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The Guardian Trilogy

Page 14

by Robin M Helm

  “Richard, why aren’t you dancing? You’ve been doing so well.”

  “Mrs. B., I could catch on to the others; they were simple, but this is like a level ten. Can’t do it. Josh Lucas is picking up my slack.”

  Lynne searched the dance floor and spotted Elizabeth dancing with Josh. They appeared to be having a wonderful time together. The two of them were like brother and sister.

  Lynne smiled at Richard. “You’ve been a good sport. I think you’ve earned a little rest. Don’t be out too late. Two o’clock, okay?” After much deliberation, she and David had decided to let Elizabeth stay out later and go with a large school group for their post-prom activity.

  “Yes, ma’am. I’ll bring her home when Laser Tag closes,” he replied. “I have a curfew, too.”

  As the music changed to “One Sweet Day” by Mariah Carey and Boyz II Men, Richard stood, excused himself to Lynne, and went to claim Elizabeth. She looked up at him and smiled shyly as he took her hand, pulling her away from the group, drawing her into his arms for their first slow dance. He listened to the sad lyrics, which spoke of a person who never told the one he loved how he felt. He never got the chance because he waited too late, and the girl died. It won’t be that way with us – not after tonight. I am going to tell her how important she is to me. I love everything about her – her eyes, her sweetness, her scent, her mind.

  Xander fumed as Richard’s hands slid to her waist and Elizabeth rested her head on his shoulder. I do not think proms are suitable. There is too much intimacy. Two hundred years ago, he would have had to marry her had he held her in that way.

  Niall and Roark exchanged a knowing look. Do you object to the dance, or to Richard’s thoughts? asked Niall.

  Both! answered Xander emphatically, glowering.


  Following the prom, the teens had changed clothes at the country club before going to play the games, and Elizabeth had given her formal outfit to her parents. Apart from hearing lascivious thoughts constantly from the teen male population concerning other activities in which they would like to engage with Elizabeth, and that final time she had danced with Richard, Xander had been comfortable at the prom. There were so many guardians there that the light permeating the building was a warning beacon to the dark forces, and Richard’s mind was not the sewer that characterized the minds of so many of the other young men. He truly respected Elizabeth. She could do much worse, mused Xander.

  The Laser Tag arena was a different story entirely. It was dark; there were not as many guardians, and there were quite a few non-believers there giving entry to demons. Xander practically glued himself to Elizabeth. He stayed close enough to touch her at all times.

  Caroline Bingley, Grant Willoughby, and Lydia Henderson came in with the rest of their crowd after the others had already put on their vests. Nyx and Hadrian arrived with them.

  The underprince and his captain are now hounding Elizabeth themselves? Garnet, you and Ros will need to be on high alert in here. Elizabeth is the target, not Richard or Caroline. Keep her in your line of sight at all times. He wished that Niall and Roark were with him, but Garnet, Ros, and the other guardians would have to be sufficient cover.

  Feeling a tap on her shoulder, Elizabeth turned, surprised to see Caroline.

  Wonderful, thought Xander. Linda Blair is here with her contingent. I fully expect to see her head start spinning at any moment along with the projectile vomiting of pea soup.

  “Hi, Caro. You looked fabulous at the prom. I didn’t know you guys were coming to play, but I’m glad you did.”

  Like I would miss seeing Richard. Right. Caroline’s thoughts were loud and dripping with sarcasm.

  “You looked very pretty, too, El. It’s crowded here. Looks like fun,” Caroline answered, sounding bored, and scanning the group for Richard. You looked very pure, just like a Bible beater. One day Richard will want more, and I’ll be there waiting. Hmmm. It’s really dark in there. Maybe I’ll just bump into him tonight. Full body contact.

  Richard came up from behind Caroline to join Elizabeth, putting his arm around her possessively. “Hello, Caro. El, come on. We’re all ready to play. Catch you later.” He nodded to Caroline, took Elizabeth’s hand, and led her toward the game room.

