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Mated To A Vampire Princess: An African American Paranormal Romance

Page 2

by LeeSha McCoy

  My sister laughs from the table on my parents’ deck, so I throw her a glare, too. “Just ‘cause you had it easy,” I growl.

  Dad trained her.

  Mum and dad start cracking up beside her, but then Harmony steps into my line of sight. “You knew this shit weren’t gonna be easy, now focus!” she snarls.

  I grunt as I reach for her again, but she easily escapes my claw. When I spin again, though, I catch her. Barely, but I do.

  “Nice.” She huffs as she looks down to watch her arm heal, then she raises her head. “Very nice. Again, Mah.”


  She makes me fight her stubborn ass for another hour, and I’m stoked that I manage to make a little headway with her after clocking some of her tells. I mean, I’m not a beginner at this shit. I've done three types of self-defence since I was five. Krav Maga, kickboxing, and mixed martial arts.

  Not only did my parents demand it, but so did my sis.

  Ari’s always on my back about something, whether it’s learning more about ancient history, which actually fascinates me, or watching how Von and dad handle the wares at the holds. She hints at me needing these skills more than any other, though, but never says why.

  She's like a damned Sargent, but because of who she is, I know there are reasons behind her nagging—other than me having my own pack one day—so I put the work in.


  “You did good, little bro,” Harmony says, after Ells dresses us. “We’re far from done, though.”

  I nod. “I know.”

  “Ella has her magic to protect herself, you don’t, so we gotta make sure you can handle anything, alright?”

  “I know. I don’t feel no way.” And that’s the truth. They only wanna keep me safe, so I get it.

  “Good. I’ll be back tomorrow.” She smiles before running over to Jah, her mate, and he gives me a nod before he grabs her around her waist to kiss her.

  Those two are practically my brother and sister. We’ve always been close, even though they live across the pond, and having an elder in the family helps us all stay connected.

  I grab a seat at the table with my parents, my sis, Davonyé, and my little brother, Andreas, who we all call Dre for short, and then a plate of steak appears in front of me.

  ‘Eat, Mah,’ Ells says before looking over at Harmony.

  Von nods, too, and I know they're talking about something between the three of them. They always do that shit. Von can hear most of Ells’ thoughts anyway, but Harmony and my sis are thick as damn thieves.

  They always have been.

  Dre is on his phone, like usual, playing some online game he’s addicted to, and mum and dad are lost to their own conversation; I can tell by the way their gold eyes lighten and darken every so often, so I pull out my phone to text my cousins, DJ and Rome.

  Me: Meet me at Spin at eight.

  DJ: Cool. How badly did she kick your ass this time?

  Me: Bad enough, but I got some good shots in.

  Rome: Yo, my sis plays no games when it comes to that shit.

  Me: FrFr. Wait till you change. She’s even worse.

  Rome: Shit…

  “So, have you decided when you want your party yet?” Mum asks, just before Harmony, Jaheim, and then my sister, disappear. It’s nothing new for Ells. She's always coming and going.

  “Next weekend is cool.” All the family’s desperate to visit, but it has been a while. I know dad’s missing them, too. Still, I don’t feel selfish for wanting some chill time after my change instead of being bombarded with one of our family’s wild ass parties.

  I’ve kinda done my own thing for a few years now. I graduated secondary school three years early and already have a history degree under my belt. Mum and dad built me a house not too far from here for my eighteenth because they understood that I was craving my own space, so I’ve lived alone for a few years.

  Mum claps her hands together. “We'll let everyone know.”

  My sister returns, on her own. “I've already let everyone know,” she says, and then a four-storey house appears across the other side of the lake. “They can all stay there.”

  “That's blocking the sunrise,” Dad complains, so she moves it to the left a little.


  He shakes his head, but I see a smile trying to break free. “Much. Thank you, baby.”

  “No problem.” She smirks at me. ‘How you feeling?’

