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The Guardian Trilogy

Page 15

by Robin M Helm

  Caroline hurried to intercept Richard at the buffet area. He turned as she touched his arm.

  “Hello, Caro,” Richard said, subtly moving his arm away from her hand. He was growing tired of her constant pursuit, and of her insults to Elizabeth, but he had no wish to offend her.

  “Richard! It’s always good to see you.” Caroline knew that she looked good in her bikini. Her suit was the smallest one at the party, certainly, and it left hardly anything to the imagination. Most of the other girls kept on their cover-ups or T shirts until they were ready to swim, but Caroline saw no need to hide her assets. If her sparkling personality would not attract Richard, she would use any other advantages she had.

  Elizabeth turned, holding a plate of snacks, and smiled at her. “I’m glad you came, Caro,” Elizabeth said. She knew that Caroline was after Richard, and that she really was not her friend, but she tried to be courteous to everyone.

  “Catch you later,” Richard said over his shoulder to Caroline as he steered Elizabeth by a nod of his head toward some chairs by the pool.

  Miffed, Caroline followed them and stood close enough to hear their conversation, though she acted with indifference. Ros trailed her, watching Nyx and Hadrian who stood on either side of her, whispering in her ears. When she heard Richard and Elizabeth making plans to go four-wheeling the next day in the woods behind his house, she broke into their conversation.

  “That sounds like fun. Can I come along? I’ve always wanted to ride a four-wheeler.”

  Richard looked at her in amazement, and then he glanced at Elizabeth. She was struggling to hold back a laugh.

  “Uh . . . sure, I guess. If it’s okay with El.” He gave Elizabeth a small grin, letting her know that the ball was in her court.

  Wow. Thanks, Richard, for leaving it up to me, she thought with a little moue, though she recovered quickly. “We had no clue you’d like four-wheeling, Caro. You’ll get dirty, you know.”

  “No problem. I like getting dirty occasionally,” Caroline purred with a leer at Richard.

  Richard looked decidedly uncomfortable. Elizabeth took her measure. I’ll just bet you do. Good luck with that move on Richard.

  “Is two o’clock good for you, Richard?” Elizabeth queried.

  “Sure. Fine,” he said with little enthusiasm. His highly anticipated plans for one-on-one time with Elizabeth were shot.

  “I’ll be there. I know where you live,” Caroline said and turned to go back to Grant and Lydia.

  Mission accomplished. Nyx and Hadrian grinned evilly and followed her, while Ros trailed behind, his dejection evident in his countenance.

  Stalker much? thought Elizabeth.

  Elizabeth reached down for her drink which she had set on the concrete to her left, her head turned right toward Richard, laughing at his dour expression. Unknown to her, lurking in the shrubbery behind her, a huge rattlesnake was coiled, awaiting his chance to strike. Just as she lowered her hand for her cup, the serpent shot out of the bushes, its mouth wide open and deadly fangs extended. Though it made no sound, the movement of the snake caught Xander’s attention, as did the darkness surrounding the serpent. The skin of the viper should have reflected the light, but it didn’t. It rather seemed to absorb it. As the snake went for Elizabeth’s hand, Xander caught it with lightning-quick reflexes and slung it into the woods behind the house. His vise-like grip ordinarily would have killed a serpent; this one merely looked at him with cold, dead eyes and slithered away.

  Garnet’s eyes were wide with shock. Xander had caught and thrown the beast so quickly that none of the humans had noticed, but all of the guardians had seen the incident, as had Nyx and Hadrian. It was obvious from their surprised faces that they had not planned the attack.

  The party continued as if nothing had happened. Elizabeth picked up her drink and resumed her conversation with Richard, totally unaware of her brush with death. She felt chilled from a sudden breeze and wrapped herself in her beach towel.

  Xander, deep in thought, remembered how the serpent had felt when he had touched it. He had sensed a vile presence within the snake. It was unusual for demons to inhabit animals; he knew of only two with that ability. He thought back to the serpent in the Garden of Eden, beguiling Eve.

