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Obeying Daddy

Page 9

by Kelly Dawson

  But she felt guilty. Her eviction notice lay there in the back of her mind, tormenting her. Should she tell him? She couldn’t, not yet. Not until she knew he really was trustworthy, that he wasn’t going to just take her heart and trample on it as Cameron had done. Choosing to be submissive to him and letting him take care of her at work and even being punished by him here in the office was one thing. But laying herself fully bare to him and exposing her vulnerability was quite another. Her eviction notice affected not only her, but Lily as well. And all she could think of was Cameron. Once Lily had been in the picture, Cameron had scarpered. Jilly wasn’t going to let that happen to her a second time.

  She was flipping through a sheaf of papers, trying to get Matthew out of her mind and focus on her work instead when a pen hit her in the back of her head. Annoyed, she spun around. Vanessa was grinning. “You okay?” she mouthed.

  Jilly nodded.

  “What happened in there? You still have a job?” she stage-whispered across the small space.

  “I’ll tell you later,” Jilly mouthed back, seeing Matthew striding purposefully down the hallway. Her smarting bottom clenched. The last thing she wanted to do was come to his attention again and get herself into more trouble. And there would be trouble, if she was caught gossiping with Vanessa during work hours, no doubt about it. He hadn’t expressly stated that in his office when he was outlining the rules, but she knew.

  A few minutes later, when she’d finally managed to get Matthew and the spanking out of her head and her focus on her work, he came up silently behind her and placed a steaming, buttered blueberry muffin on her desk. He’d gone to a lot of effort for her: he’d obviously bought it from the snack box in the staffroom, taken it out of the wrapper, heated it in the microwave, sliced it in half, put it on a plate and buttered it. The care he’d taken just in bringing her a simple breakfast made her smile. He was so sweet.

  He placed one hand on either side of her desk, trapping her beneath his body, and leaned down so close that the stubble on his chin scratched her cheek.

  “Eat, little girl. And no more skipping breakfast. It will be a taste of my ruler next time,” he growled in a tone so low nobody else would hear it.

  Chapter Seven

  When Matthew came to collect her at lunchtime he acted like nothing had changed, but to Jilly, everything had changed. Her entire world had been tipped upside down. She was fairly sure that even Vanessa’s eyes had been glaring daggers at her all morning, as she’d eaten her muffin at her desk. It was embarrassing, being singled out by Matthew like that, but at the same time, she quite liked it. Several times, she’d caught herself squirming and forced herself to stop, making herself sit still even though her bottom throbbed. She didn’t need to draw any more attention to herself. Being hauled into the office and being in there for ages and then brought a muffin in front of everybody was bad enough.

  When they walked down the street side by side, Matthew’s hand resting in the small of her back was more possessive than usual. He had definitely laid claim on her, and every now and then his hand would sneak further down her spine and clutch her bottom, his strong fingers squeezing her tender flesh, making her yelp. They walked closer together than they usually did, Matthew’s big hand drawing her in closer. She was hyper-aware of him now, aware of the chemistry between them, the sparks that flew back and forth between their bodies with every step they took.


  “Sounds good,” she agreed. “But I’m paying for it this time. You’ve done enough for me.”

  Right there, in the middle of the street, Matthew stopped, turned her to face him, and took her chin in his hand. “Uh-uh, absolutely not, little girl,” he scolded. “Under no circumstances will you be paying for lunch. Not when Daddy is with you. Paying for lunch is Daddy’s job. Do you understand?”

  She nodded, as best she could with him holding her chin, but tears of embarrassment welled up in her eyes. This was so wrong. They were in public, out on the street of downtown Auckland at lunch hour, surrounded by people! How could he do this to her here?

