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Rescued: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World)

Page 3

by Evan Grace

  “Man, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this. Holy shit.”

  He flips me off and then slams the rest of his beer down. “Let’s finish this shit.”

  We don’t finish it until almost seven o’clock, but it’s fucking gorgeous. The bricks are a mixture of deep reds and light tan. The fire pit was already assembled, I just built the base for it to sit on. I won’t put it on there until tomorrow when it’s completely dry.

  I order us a pizza and a six-pack of Pepsi. We drink a couple more beers until the pizza gets delivered. I’ve got a spare bedroom so Troy can stay if he needs to, but he didn’t drink as much as me, so he’ll probably go home. While we eat we watch baseball and by the time the A’s beat the Giants, we demolished the entire pizza.

  After we eat, he leaves. I lock up the house and take another shower before crawling into my bed and pass out immediately.

  In the morning I throw on some basketball shorts and head out to the patio when I let Butch out and check out our work. It looks a lot better than I had hoped it would. While my dog sniffs around in the grass, I place the fire pit in the center and then head into my garage to grab the furniture I had purchased for this.

  After I let the dog inside, I grab my tennis shoes and slip them on before pulling my lawnmower out of the garage. My yard isn’t real large, so it doesn’t take long to get it mowed and then I trim the hedges.

  After putting everything away, I jump in the shower. I’m off for the next three days. I plan on doing nothing but drink beer, work on my bike, and hopefully getting laid.

  I step out of the shower and hear my phone ring from the other room. I see it’s Chief Malone. Fuck, he’s probably calling to see if I can work. “Hey Chief. What can I do for you?”

  “I have a favor to ask. Josh was supposed to go to the Children’s Hospital to drop off the electronics and toys donated, but he’s sick. I was wondering if you’d be willing to go with Gwen.”

  Oh now this is something I can totally do today.

  “I’d just ask you to wear one of our Sunnyville PD shirts. I’ll pay you for your time and pay for your lunch.”

  “You don’t have to pay me. This is seriously not a problem. I’m happy to do it. What time do you need me at the station?” I head into my room to pull out my clothes.

  “If you could be here in a half hour, that’d be great, I have one van leaving already, but we had so many donations this year we’re taking two van loads.”

  “I’ll be there as soon as I’m ready,” I tell him. We hang up and I grab a pair of jeans, throwing them on. I put on my black Sunnyville PD shirt. I decide to wear my black Chucks and quickly throw them on.

  I know this isn’t going to help my growing desire for her, but at least I can spend some time getting to know her. When I’m ready to leave, I quickly make sure that Butch has food and water before I head out to my bike. I throw on my helmet and make my way toward the station.

  Once I get there, I spot Gwen leaning into the back of the van. Her long, tan legs are on display and my dick twitches thinking about them wrapped around my waist.

  I back my bike into my parking spot and climb off. Gwen stands up and watches as I walk toward her. “What are you doing here?”

  “Your dad called me and asked if I would go with you. Are you excited to spend time with me?”

  Gwen shakes her head and avoids looking at me—she pretends to be unaffected, but I don’t miss the way her cheeks turn pink.

  “Maverick, thanks for coming.” Chief Malone comes walking toward me. I take his hand. “We really appreciate this.”

  “I’m happy to do it.”

  He hands me the keys and I climb in the driver’s side. The minute Gwen climbs in, her floral scent wraps around me, making my dick hard. “I’ll let you control the radio there, but I get it on the way back.”

  “Sweet.” She surprises me when she turns it the classic rock station and starts singing along to the Eagles. I know I’m staring at her, but I guess I’m just shocked. “What? I listen to everything, but this stuff is my favorite.”

  “Do you want to stop and get coffee before we hit the road?” I ask as I back up and then pull out of the parking lot.

  “I could go for an iced coffee.”

  We stop at the Better Buzz coffee shop. I pull up out front and tell her I’ll be right back. I order our drinks and then a couple of the donuts. When I have our stuff, I head outside and find Gwen doing a quick video. “I’ll update you guys on how our mission goes. Peace and love.”

  “What was that?” I hand her, her iced coffee.