  The snake was possessed by either Lucifer or Dark Spirit. Xander spoke aloud so that all the angels could hear him. The protectors were astonished that one of the two highest ranking demons had made an appearance and orchestrated an assassination attempt. It had happened only a few times in human history. Another oddity was that the serpent had left without more of a fight. It was a test. He has not given up, only upped the ante. The holy assembly nodded in agreement.

  No one there was more amazed than were Nyx and Hadrian. Beyond that, they were terrified. They knew that if their plans for the next day did not succeed, there would be no more opportunities for them. Their master had decided either to enter the fray himself, or to send the most heinous of all his servants to carry out his will.

  There was nothing more to be done this night. The underprince and his captain flew away in a swirl of their black, hooded robes to plot for the morrow and make needed adjustments to the path in the woods.

  Undetected, Gregory perched on a tree limb, high above the lights of the party, with his father who held the snake coiled about his arm, gently stroking the reptile. Watch and learn, my son.

  The unholy trinity observed while their guards hid within the limbs of the tall trees, blocking the light of the moon and stars.


  That night, while Xander was watching Elizabeth sleep, Gabriel, clad in the garb of a guardian, appeared in her room. Xander, you have been summoned. I will guard Elizabeth until your return.

  Xander hesitated, a look of uncertainty on his face.

  Do not be anxious, Xander. Nothing will happen to Elizabeth during my watch. My sword is as sharp as yours.

  I am not worried about that, Gabriel. I know that you can protect her.

  What then?

  Xander looked away for a moment, and then gazed into the dark blue eyes of the Archangel.

  Xander’s voice was low as he spoke. We have never been parted since her conception. The thought of leaving her is . . . uncomfortable for me.

  Gabriel’s look was penetrating as he held Xander’s eyes with his. And yet, you must answer the summons.

  Yes, I must. Sighing, Xander took one last glimpse of Elizabeth sleeping peacefully; her dark hair was spread across the pillows, and a single beam of moonlight peeked through the curtains and illuminated her face. His expression changed from one of misery to resignation as he opened his wings and flashed through the ceiling, into the night, and out of the atmosphere. The curtains stirred in the breeze, and Elizabeth shivered and unconsciously drew the covers closer to fend off the chill.


  Upon his arrival in the golden city, Xander went immediately to the throne room. He was surprised to see Michael there waiting for him, wearing a tunic and full battle armor, standing beside several large articles made of a golden metal.

  The dazzling, pure light of Elohim suddenly filled the place. The two angels dropped to their knees and bowed their heads.

  “Xander, I have called you away from your duties because there are things that you need in order to successfully protect your charge.”

  The protector’s dark head remained bowed, but there was a question in his mind.

  “Speak, Xander.”

  “What more do I need, my Lord? I have my sword.”

  “You are now facing an underprince and his captain, and I know that Lucifer has called Dark Spirit and another to his side. Guardians have never been armed with defensive weapons, but you will need them now. Michael, the mighty warrior and the captain of the host, has had the artisans craft a shield and breastplate, as well as arm and leg guards, which I have blessed, specifically for you. After you have prepared yourself, he will show you how to best use your new weapons. Michael, proceed.”

chael and Xander rose to their feet and the warrior strapped the arm plates to the guardian’s brawny forearms, the shin guards to his muscular legs, and the breastplate over his broad chest and shoulders. He gave Xander the round shield and showed him how to slip his arm through the straps and hold it with his hand. Michael illustrated how to move the shield to its greatest advantage. It was not large, but it was enough to deflect the blow of an opponent.

  Satisfied, Michael unsheathed his own sword, put his shield on his arm, and walked a few paces away. Turning to face Xander, he instructed, “Attack me, and then defend yourself.”

  The massive angels were evenly matched. Michael’s advantage in height by a few inches found a counterpart in Xander’s muscular bulk. They were both highly skilled in battle and faster than the blink of an eye. The competition was a fair one.

