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The Hopeful Heart: (Accidental Connection #1) (Forever Safe Romance Book 8)

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by Haven Rose

  “Aurora Purdue. She should be off and waiting for me at the entrance, but she isn’t.” A woman in blue scrubs pops her head up and looks at me.

  “You are?”

  “Her fiancé,” I say without missing a beat.

  “Ahh, you must be Dane,” she replies, my heart rate increasing with the knowledge Aurora talked about me. “I’m Tammy. Follow me, please.”

  I knew it. “What happened?” I ask, my voice tense, hands balling into fists that grow tighter, my fingers turning white as she explains. “Where is she?” She takes me to a curtained area, then pushes it aside and I’m ready to drop to my knees in thanks when I see Aurora sitting up.

  “Dane!” She rasps my name and I’m next to her in two long strides, pulling her into my arms and vowing to never let her go again. “You’ll have to at some point,” she chides. “Neither of us are independently wealthy.”

  “I’ll make it happen, Rory, trust me on that.”

  “If anyone could…” Then she tells me about getting the yellow roses, twelve of them, and assuming they were from me. My heart clenches at that because I didn’t think to do so, but when I mention that, she says, “It’s fine. I don’t need presents or grand gestures to know how you feel. It’s the little things that matter most to me, like you making me breakfast the other morning, calling today to check on me, how you always have to be touching me in some way.” She blushes at that, but she’s right. I don’t even realize I’m doing it, but there has to be contact between us, even if it’s just my fingers in her hair. “But they smelled off as I got closer. I just figured out why too late.”

  “Was there a card?” I ask Tammy, since Aurora said she was the one who handed them over.

  Tammy points to a table in the corner and I see the bouquet, someone thankfully having the presence of mind to wrap them to contain the smell, and evidence, though the latter might not have been their motive. Moving closer, I notice the card, the writing visible.

  I’ll see you soon.

  What the hell? Returning to Aurora, she shrugs when I question her on who they could be from. She said she’s been single for years, and I believe her, but could she have an admirer she doesn’t know about? I also can’t rule out it being from the guy who carjacked her, but what was the likelihood of him knowing where she worked?

  “Do the employees need a sticker for their car?” I question her as Tammy makes her exit, giving us as much privacy as possible without a door. She shakes her head no, so there goes that theory. “Did you have your employee badge or anything like that on you last Friday?”

  “I was off and out running errands, so no. But I can’t be positive there wasn’t something in there that didn’t connect me to here.” She gets quiet, and I swear I can see her working it out before landing on the only logical reason for my questions. “You think it was him, don’t you?”

  “It’s a possibility,” I admit, not wanting to lie to her. There are things I won’t be able to tell her regarding other cases because of the nature of my job, but she deserves to know this. I know I can’t force her to take some vacation time and hole up in my place, though I’m tempted to try, but changes will be made. “You don’t smell, drink, or eat anything unless you or I prepare it.” That one might be a bit much as I’m sure the hospital cafeteria is safe, but it may be easier than I’d like to think for someone to mess with her meal or beverages. “From now on, you stay inside until one of the three of us come get you. If, for some reason, we can’t and I have to send another officer, they will know the code word, which you and I will come up with at home.”

  She opens her mouth and I’m fully expecting push back, so, when she simply says, “Okay,” it takes me longer than it should to process her easy acceptance.

  “Okay then.”

  “Dane, I know all your decrees are to keep me safe, not lock me in a tower.” A doctor walks in, Tammy following behind him, so I’m not able to respond to that, and they go over any possible side effects to watch out for, and let us know she might have a headache for a bit as the chloroform leaves her body.

  Hours later, we’re home, she’s telling Brant about the incident, as she refers to it, and is assuring then reassuring him she’s fine. However, once they’re done, she hands me the phone, saying he wants to talk to me.

  She heads to the kitchen to get a glass of water, or give him the chance to yell at me. Once Aurora turns the corner, I figure it’s as good a time as any to get this started. “Brant.”

  “Is she really all right?” He asks, surprising me with the lack of shouting.