  “I have to always be creating content for my social media platforms. In between my vlogs, I post daily videos or pictures on all of my accounts. The point is to keep people engaged and curious about my life, or at least the parts I show. Plus, sharing what we’re doing today will hopefully encourage others to support their favorite charity.” She shrugs like it’s no big deal.

  Once we’re on the road, we’re both quiet at first, the music from the radio is providing noise to fill the void. There doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of traffic right now. Of course this time of day most people are still at church, or sleeping in.

  “How long are you home for?”

  She shrugs. “I don’t know yet. It takes a lot of planning once I decide where to go.” Ping, a rock bounces off of the hood. I start to slow down. “What the fuck.” Ping, ping, ping. Several rocks hit the windshield, causing the glass to spider out. The van is rocked and then it’s being pushed sideways.

  “Oh God, what’s happening?” Gwen shouts. That’s when more rocks slide down the cliff, the sound is deafening.

  I try to drive away from it, but too many rocks come down the side, forcing us across the road. “Fuck, hold on.” Suddenly we’re sliding over the side and all I can hear is the crunch of metal and Gwen’s screams, then… nothing.



  I cough as the dust or smoke fills the inside of the van. It takes a second to clear the cobwebs from my brain. “M-Maverick?” I turn to the side and see him slumped over, and his eyes are closed. “Maverick?”

  He jerks in his seat and turns toward me. “Are you—are you okay?” Blood runs from his nose. I pull the t-shirt I have on over my tank top off and reach over to hold it to his nose.

  “I-I think I’m okay. I don’t think your nose is broken, but it’s got a nasty gash.” I look around the inside and I realize that it’s completely dark inside the van. “What happened?”

  “R-Rock slide, fucking pushed us over the embankment,” he says, his voice hoarse.

  I reach for my door, but it won’t budge. “It won’t open.” My heart starts to race and sweat begins to run down my temples.

  I watch Maverick try to open his, but it hardly budges.

  “Fuck, this one’s stuck too.” He unbuckles his seatbelt and then undoes mine. “Let’s see if we can get the back door open.” He coughs as he climbs into the back and then holds out his hands to me, helping me toward him. It opens, but not wide enough for either one of us to fit through. “I think we flipped a couple of times,” Maverick turns back and says.

  I crawl to the front and grab my bag from the floor. That’s when I get a better look at everything. The front end is gone—the driver’s side is caved in. The roof seems to be closer to us than it was before.

  I feel wetness on the side of my head and reach up touching it. When I look at my fingers they’re covered in blood, lots of blood. My stomach turns, and I look away.

  Maverick grabs my face gently and turns it so he can look at the side of my head. “It’s a pretty bad gash. Your hair sticking to it will slow down the bleeding.” He turns me so we’re looking each other in the eye. “Do you hurt anywhere else?”

  I shake my head. “I don’t know, I don’t think so.” He lets me go and I grab my bag, pulling my phone out. “Shit, no bars and no internet.” I hold up my phone as tears fill my eyes. “How are they going to find us? It’ll be at least an
hour or two before they suspect something happened.”

  He scoots close to me. “Someone had to have seen us go over the side. They’ll see the rocks on the road. They’ll send help—now come here.” Maverick sits with his back against the passenger side and holds out his arm to me. I take the hint and scoot next to him.

  “Let me check my phone first.” Maverick pulls it from his pocket and holds it up. “Fuck, nothing.” He wraps his arm around my shoulders, giving me comfort when all I want to do is freak out. I need to not think about the fact that we’re buried under rocks and boulders right now. “I know I asked before, but are yo—your parents Top Gun fans?”

  He looks down at me and smiles. “My mom was. I’m surprised you know what that movie is.”

  “My mom introduced my sister and me to it in junior high. I had a total Iceman crush for a while.” I look up at him and shrug. “Sorry. My sister was more of the Maverick fan. Where are your parents? Do they live in Sunnyville? Did you grow up near the area?” I know I’m babbling, but it’s like I can’t stop.

  Maverick places his hand on top of mine that are fidgeting, and shrugs. “My dad split when I was ten and Mom passed away five years ago.”

