Book Read Free

Head Over Feels

Page 19

by Scott, S. L.

  “I like celebrations.”

  His lips part as if he’s going to say something, but not one to miss a golden opportunity (Thank God!) he squeezes my breast while kissing my mouth. Our hips start a seductive dance when a buzz amps up the interaction.

  Panting, I grab his shirt wanting that vibration a little closer to my—“My phone,” he says, ripping away the sensation.


  Rad readjusts himself . . . oh, his phone. “Fuck,” he says, tossing it on the carpeted floor. “Sorry.” Leaning back down, he starts kissing my chest while palming my boob. “Is this where we left off?”

  I start laughing, running my nails over his scalp. “I thought you were introducing electronics into the mix.”

  His eyes find mine in the darkened room, his hair wild from my tugs. “You’d want that?” He doesn’t sound upset about the possibility.

  Sinking back on the cushion, I rest my arms behind my head. “I think we both know I’m not opposed to battery-operated options.” His phone starts vibrating again, and we both look at the screen when it lights up. “Does Cammie normally call you?”

  He glances at the phone and reaches for it. “No. Should I answer it?”


  Rolling off, he lands with a thud in a push-up position and quickly answers, “Hello?” His eyes dart to me. “Yeah. I was showing her my . . .”

  When he stalls, I whisper, “Movie collection.”

  “I was showing her my movie collection.” He whacks his forehead and mouths, “What the fuck?”

  Their conversation goes on for what feels like forever. I whisper, “Hang up.” What are they doing, swapping fishing stories?

  Finally, he says, “Okay.” Rubbing his brow, he glances back at me. “I’ll tell her. Mm-hmm. Yeah, okay. Bye.”

  Sitting up, I ask, “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know. She’s looking for you, though.”

  Worried about what’s going on, I’m already reaching for my shoes. Not sure what has happened to upset Cammie, I quickly slip on my sneakers. Looking up at Rad, I say, “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” He tucks his phone in his pocket and smirks. “Sooooo?” He rocks back, still grinning.

  “So?” I stand, quickly attempting to flatten the wrinkles out of my skirt and failing.

  “You have a naughty side, Miss Bell.”

  Sliding the strap of my dress back onto my shoulder, I smirk as I walk past him and tap his chin. “If you only knew, Mr. Wellington.” My eyes are still adjusted to the darkness behind me, so I squint in the bright light flooding in through the bedroom windows.

  My hand is caught, and I turn back. Looking every bit of the fantasies I’ve had about him—hair a total sexy mess, lips plush and red from kissing, bedroom eyes that tempt me to stay—I suck in a staggered breath, wondering if I’ll ever get used to the fact that I get to kiss Rad Wellington. He never disappoints.

  He says, “I intend to find out.”

  I’m pulled into his arms once again and kissed like we might never have the chance again. Releasing me, he leaves me breathless. “And for the record, Miss Bell.” He glances back, rubbing his thumb along his bottom lip. “Kissing you is even better than I thought it would be.”

  When he walks away, I melt into a puddle of swoons.

  I bite my lip and watch as he slips into the hallway. I think I’m going to need a minute, so I catch my breath, holding my hand to my chest. My heartbeats demand every bit of my being until I steady myself, and my knees regain their strength. That man . . . He has me on the edge of combusting again, and this time, he only used his words.

  Taking another deep breath, I then wobble to the door, thinking about how much my life has changed in such a short time. I could never have predicted that moving in with a friend could turn into one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

  I’m not sure when my life decided to flip on its axis, but I’m glad it did.

  When I enter the great room, everyone is already there. “What’s going on?” I ask. I didn’t expect to make an entrance, so I move to the island, hoping to blend in. Marlow is rubbing Cammie’s back when Cade says, “We just lost our wedding venue.”

  My mouth falls open, but before I can say anything, Cammie’s crying and running into my arms. “The pipes,” she says, sniffling into my hair. “Burst. Flooded the ballroom.”

  Holding her in my arms, I stroke her hair. “Oh, no. What are they going to do?”