  “Shaken up, but yeah, she is. Your sister is…”

  “Amazing. Wonderful. The most important person in my life.”

  “Yes,” I tell him, agreeing with all three, mentally changing the last to fit me.

  “Well then” he says, “I’m glad you see it my way.” I chuckle, knowing I ruined his plan.

  But, taking pity on him as I know he’s worried and is used to being the only male in her life, I fill him in on what we know, adding the extra precautions I informed her about.

  “I’m sure that went over well,” he mutters.

  “Actually, it did.”

  “Are you some kind of magician or hypnotist?” He wants to know, laughing for a bit before his tone turns serious. “Huh. So, this is what it’s like.” I don’t reply as that seems to have been strictly for his own benefit. Maybe one day he’ll tell me what he meant.

  Chapter Four


  July 2nd…

  I held Aurora all night, loving the feel of her body snuggled against mine. I’d given my dick a stern talking to before we’d laid down, letting it know it wasn’t the time to stick his nose, so to speak, in. He could wait his turn. This, this time was for our hearts to settle, and for mine to know she was safe.

  But, when she’d turned to me, her mouth kissing my chest, I couldn’t deny her. She had other plans though, her lips soon trailing lower, her soft hands sliding under my waistband and circling my hard cock, giving it a quick pump.

  “Baby,” I’d said, wanting her to know she didn’t have to, but the words were lost in my groan of pleasure as she licked the tip, then circled it with her tongue before taking me into her throat. “Fuck, Rory. That hot little mouth of yours feels so damn good,” I’d about shouted. She’d stared at me, her eyes never leaving mine as she’d taken me deeper, making me want to propose then and there. I’d barely refrained from it, though I knew I’d be asking her in the near future. It hadn’t taken her long at all to make me come, and I wasn’t a damn bit ashamed of that either. There was no way in hell I could have my woman’s mouth on me and not have my seed yearn to pour out of me.

  Then she’d crawled up my body, her juices coating me as she rubbed her slit up and down my dick, instantly making me ready for round two. I’d flipped her onto her knees, roughly pulled her ass into me, then slammed into her pussy, not wanting to wait another second to be inside her. I needed to fuck her more than I needed to breathe in that moment.

  She’d pushed into each thrust, silently asking for more, and I’d given it to her, the sounds of our skin slapping together filling the room. Grabbing her wrists behind her back, I’d worked myself into her without any mercy, bringing her to an ear-shattering climax, my own following immediately afterward.

  “Earth to Dane,” Tristan says, and I adjust myself discreetly under my desk. Note to self, thinking of Aurora causes my jeans to shrink. “Get your mind out of your bed and on the job, man. Then again, if I had a girl that looks at me like she does you…”

  “Hawkins. Miles. You’re up,” the desk sergeant, Booker, calls out as he replaces the phone in the cradle. “Uniform responding to a robbery says it fits your M.O.” There’s been a rash of them lately, enough details matching to lead us to believe they’re the work of the same perp.

  Removing my gun from the drawer where I keep it while in the station, I check it then slide it into my shoulder holster, knowing Tristan is doing the same ac
ross from me. Grabbing my cell and the keys, we stride toward the door, my partner snatching the latter from my hand. “You’ve got shotgun,” he informs me.

  “Ass. You can’t call it for me.”

  “And yet, I just did,” he reminds me smugly as he slides behind the wheel.

  We arrive at our destination fairly quickly, and the responding officer fills us in on what he knows. The homeowner, a Vernon Odom, came home from work early, not feeling well, and discovered his door ajar. He did the right thing by staying outside and calling us instead of entering the premises, and I tell him so.

  Drawing our weapons, though the perp is presumably long gone, Tristan and I search room by room, hollering “clear” as we go.

  “Sir,” I say as we rejoin him on the sidewalk, “CSU is on their way, but if you could come with us to see if anything is missing, we’d appreciate it.” The techs show up and begin the process of dusting for prints, taking pictures, etc. soon after and Tristan and I start talking to Mr. Odom’s neighbors. As expected, most are at work or school, so that’s a bust.

