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Obeying Daddy

Page 8

by Kelly Dawson

  She shivered. Already, she felt exposed.

  His feet went between hers, kicking them apart. “Spread your legs.”

  A sob caught in her throat. Already, she felt thoroughly chastised and the spanking hadn’t even begun. She stepped her feet further apart and clenched the edge of the desk tightly as he lifted the hem of her skirt, sliding it up her thighs, spreading it over her back, revealing her simple cotton knickers with the pink lace trim. She wished she’d worn nicer underwear. Sexier. Either that, or the enormous ones she owned that reminded her of the Bridget Jones’s Diary movie. At least they covered her entire butt and would afford a bit more protection than her current ones.

  She gasped at the touch of his palm against her bottom, his large hand patting her left buttock almost affectionately.

  “Shall we begin?”

  She doubted it was actually a real question, so she kept quiet.

  He rested one hand in the small of her back. She liked it, having his hand there. It let her know that he was in control, and all she had to do was submit. Gripping the rolled-edge desk tighter, she resolved to try.

  The ruler was cold as he touched it to the middle of her bottom, laying it against the fullest part, evenly across both cheeks.

  “Usually, spankings will be on the bare bottom, but as this is your first time, I will let you keep your knickers on. Don’t expect it in the future though,” he warned. “Next time you find yourself over your desk about to feel Daddy’s ruler, your knickers will be down around your ankles and it will be your bare ass in the air.”

  The crude way he spoke, so unlike his usual gentlemanly manner, sent heat to her loins. She clenched her parted thighs together as best she could. And then it occurred to her.

  “What if someone hears?”

  He rubbed the ruler up and down. “This room is completely soundproofed,” he explained. “My uncle made it that way. Sometimes, clients can be...” he paused, as if searching for the right word, “emotional. Loud. We don’t wish for their privacy to be disturbed. Also, we’re surrounded by empty offices and storage rooms. Nobody will hear anything. I promise.”

  In her vulnerable, bent-over position, Jilly sighed with relief. That was something, at least. It was bad enough that she was bent over Matthew’s desk about to be spanked. The last thing she wanted was for her colleagues to hear it.

  He lifted the ruler, leaving her waiting in fearful anticipation.

  “There will be six strokes of the ruler,” he told her matter-of-factly. “You are to remain still and in position the entire time. I don’t want to see you reaching your hands back to protect yourself; this ruler will hurt far more on your fingers than it will on your backside.”

  Jilly gasped and stiffened. “No,” she whimpered, but she wasn’t sure what it was she was protesting, exactly. She had already resigned herself to punishment. And six strokes seemed... Well, it seemed like a lot. But probably, it was nothing less than she deserved. In fact, in Matthew’s eyes, he was probably going easy on her.

  “Yes,” he insisted. “Now hold still.”

  The first crack of the ruler against her upturned bottom nearly sent her into orbit. The sting was far more intense than what she’d expected and she hissed in pain. It took everything in her to resist the urge to reach back and grab her bottom, rub out the sting, and protect it from further onslaught. Instead, she gritted her teeth and stayed where she was.

  Matthew rubbed the ruler over the welt he had made, interspersing the rubbing with little light taps. “Good girl,” he praised. “You took that first one well. Five more to go. A bit harder, this time.”

  She clenched her bottom tightly, tensing her legs, gripping the edge of the desk with so much force her fingers hurt.

  “Relax,” he commanded, rubbing the ruler down the cleft of her bottom, sliding it and the thin material of her knickers between her buttocks. “This one will still be light; I’m trying to ease you into this gently.”

  That was light? her inner mind screamed. The line of fire burning across her bottom indicated otherwise, but she kept her lips clamped tightly shut. She would not argue with him. Not when she was in this position, bent over his desk, getting punished.

  Three more smacks followed swiftly, so fast they all blended in together and she squirmed, crossing her legs tightly against the ruler’s biting kiss.

  “Nuh-uh,” Matthew scolded, tapping her thighs with the ruler. “Get back into position, this isn’t finished yet.”

