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Handling the Hybrid

Page 7

by Evangeline Anderson

  The feeling in the room was perfect, she thought. The soft purple light from outside and the flickering golden radiance shed by the candles combined to make mysterious shadows on the floor. The deep beats of the drum and the high, chilling melody of the flute interwove with the scented smoke of the incense, making an undeniably sexy and alluring atmosphere. There was a tingle in the air, as though something magical was about to happen.

  And it is, Tandy told herself, eyeing Vrox as he stood in the center of the circle, watching her with his mismatched eyes. I’m going to “tame” my new slave.

  She was dressed the part of the perfect Mistress in a flowing red gown which perfectly set off her creamy brown skin. It was low cut—down to her navel—and barely covered her nipples while leaving the inner swells of her breasts completely bare. It was slit high in the middle, of course, and tiny red lace panties went with it, clearly visible between her thighs.

  Rather than wearing the stilt-like heels most Mistresses favored, she had elected to go barefoot and she had also let her long, curly hair flow free down her back rather than restraining it. She felt like a wild thing—a goddess who was ready to work her will on a mortal male and claim him for her own.

  I am powerful, she told herself confidently. I am beautiful…desirable. I will appear to tame the Kindred and Mistress Sinda and even Deelee won’t suspect a thing.

  As she entered the force field and approached Vrox, she began to sing, weaving her voice through the melody of the flute, adding her song to the one playing over the sound system. Tandy had an excellent voice—smoky and smooth as honey at the same time—and she used it to her best advantage now.

  “Kindred,” she sang softly, holding Vrox’s eyes with her own.

  “You are mine and I am thine.

  I draw the circle and make the sign.

  I claim thee now in this sacred hour.

  I call you by name, I claim the power.

  Vrox, you belong to me, and I to you.

  Never have words been spoken more true.

  Under the moon or under the sun,

  We are one…we are one…we are one…”

  It was the same song that the yarron breakers sang as they claimed and tamed a new beast who would be bonded only to them. Tandy held the big Kindred’s eyes as she sang soft but clear, letting every note hang in the air like a siren call, claiming him body and soul as she drew him to her.

  Vrox had been glaring at her to start with—clearly playing the part of the untamed beast to the hilt. But now he stared at her with a kind of wonder and his large hands, which had been curled into fists at his sides, gradually relaxed.

  Though this was supposed to be an act, Tandy could swear she actually felt something in the air between them—some magnetic pull that could neither be ignored or denied. It was magical…unmistakable. Maybe there was something to this ceremony after all.

  She approached the big Kindred, still humming sweetly, and pulled out a small bottle of scented oil of amaranth from her flowing robes. She poured a little on her fingers and reached up to him fearlessly.

  “Oh my Goddess—she’s so close!” she heard Mistress Sinda whisper from behind the force field.

  “He’ll rip her apart—you watch,” Deelee predicted.

  Tandy ignored them both.

  “Kindred,” she murmured, speaking instead of singing this time. “Vrox…you are mine and thus do I claim you.”

  Reaching up on her tiptoes, she dabbed a tiny bit of oil on his forehead, between his thick black brows.

  “I claim your mind and fill it with thoughts of our union,” she murmured, looking fearlessly into those mismatched eyes.

  Dipping into the oil again, she drew a spiraling circle over the left side of his broad, muscular chest.

  “I claim your heart and fill it with love for me,” she told him, still looking up to meet his gaze.

  Dipping into the oil again, she began to circle the flat copper disk of his right nipple, drawing a choked growl from his thick throat. Ignoring the soft sound, Tandy circled the left as well, making it shiny with the oil.

  Goddess, but she loved touching him—loved putting her hands on the big, strong male body. His dark spicy scent was rising around her again, making her nipples hard and her pussy wet and hot and swollen. There was definitely something between them—an almost palpable attraction that seemed to draw her even closer to the big, muscular Kindred.

  Suddenly, she wanted to touch him more.

  Going with her instinct, she put the oil away and circled around him, running her hands over his muscular chest and abdomen in long, sweeping strokes, then his broad shoulders and back, sliding her fingers over his smooth, tan flesh and humming softly as she went.

