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The Hopeful Heart: (Accidental Connection #1) (Forever Safe Romance Book 8)

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by Haven Rose

  “Wait,” I hear her finally ask, “what happens when I hit fifty?” She falls silent once more, but starts to count after what feels like an eternity. Unable to hear his part, I have no idea what he said to her. “Hello?” I have her on speaker, meaning all three of us can listen so there’s less chance of us missing something vital. “Are you still here?”

  Brant is squeezing the hell out of my shoulder, more than likely leaving a bruise, but it’s keeping me grounded. At least until Rory says my name.

  “Dane, I think he left.”

  “Where are you?”

  “In the mall parking lot, toward the back.”

  “Five minutes? Can you hold on for that long, Rory?”

  “I like when you call me that, which is odd because I’ve always hated when anyone shortens it.”

  “Sweetheart, I’m not just anyone, and you and I both know it.”

  “Will you hold me when you get here?” She asks, voice cracking.

  “Try to stop me.”

  “I, uh, don’t see me wanting to.”

  “Good to know because I don’t ever plan on letting you go once I have you in my arms.”

  “I look forward to it. You’re the only good thing about this shitty day.”

  “Can you two cut it out? I don’t feel like paying for therapy.”

  “Rant?” She asks, surprised.

  “Rant?” I repeat, turning to look at him.

  “Just my sister calls me that.” Prepared to give him crap, the only thing that saves him is Tristan spotting Aurora’s car. I’m opening the door, trying to step out before we’ve even rolled to a stop.

  “Don’t be stupid, man,” Tristan says, grabbing the back of my shirt. “You getting hurt won’t help her or you.” Once we’re finally no longer moving, I jump out and rush to Aurora, pulling her into my arms, nose pressed against her hair.

  “You came for me,” she whispers on a sob, tears pooling in her hazel eyes.


  Chapter Two


  June 29th…

  True to his word, Dane didn’t leave my side, always touching me in some way, whether it was his arm around me, his hand holding mine, or his fingers in my hair. I have never felt more cherished than when I’m with him.

  Brant scooped me into a hug, my arm feeling the tug as Dane refused to let go of my hand, forcing my brother to deal with it.

  We spent hours at the police station, both Dane and I giving statements, along with him doing his job. Technically, he shouldn’t be working my case as he told everyone within earshot I’m his, but nobody pointed that out after the first attempt to try and stop him. Though they did say he couldn’t be listed officially. He also tried to help me focus on anything but the wait, asking about me calling my brother ‘Rant.’ Dane was a bit sad there wasn’t a funnier reason then me being unable to pronounce the B the first time I said it, and my version stuck. It comes out every now and then, me teasing him, I’m having a bad day, or, like earlier, scared out of my mind.

  Brant stayed the entire time, not budging from the chair he’d plopped his butt on, then, when it was finally mentioned I could leave, big brother just assumed I was going with him. He gave me two options, me at his place or me at his place. Yeah, he thinks he’s funny, but, none of us were laughing upon realizing my driver’s license was missing. Dane and Brant butted heads on that. As much as I love my brother and know he’d do anything for me, and he’s built like a freaking tank, this is Dane’s job. Knowing it was the best option, not to mention I wanted to spend more time with Dane even under these circumstances, I agreed to stay at Dane’s apartment. Brant wasn’t happy, but he did agree I’d be safe as Dane isn’t in the phone book due to his position.

  He insisted on taking the couch, and while part of me wanted to offer to share his bed with him, last night was not the time. I was running on adrenaline and close to crashing when we arrived, and, when something does happen between us, because I know it will, I want to remember every second of it.

  Now though, yeah, I can’t help but think about his whispered words last night, how his eyes followed me whenever he was forced, and I’m not exaggerating with that term, to let go of me. His lips would even move, as if he was silently counting down the deadline he came up with for whomever had separated us. Maybe it should seem scary considering what I’d just experienced, but maybe that’s why it didn’t.