  She turns, throwing her arms up in the air. “There is no fixing it in time. The carpets are ruined, and the wood floors are bowed.” When she faces me, she adds, “Tealey, it’s a historical hotel. We searched for a year for that location.”

  I nod. I remember visiting at least fifty venues. She stepped into that ballroom, and that was that. I go to her again and hug her. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Months,” she says. “They said it will take months to fix.” Swiping tears with the back of her hand, she lowers her head. “It’s ruined. My wedding is ruined just like the carpet. The wedding is a month away. Twenty-seven days to be precise.”

  She angles on my shoulder to face Cade. One look exchanged between them, and they know; they understand everything that’s not being said. When she moves into his arms, he kisses the top of her head.

  Marlow, who has remained silent, crosses the room and grabs a bottle of champagne. “Anybody need a drink?”

  “I do,” we all say at once.

  Amanda is quick to her feet, pulling glasses from the shelves. As they start pouring drinks from champagne to wine and whiskey, I sit on the couch, leaning forward. Rad comes from the other side of the fireplace where he’d been standing and sits beside me. Resting back, he stretches his arm across the back of the couch behind me.

  My stomach twists in concern as my thoughts race through options that can fix this for my friend to make her day as special as she deserves. But I keep coming up blank. I take a moment to fall back, seeking comfort in my proximity to Rad.

  We can’t touch the way I’d like, hold hands to silently show we care. A deep-seated bitterness stretches inside my chest that I know I can’t share this news with Cammie because she’s panicking and doesn’t need me shifting any attention off her priorities. And I’m still confused about what to do with Marlow because I know she’ll feel my relationship with Rad would affect the outcome of her arrangement with him. I still haven’t gotten much in the form of details, but Rad’s shown me that I’m important to him, and he’s here how he can be.

  I slide my gaze to his, and all I hoped for is felt inside me—safety and that calming comfort I needed. A wave of peace rolls through me, and I say, “I know this is stressful for you, Cammie. You’ve put so much into the planning and dreaming of the day, but remember, it’s about the marriage, and I know Cade would marry you anywhere.”

  “We’re going to end up in city hall in front of the justice of the peace.”

  Cade moves to sit on a barstool and brings Cammie to stand between his legs. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he says, “But we’d be there together.”

  Marlow hands Cammie a glass of wine and Cade a lowball of whiskey. “Lots of famous people have gotten married in a city hall. Like Marilyn Monroe to Joe DiMaggio. Matt Damon and Keira Knightly. Not to each other, of course. Carrie Bradshaw and Big. Or was that at the library?” Rolling her eyes, Marlow laughs. “I don’t know about that one, but getting married at city hall is so romantic and freeing. You show up and confess your love only for each other.” She sighs sweetly.

  She rarely shows it, but it’s nice to see Marlow’s soft side. Is she actually a romantic at heart?

  “I can’t look on the bright side right now.” Tears free themselves from her lower lids, following in their predecessors’ tracks. “Everything is falling apart.”

  My heart hurts for her. “I will help however you need, Cam. We can find an even better location. I promise you.”

  She looks up, her face already blotching.
“I can’t put more on your plate, Teals. You still need to find an apartment.”

  “It’s ok—”

  “There’s no rush for Tealey to move,” Rad says. “She can help you. We all can.”

  His mom finishes taking a drink and sets her glass on the counter. “I know it’s not how you imagined your day to be, but you’re always welcome to have the wedding here. I’ve hosted many events on the lawn. The weather will be beautiful next month.” Holding her hands up, she smiles. “No pressure from me, but please know that I’m happy to host your big day if you want.”

  Cammie’s stifled sniffle has Cade holding her again. Collecting herself, she walks into the kitchen. “Thank you. That’s so generous.” Amanda and Cammie embrace. “We’ll definitely consider it.”

  Marlow says, “Wherever it is, we promise to make it the most beautiful wedding ever.” She hands me a glass of wine and Rad his usual bourbon.