  Xander and Garnet shadowed their charges into the darkened playing area. We need to keep track of Nyx and Hadrian, said Xander. Garnet nodded his agreement.

  Caroline was steaming. Richard barely acknowledged me, but he had loads of attention for the vestal virgin. Grant and Lydia came up, and Lydia handed Caroline her equipment.

  “What’s up, Caro? Mad, again? The luscious Richard blow you off?” Lydia teased.

  “Whatever, Lydia. He was just ready to play, and so am I. Let’s go,” she snapped.

  “Chill, Caro. It’s no big deal. You have the best looking dude in the place with you,” Grant said, throwing his arm around her shoulders.

  They went to find the others. Ros followed glumly. She just will not let it rest. Nyx and Hadrian sneered at him.

  Caroline spent her time tracking Elizabeth, tripping her several times in the dark. Elizabeth never saw her because she was good at hiding. Wow, I never knew I was so clumsy. I need to be more careful before I break something – like my leg, Elizabeth thought.

  I may break something myself before this is over – like Caroline’s neck, thought Xander. He had caught Elizabeth each time she had fallen, preventing her from suffering any real harm.

  Ros knew that he could do nothing to stop Caroline as long as she allowed the evil ones free reign in her life. Angels never interfered in the free choices that humans made. They made suggestions, but a human was never forced to follow the ideas that were planted. She consistently chose to listen to Nyx and Hadrian rather than him. There was no help for it unless she repented of her backslidden condition and asked the Master for forgiveness. He had seen it happen many times with other humans, but Caroline was far from being in that place in her life at this time. Maybe when she’s older . . . Ros thought with hope.

  Gregory, in dark form, floated through the ceiling and perched up in a corner of the room, observing the two girls and enjoying the spectacle immensely. As he did not intend to engage the enemy that night, he had only two guards with him to attract as little attention as possible. He knew that as long as he confined himself to watching, Xander and the other guardians would leave him alone. Gregory was not stupid; he knew that he was not ready to fight Xander . . . not yet. But he could learn many things about Xander and Elizabeth by being quiet and unobtrusive. He could still take advantage of his anonymity. Xander had glimpsed him and assumed he was just another demon, but he did not yet know who he was. The Chief Guardian was familiar with the powerful demons who had existed for millennia; however, Gregory was a few months shy of fifteen years. Nobody in the holy angelic realm knew him. Gregory was careful to keep his face hidden under his hooded cloak to preserve his secret identity for the time being. They will all recognize me very soon, and bow to me. Gregory allowed himself a small, self-satisfied smile.

  He noticed that Caroline Bingley particularly hated Elizabeth, as he had heard her words against the girl on several occasions, and he saw Nyx and Hadrian using their influence with her, planting thoughts in her mind. They must have some sort of a plan using that girl. Tripping Elizabeth may be a fun game, but it will not achieve our goal. I will tell Father to give them a little more time; however, unless I see something better than this very soon, I will have to take action myself.


  Richard had dropped Billy and Charlotte off at Billy’s house to get Billy’s car, and he and Elizabeth continued alone to her house. Richard had always been very careful not to press Elizabeth for more physical contact than she was prepared to give. He had kissed her many times, short chaste kisses, but as his attraction for her had grown, he wanted more. As he drove her home, Jessica Simpson singing “Take My Breath Away” came on the radio. El really does take my breath away. Tonight was wonderf
ul. She was happy and playful. I think she may be ready to take it a little further. He reached for her hand, and she responded. They held hands the rest of the way to her house.

  Maybe he’s not so different from the others after all, growled Xander. He should think about his driving and keep his hands to himself – preferably on the steering wheel.

  Xander, he is thinking of a more serious kiss. That is all. Richard is a good boy, Garnet replied, defending his charge. Surely you cannot object to a kiss? He truly cares for her. He is not trying to use her. Be reasonable.

  Xander mulled over the question and Garnet’s sound logic. He should not object to a kiss, yet he did.

  They pulled up fifteen minutes before her curfew. Good timing, thought Richard. He turned off the car and looked at Elizabeth. She was ethereal in the moonlight. The pins had fallen from her hair as they had played Laser Tag, and it lay in loose curls around her shoulders and down her back. She smiled shyly at him.