  Once we return to the station, we handle the paperwork and compare each case, yet again looking for a connection, any connection.

  The remainder of our day has us answering numerous calls, including a drunk driver, trespassing, and a potential fraud situation.

  By the time we clock out, I’m beat, but knowing I’m about to see Aurora makes the exhaustion fade. I wish she would’ve taken today off, at the least, but what she does is as important to her as what I do is to me. And I know, despite my desire to shield her, that I can’t. However, anything or anyone that tries to hurt her will have to face me first, and that’s where their attempt will end.

  Chapter Five


  July 5th…

  It’s been a long week, and while I love my job and don’t regret choosing this field, I’m glad I’m off the next two days.

  We’re having dinner tonight with my brother, and though I haven’t exactly been holed up in Dane’s when I’m not at work, I can admit that I’ve been reluctant to do more than stay here or be at the hospital. And I hate that someone has that power over me, but there is a very real possibility that I could’ve died that day…or worse. And yes, there is a worse.

  Dane had taken me to my place shortly after informing me I was staying with him, and had me pack everything I thought I’d need. I didn’t want to overdo it and spook him, but he’d gone through each room asking what I wanted to take. When I looked at him, surprised, he told me he wanted my things in his home, that we’d eventually move all of it, but this would have to do until then.

  Now, I get a kick out of seeing my clothes hanging in his closet, my toothbrush beside his on the bathroom counter, my shampoo on the shelf next to his in the shower. The best part is falling asleep in his arms and waking in them. I would’ve never taken him for a cuddler, but he says he can’t sleep without me against him.

  “You ready, Rory?” Dane asks from the doorway, whistling when he takes in my dark green capris and white top.

  “In a hurry to see Brant?” I tease him.

  “Hell no, but I know if we’re late, he’ll side-eye me the whole night, assuming I ravished you before we left.” I say nothing because he’s right. But…

  “And if I want you to? Or I initiate it instead?” I question him as I move closer, my fingertips skimming his thigh, gliding under the hem of his shirt and flicking a nipple.

  “Well, I did vow to make you happy,” he states.

  “Yes, you did. And having you inside me in the next thirty seconds would accomplish that.” I didn’t know clothes could be removed that quickly. Then again, mine are the only items to come off as he shoves his pants and boxer briefs down, lifts me and impales me on his hard cock with twenty to spare.

  “Fuck!” He shouts as my pussy wraps around him, spreading to accommodate his size. He works me up and down, and if my brain was capable of thinking right now, I’d be in awe of his ability to do so, the strength needed to not only hold up another person, but control their movements at the same time. My body though? It’s letting him know how I feel, coating him with my excitement which only seems to spur him on.

  It’s hard, fast, and exactly what I need as I shatter, his name on my lips, quickly followed by “I love you.” My back is suddenly on the mattress, Dane over me, his cock surprisingly hard once more, as he proceeds to make slow love to me, his eyes never leaving mine as he whispers of his own for me.

  Needless to say, we were a bit late, but not by as much as you’d think, Brant running behind for reasons I can’t help but wonder about. He is always either early or on time, so this is unusual.

  Dinner is fun, Brant having accepted Dane’s role in my life and, if I’m not mistaken, they’re actually becoming friends. A fact which pleases me immensely.

  We decide to order dessert, cheesecake for Brant, chocolate for Dane, and a piece of lemon for me. Before we leave, I excuse myself to use the restroom, only to be stopped by a waiter on my return trip to the table.

  “Miss,” a man says, as if waiting for me to exit the ladies’ room.

  “Yes?” I turn, assuming they’re talking to me as we’re the only two in the hall.

  “I was told to give these to you,” he says, holding out a bouquet, this one containing eight yellow roses. Having learned my lesson the first time, I don’t dare smell them, let alone touch them. “Miss?” He asks, when I don’t respond, not that I can. I’m too scared, my mind recalling what happened just a few days ago.