  When Marlow sits on the other side of Rad, Jackson shoots her a look from the other side of the coffee table. “The service around here is lacking.”

  She raises her chin into the air. “I’m not your server tonight.”

  “I’d leave a big . . .tip, sweetheart.”

  The glass stills in my hand, the edge pressed to my lips. Uh-oh.

  Her gaze slices the air as she levels him with a look. She says, “If that’s your version of flirting, Jackson St. James, then you have a lot to learn about women.” They’ve always been hot and cold. This weekend, they’re pure ice.

  “Flirting?” He scoffs. “You wish.” Knowing we all just witnessed him lose this round, he goes and grabs a beer from the fridge.

  With that sideshow moving to the next town, I say, “I think we should take a breath and reconvene to discuss the options we come up with later. Does that sound like a plan?”

  Marlow’s already opening the back door. “I’m getting fresh air.”

  Amanda’s right behind, tucking her hair behind her ears. “Fresh air is a great idea.”

  Cade angles to kiss Cammie’s cheek. “Why don’t we lie down and try to take a nap? Emotions are high, but once rested, we can come up with an even better plan.”

  She nods. Glancing at me, she says, “Thank you,” before taking his hand and going upstairs.

  Jackson is lost in his thoughts, the argument with Marlow seeming to affect him. That’s unusual. He’s such a happy-go-lucky kind of guy, so I’m surprised he’d think twice about it. Taking another long pull from the bottle, he then lowers it and says, “I’m going to catch up on some work in my room.”

  “Okay, man,” Rad says. When we’re alone, he scoots a little closer. “Let’s go for a ride. Just you and me.” There’s a renewed happiness reflected in his eyes. It’s hard to look away from him when he exposes an emotion he usually hides.

  “Where do we go?” From here?

  His arm tightens around me. To everyone else, we only look like friends, but for us, it’s a connection that’s deeper than appearances. I cherish these small moments together that feel stolen from an ordinary day. “We can go into town to do some shopping.”

  “That sounds fun. I just need to get my purse from upstairs.” We walk into the foyer, and I take a few steps. With my hand on the banister, I shift onto one foot, feeling a little nervous. “I want you to know I don’t regret anything.”

  He smiles, and it’s so genuine that my heart squeezes. “Me neither. No regrets whatsoever.”

  I smile and start running up the stairs.

  “Hey, Bell?”

  Just before I reach the landing, I turn back, already grinning. “Yeah?”

  “You broke your promise and ravaged me.”

  Laughing, I say, “I think you set me up to fail.”

  “How so?”

  “You know how irresistible you are, and you used it against me.”

  “What’s the point in owning the tools if you don’t use them?” He starts chuckling, and says, “Can’t blame me for using all my best assets.” I smile coyly.

  “Don’t worry, Welly. I might have a few assets of my own. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  His tongue slides across his lower lip as he takes me in from head to toe and back again. “I just bet you do.”

  “Revenge is going to be so sweet that I can already taste it.” With a wink, I take the last step nice and slow, giving one of my best assets a little wiggle so he can see exactly what I have to offer.

  “You’re killing me, Bell.”

  “I haven’t even gotten started.”



  I thought we’d at least reach the town of East Hampton.

  I thought wrong.

  In a restaurant parking lot five minutes from the shops, we’re in the back seat of my mom’s Mercedes SUV. It’s not as roomy as I thought it would be back here. But Tealey and I are managing the best we can. I’ll take cramped spaces with her than extra legroom without.

  Maneuvering to the floorboard, I lean over her while she lies on the leather seat. I kiss each of her inner thighs, her moan music to my ears, encouraging me to do even more. That and her saying, “More, Rad.”

  She’s lifting her ass off the seat, seeking her own pleasure. Her hands are frenzied through my hair when I duck out from under the dress to study her face. She has me hard, her arousal speaking straight to my groin, so I’m pressing against the edge of the seat to no avail.

  “Move down, baby,” escapes my lips with a rush of breath yanked from my chest. Keeping my eyes on her face, I dip my hand under her dress and don’t waste time dancing around where we both want me to be. She’s too close not to take her to the edge.