  She could feel the big Kindred tense at her touch, feel his big body quiver as she caressed him—as she stroked him. His hands clenched into fists again and he trembled with tension as a low, hungry growl rose in his throat.

  The reaction didn’t frighten Tandy but it made her wonder if he wanted to touch her back—to stroke her as she was stroking him. But he knew he mustn’t do it—mustn’t touch her unless she allowed him to.

  Feeling daring, she let her hands rove down under the loincloth to stroke his muscular ass. She let her middle finger skim lightly over his cleft, letting him know wordlessly that this part of him belonged to her too—if she chose to claim it.

  Of course if I did that—if I penetrated him there—I would have to let him penetrate me too, she thought and a shiver of pure lust ran through her. Goddess, what would it feel like to have that long, thick shaft she’d seen between his thighs inside her? How would it be to find herself helpless beneath his muscular bulk, her thighs spread wide as he moved between them, claiming her as she was claiming him now?

  Vrox seemed to be thinking the same kinds of thoughts because he growled softly under his breath, “Gods, little girl, you’re driving me fucking crazy.”

  “Shhh,” Tandy shushed him quietly. “You must not speak until it’s time for you to acknowledge me as your Mistress.” But she felt fairly confident that no one but her had heard his words. Probably all Mistress Sinda and Deelee could hear was his low, rumbling tone.

  She stroked his ass a moment more and then, finally, she came around to face him again. Putting out her tongue, she lapped gently at first one nipple and then the other before she spoke.

  “I claim your body and fill it with lust for me,” she murmured, holding his eyes with her own. “Only for me and no other, Vrox. I am your Mistress and you are my male.”

  This last part had not been part of the yarron breaking ceremony but Tandy had decided to add it herself—she felt like it made a nice touch. Back when she’d been planning the ritual, she hadn’t thought it would be more than that—just an extra flourish to her made-up claiming rite.

  But when she said the words, a rush of desire came over her and a need she had never known before seemed to fill her. From the way the loincloth between Vrox’s thighs tented, he must be feeling it too, she thought hazily. Goddess, what was happening? It was almost like her ceremonial claiming had become a real thing—a magical web that had ensnared them both.

  “You are mine, Vrox,” she whispered, looking up at him. “Mine—I claim you.”

  As if on cue, the big Kindred went to his knees before her and spoke aloud for the first time.

  “I am yours and you are mine…Mistress,” he rumbled. “May we never be parted.”

  “May we never be parted,” Tandy echoed. These words hadn’t been planned at all but they felt right in her mouth—as right as the next gesture she made.

  Taking his face between her hands, she leaned forward and kissed him gently on the lips—a single, sweet meeting of their mouths—before she pulled back to look him in the eyes for a long moment.

  “Mine,” she breathed once more.

  Then she turned to Mistress Sinda and Aunt Deelee and spoke softly but with authority.

  “It is done. He is mine—this slave is boun
d to me and his heart will never be free.”

  “Oh, bravo! That was beautiful, Tandace! So much more elegant than just shocking him into submission as so many Mistresses do with a new slave.” Mistress Sinda seemed sincerely impressed.

  But Aunt Deelee had a sour, disbelieving look on her narrow face.

  “It’s an act,” she declared. “I don’t believe he’s really tamed—you didn’t shock him even once!”

  “She tamed him with love,” Mistress Sinda said gently. “I don’t know if this technique would work on any slave but a Kindred, but clearly it is uniquely suited for this kind of male.”

  “I don’t believe it,” Deelee repeated stubbornly. “Touch him,” she commanded Tandy.

  “I have been.” Tandy looked at her, exasperated. Why did her aunt always have to be so difficult? “Didn’t you watch me?”

  “You touched the non-dangerous parts of him,” Deelee proclaimed. “You wouldn’t dare to, say, touch his fangs, I bet. He’d bite your finger off!”

  “Vrox?” Tandy turned to him and the big Kindred opened his mouth on cue, showing the double set of sharp, white fangs that were placed where a regular male would have his canine teeth.