  Noise pulls me from a deep sleep and I’m surprised I not only got some, but did so for a solid six hours. Following the sounds, I’m standing in the arch leading to his kitchen, tongue hanging out at the sight before me. Dane is shirtless, tattoos covering his back and wrapping around his upper arms, jeans hanging low on his hips, medium brown hair sticking straight up, and oh, fuck me, he’s barefoot. I don’t know why that last part the hardest. Maybe because it seems so domestic?

  “You know, it is true, a picture does last longer.”

  “Don’t tempt me,” I warn, fingers flexing on my phone, which I’d already pulled out of my back pocket, planning to do just that.

  “Take as many as you want, but it’s only fair I get to do the same.” He is much better at this than I am, and I have to admit, that causes me some concern. “What just happened?”

  “Huh?” I ask, trying to play it off.

  “I just saw a wall being built before my eyes, and I want to know why. Did I scare you?”

  “No,” I instantly reassure him, “it’s…you’re really good at the flirty banter, and…”

  He freaking laughs, and I turn to storm out. “Shoulda stayed with Brant instead,” I mumble.

  “Rory, I don’t care that he is your brother, the only man spending the night under the same roof as you from now on is me.” I snort, though my knees want to melt at the sentiment. Steeling myself against his charm, I glare at him, waiting. However, he pulls his cell from his pocket and hands it to me. Unsure what I’m supposed to be doing with it, I hit the power button to light the screen, gasping when I see my face. I have no clue when he took it, but there’s no doubt it’s me.

  “You fell asleep with your head on my shoulder, and it felt so right to have you there. I snuck a picture, wanting to be able to see your face when I couldn’t be with you,” he admits with a smile, completely unashamed of what he did. “Your brother was not happy,” he tells me with a chuckle.

  Paying closer attention now that the shock is gone, I can make out the walls I’d stared at for hours, a few strands of Dane’s hair against the top of my head, as if he’d laid his own against it. I suddenly want my own copy and hit the home button to send it to myself, only to be stopped by it asking for his code. Grr.

  “0829,” he tells me without hesitation.


  “The code, baby.” Typing it in, I’m granted full access and don’t waste a second. My cell beeps almost immediately afterward and he smirks, as if knowing what I just did. “Scroll through my contacts, my pictures, my texts. Anything you want. I have no secrets from you.”

  It seems to be important to him, so I do, finding my name as the only woman in the former, not even one that could work for either gender. The pictures are him, Tristan, and an older couple I assume are his parents and a man that resembles him, which must be the brother he mentioned but admitted they aren’t close. Not one single female otherwise. Same with the messages.

  He reaches over, clicks on Tristan’s name and scrolls backward, stopping when he finds the one he wanted. It’s from a week ago and is a pamphlet for a local church, advertising for a priest. Tristan’s caption to the photo is ‘Since you live like a monk, might as well get paid for it.’ I’m stunned, unable to believe a man this sexy isn’t enjoying what that could bring him. His hair is longer on top, shaved close to the scalp on the sides, and he has mocha colored eyes, and, while they’re gorgeous on their own, I take a step toward him, confirming what I thought I’d imagined last night. “You have light blue rings around your irises, like they’re outlining the brown.

  “A limbal ring, and the version I have is pretty rare.”

  “It’s freaking gorgeous,” I tell him, meaning it sincerely. “I could stare at your eyes all day.” He smiles, one corner tipping up, giving him a boyish quality. “That sounded so creepy.” Then what he said hits me. “Why is my birthday your code?”

  He shrugs, informing me, “You gave it to Tristan last night for the report,” I nod, letting him know I recall doing that, “and I changed it after that.”

  “So, I guess that balanced out my stalkery sentence a minute ago, right?”

  Leaning toward me, he asks, “How about a kiss to seal it?” Then his mouth descends without waiting for an answer, which would’ve been a breathless agreement, and lips that look so hard brush mine in the gentlest of caresses. What might be a whimper escapes, apparently the only sign he needs to deepen it.

  Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pull him down, needing to feel him. He must feel the same because I find myself backed against the fridge, his hand fisting my hair, moving my head how he wants it.

  “More,” I beg when he pulls away, only to dive right back in.

  “Jump,” he commands, and I do so, my legs encircling his waist, his hands on mine as his hips pump so I feel him at the center of me, where I want him most. “Are you sure?” He wants to know, proving he’s a gentleman despite the animal I can see in his eyes, attempting to break free.

  And I want it to.


  I haven’t known this woman for twenty-four hours, yet I know she’s meant to be mine. Hell, I knew it within seconds of answering my phone. I’ve never been as thankful for a misdialed number as I was hers. It’s like fate was calling and my destiny was on the other end.

  Carrying her into my room, I place her on the bed I imagined being in her with last night and follow her down, her sigh as my weight settles on her going straight to my heart.

  “My woman,” I inform her, wanting her to fully understand what this means to me.

  She replies instantly with, “My man.”

  “Damn straight.” Then the time for talking is done and I pull her shirt, well, mine that she borrowed and looks a fuck of a lot better in, over her head. Not even trying to resist, like I could, my mouth lands on her nipple, both of them already pouting for my attention. I bathe it with my tongue, taking great pleasure in sucking it. She arches her back, pushing her breast even deeper. Switching to the other side, I repeat my actions, then skim her belly, working toward my goal. Leaning back, wanting to take in the beauty before me, my eyes snag on her little pink panties, unmistakably soaked with her need for me. “Is this for me, baby?” I ask, running my finger over the spot, pushing down so her lips take me, and the material, in.

  She nods, eyes gleaming with lust. “Say it,” I demand, shocked at how rough my voice sounds, at how I’m acting. I have never, nor have I ever wanted to, behaved this way. That lets me know it’s all her. She brings this out in me, and thank fuck she seems to like it.

  “It’s yours. I’m yours.” I trace the same path with my tongue, getting my first taste of her. It’s like the finest wine and the smoothest chocolate rolled into one, making me groan. Shoving her panties to the right, I dive in, any patience I was holding on to obliterated. She keens my name as I lick her, using my nose to press on her clit while I try to absorb every drop of her cream. Her walls are tight around me and that makes me want to pound my chest in satisfaction.

  Wanting her to know what I’m thinking while I still have brain cells left, I reluctantly pull my tongue out of her, but I don’t move, letting my breath glide over her pussy as I talk. “Aurora.”

  She looks at me, pink covering her chest and cheeks as she sees where I am, and I hope like hell she’s taking a mental image. The idea of her using this later to make herself come has me grinding into the mattress, forcing my dick to wait. “Dane,” she says, just as softly.

  “Maybe we should’ve done this before, but I want you to know I’m clean. It’s been a long damn time for me, sweetheart.” Aurora licks her lips, drawing my eyes to the sheen she leaves behind, but I force my gaze back to hers, needing to see her face while we share this.

  “Me too. And that doesn’t even compare to this, so I’m not sure it counts.” I chuckle at that confession, knowing exactly what she means and agreeing.

  “So, we’re both clean. Can I…?”

  “I’m on the pill, if you’re worried about pregnancy.” I can’t help but feel disappointed at that news, wanting nothing more than to see her belly swelling with my child, but we have time to make that dream a reality. And that’s what I tell her. “You want to knock me up?” She asks.

  “Yes. If not tonight, then soon, if you’re ready or we can wait.” She doesn’t say anything, but grabs my biceps, pulling me up.

  “I need you,” she whispers, her hand encircling my cock as she runs it up and down her slit. Taking the hint when she places me at the gate to paradise, I press forward, my breath stuttering at how good she feels.

  “There will never be anything between us,” I vow. “After having you bare, there is no fucking way I will take you with a condom.”

  “Good,” she replies, then puts her feet on my ass and levers herself up, pushing me so deep I bottom out.

