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In the Devils Arms (Devils Arms MC Book 1)

Page 15

by Michelle Woods

  She’d just put the phone down when door creaked open. She shoved the phone into her pocket, so whoever was coming into the room didn’t see the light. When she’d rolled out of bed, she’d left the covers in a lump that looked like a body. She saw that there were two figures standing in the doorway. Her eyes adjusted to the faded light that was coming from the streetlight outside, illuminating the guns as they were raised. She heard the little piffs of the bullets as they shot into the bed. Knowing she only had seconds to kill them or end up dead she aimed at the closest one’s chest and shot. The gun went off loudly and the man fell down with a bullet in his chest as the other one cussed and turned his raised weapon towards her, getting off a shot that hit the dresser near her head.

  The wood broke off and scraped across her skin. She flinched and pulled the trigger again, shooting the second one right between the eyes. She waited, her breath held hoping they were the only two men who’d come into the house. She listened hard and after five minutes of silence she determined that if anyone was there that they’d already be in the room after hearing the two gunshots. She hadn’t attached the silencer to it because she’d left it in the kitchen last week when she’d clean it. She wished that she hadn’t because the noise was likely to wake her neighbors, who’d likely call the cops.

  She glanced out the bedroom window with her mind racing. She cussed when she saw that her neighbors’ lights were on. Damn, they’d be calling the police. Not that she wouldn’t have done it herself, but them calling complicated her life. It meant she had less time to get rid of the illegal shit in the house. Taking the phone out of her pocket to see a text from Rage.

  RAGE: On the way stay safe. Get out if you can.

  She went to the security system she stored in her closet. Reaching in she took the video that monitored the bedroom and hallway ejecting it. It wouldn’t have any evidence other than tonight on it because she’d set it to record over the previous night’s recording. She’d set it to record from nine pm to nine am because she didn’t want evidence lying around. No reason to incriminate her or Phoenix if it recorded something illegal, giving the cops a reason to search the place.

  She grabbed her second phone and called the police herself, so it didn’t look like she was trying to hide anything. She entered the kitchen and set the video on the table. She explained what had happened to the woman on the other end. She made sure that she sounded like she was hysterical knowing that the 911 call would be played at the trial. She repeatedly said she had to shoot because they were trying to kill her over and over as if she was struggling with it. She wasn’t really upset about it, but it wasn’t her first rodeo. She knew that acting like killing two men hadn’t affected her would lead to trouble down the road.

  Her voice was panicked as she fake sobbed through the story of the home intruders who’d woke her up and scared her into hiding before shooting at the covers thinking it was her on the bed. She kept repeating how she’d never shot anyone and that she’d been so scared. Walking into the hall she pulled all the drugs from inside the hall closet. With the duffle full of weed in hand she headed into the kitchen, stopping to collect the illegal guns that Phoenix had stashed around the house. She grinned a little as she pulled the two gun’s she’d hidden herself from their home under the kitchen sink and tossed them into the duffle too. Once that was finished she went to the sliding doors and peeked out. She’d looked out the front window to see her neighbors were already in their front yard, but she scanned the area out the back to be sure that no one was outside. Confirming that everyone was focused on the front, she sobbed into the phone again and pretended to need to go throw up. The woman on the other end didn’t like her setting the phone down to go do so, but she also couldn’t deny her the right to throw up without an audience.

  The phone on the counter, she made loud gagging sounds to hide the light sound of the door opening and exited to the back yard. She carried the duffle to the fence at the back before sending Rage another quick text.

  SIN: Don’t forget to pick up the package. It’s outside behind the back fence in the bush on the right. This phone too so don’t panic if I don’t respond.

  Sin stuffed the phone into the duffle then heaved the bag over the fence into the bush she’d told them she was tossing it into. She really hoped they got here quick because she needed them to get the drugs and guns before the cops found them. With that finished she headed back inside, still keeping her eyes peeled for anyone in the back yard. She was damned glad that she’d made sure when she moved in that none of her neighbors had security systems in their backyards for an issue such as this one. She didn’t want to worry about being caught on camera tossing drugs or guns over the fence. Not that it would matter as long as the duffle was gone because they wouldn’t be able to prove anything. It would look weird, and it would make her lawyer’s job harder, but he could say she was panicked about some porn or something and get her off, as long as they didn’t find the duffle she was golden.

  Walking back into the house she began to fake sob as she closed the door and went to pick up the phone. She told the woman she’d tossed her cookies before grabbing two wet cloths, one to clean her bare feet and the other for the police to find. No reason to give them evidence that she’d been outside. She could hear the sirens nearing her house and told the woman on the phone that the police were there and was told to hang up. She quickly hid the first rag in the bucket beneath the sink and headed towards the front door, opening it just as they swarmed out of their cars.