  Xander had always favored a direct frontal attack, but Michael spun and whirled, holding his sword tightly across his chest, flipping himself over Xander to catch his most vulnerable area – his back. The guardian learned the new strategies quickly, and found that the shield and plates, which had at first seemed cumbersome, could be used to his advantage both offensively and defensively. The coverings and shield were surprisingly lightweight and strong. No sword could pierce them, and while he could hang the shield from his breastplate on the hip opposite his sword when it was not in use, there was no need to remove the armor; the flexible guards molded to his body perfectly.

  They practiced through Elizabeth’s earth night, and the clashing of their swords resounded throughout the halls of heaven and echoed around the holy places. As the hours passed and news of the event spread, hundreds of angels gathered at the doors and in the hallways, watching the training session in fascination.

  Knowing their curiosity, Jehovah-Magen spoke graciously. “You may enter.”

  The throng streamed into the cavernous room, lining the walls and hovering high above the training session. Michael’s moves and attacks became more complicated as Xander learned. He feinted from side to side, leaping and suspending himself in the air, kicking and spinning until he was a blur. When he was not flying, Michael pulled his translucent, flexible wings so close to his body that they seemed like a second skin. The guardian quickly absorbed the warrior’s instructions, mirroring his moves and creating new strategies. Watching Xander and Michael battle over and over, with first one and then the other claiming a victory, was an unheard of spectacle.

  When the earth night was nearly done, Xander turned what seemed to be a sure win for Michael into a loss with a stunningly innovative maneuver. Before Michael could react, Xander, using his wings to catapult himself, twisted and spun in the air, suddenly attaching himself to the giant angel’s back, over his tucked wings. Xander caught Michael in a bear hug, his arms pinning Michael’s arms and his sword across Michael’s chest. The guardian effectively immobilized the warrior, his right hand grasping the hilt of his sword and his left hand holding to his right wrist. Had Xander chosen to do so, he could have released his wrist and flown backwards, slashing with his sword and beheading Michael before he had a chance to turn around. The murmurs in the room erupted into cheers.

  “You can release me now,” Michael said with a smile and a twinkle in his green eyes. As Xander leapt off the captain’s back, thrusting his sword back into its sheath, Michael knelt before the Ancient of Days, saying, “I think Xander is ready, Jehovah-Chereb.”

  Xander and the other angels made obeisance, bowing low in silence.

  “You are now my guardian warrior. You have appropriated the full armor; therefore, stand firm, having put on the breastplate of righteousness and taken up the shield of faith with the sword of the Spirit. Are you prepared for the battle, Xander?”

  “I am ready, my Lord. Thank you for your care in providing the weapons. I will use them to Your honor and glory as I face the evil ones.”

  “Your work has pleased me. You have done well. Return and defend your charge.”

  The brilliant light folded in upon itself and disappeared.

  Michael and Xander stood and clasped hands. “Thank you, Michael.”

  “It will be thanks enough for me to see you defeat Nyx and Hadrian. Remember that we will be watching your victory.”

  The room shook with the combined voices of the multitudes of angels, cheering and encouraging their brother with fists raised.

  Xander nodded, flew from the room at dizzying speed, and arrived back in Elizabeth’s room just as the sun was rising on Saturday. She was still sleeping as quietly as she had been when he had left her, dreaming of a handsome young man with light brown hair and sparkling eyes.

  Gabriel put his hand on Xander’s shoulder. Adonai will be with you today. Go in His power.

  Then stretching out his shimmering wings, he soared through the walls and back up to heaven.

  Chapter 15

  “For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

  Romans 8: 38-39

  The sun rose over the horizon on Saturday, throwing brilliant shades of blue, pink, and violet across the eastern sky; however, the magnificent dawn with the promise of a beautiful day was wasted on Xander, who was intensely focused on shielding Elizabeth during her upcoming afternoon outing with Richard and Caroline. Because neither he nor Garnet could go themselves, the protector had summoned a scout and sent him ahead to look at the trail. Carson had reported back to Xander, first by telepathing as he walked the area, and later by meeting with him at the Bennet home. It was as the Chief Guardian had suspected; Carson had seen Nyx and Hadrian altering the course to make it more dangerous. Richard would be confident that he knew the trail, but in reality, there would be hidden hazards at every turn.

