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Blood & Magic

Page 12

by Catherine Wolffe

  Finally, J.T. did reach out, taking her hand. His world tilted on its axis before righting with the touch of her fingers laced between his. So much made sense finally. Questions he had agonized over dissolved in that moment. How could he have been so stupid? It had been the Sultan all along.

  Logan examined the two of them sitting there. His disapproval, clearly stamped on his face, irritated J.T. While the others sat without saying anything, Logan looked as though he was ready to convict her. “You want our help in saving your parents? Why?”

  “I can’t do it. I can’t save my parents or any of them. I’ve tried.” Jessie’s indrawn breath was shaky. “Now, the Sultan has threatened to kill them if I don’t do as he commands.” Wiping her nose, she sniffed.

  “What does the Sultan want you to do?”

  Jessie stiffened, her eyes darting down, at J.T. and about the room like a frightened bird.

  Beside her, J.T. squeezed her fingers. “Let’s take a step back, fellas. She’s not the enemy.” Turning to Jessie, he inclined his head. “Jessie, these are my friends from SEAL Team Six, Logan and Duke. And you’ve met Aubrie and Katie. I apologize for the guys’ rude behavior. Don’t be afraid. Just tell them what the Sultan wants you to do. All right?”

  Jessie nodded. Her bottom lip wanted to tremble.

  J.T. squeezed her hand. “It’s fine. You’re safe and among friends.”

  She straightened her back before meeting Logan’s stare. “Okay, but you probably won’t believe me.” Glancing hesitantly at J.T. she sighed. “It’s not something you think you’ll ever hear from someone like me.” Her heart thudded in her chest.

  Aubrie eased over, handing her a tissue from the box on the end table. “J.T.’s right. You’re among friends. Go ahead.”

  “He wants me to…” She glanced at the group. Moisture pooled in her eyes, forcing her to blink the tears away. Soon, they ran unheeded down her reddened cheeks. “Time is running out.” She sniffed and swiped at her nose. “I can’t pay the ransom and…I need your help to save them. Time is running out,” She finished as she dropped her head.

  J.T. watched as she shredded the tissue in her hands. All eyes were on Jessie.

  Logan’s mouth set in a tight line. “This is a matter for the police. Why haven’t you contacted them?”

  She sniffed before wiping her nose with her fingers. “Because they won’t believe me. It’s complicated. You are the only ones I can turn to.” As she lifted her head, her gaze landed on each one of them before skittering away. “You’re my last hope.”

  Duke leaned in. “Tell us why the police can’t help? Kidnapping is a federal crime. The FBI needs to know.”

  She shook her head, sending the dark curls swaying about her face. “Not when the police don’t believe in what has happened. The Sultan kidnaped my parents.” She fisted her hands in her lap. “You know him. You know what he is. All the police can do is accuse me of their disappearance.” She cut teary eyes at J.T. “Even he didn’t believe me years ago. Isn’t that the truth, J.T.?”

  J.T. mouth went dry. Things began to take shape in his mind’s eye. Her parents had contacted Jessie, asking her to come home from the ballet in New York. They told her they had something to share. She was needed home at once. He recalled her explanation when he interrogated her two years ago. They had given her an amulet – a family heirloom. “Yes, that’s the truth. I didn’t see the connection. It’s the amulet. Isn’t it, Jessie?”

  Rather than answer J.T., she wiped her nose again.

  “Suppose we believe you. What can you tell us about the Sultan? What is the ransom?”

  Jessie fidgeted with the tissue now nothing more than tiny white paper bits in her lap. The shrug came automatically. “He wants my amulet.”

  J.T could see how hard it was for her to reveal the details. Did the amulet have something to do with her abilities to disappear? That was a question he wanted to ask her when they were alone. He turned her to face him. “Why does he want the amulet?”

  Her lip trembled. The shrug was involuntary. “It’s just an heirloom. But the stones are worth a substantial amount. I checked.”

  “That’s it?” Duke piped up. Shaking his head, he eyeballed her skeptically. “Let me get this straight. Are you saying he wants the necklace for the stones? They’re valuable?” Doubt dripped from his questions.