  Letting out her breath, struggling to inhale, she consciously tried to relax the grip she had on the edge of the desk. Her fingers were hurting, she’d been grasping it so tightly. Her legs shook as she slowly eased her ankles apart, stepped each foot sideways, forcing herself to regain the position Matthew had asked for. Tears burned the back of her eyes but she refused to let them fall. She was not going to cry. Not here. Not now. Not over a little spanking. She’d save her tears for important things.

  “Good girl.” The unexpected praise, spoken in a voice far huskier than normal, almost made her smile. Almost, but not quite.

  She flinched as he pressed the length of the ruler against the underside of her bottom, lifting her up on her toes, and his hand in the small of her back pressed her flatter against his desk, causing her to arch her back and push her bottom out. Offering herself for punishment like this made her feel so naughty, and so unlike herself. Cheeky, almost.

  “Two more. Proper punishment swats, this time. Are you ready, little girl?”

  She didn’t answer, so he grabbed her ponytail in one hand, tugged her head back. “I said, are you ready?” His voice was a husky growl, stern, menacing. But so sexy.

  She whimpered, as heat flooded through her.

  “Y-yes, Daddy,” she stammered. But it was a lie. She wasn’t ready. Not at all. Instead, everything in her wanted to run. Everything in her told her she was crazy, that she shouldn’t be consenting to this, that she should be getting away, as fast as she could. But at the same time, Matthew in daddy-dom mode was the hottest thing she’d ever seen. She had to see more of it. Even if it meant more smacks with that evil ruler.

  A tiny little part of her was disappointed when Matthew let go of her hair and she dropped her head forward, resting her forehead on the shiny mahogany.

  She quivered when he returned his hand to the small of her back, his palm pressed there firmly, his fingers outspread, his large hand comforting. She braced herself.

  Smack! The ruler landed with a biting sting and she threw her head back in shock and cried out in pain. This was so much worse than the first four! She rose up on her toes, stamping her feet with quick little steps, in response to the burn.

  “Keep still,” Matthew ordered. “Last one.”

  This time, the ruler landed on the diagonal, crisscrossing across the stripes that were already there. It was the hardest smack by far and the burn intensified and spread. It felt like she’d sat on a hot stove. She wanted to get up, to run away, but the scalding pain was shocking, keeping her frozen to the spot while her body adjusted.

  “Ow! Shit!” she yelped, whimpering, her legs shaking. It was hard to believe a ruler could hurt so much. “Ow, ow, ow!”

  Matthew grabbed her ponytail again but when he tugged her head back this time, he wasn’t gentle. “Daddy doesn’t want to hear such filthy words,” he growled in her ear. “Little girls don’t use such coarse language.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to!” she protested. “But it hurts!”

  “It’s meant to, little girl. That’s the whole point of a spanking.”

  He tugged her hair even more, pulling her head right back, almost to the point it hurt her neck. “You will be punished for swearing,” he told her. “Daddy cannot kiss a mouth that utters such dirty words.”

  In one swift movement he let go of her hair and grasped the top of her underwear, scrunching the sides together in the middle and pulling them up between her cheeks, baring the lower part of her bottom.

  She shivere
d. He pressed the cold wood of the ruler against the underside of her exposed bottom and her heart stilled.

  “One more,” he told her firmly. “You need to understand that swearing will not be tolerated. Good little girls don’t swear.”

  “I don’t normally!” Jilly protested. “I have a daughter! I hardly ever swear! I didn’t mean to, I promise.”

  “Right now, arguing isn’t helping. All you needed to say was ‘sorry, Daddy.’”

  “Sorry, Daddy!” she said quickly, her high-pitched tone making her sound young and frightened. And she was frightened, a bit. Especially when he tapped the ruler lightly several times against her bare flesh, sending prickles of fear and anticipation through her.

  She held her breath when he lifted the ruler away.

