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Heartless Savage: A High School Bully Romance

Page 12

by Ivy Blake

  Was he seeing other girls? It would account for all his absences, that’s for sure. How would I even ask him that? I’m sure that he’d deny it or brush it off. I groaned at myself. Fuck. I hated spiralling like this. I know Sophie hadn’t meant any harm with what she said, but I suddenly realised there was a whole lot that I didn’t know about Austin, and while I usually found that intriguing, I had to admit that it also scared me.

  “I’ve just paid through the app,” said Sophie, holding up her phone. “You ready to go?”

  “Sure thing,” I said, walking beside her even though my brain was in a completely different place.

  Chapter Sixteen


  After my Philosophy class, I headed over to my locker to swap out the books I’d need for homework tonight. Despite everything going on, I’d handed every homework assignment in on time and was consistently averaging an A, a small achievement I vowed to keep to myself. I hated talking about my grades with other people, I was always worried that it would seem like I was bragging, which is why I tried my best to avoid that conversation as much as I could.

  I put in my code and unhooked the padlock for my locker, pulling it open so that I could see inside. I nearly jumped out of my skin when there was a loud knock on the other side of the door. I peered around to see who the culprit was and was surprised to see that it was Max.

  “Oh, hey,” I squeaked as I tried my best not to look startled by his sudden appearance.

  “Hey yourself,” said Max as he leaned against the lockers on one arm. He looked me up and down before resting his attention on my face. I looked around me to see who was watching, but most people were more concerned with getting home than my petty little micro-drama.

  “Is there anything I can do for you?” I asked as calmly as I could. There was something about Max’s presence and sudden appearance nearly a week after the party that made me feel really uncomfortable.

  “I’m sure we could think of a couple of things,” he said, his eyes flashing with mischief. Max took a step towards me and without thinking about it, I took a step back. He laughed in my face and raised his eyebrows.

  “Playing hard to get, are we?” said Max as he took another step towards me, this time forcing my back against the lockers. I swallowed hard and could feel my muscles tensing up as I racked my brains for a way out of this situation.

  “I need to meet my sister,” I lied as I tried to sidestep him. Unfortunately, my attempt to escape failed as Max placed his hands on either side of my head. My nose was flooded with his scent, it was too sweet, to the point of being sickening.

  “I’m sure your sister can wait,” he purred as his lifted my chin up with his finger. I froze as I realised that he wanted to pick up where we’d left off at the party. Unfortunately, the lack of alcohol in my system allowed me to see straight, allowing me to see how much of a creep Max was.

  “No, I need to go now,” I whispered, trying not to aggravate him. A frown crossed his face and I held my breath, waiting for the worst.

  “No, you need to make up for ditching me at Nate’s,” he said through gritted teeth. Max’s eyes were now slits and his lips had curled back into a cruel snarl.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea-”I started off saying, but I was cut off by him covering my mouth with his sweaty hand, with enough force that prevented me from speaking.

  “I think, you should listen to me, Megan. Then we can both have a good time,” he breathed into my ear. My eyes were squeezed shut as I squirmed against Max’s firm hold on me. To my horror and disgust he started planting sloppy kisses on my neck, ignoring my body language and muffled noises.

  “Get the fuck off of her!” My eyes flew open right as Austin tackled Max to the floor, setting me free from his uncomfortable embrace. I forced air into my lungs and watched with horror as Austin proceeded to beat the shit out of Max.

  “Austin!” I called, begging him to stop, scared that he’d get in trouble if he didn’t. It was like he was in a trance. Ignoring my voice, he kept landing punches to Max who failed to make any impact on Austin’s body.

  Adrenaline set my body in motion, and before I could stop myself I leapt forward and grabbed Austin by the back of his shirt. “Stop!” I exclaimed in his ear, and to my surprise he froze, releasing his grip on Max’s shirt. Max’s head fell to the ground as Austin turned around to look at me.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, his eyes dark, nose flaring.

  “I’m fine,” I said quietly, even though I still felt shaken up by everything and the speed with which it had happened at.

  “F-fuck you dude,” Max spat through his busted lip. His face was in bad shape. Austin turned back to Max and wrapped his hand around his throat, choking him as he stared into his eyes.

  “No one messes with Megan, except me,” Austin growled forcefully, “do you understand?”

  Max spat on the floor, his saliva mixed with blood. I nearly gagged. “Do I make myself clear, or do I have to beat it into you?”

  “Fine, whatever!” Max’s voice struggled against Austin’s choking. To my relief, Austin let go and grabbed my hand before leading me down the hallway.