  Please, Dane. Please. Come looking for me. I had to have been gone longer than I should, which, as protective as he is, means he’s probably wondering where I am.

  “Ccc…” I pause, take a deep breath, and try again, “Could you follow me to my table with those?” He looks confused, and I don’t blame him. What woman doesn’t like getting flowers?

  “Sure,” he replies, shrugging. I don’t even take two steps and I sense Dane. It’s a feeling in the air whenever he’s close that my body recognizes. I hear Brant say my name before I see Dane, his booming voice hard to miss. Factor that with his size and people are intimidated upon sight, not realizing he’s a teddy bear for those he cares about. Dane isn’t as tall, but he has a commanding presence that makes him appear at least seven feet.

  “Aurora,” he starts, stopping mid-sentence when he sees me.

  Dane has no such issue though, but instead barrels in, pulls me behind him and faces off with the poor guy caught in the middle of it. “What the fuck are you doing?” I tap him, wanting to explain, and save the waiter a lot of fear, but it might be too late based upon his expression. “Hold on, baby. I need to call this in.”

  Knowing not to step in front of him, he’s in full warrior mode right now, I work on a plan to get his attention on me long enough to tell him the man is innocent. Pinching his side seems to do the trick because he looks at me over his shoulder, brow raised in question.

  Filling him in, the waiter mouthing a ‘thank you’ when I glance at him, Dane’s stance relaxes, though not by much, and he begins asking Eric, he informs us is his name, to describe the person who gave them to him.

  Brant pulls me to the side, wrapping me in a hug for a beat, before walking us back to our table. I can feel Dane’s eyes on me the whole time. I know he hates letting me out of his sight, but he knows my brother would do anything for me.

  Thankfully, no one has taken it, and, after he explains what’s going on, they graciously allow us to use it again. Feeling bad for taking up space, and because I think we could both use the boost, I ask for a couple coffees. I wish I could take Dane one, but he’s focused on his job at the moment, even more so as it involves me, and I don’t want to interrupt that.

  It isn’t long until I see Tristan walk through the doors and make a beeline for Brant and I. How the heck did he know where we were? I swear he didn’t even check the tables, just honed in on our location almost instantly.

  He asks if I’m okay
, and I appreciate that being his first question. I know he and Dane are close, and I’m happy he has such a good friend in Tristan. I assure him I am, then he shakes hands with Brant, the two of them having met the day I was carjacked, and proceeds to take my statement. I’m not much help as I don’t know anything aside from the bare minimum, but I know he’s following procedure.

  Dane joins us, picking me up and placing me on his lap, his arms wrapping tightly around me, then he begins talking to Tristan. “The techs are processing the flowers, but I’m not optimistic. They’re from a grocery store, the card is typed, and the description of the man who paid him might not even be our guy.”

  “What’d he look like?” I ask.

  “Average height and build, dark hair, appeared wet so he couldn’t be sure if it was dark brown or black, and brown eyes.” He tilts my head back so we’re face to face, drops a kiss on my lips, then wants to know, “Sound familiar?”

  “Honestly, I’ve probably passed by someone fitting that at least once a day,” I admit.

  “Think, Rory. Picture glancing in your rearview mirror and seeing him there,” Dane coaxes me, rubbing his nose along my cheek to soothe me as I shudder. “You aren’t there. You’re here with me. I’ve got you,” he whispers, beating back the panic that had begun to rise.

  Closing my eyes, I start at the beginning, at a happy place, and remember first hearing Dane’s voice, how sexy it sounded, then us flirting and him telling me I could call him again. With that memory easing the last of the tension in my body, I relax, soaking in Dane’s strength and warmth, and do what he needed me to. Yes, I’d describe what I could for the police report, but I know this is his way of helping me feel in control.

  “He had a plain blue baseball hat, he was clean shaven, and I couldn’t see more since the bill was pulled down low. There was dark hair curled around his ears. Oh!” I sit up and tap Dane’s arm excitedly, “I just remembered. He had a gold stud in the left and what might’ve been a tattoo on his neck underneath it.”


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