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Blood & Magic

Page 13

by Catherine Wolffe

  Presenting her with the wine, he took her elbow and led her to a couch she’d missed tucked in the corner of the office. “Let’s sit down.”

  Noting his conservation of words, she hesitated. Jessie was tired. The last thing she wanted was another interrogation.

  “Do you want me to sleep here?” Hoping he caught her drift, she splayed her hand across the leather.

  “No, I’ll sleep here. You can have my bed upstairs. It’s more comfortable than this old thing.” His brow arched before the grin returned. “Right now, I want you to tell me what you’ve been doing for the past two years?”

  Jessie eased down, settling on the edge of the cushion. “I’ve been busy.” Smoothing her leggings, she tried for nonchalant. A coolness swept over her as she smiled back at him. His dark eyes fixed on her. She imagined the wheels were turning. Or, did he treat all visitors with quiet regard? “I put my career on hold. The search for my parents has taken up most of my time.” She smiled, pretty sure the smile never reached her eyes.

  J.T.’s mouth firmed into a thin line. Even his movements held careful examination before he said another word. “Why haven’t you tried to reach me?”

  She blinked. Tiny beads of perspiration popped out across her upper lip. Cursing her reaction to nerves, she swallowed. Can’t let the investigator see her squirm. “I’ve been in the Netherworld.”

  “All this time?”

  “Yes.” Glancing down at her hands, she sighed. Irritation rippled up her backbone. Her fingers tingled before going numb. Another reaction she hated. She didn’t agree to spend the night at J.T.’s so he could grill her about the past. Then, the idea he had made her the bad guy in his little probe pissed her off even more. “You act as though this is all my fault. All right, let’s just say that I clued you in back then. Would you have believed me a couple of years ago if I’d come crying to you about my parents’ disappearance and the Netherworld?”

  J.T.’s eyes dropped to the glass in his hand. Leaning back, he hedged his response with an examination of his cuff. Flicking lint seemed more important than answering her.

  Her control snapped. “You’ve got a lot of nerve to sit there and question me about something I had no control over.” The pain of that declaration stung. So many bad memories of that morning in his barn. Turning, she crossed her arms before walking toward the covered window.

  His next move left her blinking. How had he managed to appear behind her so quickly? Jessie didn’t even hear him stand up. The silent movement rattled her. Turning, she considered those gorgeous eyes filled with warmth. How could he have known what she was thinking? “I’m sorry.”

  Shaking his head, J.T. reached out, taking her chilled arms in his hands. Pulling her close, he held her. “I wish I had known. You didn’t deserve facing that monster alone.”

  She huffed out a breath. The collar of J.T.’s shirt smelled of soap and cologne, a man’s man, she mused. “I had to grow up fast.”

  Easing back, he lifted her chin. The slate and soot of his grey eyes glowed in the dim light. He watched her for a moment. “You’ve got me now.”

  The smile trembled over her lips. Hadn’t she wished for that so many times over the past two years? Unsure of how to respond, she murmured a hesitant, “Thanks.” The space between them vanished as he pulled her into his arms.

  J.T. groaned. His eyes sought hers for a moment before his mouth settled over hers. The demand of his kiss surprised her. His low growl of approval vibrated through her.

  The kiss held an unexpected measure of violence. Unsure if J.T. had affected her so before, Jessie revealed in the recklessness of the connection. No, the J.T. she remembered was a smooth operator. Now, his touch elicited danger.

  Despite the new sensation, the years melted away as he slanted his mouth over hers. Baring the skin of Jessie’s shoulder, he scattered hot, wet kisses along her collarbone. Jessie went damp with the contact. Her knees wanted to give way. Her hands roamed his back, rediscovering the vital, male body strung taught with power. She found her hands busily unbuckling his belt.

  He nipped her lip. She found the move every bit as raw and unapologetic as it was seductive. The forceful demand of his mouth stole her last reason to resist. The need welled up inside her burning through her resolve like a flash fire. No longer caring whether he had changed or not, Jessie dove into the pleasure he offered. She kissed him with all the pent-up stress of the past weeks.

