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Handling the Hybrid

Page 8

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Gods…can’t help it,” he groaned and she felt his entire, huge body go rigid against her much smaller, softer one. “Coming, Mistress,” he groaned and then she felt his shaft swelling even thicker in her fist. “You’re making me come so fucking hard…”

  And then the first hard spurt of seed shot from the tip of his cock and splattered on the polished floor. It was followed by another and another until Tandy almost felt as though she was holding a living pulse rifle. Through it all, Vrox pumped helplessly into her hand, his own bolder-sized fists clenched tight at his sides as he allowed her to force his pleasure.

  At last he stopped coming, but only after shooting a truly impressive amount, Tandy thought. She would have to have one of the staff come and clean that up and they would probably need a mop.

  Vrox was breathing hard, his big chest expanding and contracting rapidly and she swore she could feel his heartbeat pounding against her cheek as she pressed against his back.

  To her surprise, even after he was done, he never got soft. She had to look to make certain he was no longer shooting to see that he was finished. When she was certain, she released him and went to stand by the side of the force field.

  “And that, Judge of the Change, is the progress I have made,” she said, nodding her head formally at Mistress Sinda and ignoring her Aunt Deelee, who was fuming silently in the other chair.

  “Well, I must say I’m impressed,” Mistress Sinda said. “It seems you truly have your new slave well in hand, my dear. Ahem—no pun intended,” she added, blushing a little.

  “I still don’t like it,” Deelee muttered angrily. “If he’s so Goddess-damned tame, she ought to bring him to Mistress Badonkadonk’s garden party tomorrow. Let’s see how well he does kissing her panties. Many males who have only recently been enslaved don’t like that,” she added importantly, as though she knew everything about new slaves. “They’ve never been trained in the fine art of kissing panties and pussy—and they don’t want to learn either.”

  Tandy bit her lip, wondering if this would be the case with Vrox. She had heard that many male slaves didn’t enjoy kissing their Mistresses panties and pussies and only did it because they were compelled to. Would the big Kindred feel the same way? Would he feel like Tandy asking him to kiss her there was pushing their agreement too far?

  But she had little choice in the matter because Mistress Sinda was already nodding her approval.

  “I think that is an excellent idea,” she murmured, smiling. “It will be a good test of how tame and well-behaved Tandace’s new slave is out in public. And it would also be a good place to show off her new training technique which I think is most impressive! I’ll speak to Mistress Badonkadonk at once about getting you an invitation, my dear,” she said to Tandy.

  “Thank you.” Tandy nodded, trying to smile. Well, she had known this wouldn’t be easy. She just hoped the Vrox would be willing to play along once more.

  “Until tomorrow, then,” Mistress Sinda said, standing. “Come, Mistress Deelee—we should leave Tandace to herself. She has much to do in order to prepare her new slave to be seen in public.”

  Deelee rose too but there was a malicious look in her poison-green eyes.

  “This isn’t over yet, so don’t get too comfortable here,” she hissed, so low only Tandy could hear her. “As soon as I take possession of my rightful inheritance, you’ll be out on the street, niece.”

  Then she stormed off after Mistress Sinda, the set of her narrow shoulders angry and tense.

  Tandy watched them go, a knot of tension fisting in her gut. If only she didn’t have Deelee to contend with, she was certain she would have had this test in the bag! Mistress Sinda was clearly impressed with her and she was certain the Sacred Seven would follow her recommendations, whatever they might be. But her greedy aunt was determined to make things difficult for her—as if dealing with the giant Kindred wasn’t difficult enough, Tandy thought resentfully.

  Speaking of Vrox, she ought to go and see how he was doing. She had pushed the limits a bit, touching him and making him come. But at least she hadn’t hurt him at all so there should be no reason for a quid pro quo. Her bottom was safe from his big, warm hand tonight at any rate, she told herself.

  But when she went back to the force field, she saw him pacing angrily.