  Gently—she didn’t know how tender or sensitive the fangs might be—Tandy ran the tip of her index finger over the sharp points. She had to be very careful—they were as sharp as daggers to her touch—but somehow she managed not to cut herself.

  For his part, Vrox held completely still for the operation. It was only when she started to withdraw that he closed his lips over her finger and sucked gently. His eyes met hers as he did and she got the strangest feeling that he was tasting her somehow and that he liked her flavor.

  “There,” she said, withdrawing at last and looking at Deelee and Mistress Sinda. She held out her unhurt finger. “You see? Not a scratch on me. Vrox is perfectly gentle with me now.”

  “What about his cock?” Deelee demanded. “Of course he’s gentle when you’re touching non-sexual parts of his body but I want to see you examine his shaft.”

  Tandy could feel her cheeks heating. “I don’t see why that is necessary,” she said, frowning.

  But to her dismay, Mistress Sinda was nodding along with her aunt.

  “Actually, my dear, it is important that a Mistress be able to handle any and every part of her slave’s body without him reacting badly,” she said. “If he really is as tame as you’ve told us, it should be no problem for you to touch his male equipment.”

  “Very well, Judge of the Change.” Tandy nodded respectfully. She just hoped the big Kindred would go along. Turning back to Vrox, she murmured, “Stand, Kindred.”

  Vrox rose smoothly to his feet and stood with his hands clasped behind his back and his legs parted. He looked a little like a soldier at parade rest but Tandy could see how tightly his big body was tensed. Was he afraid she would hurt him? Or was he steeling himself to bear the eroticism of her touch without being able to reciprocate in kind?

  Whatever the reason for his tension, he held still as she drew the loincloth to one side, revealing the longest, thickest erection she’d ever seen in her life. Behind her, she heard gasps from both Mistress Sinda and her aunt.

  “My, my—I thought he was large when we saw him flaccid but he is magnificent when fully engorged,” the Judge of the Change exclaimed.

  “Yes, he is,” Tandy agreed. She could feel some embarrassment trying to creep in but she pushed it away from her. She didn’t want anything to break the sensual spell she had woven. Having named the big Kindred as her own, she had claimed every part of him, she told herself. He was hers now and she didn’t need to have any fear about touching her own property.

  Slowly, she slid her fingers around the thick base of his shaft. There was a strange swelling here—a ridge of flesh that ran all around the base and she wondered what it was for—was it something to do with how the Kindred mated with their females? He was as hot and hard as a bar of newly forged iron and yet the skin of his cock was as soft as petals. She couldn’t quite encircle him, she found—he was too thick. Well, at least she could caress his entire length.

  Gently but firmly, she fisted his shaft, stroking from the thick base all the way up to the tender nugget of flesh at the crown. The broad, flaring head of his cock showed evidence of his desire—droplets of precum were beading at the small slit. Tandy had a sudden urge to lean down and lick them off but she wasn’t sure if she could get away with it, so she restrained herself.

  Goddess, he was a beautiful male, she thought dreamily. The one boy she’d been with, back home, had been skinny and lanky with a small cock—what she’d seen of it before her father had caught them and dragged her home, that was. Now Vrox was a real man—in every sense of the word. He was massive and muscular and his warm, spicy scent was completely masculine…completely addictive as she breathed him in.

  He trembled but held absolutely still as she touched him, stroking his shaft gently but firmly, delighting in the feel of his big, hard body. At last, however, a low groan broke from his lips.

  “Mistress…your hand on me…so good.” His deep voice was hoarse…strained.

  “I know, Vrox,” Tandy murmured gracefully. “Because it suits my purpose to give you pleasure. If you are true to me—if you are the kind of slave I can trust for always—I will pleasure you often and well.”

  “Pleasuring a slave?” Deelee scoffed from behind her. “Who ever heard of such a thing? A slave ought to pleasure you—not the other way around!”

  “It’s all part of my technique,” Tandy said coolly. “The yarron taming technique for breaking slaves through love and affection instead of pain which Aunt Zora and I came up with together.”

