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Heartless Savage: A High School Bully Romance

Page 13

by Ivy Blake

  “It’s okay, Austin,” Megan said softly, her hand now on my back, the warmth flooding down my spine. “I can see how hard this is for you.” Contrary to everything, I wanted to collapse in her arms and disappear from everything and everyone. I braced myself, careful not to get swept away by memories I couldn’t control, taking a few deep breaths before I spoke again.

  “It’s fucking awful,” I said honestly. “My mom finally tried to run away-”

  “Oh, so is that why you left mine in a hurry?” I nodded and Megan looked slightly relieved. I felt guilty that I hadn’t told her earlier, knowing that I’d probably made her feel just as bad as when I’d ditched her at the party. I hated explaining myself because I hated being misunderstood, but here she sat listening to me as if she actually wanted to understand. It felt so unfamiliar, so unreal.

  “I’m sorry, I just-”

  “You don’t need to apologise, Austin. I just wish you’d said something.”

  “Would you have believed me?”

  “Of course I would have!” Megan shot back, her voice betraying her hurt. “I appreciate you telling me now, I know it’s really hard. And it’s good that you have Nate to help too,” she said after a moment, a lot more calmly.

  “I don’t even know what I’m going to do, I still have some shit at the house. Steven’s gonna start getting suspicious soon. I need to study for midterms, Coach is on my back- there’s just so much fucking shit!” I exclaimed, I wanted to explode from the frustration of it all.

  “It’s okay, we’ll figure it out,” said Megan in her soothing voice. We’ll figure it out, she’d said, as if we were in this together. I wanted to question her about what she meant but I didn’t have the desire to correct her.

  “Why can’t I just sleep until this is all over?” I said, laying down flat on the bed.

  “I wish I could too,” said Megan as she lay down beside me, our fingertips brushing together as we both stared at the ceiling.

  “What are you running from?’ I asked, suddenly curious. Outside of school, I didn’t know much about her personal life, for all I knew she had her own issues going on and here I was bombarding her with all of mine.

  “That’s an intense question,” she chuckled, turning on her side to face me. I turned too, dragging my eyes away from her skirt that had started riding up her thighs, focussing my attention on her face instead. Megan’s smile and the fact that she smelled like sweet vanilla made me want to disappear into her.

  “Some might say I’m an intense guy,” I breathed as I moved in closer, my hand resting gently on her waist. Our eyes locked together and our breathing was synchronised as we embraced the moment.

  “What are we doing?” Megan whispered through her full pink lips. All the words disappeared from my brain as I drew Megan closer to me and kissed her like the world was ending. All the tension in my body disappeared as our tongues danced together, hands searching each other’s bodies with insatiable hunger. We’d been here before, but nothing had changed. In fact, this time I knew I would explode if I didn’t get to taste her.

  To my surprise, Megan climbed on top of me and started grinding on me as we kissed some more, her hands pulling at my hair. I moaned against her mouth as I grabbed her hips, imaging how good it would feel to bury myself deep inside her. I helped her take her shirt off, tossing it to the floor as I dove head first into her sexy cleavage.

  I kissed her breasts and kneaded them with my hands, teasing her nipples through her lacy bra before ripping that off too and banishing it to the corner with her shirt. My balls tightened hearing Megan moan as I put my lips to her breasts, sucking them with all my might. I loved seeing her let herself loose and seeing her enjoy herself so much was making my erection unbearable. In one swift motion, I had Megan’s body beneath mine and I was helping her out of her skirt.

  “You sure about this?” she asked breathlessly as she unveiled a skimpy pink thong. A growl came from deep within my throat as I removed my shirt.

  “I’ve never been more sure about anything,” I purred as I trailed hungry kisses down her throat, my hands finding their way to her clit, where I found that Megan had already soaked through her underwear. “Someone’s a horny little slut, aren’t they?” Megan moaned in response and unbuttoned my pants, her eagerness for my cock was driving me crazy.

  “I want you, Austin,” she moaned as she clutched my arms. Seeing the desperation in her eyes, I tore off my boxers allowing my rock hard cock to spring free. Megan’s eyes widened with desire.

  “Suck it and I might put it in you,” I growled as I grabbed her hair and guided her mouth to my erection. Megan opened her mouth and I watched in awe as she took my throbbing cock in her mouth in one swift motion. I threw my head back as she sucked me off while she moaned like a good little slut.

  “Good girl,” I breathed as she jerked my dick with one hand and fondled my balls with the other. She looked up at me with those beautiful, big eyes and my instincts took over. I grabbed her face in both my hands and proceeded to fuck her face as she gagged on my length.

