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Rescued: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World)

Page 2

by Evan Grace

  “What’s up, Detective?” Troy says as we reach him.

  “If it isn’t double trouble, leaving a trail of broken hearts behind you.” He holds out a couple of beers for us. I’ll drink this one and possibly one more before we head out.

  “Har har… you’re just jealous, old man,” I tell him. Of course that’s not the case because he’s happily married and has a couple of great kids.

  I scan the back yard and spot Chief Malone and his wife. She’s a babe, that’s for sure. I have seen pictures of their kids, but I’ve only seen their son in person. I take a drink of my beer and look around the back yard. I freeze when my eyes land on the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.

  She’s got red hair that looks almost pink that hangs down her back. Her body is lean and she’s got nice tits—it’s all highlighted by a pink and tan paisley dress that hits her mid-thigh. Her feet are bare and I can see her toe ring from here.

  Her eyes meet mine and I’m a little freaked out by my body’s reaction to her. She licks her lips. I start walking toward her. What the fuck are you doing? I ask myself.

  “Gwen?” I turn to find Chief Malone smiling at the girl, but then scowling at me. “Maverick, meet my daughter, Gwen. Sweetheart, this is Maverick, one of my officers.”

  She smiles up at me and I swear my dick twitches behind my zipper. “Maverick, huh? Were your parents fans of Top Gun?”

  “Yeah… sure.” I know I’m being a dick, but what better way to get her to stay away from me. “Uh… it was nice meeting you,” I say to her and turn to Chief. “Boss, thanks for the invite.” I slap him on the shoulder before I turn and walk away from her. I feel her eyes on me on the way back.

  I stand next to Troy and I watch Gwen and her dad talk. Of course he’s her father… my boss. She is sexy as fuck, and now she is on my, don’t go there list.

  We stay long enough to eat a burger and some side dishes and for me to watch Gwen like a creepy stalker. Thanks to my cop skills, I’ve learned that she’s a travel vlogger—she’s got her own website and YouTube channel. Two things I’ll check out when I’m alone later—see, I’m a total creep.

  I toss my empty beer bottle into the trash and make my way over to my boss. He turns toward me. “Hey Chief, we’re taking off but wanted to thank you for having us.”

  Troy comes to stand next to me. “Yeah, thanks, boss.”

  I spot Gwen over with a group of people that all seem to be around her age. She looks up, catching me watching her, but instead of giving her anything, I turn and walk away.

  Out front, I climb on my bike. “I need to get laid,” I say, looking at Troy.

  “You and me both, brother,” Troy says before we start up our bikes and take off.



  I walk up to my best friend, Marcie, and Taylor. “What’s up, girls?” I spot Maverick across the yard. He’s definitely not the type of guy I usually go for. I tend to be more attracted to the guys that are a little more polished. God, that makes me sound like a snob.

  There’s just something about him, but it doesn’t matter because as soon as he knew I was Chief Malone’s daughter, he no longer was interested… curious maybe, but not interested, and began acting like a total dick. It was a shame because we could’ve had some fun.

  “Do you guys know that guy, Maverick? What’s his story?” I try to appear nonchalant.

  Both girls cage me in. “Do not go there.” That comes from Marcie.

  “He’s a total manwhore.” That’s from Taylor. “He’s hot, but a total player. Stay away from him.”

  “Yeah, he’s hot, but totally not my type.” I start to back away from them. “I’m going to grab something to eat.”

  I make my way across the yard to where the food is and grab a plate. While I scoop up some fruit salad, I feel eyes on me. I look up and find Maverick watching me, and my body immediately reacts, dammit.

  I finish filling my plate and decide to make my way over to talk to him, or make him talk to me because I know he felt that connection. When I turn toward him, I see him and the other guy, Troy, walking around the side of the house. I carry my plate with me as I head in their direction and spot him as he climbs on his bike and hear him say that he needs to get laid.

  “Well there goes that,” I say quietly to myself.

