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In the Devils Arms (Devils Arms MC Book 1)

Page 14

by Michelle Woods

  “Where’s Sin tonight?” Diablo asked.

  “Out,” Phoenix grunted, losing his humor fast.

  He still wasn’t happy with the events that had transpired before Sin left for her weekly girl’s night. Normally he had no problem with her spending time with her friends, but tonight had been different. He was watching her in the bathroom putting on some light make up when he’d asked where they were going. Sin told him that Sandra and some of their friends were going to meet her at a local country bar. He’d frowned and stood up glaring at her as he’d told her she wasn’t going. He still remembered the look she’d given him. Her eyebrows were raised to her hairline and she’d watched him for several moments. At first, he’d thought she’d agree easily, but he should have known better.

  Sin wasn’t one to argue. She decided on a course of action and followed through. She was a bit like a man in that respect. It was one of the things he normally loved about her. Tonight however, when she’d asked politely if he liked fucking her, he hadn’t liked that trait much. He’d frowned unsure why she was asking him that when they were talking about her going out to a bar. He’d replied with a confused yes to which she’d responded, ‘I guess I’m going out with my friends’ then.’ and continued getting ready. He had watched her, sure that she’d lost her damned mind until his sluggish brain had finally caught on to what she was saying.

  Phoenix knew from that comment that he had to let her go. He wasn’t under any illusion that he’d be able to go without, even for a short period of time. He was more than addicted to fucking Sin. He’d managed to get her to wear her cut and even convinced her to let him send one of the prospects he trusted with her. She’d agreed and kissed him on the cheek with a little smile that told him that he’d managed to avoid the doghouse.

  He would have sent Freddy to keep an eye on her, but he’d already been sent out to this cabin to prep it for tonight’s poker game. Lost in his own thoughts he noticed the silence in the room and glanced up from his cards to see that they were all staring at him. He sighed, a little pissed that they’d stopped playing at the clubhouse because too many people wanted to join in and things got crowded. It would have been easier if they’d ended up getting distracted by something besides his love life. That was why they’d started a signup sheet and limited the number of players to ten with three watchers or sweetbutts in the first place. Too many issues with the game to make it fun. Only now it meant he had all of them waiting for an explanation when he didn’t want to give one.

  “That doesn’t sound good.” Hemp laughed.

  “It’s fine.” Phoenix grumbled.

  “Now you have to tell us.” Diablo insisted laughing.

  Phoenix didn’t want to tell these fuckers that he’d been unable to stop his woman from going out with her friends because he knew that she’d cut him off from his favorite pastime. He banged on the table calling out, “I thought we were playing poker.”

  “We are, but now we’re waiting for you to tell us where Sin is tonight while you’re playing poker.” Thumper said.

  Phoenix knew them all well enough to know that they’d sit here until he told them, and he had a royal flush. Fuck. He really didn’t want to tell them because he could already hear the ribbing he was going to get from them over it.

  “She’s at the Red Fox,” he finally grunted.

  “Wait, isn’t that a country bar out by the interstate west of the clubhouse?” Hemp asked.

  “Yes,” Phoenix growled.

  “Shit, how’d your old lady convince you to let her go there?” Thumper asked.

  “I know how,” Grit said, laughing his ass off as he pointed his beer in Phoenix’s direction before adding, “Welcome to the club, my friend.”

  Phoenix sighed closing his eyes because the man wasn’t wrong. Grit had been with his old lady Piper for nearly five years and she reminded him of Sin in a lot of ways. Freddy looked from him to Grit in confusion while the other men watched him waiting for him to elaborate.

  “I don’t get it. What did she do?” Freddy asked.

  “She told him no putang and he caved.” Grit crowed.

  “Damn, and you didn’t set her ass straight?” Thumper demanded, shaking his head.

  “No you idiot, he didn’t because he isn’t stupid. Trust me, when your old lady lays down the law you listen or you’re going to end up with a serious case of blue balls.” Grit muttered.