  “Get on your back,” I ordered her, and with her flushed cheeks, Megan followed my orders and laid down on the pillow. I sucked her breasts some more because I could tell just how much it turned her on and began kissing down her body slowly, teasing her each time my lips touched her body until neither of us could take it anymore. I was hungry for her pussy and she couldn’t wait for me to taste it. I tore off her thong with my teeth and grabbed her thighs as I dove head first into her slit. I sucked on her clit as I fingered her pussy, smiling against her wetness as she tried to stifle her moans.

  “That feels so good, please don’t stop,” she moaned. With the encouragement, I continued, licking up every drop of her, claiming her as mine. Megan’s body started shaking and I could tell that she was close to orgasm. As her breath became more shallow I stopped licking her pussy, deciding that I wasn’t going to let her cum so easily.

  “I was gonna cum,” she breathed, still clearly pent up.

  “I know,” I said as I grabbed a condom from my bedside table and slipped it onto my dick. I eased myself on top of her and breathed in her scent. “I want you to cum on my dick instead,” I purred into her ear, and at that, Megan went crazy. She grabbed my cock in her hand and guided it to her slit as if she couldn’t take it anymore.

  “I knew I’d have you begging for my dick.” I smiled down at Megan, incredibly turned on by the lustful look in her eyes.

  “Please,” she cried, “just take me, Austin!”

  Even if I wanted to tease her more, I couldn’t bring myself to do it because the desperation in her voice threatened to send me over the edge. I pushed myself into her, bracing myself against her tightness before melting into her warmth. We were both breathless as I began pounding her pussy, Megan grabbed onto my back and dug her fingers into me as I increased the pace.

  “Fuck!” I moaned as she spread around my cock, allowing me to feel every inch of her. Megan looked beautiful and felt fucking amazing. I’d been waiting for this since the moment I’d first seen her, but I’d never imagined that it could feel this good.

  “Oh my gosh!” said Megan as I fucked her harder. It was like a wild animal had taken over my body and I had only one thing in mind, that was making Megan cum and making her mine.

  “I’m gonna cum!” she cried as I started rubbing her clit too.

  “I want you to cum for me Megan,” I moaned against her lips, feeling my own orgasm building up too. I watched her face as she orgasmed, the contractions from her pussy sending me into my own. We convulsed together as our bodies erupted with ecstasy, the tension that had built up finally eroding as we rode out our orgasms.

  “Fuck,” said Megan once we had finished cleaning ourselves up.

  “You’re very welcome,” I said smugly as I pulled her into my chest, appreciating the way that our bodies fit perfectly together.

  “Fuck you!” said Megan with a playful slap.

  “I mean, you did.
” She rolled her eyes and snuggled deeper into my side, her arm wrapped around me. “You feel okay?” I asked as I ran my fingers down her back. This moment was unfamiliar to me. Usually I’d be out, or sending the girl packing, but I didn’t want to do that to Megan. She looked so peaceful as she lay against my bare chest and I had to admit that I enjoyed cuddling naked with her, something I didn’t even know I desired.

  “I’m good,” she said, her voice taking on a dreamy tone. “Are you okay?”

  “I got what I wanted, so of course I’m happy,” I said softly as I stroked her hair. I felt Megan freeze in my arms. I glanced down at her face which now held an anxious expression.

  “I guess that’s us done then, huh?” she asked in a flat tone.

  “No, I didn’t mean it like that!” I said, angry at myself for my choice of words. “I just mean that I’d been wanting to do that for a long time.

  “You could have fooled me,” said Megan with a laugh as she relaxed into me again. The obvious question lingered in my mind – what did this make us? Something had changed between us and I wasn’t sure when it had been, but I knew that sleeping together had made it more apparent. I hadn’t been filled with shame or repulsion straight after finishing, like I usually was. I suddenly felt more protective over Megan and I didn’t want to let her go. I pulled her in closer and breathed in the scent of her sweet shampoo, not wanting to move from this position.

  There was a buzzing sound from underneath the bed and Megan jumped up, breaking the moment. She fumbled for her phone and answered it quickly.

  “Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I didn’t realise what time it was!” She apologised to the person on the other side of the phone. I watched as Megan apologised profusely while trying to put her clothes on, shooting me apologetic looks every now and then.

  “Okay, I’ll be with you in like 5 minutes okay?” She said goodbye and then hung up the phone, proceeding to put on her skirt and tie.

  “Who was that?” I asked, sitting up in bed.

  “My friend, Sophie,” said Megan quickly. “She said she’d help me out with something and I obviously got distracted.” She groaned to herself as she checked her reflection in the mirror.

  “What do you need help with?” I asked, even though I was getting the sense that she didn’t want to talk about it.

