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First Last Kiss: A Shots on Goal Spinoff Standalone Romantic Comedy

Page 4

by Mazzola, Kristen Hope

“I won’t take no for an answer,” Myla demanded, looking at me then to her son.

  “Well, if that is the case, I guess I will be seeing you soon.” I didn’t know what else to say. It was so nice to have someone want me to be around during the holidays. My own mother stopped inviting me years ago and I didn’t really have anyone else.

  That realization was staggering. I didn’t have friends. I didn’t really have any family. I was alone.

  “We’ll have to get you an ugly sweater,” Gret laughed, taking my hand.

  “For what?” I asked.

  “It’s tradition,” Myla answered.

  “Can’t mess with tradition,” I chortled. “I’m in.”


  “I am so sorry for my family.” Helping Etta into the car that was waiting for us, I couldn’t help but feel mortified.

  As we slid into the backseat, Etta looked over at me. “I had a blast.”

  “Good.” I tucked her into my side, instinctively.

  Without even fighting it, Etta put her head on my shoulder. “This whole fake boyfriend thing is kind of growing on me.”

  “That’s good.”

  “I mean I would normally be wallowing and having a pity party with Tom and Jerry with tons of sappy girly movies if it wasn’t for you. Instead I am hanging out with an incredible, handsome man and his famous family.”

  I laughed. “We’re just people.”

  She violently shook her head. “I think you’re selling your entire family short. Your father is a hockey legend. Not to mention that your grandfather and uncle are too. I’ve watched at least one 60-Minutes episode about them.”

  “Don’t forget that Uncle Griff is a famous boxer,” I added in. “You’ll meet him and his wife on Christmas.”

  “Your family is intimidating.”

  I pulled her in a little closer. “To be honest, they terrify me too.”

  Chapter 6


  “What are you doing tonight?” Gret asked as I helped him clean up the kitchen from breakfast.

  I climbed up onto the cool granite counter while Gret loaded the dishwasher. “I have a gig tonight at The Oak Room at the Algonquin. Want to come?”

  Gret pursed his lips. “Sure! What time do you go on?”

  “Eight. I have to be there at seven.”

  “Have you been to Rockefeller yet?”

  “Nope.” I blushed a little. I hadn’t gone out much or explored the city since moving there six months before. Living in one of the most infamous cities in the world should have been thrilling but I lived in a bubble.

  “Well, it’s Christmas Eve and I’m taking you tonight before you have to head to the Algonquin.” Gret kissed my cheek before helping me down from the counter.

  “It’s a date,” I teased, nudging Gret with my elbow.

  “A fake one. Besides, you can’t live in New York without at least experiencing the touristy magic of the tree and decorations at least once.”

  It had been three days since I had even met Gret and already I was more comfortable with him than I had been with anyone in my entire life. Feelings of guilt washed over me. It wasn’t that I was using Gret, I genuinely loved his company, but it still felt like I was taking advantage of his generosity.

  * * *

  Standing in a crowd of people, staring up at the most magnificent Christmas tree and hearing the music coming from Macy’s was something I would never forget.

  “Pretty great, isn’t it?” Gret wrapped his arms around me from behind.

  “There are no words,” I responded, glancing over my shoulder at him.

  “Can you skate?”

  Whipping around in his arms, I furrowed my brow and cocked my head to the side. “Kind of. Why?”

  Gret pointed to the rink below us. “Because you need the full experience.”

  “I don’t know…” My stomach did flip flops as I watched the hoard of skaters going around in a circle.

  Gret laughed. “I skate for a living. I think I can keep you upright and safe. If someone gets too close, I’ll body check them. It’s my specialty.”

  “As long as I don’t fall and break an ankle before I have to get on stage.”

  “I promise that this will be great and you’re going to be fine.”

  Before I could protest any more, Gret was helping me lace up his mother’s ice skates before putting his hockey skates on. Apparently, he was prepared.

  “Too tight?” Gret asked as he helped me to my feet.

  My knees were wobbly as I shook my head. “I think they’re fine.”

  “Just remember, don’t bend your ankles.”

  Gret skated backwards onto the ice, gripping both of my hands in his. As muscle memory took over, I started to skate while never breaking eye contact with Gret.

  “Try not to look so petrified. This is supposed to be fun,” Gret teased as he pulled me a little closer to him.

  I took in a deep breath. He was right. I needed to loosen up and just take in the moment.

  “Do you do this every year?” I asked, trying to ignore how terrible I was at skating.

  “Whenever my mom gets an itch to show off in front of all of the tourists.”

  “Is your mom a good skater too?”

  “She was about to go to the Olympics before she was in a pretty bad car accident. She was a figure skating coach after that. She’s really talented but some moves she just can’t pull off after fracturing her femur.”

  “Wow. That must have been so hard on her.” I couldn’t imagine my life changing in a flash like that. Yes, I had been dumped and thrown out on my ass but I still had my health and ability to do my job. Perspective of how bad things could actually be washed over me and right then and there I felt like the luckiest woman in all of Manhattan.

  “She’s a fighter and I love her for it.”

  “It’s sweet how close you are to your family.”