  His hands were under her shirt, unclasping her bra and cupping her breasts in an urgent struggle for possession. Candles lit around the room in a bright shower of light. Unsure of how Jessie found herself standing before him naked in the candlelight. J.T.’s eyes traced the slim curves of her body as only a man could. With quick indifference, he wasted no time in pulling her down to the sofa. Unsure of his next move, she arched toward him as his fingers traced a path from her neck to her core. Every cell in her body erupted with need. His long fingers splayed over her stomach igniting tiny fingers of warmth as she responded to his touch.

  “Jessie…it’s been so long.” The vibration in his words spoke of longing.

  Her heart leaped in her chest. “It’s been so long,” she repeated.

  “Too long. A day hasn’t gone by that I haven’t thought of you. Wondered where you were. Prayed to the gods, I would find you.”

  His declaration released the last of her fear. Here he was, her J.T. All the lonely nights she spent longing for him dissolved with his words. She pulled him closer.

  His hand lightly cupped her between her thighs. “Jessie, girl.”

  She gasped as he plied her with urgent kisses. The fire burning inside her was close to consuming her. “Make love to me, J.T. I want you.”

  “I want you too. I want to bury myself inside you as deeply as I can and not come out until I’ve gotten my fill.” His eyes darkened to black. The growl from low in his throat was on the verge of guttural.

  She clenched over his fingers the moment he slid them inside her. Slick and hungry for him, she arched as he plunged again and again. Her climax came swiftly. Blinded for a minute by the release, she held on greedily savoring the moment for as long as possible before opening her eyes to find him staring at her.

  J.T. swooped in cradling her gently before flipping Jessie to straddle his body. Unsure as to how he’d managed to disrobe without her realizing, he lay beneath her now as naked as she. Blinking she watched him smile up at her. The corners of his eyes crinkling with the effort. “My turn,” he whispered.

  Unable to resist, Jessie settled over his erection, lowering her mouth over him. He inhaled sharply as his body went rigid. A moment passed as she tasted him. “Um,” she moaned, enjoying the way the tremor of sound made him respond. His shaft jerked. J.T.’s eyes glazed as he stared up at her. His hands, not quite steady, slid into her hair, fisting in reflex. “Damn.”

  Satisfaction surged through her. Jessie stroked his cock. Pleased with his response, she ran her tongue over him until he groaned again.

  His quick moves had her beneath him once more, those sensuous fingers delving inside her. The gentle massage sent currents of desire through her. His tongue scorched a path along her ribs to her stomach.

  “Such perfection,” he whispered.

  His fingers burned into her tingling skin.

  “You are mine,” he murmured. “Sweet, beautiful, Jessie.”

  He lowered his body fitting perfectly between her thighs. His erection, rubbing the tender flesh at her core, drew a cry of need from her. “Now,” she moaned. She welcomed him with all she had to give as she arched to meet him. Jessie dug her nails into his shoulders, rocking hungrily up to meet his next thrust. Filling her, J.T. sank deeper and deeper with each stroke. The pleasure was pure and explosive. Passion swamped Jessie as she spiraled upward in a mating dance as old as time. Fire leaped from J.T.’s eyes. The chemistry between them spurred him higher. His body began to vibrate with the climax. In each other’s arms, they let the ancient music of lovemaking stea
l them away.

  Collapsing on top of her, J.T. lay still listening to her gather her breath. Drowsily he opened his eyes as he waited for his strength to return. The beating of his heart brought him up in the bed without warning. “What the f…” Rubbing his chest, he frowned down at his hand over his dead heart.

  “What’s the matter? Is it a heart attack?” Jessie reached out to touch his skin near his heart. The organ beat at a steady rate under her hand. Then why did he look as though he’d had the rug pulled out from under him? The bewilderment in his eyes worried her. “J.T.? Tell me what’s the matter.”

  Glancing at her, he raked a shaky hand through his dark mane.

  She watched as he composed himself. The transformation was quick and deliberate. Her chest tightened of its own accord.