  “Urm, don’t worry about it, it’s no big deal,” she said as she grabbed her bag, clearly ready to leave. I felt a pang in my chest as I wished she could just get back into bed with me and stay the night. What the hell was going on with me? I pulled my boxers on and walked Megan to the door, still slightly weirded out by this part of our exchange.

  “I guess I’ll see you later then,” I said, forcing a smile. There was no reason for her to know that I wanted her to stay, it’s not like I was desperate for her company or anything. Besides, it wasn’t like she was my girlfriend- she had no obligations to me. Regardless of the facts, I still wasn’t happy to wave her goodbye without knowing where she was going or who else she was going to be with.

  “Thank god no one came home,” she laughed lightly as we stood beside her car.

  “I think our noises would have been enough for them to leave us alone,” I teased.

  Megan looked up at me, a smile spreading across her face. It sent a rush through me to know that I had probably put that smile there. She took a step closer to me and as if she’d been dared to, she quickly wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into a hug.

  While it took me by surprise, I wasn’t known to be a hugger, it felt nice to pull her close again, her arms around my neck while mine were looped around her waist. It was a much better way of saying goodbye. We both pulled away reluctantly. Clearly neither of us wanted whatever this was to end.

  “Drive safe and don’t get a speeding ticket!” I called as Megan got into the car and started her engine. She held up a middle finger to me, a grin across her face before driving off down the road. I watched her until she was out of sight before going back into the house, not without noticing a hooded figure walking on the other side of the road.

  “Hey!” I called out from Nate’s front door. But the person ignored me and continued walking, head bent down. Weirdo. I went inside and fixed myself something to eat, checking the time on my phone. Nate probably wouldn’t be back for another half hour. His parents were another story. They loved to take spontaneous trips, business or otherwise, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t come back today. In fact it would probably be ideal, allowing me and Nate to hatch a plan without their intervention.

  Telling Megan and Nate about Steven was one thing, but getting actual adults involved- especially ones that had grown up with him- was a whole different ball game. We’re going to figure this out. Megan’s voice rang in my ears, bringing a smile to my face. The last couple days had complicated things. I’d been ready to skip town if it meant never seeing Steven again, but now I was having my reservations because of Megan.

  So far, she’s been the only break away from all the madness, and I didn’t think I was ready to just let her go. I thought through my options as I ate my sandwich, knowing that I’d need a second opinion about what to do. I sat in front of the television half watching as I replayed having sex with Megan in my mind, waiting for Nate to come home. My body still felt warm in all the places she had touched me. Thinking about her voice, her body, her smile made me breathless. I set down my empty plate on the table as a terrifying realisation dawned on me. I was falling for this girl.

  Chapter Eighteen


  When I pulled up to the police station, Sophie was standing outside, looking a bit annoyed until I stepped out of the car. Her face broke into a smile as I walked up to her.

  “Someone looks happy,” she teased as we walked into the station. I felt flustered and even more so as we were told to sit in the waiting room until the officers were ready.

  “Maybe I’m glad to see my friend,” I said with a smile.

  “Nice try,” said Sophie with a wag of her finger. “I can tell a sex afterglow from a mile away.” My cheeks erupted into flames as I looked around at the other people sitting in the waiting room who could probably over hear us.

  “Sophie!” I hissed, embarrassed that she had caught me out. “Is it that obvious?” I added, checking my reflection in my phone camera. Sophie nodded then leaned in to me, finally lowering her voice.

  “Was it good?”

  “Really good!” I said truthfully, because it had been.

  Really good and really unexpected. The whole drive to the station, I had played the scene over and over again trying to unpack how me and Austin had ended up in this position when not too long ago we were at each other’s throats. I’d been seriously taken off-guard by his insistence to cuddle afterwards, having got accustomed to his hot and cold moods, I had expected him to kick me out. Lying in Austin’s arms had felt amazing, almost safe even. Which was strange considering the way that I had dreaded going to school because of him.

  It was confusing and my emotions were all over the place because it was a lot to come to terms with. Not to mention his confession about all the stuff with his family. I would never have expected something like that to happen to someone like Austin who seemed like he had it all. But that was the thing about closed doors, anyone and anything could be hiding behind them.

  Sophie squealed. “Oh my god, you need to tell me everything!”

  “Sophie!” I laughed, resigning to absolutely not tell her everything. Before I could continue, an officer had stepped into the waiting room and called my name, saying that he was ready to see us.

  Sophie and I quickly shut up, suddenly remembering why we were really here. I had a stalker situation and thoughts about Austin would simply have to wait.

  * * *

  We were seated in a cold grey room at a table opposite a broad police officer who had a pen in his hand poised to write in his notebook. It felt just like those scenes you saw in TV shows, except now I was the one under spec
ulation and my palms were sweatier than they’d ever been, even though I wasn’t guilty of anything.


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