  Several seconds passed. She thought maybe he’d changed his mind, and wasn’t giving her another whack after all, but just as she was about to stand up, to push back against his hand that still rested on her lower back, the top of her knickers scrunched in his fist, the ruler fell. Hard. The vicious stroke landed in an upward swing, catching the curve at the underside of her bottom, propelling her forward. She lay over his desk, totally spent, as the line of fire ricocheted through her body, spreading out from her bottom, consuming her fully.

  Gasping in pain, she tried to rise, but his hand still on her back held her in place.

  “Owwwww,” she moaned, blinking back tears. How on earth could a thin little ruler hurt so much?

  Again, she tried to stand up, pushing back against his restraining hand, but he held her firm.

  “Stay,” he commanded softly. “Let me admire my handiwork.”

  Shame flooded through her as he pulled her knickers aside further, his big hand rubbing against her sore, bare skin, his fingers tracing along the lines that he had made.

  “Let me see this naughty little bottom with the red marks on it from my ruler.” While he spoke, arousal tinging his voice, he continued rubbing her bottom, his skin rough, almost scratchy, against hers. “You were a very naughty little girl,” he growled.

  His hand dipped lower, delving between her legs, his long fingers finding that special spot in a light, magical touch.

  This time, her moan was one of excitement, not pain.

  Abruptly, he withdrew his hand, slapping her bare lower cheeks instead, fuelling the flames that already danced across her bottom.

  “Ow!” she yelped.

  “Stand up,” he commanded, letting go of her, his voice hoarse with arousal.

  She obeyed, adjusting her underwear and wincing at the tenderness as she smoothed down her skirt. But she couldn’t look at him. Weird feelings flooded her. Shame, insecurity, passion, pleasure, mingled with the pain from the spanking. He’d made her feel simultaneously liked a naughty child and like a passionate, lust-filled woman. How could a simple spanking make her feel so confused?

  He cupped her chin and tilted her face up, forcing her to meet his gaze. His eyes blazed with passion. “You’re mine, little girl,” he growled. “Mine. You hear me?”

  She did hear him. She heard the desire in his husky voice. Peeking down, she could see the bulge in the front of his trousers. A little quiver of desire went through her, followed by a flush of shame. She should not be getting turned on by this. He’d just set her backside on fire with nothing more than a few strokes of his small wooden ruler. It hadn’t even taken a lot of effort on his part.

  “Do you know what it means to be mine?” he asked.

  Did she know? She thought she did. And she’d just experienced part of what it meant. She knew there would be rules and spankings; he’d made that much clear. But what else had he said? Someone to give up control and let me take care of them completely. Had that been his exact wording? She couldn’t remember, but she knew it was pretty close.

  “You want to take care of me,” she told him. “And give me rules, and spank me when I break them.”

  He let go of her chin and put his hands on her shoulders instead, holding her tenderly. His loving smile nearly undid her.

  “Yes, I want to take care of you, little girl. In every way. But the rules won’t just be arbitrary, they’ll be very specific, for your good. To take care of your health and wellbeing. And, in the case of being on time to work, to ensure you don’t lose your job. I want you to trust me, to confide in me, to unleash your burdens on me. Do you understand all that?”

  It’s not like how it was with Cameron, her inner mind reassured her, and a wave of relief washed over her. Cameron had destroyed her. She’d given him her heart and he had taken it and trampled on it, he’d run away with it and broken it into a million pieces. If Matthew had been anything like Cameron, or if what he was proposing reminded her even a tiny bit of the relationship she’d had with Cameron, she wouldn’t want a bar of it.

  She nodded. “I understand. But...” She broke off. How could she tell him she was hesitant? That she wasn’t brave enough to just jump in feet first with everything she had and hope for the best?

  “But what, little girl?” His voice was so earnest, so kind, she took the plunge.

  “I might need a bit of time. To get used to the idea. To learn to trust you. It’s not something I can do overnight, I’ve been hurt too badly before.” Her heart pounded. Would this be the end of them, now that she’d told him how afraid she was? Now that he knew she wasn’t as willing as he wanted her to be? Was it all over? She held her breath as his grip on her shoulders tightened, then eased and he brushed the back of one hand down her cheek in a tender, comforting gesture.