  She fell into the first officer’s arms crying and begging him to get the dead men out of her bedroom. He was shocked and held her as she pretended to break down like a mad woman over having killed the two men. She watched as the men entered the house and couldn’t help but thank Rina for teaching her how to fake some tears when she was fifteen. It was twenty minutes later that Rage showed up, and by then she was already in the back of the police car and over her fake hysterics. The officer had kindly told her that she would have to take a ride to the station, but that she was fine and hadn’t done anything wrong. She’d almost snorted at his gentle reassurances that she was fine and wouldn’t go to prison. She’d already known that, but she’d insisted that he make sure that the tape she’d had in her hands as she’d exited the house went to her friend, because she couldn’t trust anyone else to make sure it wasn’t tampered with.

  The officer had tried hard to get her to allow him to take it to the station, but she’d refused. She’d made him leave it on the hood of the car she was in, telling him she couldn’t trust anyone because she was dating a biker and they’d told her not to. Since she’d been acting hysterical the office had agreed. She saw the man hand the tape to Rage and grinned as she leaned back into the seat. She knew that if Rage was here then she was good. No way would he have allowed her to be arrested for drug possession. Closing her eyes briefly, feeling tired, she waited on the officer’s to remove the bodies. She was watching the house and saw that they were finally carrying them out on rolling stretchers in grey body bags. She mentally went over everything making sure she hadn’t forgotten something. She’d handled the tapes, drugs, and guns. Nothing else came to mind, but she still went over it all again in her head mentally calculating everything to be sure.

  Loose ends always bit you in the ass when you least expected it and she wanted to be prepared for it if she’d forgotten something. Jack always said that the devil was in the details and she knew she’d played her part well.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Sin reached up and tugged at her ponytail waiting on the officer who’d put her in the car to come back. She knew the drill. They would try and get her to give up information on the Devils Arms MC when they got her to the station, but it wasn’t going to happen. She wouldn’t talk to anyone except Stan, her lawyer. He’d have her out in less than ten hours, she’d bet her life on it. Stan was no stranger to police stations, and dealing with something this cut and dry would be a synch for him.

he stared out the window seeing Rage talking to the officer and gesturing wildly. The cop was shaking his head and speaking, but she couldn’t make out what he was saying. Sin didn’t know what Rage and King were trying to convince the officer should happen, but she knew they weren’t going to be able to keep her from going to jail tonight. It was a done deal the moment she’d pulled the trigger and killed both intruders. She hadn’t been surprised to find out they were both part of the Raiders MC. She’d suspected as much before she’d even gotten out of bed. They were pissed at Phoenix for that scene the other day in the store. Not to mention the beef they had with the club. To them she’d likely looked like an easy target because she lived so far from the club. They must have known Phoenix was gone. She really wished she’d taken Phoenix up on his offer when he talked about her moving with him to a cabin on some property the club owned. She’d refused.

  It wasn’t because she objected to living with the club like he thought. No, it was about how her family would react when she finally told them where she was and who she was with. She could already hear Papa Bear’s roar and see the scowl on Jack’s face. Damn, it was going to be a shit storm when she did own up to it. Rage was now vibrating with energy as he demanded that the cop do something which the man refused to do, and stood with his arms crossed over his chest shaking his head. Another cop walked over and started talking with them, apparently drawn over by the loud voices she could hear, but not understand as she sat in the back of the police car waiting.

  Finally, the second cop laid a hand on the other’s shoulder and said something. It made the cop mad, but he finally agreed. She could see his lips form the word ok. The second cop started leading Rage over to the car she was sitting in and she raised her brow as she watched them near wondering if they’d somehow convinced the cops to let her go. If they had, she’d likely kiss the man because she really didn’t want to have to call Stan. She knew it was a pipe dream. She’d have to give a statement and talk to the detective who would want her to rat out the club. The cop spoke, giving Rage a leveled look as he opened the door.

  “Ten minutes. That’s what we agreed to, so you can give her the information about the club’s lawyers. That’s it.” The cop said, stepping back a few feet.

  Rage glared at the cop who still lingered close by and grunted as he squatted down beside the car meeting her eyes with his silver ones. His scared face serious as he glanced over his shoulder, likely trying to see how close the officer was to them. When he turned back, a frown was firmly in place as he beckoned her to lean down so he could talk directly over her ear.

  “Don’t talk. They ask you, say you woke and there were people in the house. Don’t say anything about the shit you tossed out the back fence. We picked that up before they got here thanks to your text. I really hope no one saw you, but what you did was smart, Serenity. Damned smart.”

  “No whispering. You might be coaching her, and I told you not to do that. Either talk normally, or you’re done.” The cop snapped, moving closer.

  Sin didn’t need to hear what he was telling her anyway. She knew not to talk about anything club related and not talking about how she’d tossed the six illegal weapons along with the ten kilos of weed Phoenix had stashed in the hall closet had been a no brainer. She’d even made sure to erase the tracks that showed she’d walked outside to the back fence. She wished she could tell him that she’d rented the place only because none of the neighbors had cameras or flood lights in the back yard. She always knew that something could happen that required her to escape or stash something. Shit always hit the fan and she was prepared for it thanks to her father.

  “I appreciate you’re trying to keep me calm, but I’m really ok. I can handle this. Those men broke into my home with ill intent and shot at me. I was forced to shoot back at them.” Sin tried to reassure Rage that she had this under control. Rage watched her silently for a moment then nodded.