  Logan shook his head. “That doesn’t make sense. The Sultan is a con-artist with skills beyond anything we’ve seen. He can conjure anything he wants. He can control people’s minds. How do we know he hasn’t controlled yours?”

  The tears filled her eyes again. “I’m not lying.”

  Duke dropped back in the chair. “Yeah, but what are you leaving out? That’s the question.”

  J.T. held up a hand. “Wait a minute.” Turning to Jessie, he tried to sooth. “I know this is hard. We all want to trust you, Jessie. We have no love for this madman either. The lot of us has lived through some tough times because of the Sultan. He’s tried over and over again to destroy every person in this room. Don’t get me wrong. You’ve come to the right place for help, but…we need you to be completely honest. Don’t hold back, okay?”

  Jessie chewed her bottom lip. Glancing from him to the others, she sucked in some air before sighing big and long. Her shaky voice was little more than a whisper. “The amulet has special powers.”

  “Like what?” Logan enquired.

  “The ability to transfer time – to travel faster than light.”

  “Are you saying your amulet gives the wearer the ability to time travel?” Logan’s words held astonishment.

  Jessie nodded. “Then there’s the shifting.”

  “The shifting? Merlin’s beard.” Logan stood, pacing away from the group.

  “Come on, man. She's telling the truth. Give her a chance.” J.T. strained not to jump to her defense physically. These guys were making the whole thing look weird. Maybe it was the life of a vampire, but he found talents like the ones Jessie mentioned to be more normal than not. Logan was acting like an ass.

  “Sit down.” Those two words coming from Aubrie had Logan turning back. “J.T.’s right. She’s telling the truth.” Aubrie’s hand rested in Jessie’s. “She can shift and has been to the Netherworld.” Gazing at J.T., she kept going. “Did you notice something odd about Rocco? You mentioned something about small hands.”

  Unable to stop the look of shock on his face, J.T. nodded. “That was you, Jessie?”

  “Yes. I managed to infiltrate the camp as the Haitian. They needed a leader.” She glanced at the faces surrounding her. “I couldn’t just give up.” She stalled out again. “The Sultan threatened to kill my parents! Like I told you, we haven’t had much luck uncovering the locations of the other camps. My parents are in one of them. I can feel it here.” She lifted the amulet from under her shirt. The glow from the stone shown bright in the room. “The closer I get to them, the brighter it becomes. But I can never find the camp. In the mansion, the amulet goes crazy.”

  “Maybe it’s underground.” Katie sat on the arm of the sofa. “He could have them locked away like he did Aubrie. Remember how you told us about finding her in an underground training facility, Logan?”

  Logan nodded. “It’s possible. That location was blown to bits though. It would have to be another cavern.”

  “If the Sultan can create a mansion which by all accounts is genuine, then what’s stopping him from producing another underground training facility, maybe underneath the mansion?”

  “That’s true. The Sultan’s power is growing. He’s fueling his endeavors with souls, I’m afraid.” Logan’s expression held distress.

  “We need to get in touch with Pilot. What if we send Jessie as Rocco to meet with the Sultan?” Duke got up and went to the strategy board set up in the corner of the room. “Rocco could request a meeting with the Sultan. While she’s there as Rocco, Jessie can locate Pilot.”

  Jessie sniffed. “Who’s Pilot?”

  Aubrie rested a h
and on hers. “He’s a shadow walker and my friend. He’s infiltrated the Sultan’s ranks and gone undercover. If anyone knows where your parents are, he does.”

  Logan stood. “We’re getting a little ahead of ourselves. Let’s break for tonight. Come back tomorrow evening with plans for training. Okay?”

  Though sudden, J.T. had to admit. Logan’s suggestion provided him the outlet he needed. “I’ll take Jessie with me. She can bunk at my place.”

  “All right.” Logan arched a brow in question at the woman sitting on the couch. “Is that what you want to do, Jessie?”

  Jessie shrugged as her courage waned in the face of so many commanders. “I guess so. I must return to camp tomorrow though. Rocco must be up with the sun. That’s why I came tonight.”

  Aubrie rose and reached out for Jessie’s hand. “Come on. I’ll fix you an overnight bag. Couldn’t have carried yours in Rocco’s skin. Am I right?”