  “Vrox? Are you okay?” His face was as dark as a thundercloud and the look in his mismatched eyes sent a flock of flutterbyes racing through her stomach.

  “Oh yeah, little girl—I’m just fucking fine,” he growled, rounding on her. “If you can call being made to come on command ‘fine.’ I thought the deal was for you to pretend to tame me—not make me into some kind of a one-male sex show!”

  “I couldn’t help it!” Tandy protested. “It was my Aunt Deelee—she kept pushing and Mistress Sinda kept agreeing with her. You saw how it was—I had no choice.”

  “No, and you’ve got no choice about the consequences either,” Vrox rumbled.

  “Consequences?” Tandy looked at him blankly. “What are you talking about? I didn’t use the pain collar or cuffs on you even once. There should be no consequences.”

  “I think you’re misunderstanding the nature of our bargain, little girl.” Vrox looked at her sternly. “The deal was, whatever you do to me, I get to do back to you. We didn’t specify pain or pleasure—we said everything—and you agreed to it.”

  Tandy felt her stomach flutter again and her breathing began to grow short. Goddess, he was right!

  She thought of everything she’d done to him—the ways she’d touched him. The way she’d forced his pleasure. And now the big Kindred had every right to do all of that right back to her. Her heart began to race in her chest, beating against her ribs as though seeking a way out.

  Oh Goddess, she was in trouble now! What was she going to do?


  “You ready, little girl?” Vrox gave her a stern look and watched as she swallowed nervously.

  “I…I guess so,” she whispered but she stayed where she was, sitting on the side of the bed.

  They had moved into her bedroom—Tandy said it was the only place they could be certain of absolute privacy. And they were certainly going to need it. She was still wearing the flowing red robe that showed most of her breasts and bared her tiny red panties as well but Vrox didn’t think she would keep her clothing on for long.

  Gods but she was a beautiful female, he couldn’t help thinking. With her full, lush hips and breasts and her heart-shaped ass, she was what some of his people would call an “Elite”—a female the Goddess had blessed with extra curves. Add that to the fact that she had such an exotic creamy brown skin tone and she was unforgettable.

  He couldn’t help thinking of the way she’d touched him—teasing him so sensually and claiming him by name before stroking him off right there in the middle of the fucking ballroom. Gods, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d come so hard! And the way she’d sung to him and marked him as her own in that crazy, mystical ceremony she’d preformed…it had been truly surprising—the last thing he would have expected.

  And the strangest thing was, it seemed like it had somehow really worked. He felt a connection to her now—not a true Kindred bond—as a hybrid, that was pretty much impossible for him. But there was something there—some pull—some attraction that he definitely wanted to explore further.

  Which was exactly what he was about to do…if the little female would ever get over her fear and come to him.

  “Tandy,” he said, letting his voice lose a little of its sternness. “Come to me, little girl—don’t be frightened, I won’t hurt you.”

  “I…thought you were mad at me,” she said in a small voice. “For…for forcing your pleasure in front of an audience.”

  Vrox sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

  “Not mad exactly,” he growled. “More like annoyed. I wasn’t expecting it and I don’t like being caught off guard.” He frowned. “Where did you get that ceremony, anyw
ay? It was fucking weird but also amazing.”

  “I really did get it from a documentary vid about yarrow trainers,” she told him. “Although I, uh, added a few parts.” Her cheeks glowed with a blush as she spoke.

  “Yeah, I figured that,” Vrox muttered. “Especially that last part where you touched me all over and practically drove me out of my mind with wanting you.”

  She bit her lush lower lip—a distractingly erotic gesture as far as Vrox was concerned. He wanted to nibble those tasty lips of hers too—along with other delicate parts of her body.

  “I thought you’d prefer the ceremony to being shocked over and over with the pain collar and cuffs until you collapsed at my feet and swore to serve me for life. That’s how most new slaves are trained,” she explained.