  Mom slides the door open and the rush of the wind becomes deafening. My hands start to shake as my adrenaline kicks in. I smile at my brother, who is sitting across from me. Taylor is like Dad, afraid of heights, so she’s never jumped. Of course Dad jumped one time and that was with my mom when they were dating, but hasn’t done it since.

  “Okay guys. Are you ready?” Mom shouts, smiling. She loves jumping with us.

  I pull my goggles down over my eyes and adjust my camera on my helmet. I flip it on and then do the same with Grant’s. We make our way to the door—my brother is the first to jump.

  I step up next to Mom and smile. “Head up. Wings out,” I shout before jumping. The first initial feeling that hits me is always fear until I begin gliding through the air. My brother is showing off, doing somersaults through the air. I bring my arms down to my side and move faster toward him.

  We grab hands as we wait for Mom to join us. Of course in seconds she does and the three of us grab onto each other. After about thirty seconds, we all smile before we let go of each other and start pulling our cords.

  Once I pull mine, I fly back up until my parachute is open. When I start going down again I take a minute to enjoy the view. The water looks like it’s covered in diamonds from the sun beating down on it.

  I focus back on landing and the moment my ass hits the ground, I quickly unhook my parachute and spot Mom and Grant doing the same. Mom has guys that come out and take care of the equipment, so I hop up and run over to Mom, throwing my arms around her.

  “I forgot what a rush that is,” I say as Grant comes walking up, throwing his arm around my shoulders. “I can’t wait to see our footage.”

  “It should be amazing. That view was killer.” He looks so much like Dad. I’ve seen the photographic evidence and they could be twins.

  “I’m so happy to have two of my babies jumping with me today.” Mom pulls us into a hug, kissing us both. “Now let’s go eat.”

  We head inside to take off our gear. Dad and Taylor meet us at Jersey’s, a bar and grill famous for their bacon cheeseburgers. The place is hopping, but it is the weekend. They’re here when we step inside.

  I sit next to my dad, grabbing his beer and taking a healthy swallow. “It was a hell of a jump today.”

  “I’m glad you had fun.” Dad takes his beer back. “Your uncles have been demanding some face time with you. Try to go visit them and the cousins this week.”

  “I will, promise.”

  Our waitress grabs our orders and then disappears. I look around the inside of the bar. I swear this place has looked the same since the first time I remember coming here.

  By the pool tables, I see a gathering of men and women. Maverick is amongst them, looking extremely hot in his black Harley Davidson t-shirt and jeans that don’t hide the fact that he’s got a nice-sized cock. He turns and looks at me, like he could feel me looking at him—the moment our eyes meet, my heart starts beating faster and I don’t miss the heat in his eyes. Yep, there is definitely something there.

  A woman with dark hair wraps herself around him, but that doesn’t stop him from holding my stare as she hangs all over him. Fuck, it’s disappointing to know that us hitting the sheets would be explosive, but knowing it was never going to happen because I don’t like to share.

  I turn back to my family and find Taylor staring at me. I give a quick shake of my head and take a drink of my beer.

  My tennis shoes slap against the pavement as I jog down the street toward the firehouse to see my uncle Grady. I slow to a walk when the big brick structure comes into view.

  I walk through the parking lot to the door—not bothering to knock since he’s ex
pecting me. The moment I step inside, I’m engulfed in a bear hug. “Hey beautiful girl.”

  “You’re looking good. I’m glad to see Aunt Dylan is keeping you in line.” I kiss his cheek and he leads me into the kitchen, handing me a bottle of water.

  He sits down across from me. “How long are you in town for?”

  I shrug. “I’m not sure yet. I’ve just been missing home a lot lately. You know me, I’m always looking for the next adventure, but right now I’m just content to stay home. I was going to talk to Mom and Dad and see if they know anyone that’s hiring—you know, maybe just work for a little bit until I decide what’s next.”

  “We sure are proud of you. You’ve seen places that we may not ever see ourselves. Do you have a favorite?” He looks a lot like my dad, except with blue eyes.

  “Probably Fernando de Noronha, Brazil—I went to this beautiful spot for cliff diving and swam with sea turtles. That was one of my most watched videos.”