  I put my head on his shoulder and wrap my arm around his waist. “I am so sorry.”

  “It’s okay, it was a while ago.” He’s quiet after that and I feel bad for asking about them.

  A long time passes where neither of us speaks. A groan of metal has me looking up at the roof. Oh god is it lower? My body starts to tremble and I clutch Maverick’s shirt. He pulls me closer, kissing my forehead.

  “We’re going to be okay,” he says quietly, whether it’s to me or to himself, I don’t know.

  I pull the bottle of water, I’m thankful I had, out of my bag. “Here, take a drink.” My hands shake violently as I try to open it. Maverick has to take the bottle from me and twist the cap off.

  “You first,” he says as he holds it up to my lips.

  The cool water feels so good flowing down my dry, scratchy throat. “W-Why can’t I-I stop shaking?” I feel like I’m going to come out of my skin.

  Maverick takes a drink then puts the bottle down. He grabs my chin with his free hand and turns me to face him. “Baby, it’s adrenaline and fear. It’s going to be okay.”

  My eyes start to burn with unshed tears. It feels like I can’t breathe. I begin to fan my face. “Is it hot in here? Fuck, it feels hot.” I crawl toward the back door, trying desperately to get it open. “Come on, stupid fucking door.” The door doesn’t open any farther than it did earlier.

  “Hey. You need to relax.” Maverick grabs me, pulling me back from the door. “You’re starting to panic. Stay with me, okay?”

  Tears begin to run down my cheeks. “W-We’re going to die.”

  Maverick grabs me around the waist, pulling me onto his lap. I’m straddling it and he pulls my face down to his. “I promise you. We’re not going to die.” All of a sudden his lips are on mine.

  In no time, I sink into the kiss. My tongue brushes his and I moan into his mouth. His hands slide up under my jean skirt, as he pulls his mouth away from mine.

  “Tell me to stop,” he says as he grabs an ass cheek in each hand over my panties.

  I shake my head. “No, don’t stop,” I whisper.

  “You’re so beautiful.” He starts kissing me again and with his hands on my ass, he starts to rock me on what feels like a very large cock. With me still straddling him, he leans forward and pushes boxes out of the way.

  He moves us so I’m on my back and he’s on top of me between my legs. Maverick pushes my jean skirt up and reaches for my panties, pulling them off. I reach down and quickly unbuckle his belt and then unbutton his jeans.

  Our moves are frantic as he pulls out his cock, lines it up, and thrusts it inside of me. My back arches off of the floor and I cry out wordlessly. I grab his face and pull it down to mine, kissing him with abandon.

  He grabs my leg and pulls it up, sinking incredibly deep. Maverick’s cock feels like it’s stretching me incredibly wide. The only sound filling the van is the slapping of our flesh and the wet sound of my pussy.

  “Fuck, you’re tight. God, you feel so fucking good,” he whispers. Maverick grabs my hand and pushes it in between our bodies. “Rub your clit, baby.”

  I do as he says and in no time I’m coming, crying out as he slams into me over and over. As he starts to come, he buries himself to the hilt. I feel the warmth of his cum as it bathes my channel. His groans vibrate against my throat.

  Maverick pushes up, his eyes bore into mine. I reach up, touching the cut on his nose. I notice dried blood in his hairline. I touch it gingerly and he winces. “Sorry,” I whisper.

  “That’s okay.” He pulls out of me and after he tucks his cock back into his pants, Maverick puts my panties back on for me and then pulls me up onto his lap. He grabs the bottle of water and holds it to my lips. I take a healthy drink before he takes one himself.

  He sets it down and then wraps his arms around me. I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. We sit like this for a while, or what feels like a while.

  My body is starting to hurt. I ache from the base of my skull to my toes. I shift in Maverick’s lap and groan.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks quietly.

  “I’m just starting to get sore and stiff.”

  He lifts me off of his lap and moves the boxes all to one side. I watch as he pulls his shirt off, revealing a heavily tattooed upper body. Maverick lays it down on the floor and he holds his hand out to me. I take it without thought and he lies down on his back, situating me half on and half off.