  Niall and Roark had been amazed at the change in Xander’s appearance that morning. Of course, they had known that Gabriel had taken the guardian’s place while he answered a summons, and they had read his mind as soon as he had returned, reliving the night’s training through his thoughts, but to actually see him was another thing altogether. He was the only one of his kind now – a guardian warrior, personally tutored in the arts of warfare by Michael himself.

  The day seemed endless to Xander as the hands of the clock inched ever closer to the appointed time. While waiting, he went through all he had learned the night before, reviewing every detail in his incomparable mind. He fidgeted unchacteristically as he counted down the hours. Finally, just before two o’clock, Lynne and Elizabeth left the Bennet home, accompanied by Xander and Niall. Lynne and Delores Williams had arranged that she would drive Elizabeth to their home and Delores would bring her back home after dinner.

  As they drove up to the Williamses’ home, Elizabeth saw Caroline’s red Lexus convertible. Xander heard Elizabeth’s thought, Of course she would be here early – trying to get Richard alone.

  The guardian settled from flight, standing atop Lynne’s car, his golden armor gleaming in the sunlight as he probed the area with his eyes and his mind. I will need every skill I learned from Michael, he thought, his face an inscrutable mask to Garnet and Ros. They were both staring at him openly, mouths agape at the formidable sight of Xander in the battle armor of a holy warrior. Good, thought Xander. Perhaps Nyx and Hadrian will be intimidated as well. I wonder where they are. They must be waiting for us in the woods; I smell the putrid odor of evil in the breeze.

  Richard had been on the porch swing for a while, watching for Elizabeth, and Caroline was nestled as close to him as she could possibly get without actually sitting in his lap. He squinted from the glare of the light off the car, but he did not wait for Lynne’s Honda to come to a complete stop before he bounded off the porch and opened Elizabeth’s car door. Caroline sauntered lazily after him, her skin-tight tank top and short-shorts showing her figure to its best advantage.

nbsp; “Be careful driving that four-wheeler, Richard,” Lynne said to him, looking through Elizabeth’s open door without turning off her car. “You will be carrying precious cargo.”

  Richard returned her smile, saying, “I’m always careful with El, Mrs. B. Don’t worry. You can trust me to watch after her.” Caroline rolled her eyes behind his back as he helped Elizabeth from the car and closed the door. The guardian could have known her stabbing thoughts from the look on her face, but he listened anyway. I may just throw up, he heard.

  Xander glared at her. Maybe we can arrange that, Caroline, if you desire it.

  The guardian had seen many women like Caroline before. There was absolutely no mystery in their approach to men. He took in her appearance, thinking, Strange attire for riding a four-wheeler. Elizabeth is dressed more sensibly for an afternoon in the woods – jeans and a T shirt. She will not be scratched by every twig. He approved of her modesty and practicality.

  Lynne backed out and drove away, waving at Delores and her husband Jim, who had come to the front door shadowed by their protectors. As Delores and Jim returned her farewell, Niall copied his charge’s wave to Xander, smiling. Have fun! Then more seriously, I wish that I could be at your side today.

  Xander growled in response. He would have preferred to have Niall with him during the coming ordeal. He had grown accustomed to Niall and Roark, and he knew that he could depend on them. They worked well together. Garnet and Ros would have to be enough, however. He shook his head. He could not allow himself to dwell on negative thoughts.

  He followed as Richard led the two girls into the garage. The young man grabbed a towel from a shelf by the door leading into the house and tied it to the handlebars of the ATV. More than once, he had been glad that he had taken a towel for small cuts and scratches. The girls went back outside while he backed the four-wheeler out into the driveway.


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