  I cannot blame him. Who could resist her when she smiles like that? He is not made of stone, Xander admitted grudgingly.

  Richard cleared his throat, suddenly nervous. “El, you are so beautiful and special. I know you’re young, but we’ve been together for more than seven months now. You are so important to me, and I’d like to make it official. Will you be my girlfriend?” His beautiful eyes pleaded with her. She had no feelings for anyone except Richard, and she could not refuse him.

  “Yes, Richard. I don’t want anyone else but you.” Her deep brown eyes were serious.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked, leaning closer to her, and whispering his question in her ear.

  “Yes. I trust you.” She was puzzled by his question.

  Wrong answer, thought Xander privately.

  Richard took her into his arms and kissed her gently. She kissed him back, and then he ran his tongue tenderly against her closed mouth. It shocked her, and he felt her little gasp parting her lips. He slowly deepened their kiss and she responded tentatively, pulling him closer.

  As she grew bolder and started to put her fingers in his hair, Xander felt his heart rate accelerate with hers, but for a different reason.

  Niall! called Xander gruffly. Rouse Lynne. I think it is time to turn on the porch light.

  Garnet glanced at him, and then looked away.

  The porch light came on and the spell was broken. Pulling back a little to look into her dreamy, slightly unfocused eyes, Richard said softly, “I guess I’d better let you go in now. We don’t want to make the ‘rents mad. I wouldn’t want them to decide we shouldn’t see each other.” She nodded slowly.

  Richard got out of the car and came around to open her door; then he walked Elizabeth to the porch. When, Elizabeth retrieved her house keys from her purse and unlocked the door, he noticed that her hands were trembling. Richard took both of her hands in his, pecked her on the cheek, and breathed, “Good night, my sweet El. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  She answered, “Good night,” smiled at him, and went blissfully into the house to her waiting mother.

  Richard went back to his car with a spring in his step and a huge grin on his face. Yes! She said yes!

  Niall watched with concern as Xander trudged behind Elizabeth with his head down. He dutifully followed to her room, ready for another session of staring at the ceiling and the walls while she prepared for bed. At least she is alone with me for now, though she does not know it. His sadness threatened to overwhelm him. He wished that he could close his eyes and sleep.

  Chapter 14

  “Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”

  Hebrews 12: 1

  Xander stood to the side as fifteen-year-old Elizabeth crossed the stage to receive her high school diploma. Though he strove to maintain a neutral expression, his pride in her accomplishments was evident by the gleam in his eyes. She is truly amazing. I am privileged to guard her.

  In the awards ceremony that morning, Elizabeth had won academic, citizenship, and outstanding conduct awards. In addition, she had been recognized, of course, as valedictorian, as well as a National Merit Scholar. Scholarship offers had poured in from around the country, but Elizabeth had declared her intentions to finish her bachelor’s degree in music at Converse while working toward a BS in theology from Liberty University online. Because she had begun working on her BA at Converse several years prior, and she had numerous AP credits, her class load there would be fairly light. She planned to finish her undergraduate work at both institutions in two years, and afterward continue her master’s studies in music performance at Converse and Worship-Ethnomusicology at Liberty in the same manner. If all went according to what she hoped, she would be working on her doctorate by the time she turned nineteen. Until then, her mother had decided to leave her teaching job at Peniel and had accepted a position tutoring English at Converse. That way, Elizabeth could live at home with her parents, and Lynne would drive her back and forth to Converse until she was ready to move out on her own for her doctoral work.

  During the graduation exercises, Elizabeth gave her valedictory speech and sang a solo, “Con Te Partiro (Time to Say Goodbye),” and then joined the choir for “Hine Mah Tov,” a song based on Psalm 133:1, “How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony.” Senior choir members had joined together for “Friends Are Friends Forever,” by Michael W. Smith, and the program ended with the senior ensemble singing, “A Clare Benediction,” by John Rutter. Charlotte Lucas was in the choir and ensemble, and Elizabeth truly felt that she and the older girl would remain close; Charlotte had decided to attend Converse with her in the fall, commuting with Lynne and Elizabeth for at least the first year.