  “What if someone saw you?” I asked as I looked around to see if there were any witnesses. I wondered how long Max would be lying on the floor before he either got the strength to pick himself up or someone found him.

  “That bastard knew that this part of school was the emptiest at the end of the day, that’s why he tried it on with you,” Austin said through gritted teeth. Just from the set of his jaw, and his curled fists I could tell that he was still exceptionally tense.

  “It’s okay, I’m fine,” I said as we hurried out of the school building, towards my car in the parking lot. ‘Let’s clean you up.” I gestured to Austin’s bloody knuckles, but he simply looked at them and didn’t say anything. I unlocked the car and gestured for him to get in the passenger’s seat.

  “Where’s your sister?” he muttered, staring straight ahead at the empty space in front of us.

  “Lola’s hanging with some friends,” I said. “Besides, we’d usually be having our tutoring session right now, remember?” I added trying to lighten the mood.

  “Oh yeah.”

  The image of Austin beating Max up flashed through my memory. I’d seen him angry, but never that angry. He’d looked like he wanted to kill Max, and if I hadn’t jumped in I wasn’t sure he would have been able to stop.

  “You didn’t need to do that,” I said quietly, embarrassed that he’d gone to such lengths for me.

  “Well, you weren’t exactly handling the situation on your own were you?” Even though what he said was true, I couldn’t help feeling embarrassed that I’d needed him to save me from that situation. I felt dumb for not being able to reject Max more forcefully on my own.

  I struggled to find the right words to say and instead reached for my first aid kit that was on the back seat. I took out some antibacterial wipes and band aids and held them out to Austin.

  “Fuck that shit,” he scoffed.

  “C’mon, I don’t want your blood on my seats,” I said. “Or Max’s for that matter.” Austin rolled his eyes and snatched the wipes off of me, side eyeing the band aids.

  “I will not be using those,” he said with a chuckle as he wiped the blood from his knuckles. To be fair, the band aids were mismatched and multicoloured and I got the sense that they didn’t quite fit with Austin’s look, so I put them away.

  “Why did you do that?” I finally asked, deciding that I had nothing to lose.

  “Because you’re my toy to fuck with, and I’ve made that very clear,” Austin growled, his eyes meeting mine. Every time he looked at me I felt either naked, paralysed or both, like I can’t breathe unless he gives me permission to.

  “Right,” I said breathlessly as I searched his face for more answers. Another question burned on my tongue.

  “Did you manage to sort out whatever stuff you needed to?’ I asked carefully so as not to se
em too nosy. Austin pursed his lips, and his refusal to answer immediately made me feel sick to my stomach.He cleared his throat before finally answering.

  “Not quite,” he said mysteriously. I wanted to ask him if this mysterious business he had to attend to had anything to do with us or if I should be concerned, but his fiery eyes warned me not to press further.

  “Okay,” I said defeated, when he didn’t offer up any more information. “I’m, guessing you’re not in the mood for tutoring today?”

  “Not here,” he said pointedly.

  “Oh,” I said, taken aback. “We could go to mine… or yours if you prefer-”

  “No,” Austin cut me off abruptly. “No, let’s go to Nate’s,” he said shortly as he fastened his seatbelt.

  “Nate’s?” I exclaimed, not understanding his request.

  “Glad to know your ears are still working,” he said mockingly. “Yes, Nate’s. You know where it is right?”

  “I think so. You might need to direct me.” I turned the engine on and backed out of the parking space. I looked towards the school building thinking about Max and what would happen if he were to corner me on my own again.

  “Step on it then,” Austin ordered me and like a reflex, I stepped on the gas and off we drove. I had no clue why we were going to Nate’s house and couldn’t help but wonder if it was another set up. I kept falling into his traps and would have no one to blame but myself if I was walking right into another one.

  I could tell from Austin’s demeanour and faraway look that his mind was occupied and he wasn’t in the mood to talk, so I turned on the radio to cut through the tension. If I had the chance to look inside his brain, I’d take it without question. Austin always looked like there was something he wasn’t saying, like he was always on edge.

  “Down here?” I asked as we pulled up to an intersection.

  “No, it’s the next one,” he said shortly. “Megan?” said Austin after a moment.

  “Yeah?” I said as I tried to focus on the flow of traffic.

  “You’re such a slow driver,” he laughed out loud, throwing his head back, the joy too much for his body to contain.

  “You’re very welcome to walk then,” I said hotly as I turned into the next road.