  “Nothing. I…I just had a bit of a shock, that’s all. It’s nothing.” Lying down beside her, he smiled his devastating smile as he toyed with a strand of her hair. “I hope you don’t plan on sleeping tonight.”

  “I did, but I think I’ve changed my mind. Got any more wine?”

  “Right here.” He produced the bottle without effort and poured her another glass. “It seems you’ve found a new endeavor. Want to tell me about it?”

  “They need medicines and other supplies. My first idea was to follow you back and search for things I could take back. But when the Sultan appeared to me, I…” She shook her head. The memory of the encounter stole her resolve. Sitting up, she reached for her shirt. “I have to go, J.T. This is about so much more than me or even me and you.”

  Laying a hand on hers, he gazed into her eyes. “He came to you?”

  Jessie drew back, searching for buttons. “Yes, he slithered up to me in a weak moment. I couldn’t stop him from seeing my thoughts.” She shrugged before snatching up a boot. “He’s pure evil. That’s the only way I can describe the Sultan. He knows I’m here. He followed me.” She glanced hesitantly at J.T. “I’m sorry I brought him with me.”

  “You shouldn’t be sorry for anything. I understand.” He reached out, running a finger along her cheekbone. “I’ve had my encounters with the Sultan. You’re right. He is pure evil. It’s like he embodies all the sadist, sadistic poison the world can dish out.”

  Jessie stilled. Searching his eyes, she saw his struggle to hide the pain. Her heart hurt for him. “I have to get back. You said you’d come with me. Can we leave now?”

  J.T. shifted to rest on an elbow. His dark hair hung about that marvelous face chiseled from stone. “I’ll go with you.” Snagging her hand, he held tight. “I’m not leaving your side, understand?”

  Something eased within her chest. The pain of being the only person she could depend on began to relax a fraction. “Thank you.”

  J.T. dropped his head. The laugh held no humor. “Don’t be so quick to share your gratitude. There are things about me you may not find heartwarming.”

  She could see a battle going on inside him. Frowning, she tried to find the words to comfort. Her fingers sought his. The contact stilled her. His hand was chilled, unlike the temperature in the room. Shoving at that concern, she smiled. “I don’t care if you’ve been a…” Searching for the words, she suggested something she was positive was out of her imagination. “A serial killer.” Smiling for him, she added, “I know your heart, and it’s good. You are my hero.”

  He stilled, simply staring at her. “That’s a first,” he whispered.

  Jessie brushed a strand of hair back in place. “I’ve never met anyone like you.”

  Taking his face in both her hands, Jessie kissed him solid on the lips before delving deep inside, scoring the far corners of his mouth. Each flick of his tongue stirred something inside her. Rather than consider the meaning of the sensation, Jessie went with the one thing she understood – having J. T. with her. Seeing her future as part of his held renewed hope for Jessie. While she may not be someone he would want for a mate, no one would come between them again. On this, she vowed.

  He buried his face in her hair. “You’re the most magnificent woman I’ve ever met.”

  “I bet you say that to all the girls.” She grinned wickedly at his injured expression.

  “Flippant, aren’t we?”

  “Realistically is more like it, J.T. Neither of us is ready for a long-term relationship. We’re both business people. I have to finish this, and then we can see further down the road.” Shoving into her pants, she reached for her other boot. Glancing back at his bland expression, she smiled. “Look, you are something special. We have something special. I can’t focus on the possibilities right now. My parents need me.”

  J.T. rolled to sit. “Got it. I got it.” Shoving one leg in his pants, he stood. “There’s another question I want to ask you.”

  “Okay,” she said. Embarrassment mixed with disappointment rippled through her chest. J. T. had shifted to SEAL mode.

  “Can you conjure using the amulet?”

  Jessie glanced askance at J.T. “You sure you’re feeling all right.”

  “Of course, I am. Listen to me. If you learn to conjure Rocco when you want him rather than only when you fly through time, you have gained another superhuman power. You can use it to defeat the Sultan. Conjuring isn’t that hard to learn. You simply have to concentrate on the task.” He gestured to the dresser where several crystals and herbs rested.

