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Page 7

by Diana Scott

grabbed a backpack and as fast as he could he left the house. He couldn’t bring himself to look behind. He was too overwhelmed.

  Oscar knew that everything that was happening was his fault, but the feeling of sadness caused by Susy’s pain was too strong to deal with.

  She had told him her deepest feelings and dreams and he had responded with a threat of her deepest and darkest secret. Why did he do that?

  —What am I doing? —His body landed towards the closed door. Behind it was a life that when didn’t believe could be this way. He wasn’t a saint but, was this what he wanted?

  Susy was his son’s mother, his life, his family, and now… He had to leave?

  —Is this something that will go away or is it just over? What is wrong with me? I can’t think, I can’t talk… Should I call Anna and see how I feel? I need to think —He grabbed his back pack with one arm and left.


  After an hour, Susy managed to reach her bed and fall like a dead body in the mattress.

  Her mind was empty, her heart broken and her lung forgot how to breath.

  Oscar’s last words were a threat. But, why? Why hurt her more?

  Her head couldn’t stop moving. Thoughts were running without any sense and she couldn’t find answers to anything. A cloud had taken over and she couldn’t think or fell.

  A whole life.

  Every hopes and dreams had disappeared in less than 15 minutes and she couldn’t stop time.

  She believed in eternal love. She believe in a future holding her husbands hand. In simple laughter. And within the blink on an eye her future had shattered like a piece of glass. No future. No fixing.

  —And now… what?

  After a couple of hours and a couple of teas her mind stopped resisting to tiredness. Her body fell in the bed and her soul flew away, far away, where her heart couldn’t reach her.




  After a month, her only activities were moving from the bed to the kitchen it was time to stand and fight.

  “I’m so glad that the kid is in a student- trip in Ireland” She told her self as she started the water in the bath tub.

  Fernando had been away for a couple of months now. His school had offered him the possibility to take a class in a small town in that country and the young man was delighted with the experience.

  She let the heat of the water hug her and closed her eyes.

  It had been a month since she last talked with anybody. The phone was off and the only messages she answered came from her son. Normally via Whatsapp and they were from an excited Fernando, telling her about the new things he was learning in that country. The people, the cliffs. He couldn’t stop talking about a place called Slieve League, that he discovered on a trip organized by his Irish family.

  “I’m glad he’s not here to see what a fraud of a mom he has” she thought while she sank her body in the bath tub, trying to disappear like the fairies did.

  It was clear that she had to fight for her marriage.

  Her son deserved a united marriage. A united family. Oscar’s family, her mother in law, fathers in law… What would they think of the separation?

  Pain and rage stayed with her night and day.

  A part of her felt as though she’d lost everything. She’d lost her husband, the only man she’d ever loved. A man that was resting in someone else’s arms. A part of her was dying because of the sadness and the lost, but a part of her spirit wanted to live. LIVE. No constrictions. No problems. No fears. Start over again. That was the part of her that felt the need of kicking his husband in his parts and tell him to go to hell.

  She needed to fight and fix her marriage, then, why did she feel that it wasn’t ok to get back to him? Did she really wanted to get back with him?

  In the deepest part of her soul she wanted to get rid of a marriage full of deceiving and infidelities, but if she did that, what would’ve happened to her son and family and all those years of sacrifice?

  “No, this can’t be. I must fight”

  —Oh Lord, I’m going crazy. I don’t even know what I want. —Susy laughed by herself in front of the mirror that didn’t respond her.

  —I need a coffee —She told herself while she walked towards Yoli’s warehouse.

  Thinking about Yoli gave her one of the few happy moments during the day.

  She was her friend from her small town, and even if she was Uneducated, her heart and honesty had conquered her.

  With her friends she felt alive, joyful and with her own strong opinion.

  Her life turned her into two different people: the one that was constantly afraid of losing Oscar so she was shy and tamed around him; and the one that was funny, ironic and that her friends admired. Oscar didn’t like any of those. He said that her friends would put strange ideas in her head, that they changed her.