  “Well, yeah,” Vrox grudgingly admitted. “Being stroked all over and jerked off by a pretty female is always preferable to being shocked with a fucking pain collar.” He raised an eyebrow at her. “Plus, I bet you were thinking you’d get away without a quid-pro-quo this time.”

  “I did think so,” Tandy admitted, lifting her chin. “But you were right—we didn’t specify pain or pleasure. We just said that you got to do to me everything…” Her voice faltered a little. “Everything I did to you. So I guess…guess we’d better get started.”

  A determined look came over her lovely face and she rose from the bed at last and came over to him, standing in the middle of the large room. Then she spread her legs and put her hands on her hips, clearly offering him her body.

  “Well?” she demanded, almost belligerently. “Come on—what are you waiting for, Kindred? Let’s get this over with.”

  Vrox wasn’t deterred by her brusque tone—he saw what she was trying to do. Inside she was scared to death of what he might do to her and she was trying to nerve herself up to deal with it.

  But it wasn’t his intention to hurt or frighten or molest her in any way. He was a Kindred, after all—the idea of hurting a female went against his every instinct. No, what he wanted was to bring her pleasure—the same pleasure she had given him. First, though, he had to help her get over her fear.

  “Oh no, little girl,” he murmured, looking down at her. “You don’t get off as easily as that. You think I’ll be content to paw your breasts and reach between your legs right away and then let you go? I don’t think so.”

  “Well then what do you want?” Tandy demanded in a voice that was half frightened, half exasperated. “I’m here, aren’t I? Living up to my part of our bargain—I don’t know what else you think you need.”

  “What I need is for this to be just right,” Vrox growled. “This is tit for tat and I want everything—everything—to be the same when I touch you as it was when you touched me. That means lighting…music…and some of that scented oil you used on me. Got it, little girl?”

  “You want to repeat everything exactly?” She stared at him in disbelief. “But that took a long time to set up!”

  “I can wait.” Privately, Vrox thought that doing something with her hands—arranging her bedroom as she’d arranged the ballroom—might help settle her nerves. But also, he really did want to try and get the same smoky, sexy atmosphere she’d created earlier. She had claimed him and he intended to claim her right back—with words, even if he couldn’t bond her to him in the way most Kindred claimed a female.

  It took some time and some doing but at last the lights in her bedroom were dimmed, the soft music was playing, the incense was burning and the candles were lit, throwing a soft, golden glow over everything.

  Vrox was standing in the middle of the room again and when he beckoned Tandy this time, she came to him without protest. It was as he had thought—the practical task of arranging the room to his specifications had settled her down some. But she still had that belligerent look in her eyes—the one that said she wouldn’t be easily moved, no matter what he did to her.

  She’s still frightened, Vrox realized. Frightened and trying not to show it—trying to put on a brave face and just get this over with.

  But he didn’t want to just get it over with. He wanted to take his time with her—wanted to take things slowly.

  “Come here, little girl,” he murmured and drew her to him.

  She went willingly enough but he could hear her heart rate jump when he touched her. Still afraid then, even after all she had done to him—after everything that had passed between them. It seemed that she didn’t mind touching him but the idea of him touching her was extremely scary. Vrox didn’t want that—didn’t want her afraid of him.

  “Look at me, Tandy,” he murmured, lifting her chin and turning her face up to his. “I’m not gonna hurt you,” he murmured. “But would it make you feel better to hold the remote?”

  She had laid the remote to the pain collar and cuffs he still wore down on the little table beside the bed and he had caught her giving it a few cautiously longing glances from time to time.

  Tandy bit her lip uncertainly.

  “I…I don’t know,” she confessed. “It’s not that I’m afraid you’ll hurt me exactly—even though you are so big and strong. It’s just…I guess I’m afraid you’ll get, um, carried away.”

  “You mean you think I’ll start touching you and I won’t be able to stop myself?” Vrox asked.

  She nodded. “That was one of the things my, uh, father lectured me about. He said that males have certain, um, urges and it’s really hard for them to…to stop once they get started.”