  “I understand,” she whispered, desperate for him to let her go so they could continue on, wishing the footpath would open up and swallow her whole. But when she went to pull away from him, he wouldn’t let go. Instead, he bent his head to her, pressed his mouth against hers, kissed her with a hunger so deep, so urgent, the whole earth shook. Sparks flew through her body. It felt like a bolt of lightning from heaven itself struck her, sending shockwaves ricocheting through her, heating her from the inside out, blocking out everything except his kiss. He pulled her closer and she laced her fingers behind his neck, buried them in his hair, kissed him back with a passion she didn’t even know she had. She pressed her body into him, feeling his erection against her hip. He tasted so good, his lips against hers felt so right.

  The kiss ended as abruptly as it had begun. Matthew let go of her, passion blazing in his eyes, and Jilly stood there, dazed, trying to catch her breath. As her racing heart slowed to its regular rhythm, her embarrassment at being scolded publicly was replaced by fury. He had no right to do that to her! No right at all!

  “You embarrassed me!” she complained. “Holding me like that so I couldn’t move, telling me off in the middle of the street.”

  “I know. I’m sorry about that. It wasn’t my intention. But when you need to be corrected, little girl, you will be corrected. No matter where it is.”

  Jilly huffed. “Well, can you at least be a bit more subtle next time?”

  Matthew slipped his arm across her back again, resting it there possessively, staking his claim. “Did that kiss not make up for it?” he asked, avoiding her question.

  “Not quite.” Jilly smiled. “I think you might have to try it again.”

  “You, my dear, are a brat.” Matthew tipped her backwards over his arm and leaned down, catching her mouth with his, making the world explode around her all over again, and definitely making up for the minor embarrassment he had caused her with the public scolding.

  The food hall in the mall was quieter than usual and they were able to get a table right in the far corner, away from the throng of foot traffic, beside the window that looked out over the harbour. A lone seagull circled smoothly above the moored yachts. Jilly sighed deeply. If only she could be so carefree.

  “What’s wrong?” Matthew’s serious voice was low, full of concern.

  Jilly shook her head. Despite the evolution of their relationship that morning, she still wasn’t ready to tell him. Not with something so personal as that. She would feel like a failure.

  “Is it something I can help with?”

  The word ‘no’ was on the tip of her lips, but she hesitated. In my world liars get punished, Miss Watson. Where had those words come from? They swirled in her head now, in his deep, scolding tone. When had he said them? It had been a while ago... in the staffroom, she remembered, the first day she was late.

  Tell him! He can help! her inner voice urged. But still, she shook her head. She couldn’t. Besides, unless he owned a vacant rental property near Lily’s school and was willing to rent it to her, he couldn’t help anyway.

  Instead, she forced a smile. “I’m a single mother,” she reminded him. “I’m always stressed. There’s always something.” That wasn’t a lie. “But it’s under control.” That was a lie. It was a whopper. Things weren’t under control at all. Despite searching constantly, nothing had come up. And with the market the way it was at the moment, she wasn’t very hopeful that anything would.

  Matthew didn’t believe her, she could tell. The raised eyebrow, the stern expression, the way he crossed his arms against his chest in the tiniest suggestion of danger, showed her that. But still she kept quiet. It was under control. It had to be! Or it had to be soon, anyway.

  * * *

  Jilly was on time to work the next morning, she made sure of it. Despite the evening not having gone any better than any other evening—she spent hours trawling the internet, brows
ing real estate listings, searching for anything within her price range, but she came up empty. She even expanded her search criteria to include houses in two suburbs over from their current place, but still, there was nothing. Sick with worry, she couldn’t sleep. Although her eyelids were heavy when she dragged herself off to bed not long before midnight, when her head hit the pillow her mind was wide awake, her brain whirling with worst case scenarios.

  You won’t end up homeless, she tried to reassure herself, repeating it over and over again into her pillow, like a mantra, but she wasn’t convinced. Every single day she read in the papers of families, especially single mothers like herself, unable to find rentals in the city and ending up in emergency housing, camped in friends’ garages, or living in their cars.

  “No way!” she whispered to the darkness. “My daughter is not living in a grotty place like that. I will find us a house, my baby girl, I promise!” But as she lay wide awake, staring at the wall next to her bed, the knots in her stomach getting tighter, she wondered if she had just made a promise she wouldn’t be able to keep.