  He smiles and then shows me around the updates they’ve made to the firehouse. We finish our tour and Uncle Grady walks me to the door. “Thanks for coming to visit your favorite uncle.” He winks, causing me to giggle. That’s the ongoing, lame joke between the Malone brothers. They’re all the favorite uncles in their eyes.

  I wave and start running again. Sweat runs down my back as I cruise through neighborhoods I’ve been traveling through, mostly on a bicycle, since I was a little girl.

  Up ahead, I see a couple making out on the front porch. The guy steps back and that’s when I see it’s Maverick and fucking Tawney Jacobs—skank ho. That bitch wanted every guy who ever liked me. She went too far when she had sex with my boyfriend the night after I gave him my virginity. Yes, it’s his fault too, but I hate her and her relentless pursuit of him. Now that Maverick’s had sex with her, I certainly don’t want him anymore. I don’t want her sloppy seconds, that’s for sure.

  He stops when he sees me, watching me as I stare straight ahead, and run right past them. I ignore the fact that I can feel his eyes on me.

  When I’m a block away, I hear the rumble of a motorcycle. It gets closer, but I keep running because I know who it is and don’t know why he’s following me. “Gwen, stop.” I hear shouted at me. Not wanting to wake the neighborhood, I stop at the curb.

  Maverick steps onto the sidewalk in front of me. “Just going to ignore me, huh?”

  I place my hands on my hips and roll my eyes. “I wasn’t ignoring you. Why would I stop and have a conversation with you when you were just leaving your girlfriend’s house?”

  Maverick smirks. “Jealous?”

  “Are you kidding me right now? You’re with Tawney Jacobs. I don’t use the word often, but I fucking hate her,” I say with a huff. I know hate’s a strong word, but it is just the feeling she invokes.

  “What did she do to you?”

  I shake my head. “It’s not important. I probably shouldn’t hold on to that anger, it was a long time ago, but I just do my best to ignore her.” I start running and shout, “See you around.”

  As I jog away from him, I hear him shout, “She’s not my girlfriend.”

  I holler back, “I don’t care.”

  His laugh follows me until I turn the corner.

  When I get home, Mom and Dad are sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee. I grab a banana and sit down next to Mom. “How was your run?”

  “Good and I stopped at the firehouse to see Uncle Grady,” I tell Dad and grab my mom’s coffee, taking a sip because I know she likes it just like me; sweet and creamy.

  “That’s good. I’m sure your uncle enjoyed your visit. What’s on the agenda this week? I have a project for you toward the end of this week if you’re interested.” Dad takes a drink of his coffee.

  “Oh yeah, what is it?”

  “Remember when you used to go to the Children’s Hospital in Oakland, bringing them the toys we collected?”

  It’s been a few years since I’ve done it, but it was always a blast and the joy on the kids’ faces always brightened my day. “Of course I remember. I loved doing that and would totally be happy to do it again.”

  “That’s great, sweetheart. You can ride to the station with me on Friday.”

  I smile. “It’s a date. I’m going to take a shower.” I stand up, giving Mom a kiss and then going around the table to kiss the top of Dad’s head.

  Fuck, I’ve missed my family so much. Upstairs, I grab my robe and head into the bathroom to take a shower. When I finish, I braid my wet hair and then rub lotion all over my body.

  Back in my room, I get dressed in jean shorts and a t-shirt. I grab my laptop and pull up all of my footage from my trip to Fiji. My videos are usually between ten to fifteen minutes long. Once I have it down to the highlights of each excursion, I send it to my friend Allie who will watch it and make sure it looks good, she’ll add the music.

  I take a couple of pictures of myself to add to my Instagram and Facebook page. Once I get everything posted to all of my social media, I put my laptop away and head down to hang out with my parents.



  I stare up at my ceiling, my hand wrapped around my cock, which is hard as a rock right now. For the second night in the row, I’ve dreamt about Gwen and those pretty, plump lips of hers wrapped around my length.