  Now her brows drew together. “What are you talking about?”

  Taking a step, he pointed to the group of warlock tools sitting among his discarded socks and underwear atop the dresser’s wooden surface. “The crystals and herbs necessary for such a spell.” He snatched up a couple of crystals and a bag of herbs, bringing them over for examination. Pointing at the amulet around her neck, he kept going. “You have the catalyst for the magic already.” He shook his head in bemusement. “I don’t know why I didn’t think of the possibility sooner.” Her mutinous bottom lip gave him pause. “Don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to you. If you like, I can ask Logan to join us. He’s a master with the safest method to use to create the optimum outcome.”

  “But how is this going to help me find my parents? It’s them I’m worried about.”

  J.T. reached for her, bringing her to stand in front of him. “With him out of the way, we can free your family and everyone else. It’s a win-win for all concerned.”

  “I don’t know.” Her hair swayed in cadence with the shake of her head.

  “Hey, it’s me, J.T. I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise.”

  Turning, she stood quietly. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, J.T.” Another minute passed as she chewed her bottom lip in consideration. “All right. But later. Right now, I need to get back.” Her brows drew together again as she studied him.

  “Hey, stop worrying. Everything’s going to be fine. You’ll see.”

  Jessie sidestepped him and headed for the door. “Whatever. Right now, I need to get some more supplies. I managed to borrow enough penicillin from the pharmacy next door, but I still need several things. I have a list up here.” Tapping her temple, Jessie stood and tied her bootstraps. “Care to join me for some shopping?”


  J.T. followed behind Jessie as she broke the lock once again on the pharmacy’s back door. Rather than focus on the fact she was committing another crime, he played back only one thing in his mind.

  His heart had beat for her. Absently rubbing his chest, he considered what it meant. Despite that glimmer of hope, being part of her world for long wasn’t in the cards. He needed to be realistic. She deserved a whole man with a life ahead of him. Not a corpse with nothing but endless days from now until eternity. Scowling at the medicine cabinets in the back, he decided things were best that way. She had said it herself. They were business people. A future together would have to wait. Forever if necessary.

  “I need sterile gauze and disinfectant.” Jessie bit her lip. “We’ve been using sheets. But with no decent water for cleaning, germs are everywhere.” Her
arms soon filled with the necessary items. “We have oil lamps but no fuel. Know how we could get some?”

  “Yeah, I think so. Gus’ Garage is not far. We can pick up some there. Borrow a couple of cans and fill up before leaving. Need a little fuel for this road trip.” His eyebrows wiggled for her benefit.

  Jessie smiled despite herself. “You can be funny when you want to be. You know you don’t always have to be a SEAL smartass. I’m just saying.”

  His brow winged up at the observation. “I resemble that remark.” Taking the packages in both arms, he rearranged the items as best he could. “Katie will be here soon. We best leave her a note explaining things. I don’t want our number one medical professional to get the wrong idea about our motives.” As he spoke the bell over the front door jingled.

  “Uh, we may be too late,” Jessie suggested. “Let me take the blame for this. Okay? These are your friends, and you are part of this team. I’m the outsider.”

  Her selflessness warmed him to a degree. He understood the volatility simmering among those banded together though. “I understand,” became his noncommittal answer. A little hypnotism might be in order.

  Katie appeared in the doorway. A hand clasped to her chest spoke for her. “You two should have called me.”

  Jessie took a step forward. “You’re right, Katie. I’m sorry. I’ve been running under the radar for so long, I’ve forgotten how to be a team player. That’s the truth. Don’t blame J.T. He was trying to protect me, is all. I won’t let it happen again. See, here’s the stuff we need. I’ll pay you back as soon as I can. Don’t worry.”

  Katie glanced from Jessie to J.T. “Don’t worry about the meds. I was coming to get a load to share with you guys anyway. Here, you’ll need some more syringes and several more IV setups. Can’t share too many needles. Hepatitis is resistant to even boiled implements.”


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