  Even though she was at her desk by 8.56 a.m., Jilly looked around nervously. Janice was standing near the photocopier chatting and Vanessa hadn’t turned up yet. Nobody seemed to notice her at all.

  The tenderness in her bottom from yesterday had gone, she noticed, as she sat down, readying herself to start work. The pile of paperwork on her desk for her attention hadn’t gotten any smaller, and she needed to focus.

  She was so deep in her work that she jumped slightly, startled, when Matthew came up behind her and placed a sheaf of documents on her desk, leaning down over her to nibble the back of her neck. She sighed and stifled a giggle at the tickle of his whiskers against her skin, arched back toward him and smiled.

  “Good morning, Daddy,” she whispered, soft enough for his ears only. She was surprised by how easily the word daddy slid off her lips; she had said it instinctively. She felt his lips curl up in a smile against the side of her neck. He obviously liked it too.

  “Good morning, little girl,” he whispered back.

  He stood up, patted the papers he’d just given her and straightened up, making his expression stern. “Bring them to my office when you’re done, please,” he ordered gruffly, and winked.

  “Yes, sir,” she answered meekly, hiding her smile, before returning her focus to her work as Matthew strode away.

  Inwardly, she was both cringing with embarrassment and jumping for joy. Had anyone seen? Vanessa would have, surely. The thought of her secret office romance being found out both thrilled her and mortified her. After all, everybody knew of a secretary who had slept with the boss to get extra perks.

  A spanking for being late is hardly a perk, her inner mind grumbled.

  Is that what her colleagues would think of her? That she was sleeping with the boss just for the benefits it could give her? Vanessa wouldn’t, surely, and Vanessa was the only one in the entire office complex that she considered to be a friend. Besides, Matthew wasn’t the boss. He was merely the youngest, junior-most partner. And by far the best looking. And all he did was take her out for lunch—which was no different to what the big boss did with Janice. Let them talk, she decided. Then we can see if the no gossiping in the workplace rule is applied evenly, or just to the ones Janice doesn’t like. Like me and Vanessa.

  Jilly sighed as she scanned the document for the required additions. If she couldn’t find a new place to live soon, her reputation with her work colleagues would be the least of her worries.

  Matthew was on the phone when Jilly tapped lightly on the frame of his open office door, bearing the armful of documents he had asked her to complete for him. Glancing up, he smiled at her, indicated that she shut the door, and go about filing the papers. He finished his conversation soon after and the air was alive with electricity as he got up and shut the door, snibbing the lock, ensuring no one could get in, even with a key. Jilly’s heart raced but she kept her expression neutral, pretending she was unaware of his presence and his actions, carrying on with the filing as though nothing had changed.

  But everything has changed! her inner voice screamed. You’re alone in his office with him and he’s just locked the door!

  She sucked in a breath as he came up behind her, sliding his arms around her waist and placing his hands on the metal filing cabinet on either side of her body, trapping her in place. His hips and thighs touching her, his erection hard against the small of her back, left her in no doubt that she was his. That he had claimed her. That he was going to claim her some more. Right here, right now.

  Leaning into her, he trailed one hand up her thigh, sliding his hand under her skirt, his fingers tickling, teasing in the most delicious sensation as they slowly crept closer and closer to her core. Her simple cotton knickers were no barrier; he simply slipped his hand under the elastic, exploring her hot, slick depths. His other arm wrapped over her shoulder to cup her breast and she was totally, completely ensnared by his body. His.

  “Mine,” he whispered, his mouth kissing the side of her throat.

  “Yours,” she agreed hoarsely, arching her back, pressing herself into him, offering herself to him completely.

  “I’m going to take you now,” he growled softly, his lips rumbling into the side of her neck. “Right here, against this filing cabinet.” It wasn’t a question, it was a statement. He wasn’t asking her permission; he was taking what was his.