  She hoped her late aunt wouldn’t have been upset with her little fiction. But really, Tandy was certain that if Aunt Zora had still been alive, she would have approved. She had always preached love and kindness over cruelty and pain as the best way to train a slave. Though, to be honest, Tandy was probably being a lot more sexual in her training technique than her late aunt would have liked.

  However, she’d been forced into it, she told herself. Deelee just wouldn’t be satisfied until she saw Tandy handling her new slave more intimately and so she’d had to stroke Vrox’s shaft in order to prove he was truly tamed. With that justification in mind, she felt zero guilt as she continued to stroke and fondle his big, hard shaft.

  But still her aunt was frowning in disbelief.

  “I still don’t buy it,” she objected. “All males love to have their shafts stroked—it’s part of their nature. I want to see you touch him in a really delicate, sensitive area. Cup his balls, niece. Let’s see if he allows you to do that.”

  This was, indeed, a very sensitive area—Tandy knew that, despite her inexperience. Her father had always advised her to try and kick a boy in the balls if one of them tried to bother her. So it was obviously a weak spot—even on a male as big as Vrox.

  “Vrox?” She looked up at him. “Open, please.”

  For a moment he stood still as a statue. Then, his expression never changing, he widened his stance and thrust his hips forward. This had the effect of pushing out the pulsing pole of flesh between his legs even further but it also exposed the delicate sack which hung beneath it.

  Gently—almost tenderly—Tandy reached between his legs with the hand that wasn’t still caressing his shaft. She cupped the warm, slightly fuzzy flesh in the palm of her hand, weighing the heavy testicles within. She liked the feel of them in her hand—and the vulnerability they represented. With one cruel squeeze she could bring a male down—even one as big as Vrox. Yet the big Kindred stood there and allowed her to fondle him with perfect confidence, as though he trusted her completely.

  Tandy was touched by his confidence in her and vowed to herself that she wouldn’t betray it. As she rolled his heavy balls gently in the palm of her hand, she continued to stroke his engorged shaft. She had found a kind of rhythm now—a way of moving so that both parts of his body w
ere engaged at once and she could tell by the way Vrox’s brilliant gold and piercing blue eyes were half-lidded and by the low, growling sounds of pleasure that came from his throat that he was enjoying the way she touched him.

  However, Tandy could feel him growing tenser and tenser under her touch. At last he ground out in a low, choked voice, “Mistress…no more lest I shame myself. Please! Your hands on me feel too fucking good.”

  “Oh!” Tandy hadn’t realized how very much she was affecting the big Kindred. She was about to pull her hands away but Mistress Sinda shook her head.

  “No, my dear—finish what you started,” she said serenely. “If you choose to train your slave with pleasure instead of pain, then his pleasure must be entirely yours to command. Make him spend.”

  Tandy looked up at the big Kindred, hoping he wouldn’t mind. It wasn’t like she had much of a choice here—the Judge of the Change herself was ordering her to make her new slave come. She couldn’t really say anything to Vrox about it now—she just hoped he’d go along.

  “Vrox,” she murmured, continuing the stroking. “It is my will that your pleasure must continue until you spend your seed for me. Be still as I stroke you and remember that your body is mine to control now. Mine and mine alone. If I tell you to come, you must come.”

  “Very well, Mistress,” he groaned. “But you might want to step to the side—Kindred make a lot of seed and I haven’t had a release in days.”

  Tandy heeded his words by changing her position. Leaving his front, she went around to the back of him and put her arms around his narrow, muscular waist. She was just the right height to grasp him from this angle and she continued her earlier actions. Cupping his balls in her left hand and encircling his shaft with the right, she began to stroke in earnest as she murmured to him.

  “Do you feel my hands on you, Kindred?” she asked softly. “Do you know that you are mine?”

  “Gods, Mistress!” he groaned as he began to pump into her hand in earnest. “Yes, I fucking well know it!”

  “Your mind is mine, your heart is mine, and your body is mine.” Tandy emphasized her words with an especially long, firm stroke of his shaft from root to tip. “And now your seed with be mine. So come for me, Vrox—spend your seed as I stroke you—as I own you.”


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