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First Last Kiss: A Shots on Goal Spinoff Standalone Romantic Comedy

Page 3

by Mazzola, Kristen Hope

  Etta tensed her shoulders and threw her hands in the air. “I’m used to crap like that. We’ll make the best out of it. Do we need a story? Am I your pretend girlfriend for the holidays?”

  “Do you want to be? I just figured we could tell people the truth… is there something wrong with the way we met?”

  “Well, let’s play it out…” Etta smirked before continuing, “‘Mom, this is Etta. I don’t know her but she got dumped last night publicly, I witnessed it and she’s squatting in my apartment because her life is a mess and I am too nice for my own good.’ That’s a winner for sure.” Etta rolled her eyes. “I don’t want your family to think you’re harboring a lunatic or anything.”

  “All right, you’ve got a point. So, we met at a bar and have been seeing each other for a few weeks?” I couldn’t believe I was scheming to pull the wool over my folks’ eyes but it wasn’t the worst plan in the world.

  “Sounds good to me,” she slurred with bacon in her mouth. “It’s the least I can do to return all the favors you’ve already done for me. Besides, I can totally use you to get back at Lee.”

  I choked a little on my coffee. “What do you mean?”

  “Lee will flip his shit if he sees on Instagram that I am on the arm of a hunky hockey player. A little fuck-you-pay-back is good for the soul.”

  Reaching out my hand, I shook Etta’s. “I think we have a perfect plan to help both of us get through the holidays swimmingly.”

  “One rule.” Etta narrowed her eyes at me.

  “What’s that?”

  “You can’t go falling in love with me.”



  Gret left for practice and I was alone in his apartment. It was overly strange to me how trusting he was to just leave a complete stranger in his home. I mean, I knew I wasn’t a jerk that was going to steal all of his crap and run away, but he didn’t.

  Curiosity got the best of me and I slunk into his room. Black wood furniture that matched the rest of his home’s décor took up most of the large space. The one thing that stood out was there wasn’t a TV in his room. Just a large black and white skyline view from Manhattan over his dresser. It was too clean for a bachelor pad. No dust. No pile of dirty clothes in the corner. Towels hung perfectly.

  After snooping and finishing the pot of coffee, I did the dishes from breakfast and loaded the dishwasher.

  Right as I was about to get into the shower, the front door opened.

  “Mr. Hayes?” a woman’s voice called into the apartment.

  I jumped out of my skin and rushed into the living room.

  “Gret’s at work,” I explained as I walked up to the older woman.

  “I’m Amanda. I’m Mr. Hayes housekeeper,” she stated as she set his dry cleaning on the couch.

  “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Etta. Just a friend. Staying for the holidays,” I rambled.

  Amanda smiled sweetly at me. “It’s nice to see a lady’s face in here. I keep telling that man that he needs more friends.”

  “How long have you known Gret?” I asked as I followed her like a puppy into the kitchen.

  She started to get cleaning products out from under the sink. “I have been working for the Hayes family since the kids were little. Mrs. Hayes has become more like family and now I take care of all of their places.”

  “What is Gret like?” I felt like a fool but I couldn’t miss the opportunity to get the scoop on my rescuer.

  She smiled at me. “Well, he’s too nice for his own good and since he is the baby of the family, he gets pushed around a lot. His older brother is a hot head and his sister is a bookworm. Gret is the sweet one out of the bunch. Don’t get me wrong, I love all three of those kids like they were my own, but Gret is just special.”

  “I couldn’t agree with you more on that front.” I started to make another pot of coffee. “Would you like a cup?”

  Amanda giggled a little. “I’m supposed to ask you that.”

  “Well, you’re working and I am just taking up space and probably in your way.”

  “A cup of coffee would be very lovely.”

  I couldn’t sit idly by while Amanda worked. I helped wipe down counters, mopped the floor, cleaned the mirrors.

  “I feel like I should be paying you,” Amanda teased as I cleaned out the kitchen sink.

  “I don’t mind lending a helping hand.”

  “You’re very sweet and it is much appreciated. I have to head to Mr. Hayes’ parents’ place now to help set up for the party tonight.”

  “Will you be there?” I asked, excitement to know at least one more person took over as I bounced on my heels.

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  “See you later, then.”

  Amanda finished putting all of the products away and said her goodbyes.

  Shopping time.

  I finally took a shower and got dressed in some of the clothes that Lee had packed for me. If he could have at least left me things that matched, I would have been happy but I was left with navy pants and I weird reddish-pink tie-dye tank top that I didn’t even know I owned.

  I threw on my wool pea coat and running shoes and was out the door to get the essentials to get me through the next week or so. I hated that I was about to buy things that I already owned, but who the hell knew when that all was going to arrive or when I would be able to make it out to Colorado to retrieve it.

  Crap. Mom!

  As I started walking to the Subway, I finally dialed her number.

  “Hello, honey,” my mom’s singsong voice called through the phone.

  “Hey mom. How’re you?”

  “Getting the ornaments on the tree finally. Jimmy has Christmas off so his kids are going to drive in for the day. It’ll be a full house again this year.”