  “Just my parents. My siblings have their own lives and do their own things. They both think that I am too much like a cliché youngest child but I don’t give a shit. I love my folks and I love my career, if that is something to be teased about them I say bring on the bullying.”

  “Holy shit! You’re Gret Hayes, aren’t you?” a teenaged boy skated up next to us.

  “I am,” Gret answered while smiling. He let go of my hand to give the kid a high five. “What’s your name?”

  “Garvey,” he excitedly answered. “Can you sign my hat?”

  Taking a pen from what I figured was Garvey’s mother, Gret scribbled on the Otters ball cap as my feet went out from under me and I landed hard right on to my back.

  “Crap! Are you all right?” Gret asked as he handed the hat back to Garvey and scooped me into his arms in one swift motion.

  I couldn’t stop laughing. “There you are signing an autograph because you’re a professional skater and I can’t even stand still on skates without busting my ass.”

  Gret joined me in the rolling hysterics as he skated with me still safely in his grasp to the benches right off the ice. “If it is any consolation, you looked adorable while falling.”

  “Trying to butter me up so I don’t think about my throbbing hip ofr the fact that I almost died while standing?”

  “Is it working?” Gret chuckled.

  I nodded. “It really is.”


  After getting cleaned up, I escorted Etta to The Oak Room at the Algonquin. I had heard of the place before but never had made it over that way. The history and old-timey feel of the joint set the mood for the night of jazz perfectly. There was floor to ceiling wood paneling, plush leather chairs at every white linen covered table, and decadent chandeliers all over.

  Etta was mesmerizing sitting behind the baby grand piano in the middle of the room. I was completely captivated by the sweet, sultry voice that leapt from her soul. Her entire body radiated as she sang.

  Passion was one of the sexiest things in the world to me and when Etta was in her element, passion consum
ed her entire being. I was drunk from her voice, lusting for the woman that was my fake girlfriend—but it felt right.

  Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.

  I never realized how true those words were until that very moment.

  Chapter 7


  Gret and I made our way back into his parents’ home for Christmas dinner. I was nervous as all hell to be spending the holiday with so many strangers but if I was being honest with myself, there was no other place in the world that I would rather be.

  Walking into the lavish apartment hand in hand with a red, fluffy sweater that said ‘Why is the carpet wet, Todd?’ on it with Gret in the matching green one that read ‘I don’t know, Margo’ felt a little too right.

  “I am so glad you guys are here!” Myla hurried to the front door right as we walked in. She was in a Buddy The Elf apron with Will Ferrell’s screaming, joyous face from the part when he screams for Santa–that was covered in flour and God knows what else. It was too adorable on our petite hostess.

  “As we promised.” Gret smiled down at me, squeezing my hand tighter.

  “Christmas Vacation! Love that movie! Nice work on the sweaters,” Myla complimented before she hugged both of us, making sure to not get her flour covered hands on either of us.

  “Thank you for having me again. Need some help baking?”

  Myla waved me off. “All you need to do is drink some eggnog and get to know everyone. They’re all dying to meet you. I have a few elves slaving away with me already.”

  She scurried away as Gret took in a deep breath. “Ready to meet everyone?”

  “As ready as I will ever be.”

  There was already a large group of people gathered in the living room chatting.

  Gret clear his throat, “Merry Christmas, fam!”

  Everyone cheered and welcomed us with their glasses in the air.

  “Etta, this is everyone. We have Sean and Jess, they’re both part of New York City’s finest in blue and their son Collison is in SWAT training right now. Over there are Jordan, who you met the other night and her husband Will Crosby.”

  Jordan waved sweetly at us while Crosby nodded.

  “Continuing right along, that’s my Uncle Griff and his amazing wife, Liv. Followed by Uncle Brayden, his wife Karla and their kids should be showing up any minute. Chase Harding and his wife, Nikki are on their way. My grandparents should be here any minute. Simon and his husband Shaw are helping mom in the kitchen right now.”

  Karla jumped up with Liv and rushed over to us, dragging me away from Gret. “Go smoke a cigar with your uncles and father. Gavin’s already outside waiting anyway. We need to get to know this lovely lady.”

  “Are you good?” Gret asked as I trotted arm in arm with his aunts.

  “Go have fun,” I responded over my shoulder.

  Gret retreated with the rest of the guys outside as I plopped down on the couch.

  “So tell us about yourself, sweetie.” Liv smiled at me as her hand landed on my knee.

  I swallowed hard. “Well, I am a jazz singer. I sang at The Oak Room last night.”

  “That’s amazing!” Karla exclaimed. “One thing this family needs is an artist. We have too many jocks around here.”

  “How did you meet?” Jordan added before handing me spiced eggnog.

  “After one of my performances, Gret bought me a drink and I think the rest is history.”

  The third degree continued and I ended up being tricked into telling most of my life’s story to Jordan, Karla, Liv and Jess.

  “Oh honey, you are so much better off with someone like Gret. Your ex sounds like a total prick.” Jess hiccuped before swallowing down the rest of her eggnog. “Jordan, you’re off eggnog duty. If any of us are going to make it through dinner tonight, we need to be able to see straight.”