  Xander and the other guardians stirred in astonishment as they listened to Elizabeth sing in Italian and Hebrew and realized that the English speaking audience heard every word in English, though she sang in languages that were foreign to them. Because the songs were translated on the video screens, and the choir members knew the English words for the songs, most of the humans failed to notice anything amiss. The few in the choir, faculty, and audience who did detect a deviation from the norm simply wondered why Elizabeth had chosen to sing in English; Elizabeth herself did not know there was anything different from any of her other performances. In the confusion following the program, no one thought to mention it to her.

  Xander drew his brows together and mused, speaking the words of Acts 2:7, 8, and 11 for the entire host to hear, How can this be? It reminds me of the Day of Pentecost. “And they were amazed and marveled, saying, ‘Why, are not all these who are speaking Galileans? And how is it that we each hear them in our own language to which we were born? . . . we hear them in our own tongues speaking of the mighty deeds of God.’” Has the Almighty made her special in more ways than we have already seen? I have not noticed this before. If this is a gift, it has been dormant until now. What He has wrought is wonderful! He is mighty in this place.

  Niall, Roark, Alexis and the others looked to him for an explanation. He shrugged, but his face glowed brightly with the glory of God. I do not know, but I am certain that El Shaddai will reveal His purpose in His time. Let us praise the great I Am, Who was, and is, and is to come!

  The angels hummed as they raised their faces heavenward and lifted their hands in holy worship to the Alpha and Omega, the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords, and the glory of the Lord filled the place. The light grew until it permeated the building, and shone from every window and crack like beams of sunlight through the clouds. All of heaven heard the offering, joining in the exaltation, and the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, immutable God received their praises and was well pleased.


  Richard came to her graduation, driving separately from his parents so that he and Elizabeth could attend a graduation pool party given by her Aunt Grace, who had graciousl
y invited all the Peniel juniors and seniors. Grace lived about ten miles out of town in a heavily wooded area. Lynne, David, Janna, Chance, and Richard’s parents had agreed to help chaperone.

  Xander was pleased that Niall, Roark, Alexis, and Hector, Chance’s protector, would be at the gathering. He was increasingly edgy about Elizabeth’s safety since Nyx and Hadrian were now seen regularly hovering around Caroline Bingley.

  Charlotte, her brother Joshua, and Billy rode with Richard and Elizabeth to the party. Xander and Garnet, along with Edward, Alistair, and Skylar, guardians to the other couple and Joshua, provided an intimidating escort. Xander had communicated with Ros at graduation, and he had confirmed that Caroline would be there; consequently he would be on guard for her mischief.

  “Oh, Richard. It’s beautiful!” Elizabeth exclaimed as they drove through the trees strung with white lights circling the driveway. The fairy lights extended to the back of the house, strung through the magnolias and crepe myrtles, making the backyard pool area seem magical as the lights twinkled in the moonlight.

  “Just like you,” Richard replied, leaning toward her for a quick kiss before they all got out of the car. The couples walked hand-in-hand toward the pool where teens and adults were already gathering.

  Xander and the other protectors followed their charges closely enough to touch them, sometimes walking with the young people and at other times hovering above them.

  After greeting everyone, Elizabeth and her friends used the upstairs bedrooms to change into their swimsuits. Within a few minutes, the happily chattering group came down the stairs, headed for the tables full of refreshments.

  Caroline, Grant, and Lydia had arrived in the meantime. They had dropped by Caroline’s house and changed before they came. The underprince and his captain walked boldly with them, ignoring Ros and glaring at Xander and the other guardians with contempt. The denizens of hell had observed the happenings at graduation and knew that something extraordinary had taken place. The air between the holy and the fallen seemed to pop and crackle with electricity. Each side waited for the other to make a move. Xander’s hand rested on the hilt of his sword, ever ready to wield his weapon.


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