  “Yes, sir,” she whispered back, but had she spoken the words aloud or were they just in her head, lost in the moan he drew from her with his expert mouth and fingers?

  He spun her around, her shoulder slamming shut the drawer of the filing cabinet with a bang but she didn’t even flinch at the sound or the pain as he rucked up her skirt, his fingers busy inside her blouse and knickers, turning her on in the wildest, most primal of ways. She clung to him, her fingers tangled in his hair, her mouth on his, her legs wrapping around him, pulling him closer, tighter, completely lost in the moment.

  He released her for a second, pulling a foil packet from his pants pocket before dropping to his knees in front of her. His mouth was on her crotch, his whiskers tickled her inner thighs, she could feel his teeth right there. His lips. His tongue. She could feel a tugging on her underwear, heard the rip of fabric tearing, felt the cool air on her exposed pussy as he used his teeth to tear her knickers from her, baring her to his gaze. He cast her ruined knickers aside and she arched her back, pressing her shoulders against the filing cabinet and her pelvis into him as his hot tongue lapped at her eagerly, flicking her clit, his fingers parted her swollen lips and his tongue delved deep inside, exploring her, tasting her. Already, she wanted to scream. He’d brought her right to the edge of the precipice and left her there, dangling, while he sheathed himself, locked his eyes on hers and covered her mouth with his, kissing her hungrily, passionately, making her taste her own salty, bitter juices.

  He lifted her up, sliding her up the front of the filing cabinet, wedging her there with his body and she wrapped her legs around his hips, holding him tightly, as he lowered her onto his cock. She gasped as he entered her, stretching her wide, filling her so completely, taking her so thoroughly.

  “Mine,” he growled, nipping her throat, driving himself deeper into her, and she matched her thrusts with his, moving her hips in a delicate dance, taking him fully.

  Her fingers tugged his hair, curled around his collar, tightened on him however they could. Her breasts, tight, achy, hot, screamed against the lacy confines of her bra, so tender the soft fabric chafed her nipples. Every nerve ending was on fire. The whole world was spinning around her; she was going to explode.

  He came at the same time she did, shuddering then stilling, at the same time she groaned out his name, digging her nails into his shirt, his hair, clenching her thighs around him tighter as she tipped off the ledge he’d brought her to only moments before, flying with him.

  She collapsed against him, spent, her thighs burning, breathi
ng hard.

  “You are incredible!” she murmured as he held her tight, snug against his chest.

  Then she remembered. “My knickers!” she glanced down at them, horrified. There was no way she could put them back on; he’d torn them completely in two.

  “You don’t need them,” he informed her. “I will like knowing that my little girl is sitting out there at her desk, bare-bottomed under her skirt. Such a naughty little girl.”


  “No buts,” Matthew cut her off. “You will remain bare for me today. I’m in court tomorrow, and for the next couple of weeks. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about, that’s why I called you in here under the guise of filing. I’m going to be away, I’ve got a big court case starting tomorrow, and I won’t see you for a couple of weeks. That’s why I claimed you now—and that’s why you will do what I asked, and wear no knickers for the rest of today, to please me. So I can remember you like this when I can’t see you.”

  Jilly’s heart clenched. He was going away? Now? Right when it was starting to feel like they had something real going on? Her eyes filled with tears and she twisted out of his grasp, away from him. “So you used me like that, and now you’re going to leave me?” she whispered, barely able to form the words through her tears.

  He’s just like Cameron, her inner mind snarked. I tried to warn you, and you wouldn’t listen.

  His arms wrapped around her, pulling her close but she fought him, flailing with her arms, pushing him away.

  “Listen to me, baby girl,” he commanded, trying to catch her wrists.


  “Yes.” In one swift movement he grabbed her waist, spun her around, lifted up her skirt, and landed a harsh, resounding smack! on her bare bottom. It stung, and it shocked her. She stilled. He took hold of her shoulders, moved her to face him, looked into her eyes.


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