  “I’m not gonna last,” I admit. “You feel too damn good. I’ll make it up to you in the second round.” Then I pull back and thrust forward, taking her hard. She’s matching me stroke for stroke, letting me know she’s completely with me, and I give her everything I have.

  Rolling so she’s straddling me, I palm her breasts as she’s riding me, gritting my teeth so I don’t come yet. I want to make this last, but I know that’s impossible. Her warmth is begging me to let go, to give her my seed.

  And I do, wishing it would take hold.

  Chapter Three


  July 1st…

  “You can’t be serious, sis,” Brant states as soon as I answer the phone. Dane and I both had to work today, though I am not to leave unless he, Tristan, or my brother pick me up. Tristan had to drag him away this morning when they dropped me off. He’s already called or texted a few times, just checking in, he said. I gotta admit though, it makes me feel cherished, not suffocated as some might think.

  “Why not?” I ask him. “Is there a rule book about how fast a relationship can move? Besides, dad proposed to mom within a week, didn’t you say?”

  “Yeah, and look how that turned out,” he mumbles, causing me to gasp in shock, and pain. I know I was young when they died, but even I could see how much they loved each other. Dad would pull her into his arms, then hum while they danced around the kitchen. Mom would giggle, her eyes never leaving his, her hand caressing his cheek. When we lost them, not seeing them do that anymore was so hard. Brant found a video he’d recorded of it and would play it over and over for me, sometimes it being the only thing that would help me fall asleep. “Shit, I’m sorry. You know I didn’t mean that.”

  “I know,” I tell him on a sniffle. Brant adored them and has so many more memories than I, due to our age difference. After he’d taken me in, I’d gotten up one night after a nightmare where I’d lost him too, only to find him staring at a picture of the four of us, tears on his cheeks. To this day, he still doesn’t know I saw that. And he never will.

  “It’s just…”

  “You worry about me.”

  “Of course. You’re my sister and I love you.” See, it’s sweet things like that, when I’m least expecting it, that make his protectiveness bearable.

  “And you raised me to trust my instincts, and they’re saying Dane is it for me. If I don’t take the chance to find out, and he is, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life.”

  He sighs, and I know I got him. Brant will do anything for me, and has. He gave up so much to keep me with him, refusing to let me go into the system. He said family stays together, that we were all each other had after our parents’ death. He’s never once made me feel l
ike I’m a burden.

  “I love you, big brother.”

  “He better treat you right, or I’ll kick his ass.”

  “You realize you just threatened a cop, don’t you?”

  “Yep,” he replies, not at all sorry for it. I laugh, and we chat a few more minutes before hanging up, my break over. I’m a nurse at a local hospital, and, unfortunately for those seeking help, we’re quite busy the rest of my shift. When I clock out, one of my co-workers stops me on my way to the entrance to wait for my ride.

  “Aurora.” I turn to see what Tammy needs, my mind wandering to whether I left something unfinished. “These came for you,” she says, holding out a bouquet of yellow roses. Unable to resist, I press my nose against them, inhaling the sweet scent. However, there’s another that shouldn’t be there, and my knees buckle, my eyes threatening to close. Tammy catches me, her quick reflexes the only thing stopping my fall. “I need a gurney,” she shouts, the sound of wheels on the tile immediately following.

  I feel arms encircle me, then I’m airborne, and this time, when my eyes shut, they stay that way.


  “You’re fidgeting,” Tristan says as I once more check my phone.

  “Something is wrong,” I inform him. “I can feel it.”

  “Her shift ends at what, five? It’s five-oh-three. She’s probably finishing with a patient.”

  I just stare at him and he sighs. “We’re only a few minutes away. You’ll see her soon.” Tapping my fingers on my thigh, I try to tell myself he’s right, that I’m overreacting because I hate not having her within eyesight. Try being the keyword.

  Tristan pulls up and, reminiscent of the day I rushed to her side but a few days ago, I hop out while the engine is still running. Rushing inside, I head to the front desk.


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