  Last night I was going to hook up with Tawney, but the look on Gwen’s face when she saw me with the blonde stopped me—I honest to God don’t know why I care, but I do.

  I focus back on the task at hand, and pump my cock, imagining it’s her lips wrapped around me. It takes no time at all before I’m coming with a shout, all over my stomach. If her dad wasn’t my boss I’d fuck her out of my system and be done with it—instead she’s untouchable.

  I climb out of bed and jump in the shower to wash cum off of myself. When I finish, I get dressed for work and head out to my Jeep. On my way, I stop at Better Buzz for a coffee and donut. As soon as I step inside, I head to the counter, placing my order.

  While I stand at the other end of the counter waiting for my coffee and donut, I glance around the shop. I spot Gwen sitting by the window with a blond guy who looks familiar, but I can’t place him. She glances my way, freezes, but then turns back to the man she’s sitting with.

  The barista sets my stuff down in front of me.

  “Thanks,” I tell her before picking them up and turning away. I’m not sure why, but I stop at Gwen’s table. “Hey, how’s it going?” I ask. I turn to the guy sitting with her and hold my hand out. “Hey man, Maverick.”

  He looks between the two of us and then takes my hand. “I’m Luke. This one’s cousin.”

  “You’re Grayson’s son, right?” He nods. “I have to get to the station, but nice meeting you.” I turn to Gwen. “See you around, babe.”

  I feel her eyes on me as I walk out of the coffee shop. Once I’m outside, I make my way over to my Jeep and drive across town to the station. I head inside and find Mandy who works at the front desk.

  She’s been trying to climb on my dick since I started, but I try not to fuck my co-workers because it always seems to go horribly wrong.

  “Hey Mav, looking sexy as always.” Mandy thrusts her tits out, and I won’t lie, they’re nice, really fucking nice.

  “Thanks Mandy.” I head into the back and find Troy sitting on the bench in front of our lockers. “What’s up, dick?” I sit down next to him and take a huge bite of my donut.

  The asshole grabs it from my hand and shoves the rest of it into his mouth. “Nuttin’,” he mumbles with donut bits flying out of his mouth. He swallows it down. “Thanks for that. I didn’t have breakfast.”

  “Well, now you owe me lunch.” I grab my belt out of my locker and stick my service pistol in it.

  We make plans to meet later and I grab my coffee, heading out to start my shift.

  Troy stands behind me as I back squat. “Come on, one more,” he says. I squat and then when I stand back up he helps me rack the weight
s. “Spot me,” he says as he slaps me on my back.

  After we finish our workout, we stop in the little juice bar, ordering protein shakes before heading outside and I tell Troy I’ll see him at my place. We’re both off today and he’s helping me lay some brick in my back yard to make a little seating area around the fire pit we’re also building.

  Once I get home, I jump in the shower, mostly to just rinse off. I throw on my “work” jeans and a tank top. By the time I have my work boots on Troy is knocking and then walking into my house carrying a twelve-pack of beer.

  Butch greets him, begging for a belly rub. Troy obliges, scratching my dog behind his ear, and then his stomach.

  “Thanks for coming to help me.”

  He throws the beer in my fridge and we head out back. My dog, luckily he’s lazy and spins round and round on his dog bed before lying down with a sigh.

  While I get the cement ready, Troy levels out the space and gets it ready for me. I spread a thin layer of cement down and then we start adding bricks.

  We’ve always worked well together, so it takes us no time at all to get a good rhythm going. When we have about half of it done, we take a beer break. “So I’m thinking about asking out Chief’s daughter,” Troy tells me.

  I freeze. “Oh yeah? Gwen is good looking, I guess.” Why do I want to punch my best friend in the face? I’ve never cared if he sleeps with the same women that I do, but I don’t want him sleeping with her.

  He shakes his head. “Gwen’s hot, but I’m talking about Taylor. She’s so fucking sexy and every time I see her I have to stop myself from doing something that’ll get me fired.”

  “Do you think she’s into you?”

  Troy shrugs and nods. “I think so. I’ve caught her staring at me, but I—fuck, I don’t know.”


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