  Lifting her eyes to Aubrie, Jessie smiled for the first time. “Yes.”

  “Aubrie?” J.T. spoke softly.

  “Yes, J.T.?” Her voice held consideration.

  “Thank you.”

  The smile began slowly. “You’re welcome.” She offered him her best smile then.

  J.T. accepted the kindheartedness in her words.

  Jessie rose, laying her hand in Aubrie’s. Katie tagged along in route to the bedroom with immediate suggestions for what to pack.

  J.T. stood. The desire to remove Jessie from the questions he saw in Logan and Duke’s faces warred with the need for their help. They were dealing with a monster. “I’m going back with her,” he announced. “She needs someone with training who can maneuver in this mess. She needs me.”

  Logan’s brow arched. “Well, you’ve turned into a chivalrous sort rather abruptly.”

  J.T. shrugged. “It’s the smart thing to do.” Narrowing his eyes at Logan, he added, “Besides, I can work on locating the other two camps while I’m there. The last recon wasn’t long enough for much intel. Kill two birds and all that.”

  Duke cut a grin in Logan’s direction. “He has a point, Logan. I don’t think maneuvers are going to do this vampire much good anyway. It will be good to have someone over there – we still need intel.”

  Logan’s mouth firmed. The wheels were turning as he mulled over the idea. “Okay, but there are conditions.”

  “Yeah, there always are,” J.T. tossed back.

  “Check in morning and night – eleven o’clock sharp. Don’t screw around with this, J.T. We need your ass in one piece. Understand?”

  “Copy.” J.T. mimicked a mock salute and turned for the door. He’d had about enough for one night. “Tell Jessie I’m waiting for her outside.”


  Duke whistled low under his breath. “You handled that like a pro, lieutenant.”

  Logan grunted. “As if you could manage better.” Unable to stand still, he started for the kitchen. “I don’t recall you coming up with any plans for this mission. No, wait, there was the ‘set up a meeting with the Sultan’.” With his hands in the air, Logan made quotation marks just to stir the pot.

  “All right, lieutenant, we’ll do it your way. War games tomorrow at eighteen hundred hours.” Following J.T.’s example, he headed for the door. “See you then.” The door shut smartly behind him.

  Logan had to admit the tension was palpable between them. Rubbing at the pressure in the base of his neck, he tuned in to the women in the bedroom getting acquainted.

  Chapter 9

  “You and J.T. had a thing a few years back?” Katie’s voice held friendly curiosity.

  “Not really. J.T. was following me. I was a suspect in a robbery he was working. Now that I think of it, the Sultan is probably the one who framed me for the things he stole.” Huffing out a breath, she shook her head. “I don’t think you could say we had time enough to become a thing.” Her laugh was shaky as her gaze flitted from one woman to the other.

  Aubrie smiled from the bed where she finished zipping up the overnight bag. “All packed. I put a toothbrush and some shampoo samples in there so you won’t have to rely on J.T. for things he probably doesn’t own anymore.”

  Jessie’s eyes narrowed. “Anymore?” She shook her head. “I don’t follow.”

  “Well, you know bachelors. They just get by with the bare essentials. I think that’s what Aubrie meant.” Katie shrugged. Her giggle rang with nerves.

  Appearing in the nick of time, Logan winked, offering a hand. “Here, let me take that for you, Jessie. J.T. is waiting for you outside.”

  Glancing at Aubrie with the question fresh on her lips, Katie did her best to keep her friend quiet. “She doesn’t know,” she whispered when Logan scooted Jessie onto the front porch.

  Aubrie’s eyes grew wide. “Oh, dear. I may have raised a red flag. I’m such a naive seer.” She leaned in, whispering in Katie’s ear. “I thought she knew about him being, you know - a vampire.”

  “No, she doesn’t, so button it, sister.” With her index finger, Katie tapped her chest. “This girl has got a hunch J.T.’s falling hard for her all over again.” A wicked grin crept across her face. “I love a happy ever after.”

  “Aren’t you getting the horse before the cart? Marriage to a vampire is an impossibility.” Aubrie’s brows arched for emphasis.

  “Well, I know what I see. J.T. loves her, even if it has been two years since he last saw her. Circumstances don’t matter. Love wins in the end.”