  ‘Fine. So far, it's pretty much how I thought it was gonna be.’

  Life changing as fuck. I feel invincible, even when I am getting my ass beat by my cousin. I'm just trying to see if I can fuck soon, ‘cause I got some pent up stress I’d like to see the back of. Wares, especially newly changed ones, need that shit.

  “Good.” She gives me the look to tell me she'll be hooking me up. ‘Later.’

  Yeah, my sis is a boss, and I love her to death.

  She might live across the pond, and be a badass elder, but she's always, always made time for me and Dre. Not a day passes without her dropping in to spend time with us. As a kid, she’d come to read us bedtime stories, let us chase her around the garden in ware form, or play trucks and shit with us. Davonyé, too, and Harmony and Jaheim. They've all made sure to be around for us boys.

  Davonyé takes his role as Ari’s mate to next levels, too. He can port and do a whole load of magical shit, so whenever mum and dad have needed Ells but she’s been caught up, he's come instead.

  They’re one hell of a team, and the entire family always comment on their love.

  I've thought about my mate a little, I can't say I ain't, but I just figure it will happen when it happens. We all know Ells won't tell us anyway, even if she could, and I respect that. I’d never take her abilities for granted, sister or not.

  Besides, I’d rather not know. I don't wanna hear about any bad shit coming my way. Nuff of my family had shitty experiences mating, so if my situation’s gonna be anything like that, I'd rather just go with the flow.

  Knowing my luck, I’ll be like dad and have to wait two damn centuries for her to be born.

  Yeah, I’d rather not know.



  I tune out from my brother’s thoughts. ‘He's never gonna ask.’

  Davonyé slips his fingers in mine. ‘He will. Once he realises how standard sex is now he's changed, he'll ask. I bet.’

  ‘Hmm, maybe.’ I thought he would’ve been at least a little tempted to ask me by now, even if I was gonna say no, but he hasn't.

  It’s disappointing.

  I blocked off a lot of his future a few years ago, not only because of the way it kept drastically changing, but because all the possible scenarios I kept seeing were hurting me. So, both Aura and Davonyé encouraged me to stop obsessively studying everything, and I have to admit it was the best thing I ever did.

  This situation is tempting me to have a look at which way we're headed, though.

  I don’t pry too much into Karrisee’s future either. The mere snippets I get from Vallessa’s thoughts are torture enough. I feel for her, I really do, because as much as she’s tried to help her daughter overcome her inner demons, it’s Karrisee that’s gotta realise where she’s going wrong, and do the work.

  I should know, I’ve been there. I still remember how I used to hold everything in, trying to be the perfect daughter, and how much I hurt because of it. My parents were amazing, too, so it’s not as if it was their fault.

  It was all me and my crazy expectations I’d made up for myself.

  And now I’m watching so many others do the same, trying to fit into the perfect moulds that their societies have created, trying to be people they’re not, and it hurts not just me, but Aura, too. Standing by and watching things happen is still one of the hardest parts about holding the gift of sight, because no matter how much you wanna solve everyone’s problems, or prevent them, you can’t.

  That shit still goes down.

  It has to.

  For a

  I just hope Karrisee doesn’t take much longer to embrace her true self. Not just for her sake, but for my brother’s. I’m already prepared for the backlash from him, but it’s unavoidable. I used to spend hours replaying the moment he asks me the question, trying to figure out which reaction I was gonna be more likely to get, but it really could go any way.

  Sighing, I watch him text our cousins on his phone. He’s morphed into a grown man in a matter of days it feels like. So strong now, so powerful already… A different type of alpha in waiting. He still brings anyone in his presence an aura of comfort, too, and when I think about all the things I know are guaranteed to happen in his future, I feel honoured to be his sister.

  He looks a lot like mom; glittering gold eyes, long thick lashes, and he woke up with blonde highlights in his braids. Dad used to try to persuade him to cut his hair or loc it when he started growing it, but he was adamant not to.