  Jimmy—another source of tension in our relationship. My mother’s long-term, mooch of a boyfriend made my skin crawl. I couldn’t put my finger on why, but I couldn’t stand the man.

  “That sounds great,” I lied through my teeth.

  “Anyway, sweetheart, if you don’t really have anything to say, I am going to run.”

  “Mom, I do have something to tell you.”

  “Then out with it, kid.”

  “Lee and I broke up last night. He is having my things shipped to your place. I hope that is all right. I’ll arrange to get it somehow.”

  “Why the hell would you have him send your things here? I don’t have that kind of room.”

  As I stood in front of the stairs to the Subway, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I knew that my mom wouldn’t be the happiest about the boxes arriving, but not even a ‘Sweetheart, that is awful’ or a ‘good riddance to the jerkface’.

  “I didn’t have a choice. He made up his mind. Moved away. Left me here. End of story,” I clarified.

  “Well, you’re going to have to figure something out,” she barked.

  “And I will. This all happened about twelve hours ago. I am just trying to wrap my head around it.”

  “I told you that you were making a huge mistake.”

  “And you were right but this is the situation and I just need a little bit of help.”

  “I’ll try to find room in the shed for your things for the time being.”

  “That’s all I ask.”

  “Have to go, Etta. Talk soon.”

  “Love you, mom. Thanks for the help.”


  And she hung up.

  Well, that was a bust.

  Nothing that a little shopping therapy couldn’t fix.

  Chapter 5




  Successfully not get chewed out again by my father or uncle —check.

  Walking back into my apartment, I found a note from Etta sitting on the coffee table.


  Went to grab some things I need from the store. My number is (303) 955-9055 just in case you need it for
any reason. Amanda gave me her key so I could get in and out of the place. I hope that is all right.

  — Etta

  Grabbing my phone, I typed in her number to send Etta a quick text.

  Me: Just got back to the apartment. Totally fine that you have Amanda’s key. Sorry, I didn’t think of that this morning. I have a spare set I can give her tonight at the party. Your dress will be done in an hour. I’ll get it for you. Take your time and I’ll see you later.

  I read over the message a couple of times after I hit send. I felt like a goober.

  Within a few minutes, Etta responded.

  Etta: Just finishing up. Need anything while I am out?

  Me: I think I am good. See you in a bit.

  I was nervous. Why in the hell was I nervous for Etta to get back to my place? I went through my closet, trying to figure out what I was going to wear. Etta’s dress was navy and I didn’t want to clash with her. Finally, I settled on a charcoal grey suit with a light blue shirt and black and blue striped tie. That’ll do.

  After getting Etta’s dress from the cleaners, I just sat on the coach and waited. Like a fool, I just sat there without the TV on, not knowing what to do. It wasn’t like I had never had a girlfriend in my life and I wasn’t even considering something like that with Etta, but I felt like I should have done something more for her. Flowers? Chocolates? New things? I had no idea what the protocol for a fake holiday girlfriend was.

  “Gret?” Etta called as she opened the door.

  “In here,” I replied as I jumped off the couch and tried to pretend I hadn’t just been sitting there with my thumb up my ass.

  She had tons of bags in her hands as she fought to get through the door.

  “Let me help you.” I took some from her and started to head for her room.

  “Thanks. I didn’t realize how much crap I actually needed until I was in the store buying everything in sight.”

  “I put your dress in the closet. Do you need anything?” I set the bags down at the foot of the bed and stood in the middle of the room not knowing what I should do. Do I stay? Do I let her be?

  “I think I’m good. And with two hours to spare to get ready.” Etta started digging through a Victoria’s Secret bag and I felt like that was my cue to get the heck out of there.

  “Then I will leave you to it.”

  “Hey, Gret?” Etta popped her hip out and cocked her head to the side as I turned back to look at her.


  “Thank you for everything. It was very sweet of you to get my dress cleaned and everything. I really appreciate it.”

  “Don’t mention it. I’m happy to help when I can.”

  She leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed my grizzly cheek. For a second, I just stared at her. She was breathtaking but off-limits in my mind. She had just been broken up with, thrown into a terrible situation. I needed to respect that but I couldn’t help but be attracted to her.

  “Anyway, I am going to say thank you and you’re just going to have to accept my admiration for all of your kindness.”

  “I can live with that.”

  “You’re going to have to if we’re going to have this whole fake-girlfriend-boyfriend thing work out.”


  I didn’t know what I was expecting when I got off the elevator and walked into Gret’s parents’ penthouse but I was floored. Gorgeous couldn’t do the place justice in any way. It was so cozy but elegant at the same time. The place was packed with everyone dressed to the nines. I was so thankful that Gret had gotten my dress dry cleaned and pressed because I felt like a pauper in my sale-rack evening gown that I had since high school.

  “Did I tell you how fantastic you look?” Gret asked as he led me into the apartment.

  “At least five times already, but the compliment is always welcomed,” I responded as a little spitfire of a woman decked out in pearls and a jaw dropping gown that would have make Princess Diana jealous rushed for us.

  “Gret! Honey! You made it!” she exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around Gret.