  Jordan shrugged. “I make it the same way every year.”

  “And that’s the problem,” Liv giggled.

  Gret ambled in with the rest of the guys as Gavin took a seat next to me.

  “Have these ladies scared you off yet?” Gret’s father laughed as he asked me the question.

  I smiled sweetly at all of them. “Far from it.”

  “That’s good to hear,” Gret’s low voice whisked to me as he took my hand. “Come with me.”

  I followed Gret into one of the back bedrooms of the apartment.

  “Looked like you needed a little break.” Gret shut the door behind us.

  I shook my head. “They really are great.”

  “I’m glad you’re getting along with everyone.” Pulling out a small box from his pocket, Gret sank onto the bed. “I know that this is all make believe and shit but it’s Christmas and I wanted to get you a little something.”

  Taking the box and joining him on the plush mattress, I couldn’t the sinking feeling in my heart. “Gret, you shouldn’t have.”

  “But I wanted to. Just open it.”

  I did as he asked and was shocked to find a white gold tennis bracelet covered in diamonds.

  “This is too much.” I started crying right on the spot.

  “I saw it the other morning and knew it would look wonderful on you.”

  He started to take it out of the box, but I stopped him, putting my hand on his.

  “I can’t except this.”

  “Why not?” His brow furrowed as he looked up at me with confusion.

  “You’ve already done so much for me and I think this has gotten out of control. We had a deal, fake just for the holidays and then I figure out where my life is going.”

  “Isn’t that what we’re doing? If I didn’t get my girlfriend a present at Christmas everyone would think something was up. I’m giving you this because I want to and it conveniently fits into the plan.”

  I shoved away, scrambling to my feet. “Is it fake still for you? Because this feels so freaking real.”

  Gret threw the box on the nightstand and pulled me into his arms. “The last couple of days with you have been amazing. I like having you around. Am I attracted to you? Of course I am. Have you seen yourself? You’re fucking stunning, talented, strong, hilarious—the total damn package. I’d be lying if I didn’t wish that the situation was different but do not think for a second that I have gone and fucked up our deal. You made me promise to not fall for you and I am doing my best to hold up my end of the bargain.”

  “I have to get out of here,” I sobbed, pushing away from Gret. “I’ll get my stuff and find somewhere to go.”

  “Etta, don’t do this. I’m sorry I got you a present. I should have thought about how a bracelet like that would look.”

  “It’s not the bracelet—it’s everything. Your family is amazing. You’re fucking incredible. I love being with you. This is all so fast and so wrong. it hasn’t even been a week since Lee dumped me and I can’t make that mistake again. I need to figure out who I am before I can be with someone else.”

  “I’m not asking you to be with me.”

  I ran my hand over my face. “Actions, babe. Think of all of the actions. I know you haven’t said it and you’re probably lying to yourself, too. But you’re in this more than just as a fake boyfriend. Your heart is in this and I cannot sit here and break it. That is inevitably what is going to happen. We’d get through tonight, you’ll leave for your game in St. Louis and I would break your heart by moving on.”

  “Do you want to leave? We can go back to my place and figure this out.”

  I shook my head. “I think it is best if you stay and I just go. I don’t want to ruin your entire family’s Christmas. I’ve already ruined too much.

  “I can’t let you leave here this upset. I am so sorry, Etta.”

  “But you can’t deny that this is real for you, can you?”

  He bowed his head. “I can’t deny it.”

  “I’ll pack my things.”

  * * *

  I made up a stomach issue excuse and bolted out of there as fast as I c
ould. I didn’t know what I had expected but I knew that we were in too deep to keep up the charade. Maybe it was all on me. I couldn’t shake the fact that I was way too comfortable with Gret than I should have been right from the get-go. it wasn’t lust or love though, it was complacency. It was nice to be taken care of and I was using him. It’s not fair when one person is more in than the other—the feelings have to be mutual and on the same level. Gret was too good of a guy to fuck with like that.

  Packing up my feelings felt so wrong but it was the right thing to do.

  “Etta!” Gret called right as I was putting my toothbrush into my overnight bag.


  I was hoping to be gone before he got home.

  “Yeah?” I replied, slinging the duffle strap over my shoulder.

  “Don’t go,” he pleaded as he grabbed my hand.

  “I have to. You know this is for the best.” I pulled away, trying to get to the front door.

  Gret blocked my escape route. “Where are you going?

  “I booked a room at the Marriott in Midtown.”

  He buried his face in his hands. “Don’t waste the money. I am going to be gone. Just stay here until you find an apartment or decide to move across the country.”

  “It’s not a good idea.”

  “But I care about you.”

  “That’s the problem. You’re too sweet ad I am mooching off of you.”

  “You’re not a mooch. I offered and you accepted. That’s it.” The sadness in Gret’s face broke my heart.

  I set my bag down. “Do you really think that I should stay?”

  “I don’t want you to go,” Gret admitted.

  “I’ll cancel my reservation.” I felt defeated but I couldn’t disappoint my knight in shining armor. He had done too much for me as it was. The fact that I was hurting him by trying to do the right thing broke me.

  Chapter 8



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