  But Susy felt genuine and free with them.

  She had close herself to her friends, that was selfish, but she didn’t know any other way to react towards this situation.

  “Poor Yoli, she’s not going to be happy when she sees me after a month of ignoring her and Mia’s messages”

  Her friends had heard about all that happened with her husband because Rurik managed to get the information from Oscar, but when they tried to visit her Susy refused to let them. She needed to be alone. And that’s why she became an island.

  Her friends had to understand her. She couldn’t face them and listen to that “poor Susy” over and over again. She got used to those words when her mother died back in school: “Poor Susy, poor Susy”

  She couldn’t listen to it again.

  This time she just couldn’t.

  She was going to get back with, conquer him again and nothing could stand in her way. He’d come back home and their son would have a father again. That was the only thing that mattered.

  She had to stay strong.

  The marriage had and must survive.

  She was so absorbed that she didn’t see the car that had to stop not to kill her.

  —You idiot! I almost kill you — an angry Nico got off the car, but his face looked happier to see that the girl was ok. That silly woman was about to fall on the floor.

  Two more centimeters and his sports car would have completely heat her.

  —Are you silly? What were you thinking? I could’ve killed you —and he gave her the hand to help her stand up.

  —I might be silly but you… you… you are an asshole! —she didn’t accept his help and quickly stood on her own.

  Truth be told, the handsome guy was right, she crossed the street very distracted while she was daydreaming and she didn’t see the car getting closer to her. But she was not going to admit that.

  Nico stayed mute, not knowing if it was because of the insult he just received or because… it was her!

  It was the girl he thought about when he was working, he thought about her when he was in the kids classes, at home, in his bed… everywhere.

  He had those bright, sad amazing blue eyes in front of him. Those eyes where he longed to get lost again.

  Since Pablo’s wedding he was looking for an excuse to call Mia and get the information about this girl.

  It was her, as tiny as he remembered her. The same curves, but she was now wearing some jeans and a simple sweater. Different clothes, but same woman. The woman that made him so intrigued. There was something in her look, in her body, that made him want to get lose in those arms and be the protective man he never wanted to be with anybody else. There was something about her.

  —Whats going on? Did somebody steal your tongue or you don’t know any other insults? You idiot! —Susy was too angry for some reason. That man had irritated her beyond reasoning.

  —Idiot? —Nico started laughing. He almost killer her because she was daydreaming, but she was the one being angry, putting her hands on her waist and screaming at him for no reason.

  —If this isn’t destiny I
don’t know what it is —Nico couldn’t stop but letting his thoughts out.

  —What are you talking about? Are you drunk?

  —No baby, I don’t drink —He could not stop smiling. Destiny is really something else. He couldn’t believe it. He was happy without any reason. Life was giving him a sign but, which one?

  —Listen blonde-man! Can you move your car? You have to let the people keep moving! —said the guy driving an Ibiza, angry because of the time he was wasting. The traffic caused by Nico and Susy was getting gigantic, taking into account that they were in a small town outside of Madrid.

  —It looks like you’ve all agreed to call me good names — while he was winking his eye he told Susy— Wait her until I park the car over there. —She was leaving but he screamed from the window car— Don’t you even think about leaving!

  She had so many problems and now she had to deal with this guy. “I couldn’t be more unlucky” she thought to herself.

  Her body was shaking. She was actually scared. She knew that the “good looking guy didn’t ran over her with his wonderful convertible out of pure luck. Well, a miracle and his reflexes. The car hadn’t even touched her, but for some reason she was completely annoyed at that guy.

  “ I don’t even know him and I can’t stand him. Please, who does he think he is?”.

  The man had strong arms and was smiling like a crazy person…maybe he thought that she was going to fall in love with him just by seeing his big lips, green penetrating eyes, that blonde hair that reached his shoulders and made him look like a Scottish warrior…please, she didn’t even look at him!

  —Well, here I am. I need your name and number, or am I too stupid to know how to

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