  Aubrie shook her head. “Katie, are you forgetting he’s a…a vampire? She would be devastated to find out they would never grow old together. It’s best if she steers clear. That’s my opinion.”

  Katie rolled her eyes. “Miss Practical, aren’t you? Love overcomes all. True love will prevail.” She wagged a finger in the air after the proclamation. “I have a good feeling about this, mark my words.”

  Having learned a long time ago to step lightly around Katie’s proclamations, Aubrie went to find Logan.


  “What do you think?” Aubrie didn’t mince words. She wanted to know the truth.

  “Before I tell you I want to investigate Jessie’s story thoroughly, let me say, I sincerely hope she’s telling the truth.” Logan stood with his hands shoved in his pockets as the last of the headlights disappeared down the road.

  “I’m not sure I understand.” Aubrie pursed her lips in consideration. “You want to believe her? Is that it?”

  “Yes, she would be good for J.T. Her talents aside, she would be a perfect mate for him.”

  Aubrie stopped what she was doing and simply stared. “I can’t believe I heard you say that.”

  Logan laughed. “I know what you’re thinking. How can a vampire and a human have a relationship? Well, Sugar, the same way a warlock and a seer can have a relationship.”

  She blinked.

  “J.T. is struggling with some of the same shit I dealt with over there. He doesn’t regret becoming a vampire, and yet, her appearance means he starts to examine his life. And you know what he finds?”

  Aubrie shook her head. “He finds himself lacking a life.” He thrust a finger toward the door. “If Jessie can restore even a little piece of his self-worth by simply being part of his world, then I think it’s worth it for them to pick up where they left off.”

  In silence, Aubrie considered the possibility Jessie could turn J.T. life around, even if he were a vampire. Then the dawning came. If their being together was good for them, the situation would be wonderful for the team. A quick smile crept across her features. “You have a point, lieutenant.”


  J.T. didn’t say much during the trip to his place. Jessie wondered what he was thinking. Her showing up after so long a time had to put his shorts in a twist. Thinking back to their short time together, she wondered if he ever thought of her.

  “This is it. Leighton Investigations.”

  Jessie glanced up at the sign. The neat, professionalism of the letters rang true for her. Spit
and polish – that was J.T. way. “How long have you been here?”

  “Less than a year.” He dug into his pocket. Producing a key, J.T. opened the door. “After you.”

  Slipping past him, she came up short when she met total darkness. “Where’s the light?”

  “Here.” J.T. flicked a switch. The room’s light shined with a soft glow. “What do you think?” he asked as he strolled past her into the room.

  Jessie surveyed her surroundings. “Nice.” Noting the stack of files on his desk, she turned to him. “You have a busy schedule?”

  “Enough to keep me entertained.” His eyes raked across her form.

  Wishing for more to say, Jessie pretended interest in the setup. A heavy wooden desk anchored the room with a small waiting area off to the side. The drapes, drawn against the sun smelled of stale air. Books filled a wall of bookshelves.

  Wandering over, she examined a few of the titles. War and Peace, To Kill a Mockingbird, Gone with the Wind, How to Be Your Own Plummer. Nothing surprising here, she mused. The man was well-informed and entertained. But she remembered him as so much more. Wondering if he still had his horses, she investigated the pictures hanging on the walls. Certificates clarifying his credentials organized in a neat collection combined with pictures of his horses. No clients? That wouldn’t be ethical, she decided. Missing was any photo of a woman. Did J.T. have a girlfriend? She genuinely hoped so.

  Waiting on her would have been a mistake. Her life was such a mess. What man would want her? She glanced past the pictures into the adjoining room. A small kitchen fit nicely into the space. Sparse, but efficient. Just like the man standing at the kitchen counter opening a bottle of wine.

  “You still like cabernet?” He cut his gray eyes in her direction.


  J.T.’s wickedly sexy grin appeared without effort.

  She had to admit, half the reason she’d fallen for him was his devastating smile. The other half was walking toward her. Those long, muscled legs showcased in skin-tight pencil-leg jeans didn’t stop until they connected with the finest ass Jessie had ever seen on a man. His body, still rock-hard and honed to perfection, reminded her of a warrior. He could make a woman wet with a mere smile.


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