  “I’m fine right here,” Austin purred and without warning, he slid his hand onto my bare thigh. Electricity flowed from his hand throughout my body and I had to force myself to concentrate on the road instead of his familiar warmth. Austin traced circles on my inner thigh and I could feel goosebumps forming as he teased me, his fingers edging closer and closer to my centre.

  “It’s this one, right?’ I asked, my voice hoarse.

  “That’s the one.” Austin stared deep into my eyes and squeezed my thigh before unbuckling his seatbelt and stepping out of the car. I forced myself not to think about all the things we could be doing instead of studying- at Nate’s house no less- as we walked up to the front door. I curled my hand into a fist and made to knock on the door, but Austin grabbed my hand and lowered it before I had a chance.

  “Hey, stop manhandling me,” I cried. Austin’s brows shot up and a seductive look took over his face.

  “Be careful what you wish for,” he said in a flirtatious voice as he retrieved a key from his pocket, using it to open the door. I’d forgotten how close he and Nate were. Once we got inside, Austin walked around with as much confidence as I’d imagine Nate’s parents, the actual homeowners would have.

  “Is anyone in?” I hissed to Austin, suddenly feeling awkward and out of my depth in such a massive and well-furnished place.

  “Nah, not right now,” he said casually as he lead me up the stairs and to the same room that he’d taken me to at the party. His room. As he opened the door, I noticed one massive difference that hadn’t been there the night of the party. There was a suitcase and pyramid of bags sitting in the corner. Austin noticed me noticing them and I saw his eyes change as they filled with an emotion I couldn’t quite work out.

  “So this is all yours, then?” I mused. If this was his guest bedroom, what was his room like in his actual house?

  “Nate is family,” Austin said, a smile playing at his lips. “We’re basically brothers and his parents are super chill so they’ve always made space for me.” He bit his lip and I could tell that he was taking care to choose his words carefully.

  “That’s pretty cool,” I said, “I wish I had a spare room that I could run away to.” Which was the truth. While things were pretty easy at home, it didn’t mean that I wouldn’t appreciate a change in scenery every once in a while.

  “That’s one way to put it,” said Austin quietly as he watched me walk the length of the room. I still couldn’t get over how spacious it was.

  “What do you want to start on today?” I asked, snapping back to the present, remembering that we had shit to do.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Megan explained everything slowly without making me feel bad for asking her to repeat the same things over again when I got distracted looking at her or when I remembered the fact that my mom still hadn’t called.

  “We can stop if you want?’ said Megan as she glanced at the big clock mounted on the wall.

  “Yeah, I think I need a break,” I said truthfully. It wasn’t just from work, I needed a break from everything, from my mind and my body but I didn’t know how to explain that to Megan.

  “I guess I better get going,” she said quietly, and I could tell from her voice that she was trying to hide her disappointment. I felt a twinge of guilt as I watched her packing up her bag, I wasn’t ready for her to go yet either.

  “Stay,” I said, as I stared into her beautiful eyes. Eyes that had looked at me with terror, with anger, with lust and confusion. Megan put her bag down and sat beside me on the bed, her intake of breath was audible.

  “What’s going on here, Austin?” she asked, turning to me. She looked concerned for me, like actually concerned, as if I hadn’t been the one to save her from that ass wipe earlier. My pulse quickened as I remembered the image of Max pressing Megan against the locker, trying to take advantage of her. The sight of her with another guy was too much to bear and pissed me off to no end.

  Now she was here, on my bed asking about my feelings even after all the hell I’d put her through. No one had ever stopped to ask me about my feelings, not in any serious way. But as we sat together in silence, our thighs brushing against each other I stared at her in wonder as I tried to figure out how to respond.

  “Here, as in Nate’s house?” I asked, even though I knew that was only half the concern.

  “You can start with that if you want to,” said Megan gently, resting her hand on my forearm. Her touch was enough to cause discomfort in my pants. But I needed to focus.

  “It’s really complicated,” I began, unsure of where to start. “There’s a lot of shit going on with my stepdad and my mom.” I watched Megan’s face for any sign of judgment, but there wasn’t any. She nodded her head, allowing me to continue. I took a deep breath before speaking.

  “My stepdad is a fucking asshole,” I spat, and before I knew it, the words came tumbling out. “I know everyone’s parents can be, but he’s genuinely the cruellest of them all. I don’t know what my mom sees in him considering he- he-” I stumbled as I struggled to say the words.

  “Has he ever hurt you or your mom?” Megan asked slowly. I dropped my gaze to the floor, my hands turning into fists as I was transported back to the various moments of weakness during Steven’s violent rampages.


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