  “Of course, baby girl. You take all the time that you need. You’re in control here.”

  “I thought you were?”

  He smiled. “I am. But you’re in control of your submission. It’s something that you give me as you choose; it’s not something I can wrest from you.”

  She let out her breath, felt her shoulders relax. She’d been holding far more tension in them than what she realised. “So you’re not mad?”

  “No, baby girl. Of course I’m not mad.” He drew her into his body then, and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. She leaned against him, inhaled the musky, woody scent of his aftershave. It felt so right, snuggled against him like this, with his arm around her, holding her tight. She felt like she belonged to him.

  She winced when he slid his arm down around behind her and squeezed her burning bottom playfully.

  “Mine,” he whispered possessively.

  His erection pressed into her belly as she ground her hips against him. She reached her hand back both to protect her bottom against further assault, and to rub it better.

  “No,” he growled, slapping her hand away. “This is my bottom and you may not touch it. You especially may not rub it after a spanking. That is my job. Understand?”

  Bolts of passion hit her like lightning, burning through her to her core. Her lungs couldn’t get enough air. This man was something else.

  “Yes, Daddy,” she whispered, breathless. “I understand.”

  He held her close for a few minutes more and she relaxed against him, enjoying the strength of his arms around her and his hard body against her like a shield. In his arms, she felt special. Desired. It was a new feeling for her and she liked it.

  But far too soon, reality burst through her bubble.

  “You need to get back to work now, little girl,” Matthew said softly. He pushed her back gently, away from him, so she was standing upright. “You will take that sore bottom back to your desk and sit on it like nothing is wrong.”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she agreed, feeling her face heat up as shame flooded her. What if her work colleagues knew what had just gone on behind Matthew’s closed office door? Don’t be stupid, they’re not going to know, her more rational inner self insisted. Why would they even suspect such a thing? But she would know. And having to sit on her burning butt and face her work colleagues, when they had all seen her hauled into Matthew’s office, would be embarrassing.

  She walked
to the door.

  “Have you had breakfast?”

  Matthew’s question stopped her in her tracks and she turned to look at him. She shook her head. “No. There wasn’t time,” she admitted. “If I’d stopped for breakfast I would have been even later to work than what I already was.”

  His frown made her heart thump. “You need to eat, little girl. No more missing meals, you hear me? We’ve already established that it’s a non-negotiable rule; next time you will be punished.”

  Jilly clenched her thighs tightly together in an attempt to stem the throbbing there as she felt her face flame and her stinging bottom clench involuntarily at the thought of the ruler being applied firmly to it again. As if in response, her tummy rumbled in hunger. Loudly. Matthew raised an eyebrow and all Jilly could do was grin sheepishly.

  “Back to work, little girl,” he commanded gruffly. “I will bring a muffin to your desk. You do like muffins, don’t you?”

  “Yes, Daddy.” She nodded. “Thank you.”

  Walking back down the hallway was like a walk of shame. Although she looked at the floor so she didn’t have to look at her work colleagues, she could feel all their eyes on her. It wasn’t often that secretaries got ordered into the senior partners’ offices under such circumstances, and speculation over what happened to her in there would probably be fodder for gossip for ages. Unless Janice put as tight a rein on everybody else as she did with her and Vanessa.

  Sinking gingerly into her chair, she snuck a surreptitious glance across at Janice and her heart sank. So much for her putting a stop to any gossip. The smug smirk on her face was a mile wide.

  Jilly could feel her face flaming as she squirmed awkwardly in her chair, trying to find a comfortable position so she could tackle the pile of paperwork stacked up in front of her. Slowly, the eyes of her colleagues left her and she tried to focus on her work but her mind was awhirl. It didn’t seem real, what had happened in Matthew’s office. It seemed like a dream, a bizarre one, from which she would awaken at any second. Except the tenderness in her butt was proof that it wasn’t. She really was his—he had claimed her, and she had proclaimed herself his. His words ran through her mind, her skin still tingled where he had touched it.


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