  And that makes me smile, not just because I love how he can’t be swayed on who he is or his decisions—just like mom—but because almost every male member of royalty in the kratius has long hair in some way shape or form.

  Karrisee also loves long hair on her men…

  But as much as my brother resembles our mom, his heart is dad’s. He’s so grounded like him, it’s unreal. Mom and dad—with help from the rest of the family—have raised such an incredible man in Amarey. He’s confident, considerate, kind-hearted, and fiercely protective of those he cares about. Just like the rest of us. He’s objective, too, smart as hell, and I know he’ll make an incredible alpha. He already possesses most of the skills he needs.

  He still needs to work on his need for control and his temper, especially now he’s changed, but I’m sure that will come, or at least it needs to, because the last thing I need is him ripping the head off of—

  ‘Oh, shit… Ellaaaa!’

  I roll my eyes after seeing Harmony's future without Jaheim.


  Davonyé remains oblivious because I automatically block those thoughts from him, amongst others. There are some things that he doesn’t need to see or know, but also some he isn’t allowed to.

  I release his hand. ‘Give me one sec, baby.’


  He's long used to me doing this now, but still, he always kisses me goodbye—physically or with magic—depending on how quickly I need to leave. Neither of us can die, so I'm never in any immediate danger, and besides, Aura would save my ass anyway. She always does when things get tricky.

  Luckily, I haven’t messed up for a few years now, but that’s because I don't like disturbing Aura from keeping a close eye on Amour. I can’t wait until—


  I port to Harmony's basement to heal Jaheim and dress him. Then I turn back to my cousin to dress her. “I literally just left you two five minutes ago.”

  Shit, sometimes I think Aura made me an elder just to keep these two alive.

  She rushes past me to hug her mate, who is now up on his feet, checking his goods. “I know. I’m sorry.”

  “Why do you have to be so extreme all the time, Har? What if I weren't around?”

  She points up at Jaheim. “He moved! I told his ass to stay still. I was trying something.”

  Jaheim narrows his eyes at Harmony before looking back at me. “Sorry, Ella. I—”

  I hold my hand up to halt his next words, but I still get the unwanted replay of Harmony biting his dick off while giving him head in ware form. I shudder. Strangers I can deal with, but family…

  Aura’s lucky she hasn't had to deal with that mess. Although, things might change now.

  She rolls her eyes.

  I shake my head at my cousin and the love of her life. “Seriously.”

  “Sorry, Ella. We didn’t disturb you from anything important, did we? Everything okay?”

  “Uh-huh. I'm good, now you're both dressed.”

  Thank God Davonyé isn’t insecure about our relationship with all the times I have to see naked men. He's so damn secure, and he should be. That man is the air I breathe, the water I drink, and the sun on my skin on a warm summer’s day.

  He's my world.

  ‘And you're mine.’

  I feel it from him. ‘I know.’

  “While you’re away from Mah,” Harmony says, “I wanted to ask, is he any closer to asking you yet?”

  I shake my head. “Nope. He’s thought about it a little, but no question yet. He thinks I'm gonna say no.”

  She scoffs. “Not surprising. We've all pretty much given up asking you anything now. We know what we're gonna get back. ‘Wait and see, you know I can't tell you that, everything happens the way it’s supposed to.’”

  I silence a groan, which earns me a look.

  “I still heard that.”


  “Maybe you'll have to push it a little,” Jaheim suggests. “I mean, as his sister, it's only natural that you'd ask. Or, get Dre to ask him.

  “Hmm, that's a good idea…” Dre is already unknowingly occupied with his own mate, though, which is so exciting. The time isn’t quite right yet, but it won’t be long before one of them makes a move to meet in person. “I'll let you know if anything changes, but until then, we just have to keep preparing him. Go as hard as you need, Har. He has to be ready, because that’s one moment that always happens. It has to.”

