, remember? I'm just making it happen and slotting the pieces together. You know how this goes.”

  Mom squeezes my hand before she gets up with dad. “Yeah. It's okay. I'm ready.”

  “I’ve shielded everyone in the back garden, just so you know. I'll be taking you both to the old house in Canada. Vallessa and Scarva thought you’d feel more comfortable meeting in your world first.”

  I was going to let them meet in the new world that Aura created, but we decided to keep that a secret from everyone for now. Besides, I’m sure my dad would question why a new world is needed…

  Mom takes a calming breath. “I appreciate that.”

  “You can tell them yourself in a minute.”

  ‘Good luck, bae,’ I hear Davonyé say, and then he sends me a rush of encouragement that makes the ink on my hands warm.

  ‘Thanks, baby. I won’t be long.’

  ‘Take your time…’

  I dress both my parents in black before porting the three of us to the house I grew up in, but then I quickly leave them in the back yard to go to the kratius where Vallessa and Scarva are already waiting in their Royal Castle of Caro, dressed in their yellow and blue Caroian robes.

  “They're ready.”

  Vallessa nods hesitantly. She doesn’t hold much hope of this going well because of her first vision of them meeting. She can see the future like I can, but her noir magic is completely different to mine. It’s fuelled by the kratius and grows stronger day by day.

  The things Vallessa can do are out of this world, and the things she intends on doing in the future are even more so. She's a force all on her own, but she’s humble with her power, which is something I really hope my mom realises one day, because they would make such good friends and allies…

  Vallessa summons Areesis to watch their five-year-old twins, Karrisee and Mahrosa, and their youngest son, Oryan, who is three. Karrisee gives me the same calming feeling my brother Amarey does. There is something so uniquely special about the both of them, and I know Vallessa feels it in her daughter, too.

  I can’t wait to see them together.

  “Let us get this over and done with then,” Scarva says, and after taking his wife’s hand, I port us to my parents.

  Mom and dad are holding hands, too, but their grips tighten when they look beside me to Vallessa and Scarva.

  I immediately feel Vallessa's noir magic bind to the earth here, grounding itself, and then as the wind blows momentarily, mom looks around.

  ‘What the fuck was that?’ she asks, looking at me.

  ‘Vallessa's noir magic.’ I hide my excitement at the fact Vallessa’s been able to do that, because of how drastically it changes the future.

  Aura’s over the moon, too.

  “Mom, Dad, this is Queen Vallessa and King Scarva of the kratius. Vallessa, Scarva, these are my parents, the alphas of all werewolves, Abriya and Clarence.”

  They defensively study one another; mom and dad releasing a low growl, and Vallessa and Scarva hissing as their pires, Candessa and Warth, stir. I remove all their scents in an attempt to quell the growing animosity, and then they seem to calm. Vallessa and Scarva manage to settle much more easily than my parents, though.

  Which I expected.

  However, I wasn’t expecting the respectful nod between my dad and Scarva.

  That is good…

  “Firstly,” Vallessa begins, “I wish to thank you for gifting us your bane, Abriya. Without it, our world would not be as free as it is now, nor would our human population be thriving. The entire kratius will forever be grateful for your generosity.”

  “You're welcome,” Mom replies. As much as she despises pires, she always has manners. “You’re the daughter of Luaruss, aren't you?”

  Vallessa nods. “I was. He’s now dead. My mother killed him.”

  Mom frowns, but she doesn't know the full history of what happened. Ariya didn't show her everything because it wasn’t necessary back then, but Aura intends to show her the entire truth when the time is right. That will be another part of us preparing her for Amarey's journey…

  “Your mother killed him?”

  “Yes. My mother, Queen Jessara, is no longer alive either, but she fought with Ariya in an attempt to stop the spread of pires in our world. My father was the one who hunted your kind, yes, but my mother was always on your side.”

  Mom's thoughts run wild with that new piece of information, and so does dad's.

  “I am aware that you do not like us, Abriya, and after the past, I can understand why, but I promise you, the kratius is no longer the world you believe it to be. We are a peaceful people under our rule, just as yours are under yours and Clarence's.”

  Mom gives me a look. ‘You've told her about us?’

  I nod. ‘And Aura.’

  That must sound unfair to her, but mom is so anti-vampires, I haven't been able to show her all I've wanted to. It will be Aura’s job to convince her otherwise, not mine, because as much as they respect me as an elder, they respect Aura more.

  But I don't feel any way about that.

  Aura is the shit.

  I sense her roll her eyes at that, but as many times as she's told me I'm just as accomplished as her, I still admire the hell out of her.

  “Well, I can't say I know too much about your side of history. I haven't been told much.”

  Yeah, mom’s not happy.

  Vallessa offers her an understanding smile. “Well, when you are aware, you are more than welcome to visit us so we can show you how different our world is.”

  Mom and dad both startle at that. “I don't think that's a good idea.”

  “Not now, no, but in the future…” I listen to Vallessa’s line of thought as she looks at me, and I nod before she returns her attention to mom. “As hard as it may be to believe, you and I will see eye to eye one day.”

  Mom almost scoffs. “I doubt that.”

  Those words came quicker than I thought they would, but luckily, Aura’s ready and appears beside mom and dad.

  “Abriya, Clarence. Vallessa, Scarva.”

  Vallessa smiles. She worships the ground Aura walks on, too.

  Aura shoots me a familiar glare, which I ignore. ‘Stop it…’ “This meeting is over. I will take your parents home.” She disappears with them straight away, so I take Vallessa and Scarva back to their home in the kratius.
  “Well, that wasn't uncomfortable, much,” Scarva says, sitting down on the couch after taking Oryan from Areesis.

  Areesis leaves us, and then Vallessa looks over at Karrisee playing on the floor with her doll’s house. I know how worried she is about what's going to happen between her and my brother, and so am I, but...

  “You know we have to trust the process.” She's seen what will happen, and all the roles we have to play in their union. “It will all be okay in the end. You know that.”

  “Perhaps, but it doesn’t stop me being concerned.”

  “I get it, trust me…” Karrisee is going to suffer through many internal battles as she grows older, and as a result, her pain will be inflicted on my brother. Yet, no matter what I see, I know it will all happen how it should. “But if I can have faith, so can you.”

  She sighs. “You’re right.”

  My eyes begin to swirl, and I hear Aura calling for me. “I have to go. Duty calls and all that. I’ll visit again soon, though.”

  Scarva nods, but Vallessa rolls her eyes. She's used to me saying that but still hates it because I always have to go at inconvenient times. “Look after my future son in law for me.” She smiles sadly at her daughter. “God knows my princess needs him.”

  And he needs her. “Always.”



  Present day in the UK…


  I glare up at my cousin Harmony while I scramble to my feet, panting hard as hell and nostrils flaring. We’re both in ware form, but even though I’m bigger than her, she's beating my fucking ass. She’s not holding anything back now that I’ve changed, and not only is it throwing me off my game, it's getting me vexed.

  I ain’t landed one damned hit yet…

  She’s never been this hard on anyone as far as I know, so I’m starting to think it might be because I’m the firstborn male to the alphas. I only woke up a few nights ago, too, so I didn’t think for a second that we’d be doing this shit yet.


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