  “I wouldn’t let her tell me what to do. It’s easy enough to get pussy elsewhere.” Thumper grumbled.

  “Yeah, not when you want to keep the pussy you have. Not everyone wants to stick it into anything that moves Thumper.” Grit snapped, glaring at the younger man.

  Phoenix couldn’t agree more. He’d never betray Sin by fucking around on her now that he knew how he felt about her. He loved her too much to hurt her that way. Sin might be a badass, but her heart could be broken as easily as his could. He never wanted her to think she wasn’t his whole damned world because she was, and now that he knew that he wouldn’t pretend it wasn’t true. He took a swig of his beer and slammed it back on the table.

  “I’ve told you all about how pussy whipped I am. Now can we play poker?” He demanded, before discreetly checking the time to see it was still about an hour before he needed to leave and head home.

  Sin said she’d be back at ten and he wanted to be there when she arrived. She’d likely be tipsy and tipsy sex with Sin was hot as hell. That thought made him shift in his seat trying to get his hard on into a comfortable position. It ached so bad that he didn’t even give a fuck when they teased him for the next hour because he was too busy imagining her naked and drunk.

  Chapter Nineteen

  She watched Sandra wrinkle her nose at the shot glass she’d just set in front of her. Her hand slowly curling around the straight whiskey she’d just dared Sandra to drink. Penny laughed from her seat nearby, each of them waiting on Sandra to man up.

  “Come on! It’s not that bad.” Laura grumbled, her eyes lighting up and her lips broke out into a wide smile.

  “It’s disgusting as fuck! I really hate whiskey and that bitch knows it.” Sandra said, pointing at Sin. Her face still broadcasting her unhappiness with the whiskey.

  “Drink up, ho-bag,” Sin snickered, laughing her ass off at Sandra’s unhappy snarl as she stuck her tongue out at her.

  Sandra let out a dramatic sigh and held her nose while she downed the shot making the table roar with laughter. Sandra sputtered and made a sour face after drinking the whiskey. Sin had no sympathy for her. She’d asked for it by choosing dare a few minutes ago instead of truth. Sandra hadn’t wanted any of their other friends to ask about her latest date. Not that Sin was surprised by the fact that she didn’t want to share the story after hearing about the douche bag who’d left Sandra at the restaurant with the check. She was going to have to talk to Phoenix about teaching that son of a bitch some manners.

  “My god, you’d think it was swill! We ordered you the Jameson for shits sake.” Vicky said, leaning into Sandra’s side. Sin grinned at Sandra when she glared at her from across the table, likely thinking up ways to get back at her for making her drink that shot.

  “I want to dance. Let’s go dance.” Penny begged, her blue eyes wide and reminiscent of a puppy dog. Sin looked towards the two men who leaned on the wall next to their table. Neither man looked too happy about having to be here tonight, but they were both alert and had been steering drunk cowboys away from their table all night. Penny, Vicky, and Laura all headed out to the dance floor. Sandra hung back at the table with her.

  “You know I’m going to make you pay for that whiskey, don’t you?” Sandra asked from her seat.

  “You’ll be alright. Stop whining about it.” Sin rolled her eyes.

  “Shut up. What’s up with those two goons you’ve got escorting you around?” Sandra asked, looking over her shoulder at the men who were now split up. One was watching her and Sandra while the second had moved closer to the dance floor to keep an
eye on her friends. She liked that they weren’t just here to keep her out of trouble.

  “I have a feeling that any time we go out like this we can expect to have company.” Sin told her.

  “Wow, I know you’re like his bicker bitch now, but doesn’t he trust you?” Sandra asked.

  “Yes, he trusts me. He doesn’t—however—trust other men to keep their distance. Hence our two new friends.” Reaching over to grab another loaded potato skin from the tray she’d ordered earlier, she popped it into her mouth. Moaning at the delicious mixture of bacon, cheese, and potato as it hit her taste buds.

  “If you say so. I think he might be a little over the top sending guards.”