  Her cheeks were glowing with a blush as she spoke and she seemed to be having trouble meeting his gaze.

  “Hey, little girl…” Vrox ducked his head to look into her big brown eyes. “We already went over this,” he murmured, when she finally looked at him. “I won’t penetrate you unless you penetrate me. And I’m only going to do to you what you did to me—that’s it and nothing more. I’m a grown male and I can control myself.”

  “All…all right.” She nodded, a little less fearfully, he thought. “Then the remote can stay where it is. I…I trust you, Vrox.”

  “I trust you too, little girl—or I wouldn’t have let you handle my balls the way you did,” he said dryly. “Goddess knows that’s a sensitive fucking part of the male anatomy. I was hoping you knew that.”

  “I might be your definition of a virgin but I do know not to go yanking on strange body parts,” Tandy pointed out with some asperity.

  “Yanking, no—stroking, yes,” Vrox said, giving her a half-lidded grin. Gods, he could get hard all over again remembering the slow, deliberate way she’d jerked him off. But right now what he wanted was to return the favor.

  “Are we ever going to get started or are we going to stand here talking?” Tandy demanded.

  “Oh, we’re going to get started, all right,” Vrox promised her. “But first, I think you have on too many clothes.”

  “What?” She looked down at her gown. “But…but I can’t just take everything off so you can…can touch me!”

  “Tit for tat,” Vrox reminded her. “You see what I’m wearing.” He nodded down at the black loincloth which was still his only clothing. “I think your sweet little panties can stay on but the dress has to come off.”

  Tandy looked like she wanted to protest but in the end she lifted her chin and let the crimson gown slide to the floor. Stepping out of it, she kicked it away and put her hands on her hips, her full breasts swaying with the gesture.

  “All right—now what?”

  Vrox had to admire her bravery in baring herself for him. Even in a culture as into body display as the Yonnites were, it still couldn’t be easy to strip to her panties and basically dare him to touch her.

  “Now I want to look at you, the way you looked at me,” he told her, his voice a soft growl. He circled around her, drinking in her exotic beauty, enjoying the fullness of her breasts and ass and the tightness of her berry-dark nipples. He wondered if the inside of her pussy was the same deep color—soon he would find out.

  Tandy was obvious
ly still trying to keep calm.

  “So what now? You’re going to do absolutely everything I did to you, to me?” she asked, in a voice that tried to be bored but came out sounding more nervous instead.

  “Exactly, little girl—tit for tat,” Vrox reminded her. “But not here.”

  “Where then?” Tandy lifted an eyebrow at him.

  Vrox grinned at her.

  “On the bed.”

  Tandy felt the breath catch in her throat.

  “You want…want to go to the bed?” she asked, feeling a little faint.

  He shrugged his broad, bare shoulders.

  “Why not? It’s more comfortable than just standing around like we did when you touched me. But of course, you were playing to a fucking audience.”

  Well, that was certainly true, Tandy had to admit. And they had no audience here. But still, the idea of being mostly naked on her bed with the big Kindred was still a frightening one.

  “Scared, little girl? You want to back out on our deal?

  He raised an eyebrow at her, his tone mocking.

  Tandy bristled.

  “No, I’m not scared!” she denied, although that was a lie. But she didn’t want to back down under his sardonic gaze. “Come on,” she said.

  Taking him by the hand, she led him to the bed and then sat defiantly down on the side of it. Looking up, she patted the spot beside her.

  “Come on—what are you waiting for?”

  “Sitting here isn’t exactly what I meant when I said I wanted to take you to bed,” Vrox rumbled. Reaching down, he lifted her as easily as though she weighed no more than a doll and placed her in the center of her own large bed, right on the crimson and deep blue velveteen bedspread Aunt Zora had given her.

  “Oh!” Tandy couldn’t stop the little gasp his sudden, swift movement tore from her lips. But before she could protest, the big Kindred was lying down beside her and taking her in his arms. “Vrox!” she exclaimed breathlessly. “What are you doing?”


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