  One finger, then two. I swipe through the slickness and start fucking her, wishing it was my dick instead.

  “I want you,” she says, pushing the back of her head into the seat. With one hand, her nails scrape across my back, and her other twists the seat belt around it. “You feel so good.”

  She rocks against my hand, our bodies moving as much as they can in the confined space—hands and arms, legs, and heated breath. Everything becomes one as we both teeter toward the cliff.

  Nails dig into my skin as I watch her start to fall apart under my ministrations. As she tugs my hair, I revel in her possessiveness, letting her take what she needs from me. When her mouth opens and her eyes roll back in her head, I continue to thrust my fingers while her body trembles around me. My name rolls from her tongue in a plea to fall with her.

  I’m so hard, so ready to come, I’m not far behind.

  Just as she finds peace in the aftermath, I don’t hold back. She sinks against the seat, her body soft, as I build momentum. Grinding against her leg, I kiss her neck. I brace my hands to the side and keep seeking my own release. I might be raw when my orgasm hits, but it feels so fucking fantastic to come, the tension ripping through every part of me. “Tealey, fuck.”

  My upper body sinks into Tealey’s arms, covering as much of her as I can. Doesn’t matter that my legs are cramped to the side and twisted on the floorboard, I close my eyes and savor the feeling of what we just shared.

  When her breathing shallows, I push up, balancing vicariously above her. “Shit. Sorry.” I move her hair back from her face. “Are you okay?”

  “I’ll survive,” she says with a smile. “Anyway, I like to feel the weight of you on me. There’s something so . . .” She looks away. “I don’t know what I’m trying to say.” A giggle escapes, and she kisses me as if that distraction technique will work.

  I regain my strength and try my best to hold her by shifting underneath her. She molds herself to my body, the scent of the beach in her hair, and her breath warming my neck.

  “I want to be with you, Tealey,” I say, already knowing that I’ve never felt this connected to another woman before. It’s as though, in such a short space of time, that she’s become my best friend. The one I want to share all things with. Be home early for. Be up to have coffee with. Want desperately in my every day . . . everything

  I think I underestimated my crush. Kissing her temple, I close my eyes and pull myself back together.

  She moves to rest her chin on my chest, and whispers, “We are together.”

  “More than now. I want to date you. Take you out or stay in. Whatever we decide to do, I want to do it with you.”

  I run my fingers through her hair, admiring not only the beauty before me but also the person she is on the inside. Can I be the man she deserves?

  My forehead is kissed, and I close my eyes, savoring the feel of her lips. The feel of her nose rubbing against the side of mine has me opening my eyes. “I want that, too.”

  Guilt sinks in. “I wanted to romance you, give you flowers, hell, at the bare minimum, a bed.” She grins.

  “I don’t need any of those. I just want you.”

  A bang on the glass has me jumping and gathering Tealey in my arms. I turn over my shoulder to see a thick, gray mustache under dark eyes and bushy eyebrows. The window is fogged, but his words cut through the glass. “The restaurant is opening soon. You need to leave the premises.”

  Tealey scrambles off my lap. Hoping to get the security guard to move along, I say, “Thanks. Will do.”

  I can’t reach my shoes, so I wait for Tealey to do what she needs to first. Pulling her skirt down, she asks, “Why did we think this was a good place to . . . Heavy pet?”

  I start chuckling. “Heavy pet?”

  “Make out? Get off? Whatever you want to call it.”

  Reaching over her, I pop the glove box but don’t see any wipes. Checking the console, I find a Valentine’s Day pack of tissues. Seems fitting and will have to do. We both do a quick cleanup. We’re both fully dressed so it only takes a moment to collect ourselves and fix our appearance. I can’t care that I’m a sticky mess, not when I’m a mess because of Tealey.

  I steal a glance at her, my heart attaching in new ways—protective, selfish . . . A four-letter word that starts with L comes to mind.


  I can handle that. She turns back and whacks me on the chest. “Get a move on before I die of embarrassment.”


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