  “Of course he is, but I’m cutting him some slack. He’s new to this relationship stuff.”

  “Huh, guess that makes sense. I can’t believe you haven’t thanked me for getting the two of you together. I mean, I was the one who took you to that warehouse. You owe me.” Sandra complained.

  “Bitch please. You tried to get me to take you to your car, don’t act like it was you dragging me to that warehouse. Besides, he was a total dick that night.” Sin grumbled as she took another swig of her beer.

  “How can you not realize that I’m the one who got you two together? We wouldn’t have even been there if I didn’t work for the club.” Sandra was glaring at her as she lifted another skin.

  “That’s true, but you’re not responsible for our relationship.”

  “I am too.”

  “Are not.”

  “Come on and dance with us.” Laura begged as she tugged on Sin’s arm. She ignored her and glared at Sandra who glared back.

  “You’re such a pain in the ass.” Sandra said. “It’s totally my doing that you have a hot man in your bed every night.” She insisted before she hopped off her chair.

  Rolling her eyes, Sin stood up too. She then headed out to the dance floor with her tipsy friends.

  Sin stumbled into the house at ten forty-five, her feet aching and her head swirling. She’d had fun tonight. They typically had to switch off who stayed sober when they went out like they had tonight, but because of the prospects they hadn’t had the need for a designated driver. She’d enjoyed herself immensely as had the girls. She bent down taking off her sandals when a male voice spoke from the kitchen doorway startling her.

  “You have fun, baby doll?” Phoenix asked, leaning on the doorframe.

  Sin held her hand to her heart blinking stupidly at him. She hadn’t realized he was home yet, but she supposed she should have because neither of the prospects had checked the house. They’d pulled into the drive and helped her out of the car, but had left as soon as she’d opened the door to the house. She remembered them texting someone as they left the bar to take everyone home.

  “I did.” She said, swaying on her feet.

  Phoenix came towards her scooping her into his arms and carrying her into their room. He paused for a minute beside the bed, but he didn’t set her down like she expected. Instead he turned towards the bathroom. He shoved the door open and moved inside setting her on the counter beside the sink. Sin noticed that he’d cleaned up her make-up that she’d left out. She felt all warm inside that he’d taken care of it without her asking him to. He could be so sweet sometimes. She turned her head to see him digging in the cabinet she kept her stuff in looking for something.

  “Whatcha doing?” She asked, curious.

  “Looking for those face wipes you use to clean that shit off your face.” He grunted.


  “Babe, why do you think? So you can clean that shit off.” He replied, still searching.

  “You don’t like it?” Sin asked.

  “Doll you know that’s not what I meant. I told you before you left that you looked beautiful, but that shit can’t be comfortable to sleep in. I just want to take care of you. Can’t you hush and let me do that.” Sin felt her gooey insides melt some more.

  “They’re on the second shelf.” She told him, leaning back on the wall behind her as she waited for him to find the make-up wipes.

  “Here,” Phoenix said, standing up with the package of wipes, handing her one to clean her face.

  “You’re so sweet.” She gushed as she attempted to clean off her face. Sighing heavily, he took it from her.

  “Close your eyes, dollface.” He said, and when she complied he made quick work of cleaning her face for her. He kissed her lips when he was done handing her the pink tooth brush from the holder.

  “Is my breath stinky?” She asked, feeling embarrassed.

  “No, but you always brush your teeth before bed baby.” Phoenix replied, picking up the tube of tooth paste.

  “Oh,” she said, realizing that was true. She held out the tooth brush for him to add tooth paste to it. She brushed her teeth while he grabbed his own tooth brush and did the same. When she was finished, she spit into the sink and took the cup of water he offered her to rinse.

  “My head hurts.” Sin told him leaning into the wall again.