  “I’ll have the club lawyer—,” Rage began

  “No, I have my own lawyer. I will call him.” Sin said, because if she was working with anyone it would be Stan. He knew all the facts about her situation and she didn’t want a lawyer she didn’t trust. Not that she thought the club’s lawyer wasn’t good at what he did, because he was most likely excellent at it. She just preferred Stan. Besides, if her family ever found out she was in trouble and didn’t call Stan they’d lose their shit.

  “Honey, Tom Bradley is really good at handling these situations for the club. You want him, not some lawyer you’ve used in the past who might not know what he’s doing in a criminal case.” Rage tried to convince her, his scar standing out as he leaned forward and took her hands into his squeezing.

  “Rage, I’ve already told everyone in the club that they don’t know me. Trust me when I say, Stan has this under control. When I call him, he will handle it,” Sin said, squeezing his hands back.

  “I’m sure he’s a good lawyer, but I just think—,” Rage began again, only to be cut off, but this time by the cop.

  “Two more minutes.” The cop grunted, earning a glare from Rage who still held her hands.

  “Just give me a damned minute.” Rage snapped before turning back to Sin again.

  “Rage, trust me. My lawyer will have me out of there in less than ten hours with booking and release. He’s damned good and he’s handled shit like this before.” Sin reassured him.

  Rage frowned harder, his face tight with grim acceptance.

  “Times up.” The cop said, and Rage slowly released her hands and stood up, nodding silently to Sin who smiled back at him and waved as the cop shut the car door again. It took another twenty minutes for the police to take her to the station. She gave her statement to one of the officers who’d brought her in before they sent her to booking. She went through the process which took another forty minutes before she was finally able to call Stan.

  As his private cell phone rang three times, she worried that maybe he was busy with something for the club and wouldn’t have his phone on, but he finally picked up on the fifth ring.

  “Hello, Stanley Hayworth.” He answered, sounding tired. Sin gathered this from the sound of his voice that he’d been sleeping. Considering it was still only six am she supposed that wasn’t unusual.

  “Stan, it’s me,” she said slowly before adding. “Don’t call the boys, but I’m in trouble and need you to come to the station here in Ramsey.”

  “Serenity?” he questioned, still sounding half asleep.

  “Ma’am, your two minutes are up. You need to hang up.” A female officer who was in charge of letting people make calls said as she stepped closer.

  “Yes, just get here. I’m in Ramsey county jail and do not tell Papa or any of my brothers.” Sin warned.

  “Fine, I’ll be there in fifteen minutes. I can’t believe you’re that close and none of them realized.” Stan mumbled before he hung up with laughter.

  Sin grinned a little as she was led back to the holding cell where three other women waited. She knew hiding close was smarter than going somewhere far away. She knew that Papa Bear and the boys would look for her far and wide, but they’d never think to look at the town less than twenty miles from where they were. It had been a sneaky thing to do, but she’d needed her freedom and they had refused to give it to her.

  Sin sat down beside the hooker who’d eyed her the first time she’d been put in the cell with her. The hooker ran her eyes over Sin’s attire, likely curious about why she was in lockup. Leaning back into the wall she closed her eyes and waited on Stan to get here and work on getting her the hell out of this cell. She really hated being in these places. They stank to high heaven and they didn’t ever allow you any privacy.

  “What are you in for?” A scratchy, almost broken voice asked.

  “Killing two men.” Sin replied, not even opening her eyes.

  “No shit?” the woman said, sounding shocked.

  “No shit, they broke into my house, intending to kill me. I killed them instead.” Sin didn�
��t think the woman, who was wearing a skin tight mini skirt and a red tube top with red high heels, would be asking any more questions.

  Sin peeked at her from beneath her lashes noting that her expression was shocked and pale as the hooker eyed her carefully. She felt a slight grin tug at her lips despite where she was when the woman moved down the bench a little, giving her some space. Her head fell back against the wall and she waited on Stan to get her out. She heard the doors clang open about five hours later and a male officer stood in the doorway calling out.

  “Serenity North,” Sin knew why she was being summoned. It was likely that Stan had started the process of getting her out, but not likely that he’d already done the deed. Which meant that this guy was the one they’d sent to interrogate her to see if she’d give anything up or not.

  Ha, that’d be a fuck no, but she’d let them figure that out on their own.

  She got up waving to the hooker as she left the cell and followed the cop to the interrogation room. It was always fun watching the po-po flounder while they tried to lead someone into talking. She almost laughed as she took her seat in the chair across from a man in a suit. Her hand cuffs, which they’d attached to her wrists when she’d been brought here were taken off and the man held out his hand to her.

  “I’m Detective De Santos. I’ll be going over the events of tonight with you again.”

  Sin grinned, this was going to be fun.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Phoenix rolled over grabbing his phone already annoyed that someone was calling him at this hour. The only person he would have been okay with calling him was Sin, and since it was four am he knew damned good and well it wasn’t Sin. It was hard enough to get her up before noon. He grinned, she really hated getting up in the mornings. He grinned a little more when he thought of the way she’d growl and shove him away if he tried to coax her into sex before dawn.


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