  “Hey, ma. How could I miss your illustrious Christmas party?” The smile on Gret’s face was infectious as he hugged his mother back.

  “You’re right. You can’t. And who is this?” Mrs. Hayes turned to me as her eyes got as wide as the grin taking over her entire face.

  “Mom, this is Etta.”

  Without warning, she was hugging me while bouncing a bit.

  “Etta, it is so nice to meet you!”

  “I have heard some many wonderful things about you, Mrs. Hayes. Thank you for having me.”

  “Call me Myla, sweetie. Mrs. Hayes is my mother-in-law and she can keep that title. Make yourself at home and have a wonderful time. I have to make the rounds.”

  Myla scurried off after a few other guests that had arrived right after we did.

  “Your mom is great,” I remarked as I took Gret’s hand.

  “That’s definitely a word for her. Want a drink?”

  I nodded.

  “Mom always has really great champagne. Is that good?”

  “Perfect and festive.”

  I followed Gret up to the bar where a graying woman with a pixie haircut was pouring drinks. Right when she saw Gret, she stopped dead and sprinted up to him.

  “Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” she breathed as she hugged him tightly.

  “Hey, Aunt Jordan. They have you slaving away like usual I see.”

  She pushed him away before getting back behind the bar. “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else at one of these shindigs. It’s tradition.”

  “That it is. Jordan, this is Etta. My ga-gi-girlfriend,” Gret spit out the words and turned as red as a beefsteak tomato.

  “She’s your what?” Jordan’s hand flew straight over her mouth and I could have sworn that she was tearing up a bit.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” I reached out my hand as she glanced back from me to Gret over and over.

  Gripping it tightly, Jordan cleared her throat. “It’s about time that Gret found someone so beautiful.”

  “Awe, come on. You’re making it sound like I have only dated pigs in the past.”

  “I mean, you just have never brought someone home before. I’mso happy right now.”

  Right as Gret was about to say something else, we were saved by a couple asking Jordan to make a couple of complicated-sounding cocktails.

  Leaning over the bar, Gret grabbed a chilled bottle of champagne and a couple of flutes.

  “My dear.” He handed me a glass before popping the bottle and filling it to the brim with bubbles.

  “Thank you, good sir.”

  “I am sorry if everyone is shocked by me bringing you.” Gret put his hand on my arm as I just smiled at him.

  “I think it’s kind of fun to see all of the shocked looks,” I admitted.

  “Well, there are going to be tons of them.”

  Amanda made her way through the crowd and hugged me right away. “So nice to see you again, Miss Etta.”

  “You look gorgeous,” I remarked as I took in her gold sequin dress and adorable black pumps.

  “Thank you. Mrs. Hayes gave me this last year and I couldn’t resist.”

  “It looks stunning on you.”

  Gret hugged her and handed her the spare set of keys to his apartment. “Thank you for helping my girl out earlier.”

  “Anything for you, sweetheart.” She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek.

  “Gretzky!” A man called from the open balcony door.

  Gret waved and grabbed my hand. “Ready to meet my dad?”

  I chugged down the entire glass of champagne, filled my glass and handed the bottle back to Jordan. “Let’s do this.”

  I followed Gret out onto the balcony where a few space heaters were keeping the area nice and toasty.

  “Hey, pop.” Gret shook his father’s hand. “This is Etta.”

  I felt like I was looking at Gret’s doppelgänger as he grinned a
t me. “What a lovely surprise. Etta, lovely to meet you. I’m Gavin.”

  Then it clicked. I knew who Gret’s father was. Everyone did. He was a legend. I tried to not act like a deer caught in headlights but that is how I felt. Standing there like an idiot, I realized how big of a deal the party I was at actually was.

  “You have a magnificent home.” It took way too long for me to respond and that was the best that I could come up with.

  “Blame the lady of the house. She has an eye for all that decorating crap. If it was left to me, there’d be a recliner and a big screen in my living room with not much else,” Gavin smiled teasingly before puffing on his cigar.

  “Mom did my apartment too. I don’t think I actually had a choice in the matter. I moved in with my place looking like I does now.”

  “Well, what do we have here?” another man asked as he walked over to us from the huddle of men standing in a circle enjoying stogies.

  “Garrett, this is Etta. Etta, this is Garrett, my older brother.”

  “Finally bringing a girl home, I see.” Garrett kissed the back of my hand. “It’s a pleasure, Etta. What in the hell are you doing with a loser like my kid brother?”

  I linked arms with Gret, smiling up at him. “I think he’s a catch.”

  Gret kissed the top of my head, sweetly. “Why, thank you, babe.”

  I could feel how weird that word was for Gret to say but we had to sell it.

  “It’s the truth,” I retorted.

  After meeting everyone from Gret’s team and his family and trying to keep everyone straight with a little more bubbly on deck than I probably should have consumed, it was time to say goodbye.

  “Etta, please tell me that you’ll be joining us for Christmas.” Myla was hugging me again and I looked over her shoulder to Gret with wide eyes.

  “Ma, we’ll see,” Gret answered, saving me.


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