  “I’m sorry, doll.” Phoenix said, kissing her forehead gently. “Stay there and don’t try to get down okay.” He told her, waiting till she agreed before he left the bathroom. He was gone for over five minutes and she began to wonder if he’d forgotten about her. She was just preparing to jump off the counter when he came back with a glass of ice water and two pills. He’d gone to the kitchen to get her water and medication for her headache. He really was the best old man a girl could have she decided as he handed her the water and pills.

  “Come on dollface.” He said as he gathered her into his arms, not even complaining when the water sloshed out of her glass and hit his chest. It must have been cold, but he just carried her into the bedroom where he’d already pulled the covers back. He set her on the bed and helped her strip off her clothes. She had started sleeping in only her panties since he moved in. Most of the time they slept naked because they’d just had sex anyway.

  He helped her under the covers before climbing in behind her in only his boxers. She expected him to try and initiate sex, but he didn’t. He just pulled her into his arms, spooning her with his front pressed into her back. He kissed the top of her head making her sigh in contentment.

  “Night, dollface.” He murmured, his arms squeezing her.

  “Goodnight, Nixy.” She replied, earning a soft chuckle from the hard body pressed into hers.

  Sin woke up the next morning, her brain foggy and her bed cold. She sat up holding her head which wasn’t hurting too bad despite the amount of drinking she’d done the night before. Her eyes scanned the room looking for Phoenix. Even if he got up earlier than she did he typically stayed in bed, so she was a little confused about why she was alone in a cold bed. Rubbing her face when she didn’t see him she wondered where he’d left her phone the night before. She glanced over at his side of the bed noticing a piece of paper sitting on his pillow.

  Reaching out she lifted it. It took a moment for her sleep coated eyes to make out the words on the paper.

  Hey, babydoll.

  Didn’t want to wake you, but I had to leave for a few days. I will be back by Wednesday. Sorry I didn’t say goodbye, but I had to leave early this morning and you said your head was hurting last night. Hope you’re feeling better. Call me when you get up. Might not be able to answer, but let me know you’re ok or I will worry.

  I love you, Nixy

  Sin couldn’t help the giggles that pealed out of her at that last line. Damn, she had called him that hadn’t she. It was ridiculously silly that he’d called himself that. She would have to save this note to torture him with later. She could leave it in the clubhouse by ‘accident’ when he was being particularly annoying. She snickered as she hid it inside a book she’d been reading.

  Getting up she headed into the kitchen in search of water and some Tylenol.

  Chapter Twenty

  Abruptly awakened Sin sat up with her heart beating wildly inside her chest. For a moment she had no idea wh
at had awakened her. She sat up blinking when she heard the soft beeping of the alarm she’d set up. Fuck, someone was in the house if that alarm was beeping. Her ears perked up as she listened to the soft thumps coming down the hallway towards her room. She carefully rolled out of bed and reached into the bedside drawer for her gun. Pulling it out she moved behind the edge of the dresser holding her breath as the sounds neared her bedroom. It wasn’t Phoenix, she knew because he’d told her on the phone that he wouldn’t be home before tomorrow. She sighed because she’d known better than to allow Phoenix to convince her not to reset her tranquilizer darts three months ago.

  Hadn’t Papa always told her to follow her instincts? It was the rule she’d lived by for years and it had never failed her. She leaned into the wall, almost holding her breath as she waited. With him out of town she should have set them up, but she’d been afraid he’d come in at night and trip the wire without realizing she’d reset it. Not that the tranquilizers would have hurt him, but still.

  Now here she was regretting that choice as she hid behind a dresser and waited on someone to break into the room with her. She suddenly remembered the burner phone and grabbed it from beneath the dresser. She turned it on and brought up messenger to text Rage. She was glad she’d added him, Diablo, and Phoenix to her burner when she’d set it up this time. Old habits of preparedness died hard. It had been drilled into her head since she was fourteen after all. Papa Bear was a stickler for making sure all your ducks were in a row at all times. He always said you never knew when shit was about to hit the fan and the difference between dead and alive was being ready for it. Focusing on the phone she typed out a message and hit send.

  SIN: Someone broke into the house. Get here.


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