  I close my eyes and pray that someone finds us soon.



  Gwen starts to fall asleep, but I jostle her awake. I’m afraid she could have a concussion. “Baby, no sleeping.” I kiss her forehead. “Tell me more about your travel vlog?” I’m not about to tell her that I’ve watched all of them. I’ve never seen someone with such a zest for life.

  She immerses herself in wherever she’s visiting, experiencing everything she can. Her smile is always so fucking bright and genuine. Gwen’s breathtaking.

  “I love it. I’ve always been a bit of a thrill-seeker—I mean, who skydives for their sixteenth birthday? Anyway, I started making videos and people kept subscribing. The summer I graduated from high school I went zip lining in Costa Rica. I documented the whole thing and things just blew up from there.”

  I kiss her forehead and smile. I’ve seen that video and I feel like a pervert that I jerked off to eighteen-year-old her, but she wore a skimpy bikini… a lot.

  I begin to notice it’s getting fucking hot in here and getting hotter as the sun rises higher in the sky. Fuck, we only have half a bottle of water left, but I hope that we’re rescued before that.

  I look down at Gwen—fuck, she’s beautiful. Shit, I fucked my boss’s daughter. When she started freaking out earlier, I was just going to kiss her and stop there, but the moment our lips touched it was all over.

  “Gwen? Baby, wake up.”

  She opens her emerald green eyes and looks up at me. “It’s hot.”

  “Strip down to your bra and panties if you need to, okay?”

  Gwen nods.

  I help her sit up and she shimmies her jean skirt down and off and then pulls her tank top off. I take off my shoes and socks—next, I peel off my jeans and definitely feel a lot better. Gwen lies down and I’m just about to too.

  “Hello! Can you hear us!” a voice shouts from outside.

  “We’re here,” I shout. Just as Gwen shouts, “Help.”

  The sound is deafening, I feel us moving. I lie down, wrapping my body around Gwen’s as the roof starts caving in. She screams as I try to protect her with my body from whatever happens next.

  Suddenly we’re both being moved to stretchers. “Maverick,” Gwen cries, grabbing onto my hand. I hold it tight as we’re wheeled toward waiting ambulances. Chief Malone co
mes running over, followed by his brothers.

  They surround Gwen, moving quickly, too quickly because her hand slips from my grasp. Her wide panicked eyes find mine. “You’re okay, you’re safe,” I call out. They load her up and then take off.

  I’m loaded into the other and I’m shocked when Troy sits down next to me. “Thank fuck, you’re okay, brother.” He grabs my hand. “Rest man, you’re safe.”

  I close my eyes and promptly pass out.

  I keep my eyes locked on Gwen, and hers are locked on mine.

  Earlier when we got to the hospital, I demanded to be moved so I was next to her. Several times since we got here, I’ve found her dad watching me thoughtfully. I don’t know what it’s about, but I’m not about to ask the guy.

  We both have been X-rayed, cat scanned, stitched up, and rehydrated. It took two hours to realize we didn’t show up at the Children’s Hospital, and then it took an hour to find us, it was Gwen’s uncle Greyson who spotted us from his plane. Troy sits in the corner reading on his phone. I’d always hated being an only child, but then I met Troy and he quickly became a brother to me.

  “Maverick?” I turn to see Chief Malone standing a few feet away from me. “How are you?”

  “Sore, tired, and in serious need of a shower.”

  He nods. “I wanted to thank you.”

  “Thank me? For what, Chief?” I’m so confused right now.

  “Troy, can you give us a minute?” Chief Malone asks, looking over at him.

  Troy nods and then stands up. “You’ve got it, Chief.”

  Once Troy disappears the other man turns back to me. “Thank you for keeping my daughter safe. They said when they got you out of there that you were wrapped around her, protecting her.” He’s quiet for a moment. “As a father, you never want to get that call that your child is hurt. Every worst-case scenario went through my head and I couldn’t relax until I saw for myself that she was okay. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you. We’ll talk later about how long you’ll be off duty. If you need anything at all, don’t hesitate to call. I mean it, Maverick, anything.”


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