  “Don’t you worry, by the time I’m finished with our baby brother, he’ll be kicking my ass.”

  I nod. I hope so. “Jaheim, Davonyé will be coming to get you later. There are a few issues at hold four that need dealing with. He’ll drop you both at your grandmother’s after.”

  “No problem.”

  “Alright, I gotta go. I need to match Amarey up with a ware this time, and you already know how long that shit takes me.”


  “Be careful,” I tell them before I leave.

  “We will…”

  I groan. They won’t.

  The Kratius

  The kratius consists of seven kingdoms, and each has its own attribute that affects its inhabitants.

  Kingdoms in size order from largest to smallest:









  The second largest and hottest kingdom in the kratius.

  Ruled by Queen Vallessa Caro-Aurellia & King Scarva Aurellia-Caro, rulers of the entire kratius.

  Once known as the continent of Africa, sexual nature is increased ten-fold in these lands.



  In Caro…

  “The time has come for me to reveal my true self to Amour.”

  Vallessa’s smile is knowing when she takes a seat on her throne in the grand hall of her castle. Scarva is currently in Aurellia-Caro with Karrisee, Mahrosa, and Oryan, dealing with a new law change. Vallessa will soon be leaving this kingdom, too, but to visit Angara. “I know.” She cannot see everything as I can, but she still sees.

  “What are your thoughts on the matter?” I ask her.

  She changes her flowing red gown to a more fitted one, then her hair straightens to her hips before her gold crown appears on her head. “You already know my thoughts. My sister is incredible, and so are you. I'm thrilled for you both. Candessa is, too.” She merges with her pire, and her shimmering red and blue eyes glow. “Amour is ready for this. Do not be afraid…”

  Our relationship—just as mine has with Ariella—has become quite intimate over the past twenty years, but her candid pieces of advice still catch me by surprise.

  Ever since Vallessa and Candessa—or Essa, as they prefer to be known when they are merged—grasped their more advanced noir magic, they have had a way of sensing my emotions, which both alarmed and irritated me. However, now, I am thankful for it, because it has prepared me to share my thoughts and emotions with another.r />
  Ariella has also helped with that, unbeknownst to her, with the way in which she opens herself up to Davonyé. It is most inspiring.

  ‘Awww, Aura…’

  I refrain from looking up to my ancestors when her thoughts wander to how much she ‘rates’ me. I focus on where she is and what she’s doing instead. ‘I agree. The one with green eyes would be a much better suitor for Amarey. She only wishes for one night…’

  ‘Thought so. I don't know why I'm doubting myself so much. Anyone would think I've just changed.’

  ‘You are extremely close to your brother, Ariella. It is understandable.’

  ‘Yeah, I guess. Anyway, good luck—not that you need it.’

  ‘Thank you.’ I return my attention to Essa. “I am trying not to worry, but although I know what will happen, the unsettling emotions plague me just the same.”

  I have waited until the right time, visited Amour as often as I allowed myself to, but I was also overly aware of not influencing her future in any way. I practiced restraint, allowed her to blossom into her own person, but also hurt for her tremendously.

  Especially when she battled with her ideals over her sexuality.

  I wished to tell her that she was perfect, that as rare as it is for royalty in the kratius to love the same sex, that it did not matter. I wished to tell her I loved her, but I kept my distance instead, knowing it were for the best.

  However, I needn’t have worried. Vallessa’s love for her sister has helped her to come to terms with all that she is, who she is, and I am so very grateful for that. Under Vallessa’s and Scarva’s care, Amour has become the most caring, spiritual, and gentlest soul. I knew she would be, but the moment she named her pire ‘light’ cemented it.

  She reminds me of a young Jessara.

  Giving, selfless, courageous.

  When she learned the story of her parents, she was immediately inspired and decided to devote her service to the people of the kratius, using the small amount of noir magic her sister gave her to better this world.


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