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Bond Mates

Page 5

by Kirsty Moseley

  After a tour of the downstairs he led me upstairs, "This is my room" he said opening a door and ushering me in. His room was huge and a typical boys bedroom, it was painted blue with some black and white autographed photo's of some NFL players, photo's of his friends and family, music, flat screen TV on the wall. His room was tidy except for his desk which was littered with papers and books, he saw me looking and quickly piled them up muttering "I've been helping his dad with something" as he threw them in the bottom of his wardrobe.

  He had a guitar resting on it's stand in the corner of the room. "You play that?" I asked touching the strings making a twang sound. "Yeah, not very well though I only got it this year for my birthday"

  he said watching me curiously "When's your birthday?" I said walking to look out of his window,

  "January 21st when's yours?" he said, "March 9th" I said simply still looking at his garden from the window. "So I'm just over a year older than you then" he said walking up behind me, I could feel his breath on my neck making me shiver. He was so close I could feel the fire start to ignite and I drew in a shaky breath as he stepped back a few steps. "Sorry about my sister, she can be a bit full on at times, I'm sorry if she embarrassed you" I turned to face him "No she didn't embarrass me, she's adorable actually" I said laughing again.

  He walked to the bed and sat down patting the space beside him "Come and sit down, I think we need to talk about what happened at your house" he said looking sad and angry at the same time.

  Someone knocked on the door quietly, "Yeah?" Sean asked looking at the door. Danny popped his head in, "Hey mom says to come down for dinner" he said looking at Sean, turning to me he gave a wink "Hey Tyler, long time no see, told ya we were practically family" he said teasingly. I rolled my eye's at him "Ha ha" I said he just laughed and walked off towards the stairs.

  Dinner was good, and Sean's family are really nice, and welcoming, it was weird but they accepted me and treated me as if I belonged there. After dinner Sean and Dan cleared the table, I wasn't allowed to help so we left the boys to it and went to the living room, Kate and Jack were watching TV so I sat on the floor to play with Rachel. "Do you want to draw with me?" she asked grabbing her crayon's and plopping down on the floor, I laid down on my stomach facing her, "Sure, what shall we draw?" I asked her grabbing a black crayon, "Oh! I know I know! How about a unicorn?"

  she said clapping her hands.

  We started drawing but she soon gave up on hers once she spotted my unicorn and helped me colour it in, by the time we were done we had a whole family of multicoloured unicorns in a magical forest. I heard someone clear their throat. "Rach, you better say goodnight to Tyler now as its time for you to go to bed" Kate said standing up. Looking up I realised that Sean had finished in the kitchen and was sat on the couch by my feet just watching me.

  Rachel sat up and threw her arms around me and kissing me on the cheek, I gasped in shock and then laughed. "G'night Rach" I said "You know, Tyler, I really want you to marry Sean and then we'll be real sisters!" she said in her little musical voice before jumping up to kiss everyone else goodnight. Kate, Jack and Dan all burst into laughter. I flushed and stood up, looking anywhere but Sean.

  "I don't know about you but I've got a ton of homework" he said to break the uncomfortable silence standing up next to me. "Mmm yeah me too" I mumbled, "Come on then lets go to my bedroom and do it" he said innocently, I laughed "Ok but shouldn't we do our homework first?" I whispered to him teasing and wiggling my eyebrows. We both laughed as we headed for his bedroom.

  After about an hour I finished mine and stood up doing a big stretch arching my back groaning a little as my aching muscles stretched. I glanced at Sean and notice him staring at me with a look of pure lust on his face, I give him my best sarcastic face, "In your dreams Seaneeee" I said teasingly, he just laughed completely unashamed and said "No doubt about it!" I slapped him on the shoulder playfully putting my books away. "I'm pretty tired Sean, where am I sleeping?" I asked grabbing my overnight bag. "Your sleeping here, I'm gonna go sleep in the spare room next door" he said tilting his head to the right. "Night Tyler, sleep well ok" he said as he left the room.

  I brushed my teeth and hair in his bathroom before heading back to his room to get changed into my pyjamas but I couldn't find them anywhere, shit I knew I forgot something I thought. Slipping out of my room I knocked on Sean's door quietly, he answered the door his boxers and tight black vest.

  My heart rate sped up, my breath coming out in gasps. I literally can't take my eye's off of his body, my eye's were ravaging every part of his body right down to the tips of his toes. The fire was back with a vengeance this time and he was honestly making my mouth water.

  The sound of him laughing snapped me out of it, I flushed and dropped my gaze to the floor. "I said is there something I can help you with?" he choked out still laughing. Crap! He's been talking to me and I didn't even notice! I thought wishing the ground would open up on swallow me, "Yeah I err forgot my pyjamas, I was wondering if you had a shirt or something I could sleep in" I said still staring at the floor. "Sure" he said walking past into his bedroom giving me a nice view of his hot ass, with a sigh I followed into the room. He handed me a black t-shirt and I headed into his bathroom to change. The shirt came to about mid thigh and smelled delicious just like Sean did, I smiled taking a deep breath of his smell.

  I walked out to see him sitting on the bed, I stopped shocked, I'd assumed he had gone back to his own room already. "Tyler, please can you talk to me about what happened at your house?" he asked with a pleading expression on his face. I sat on the bed next to him conscious that I was quite exposed. "What about it Sean? I would have thought what happened was fairly self explanatory" I said more harshly than I intended. He winced a little before turning to face me, "Does that happen often?" he asked quietly. I twisted my fingers willing not to cry, I had never talked about this to anyone, how did I know that I could trust him? What if he told every one at school?

  "Tyler please" he said quietly. I took a shaky breath, "If you mean does my mother get drunk a lot and bring home random strangers for sex, then yes that does happen a lot, I don't usually see the guys, as soon as I get home from school I get something to eat then lock myself in my room, occasionally I'll meet them if they're up in the morning but I only really have to worry about that at the weekends as not very many of them will be up at the time I get up for school, some times they are ok, other times not" I didn't even realise I was crying until Sean reached out and wiped away my tears pulling me into his chest.

  I put my head on his chest trying to stop crying, I swear I could hear a growling sound coming from his chest, it was low and menacing but in a strange way it made me feel safe. "I'm so sorry Tyler, it's ok now, shhhh, it's ok, I promise I won't let anyone hurt you ever again" he murmured stroking my hair. I managed to calm myself down enough to stop crying and I pulled back to look at his face. He gave me a sad smile "You should get some sleep" he said loosening his arms from around me and standing up. He pulled the covers back and motioned for me to get in the bed, he pulled the covers back up around me, and turned to walk out.

  I grabbed hold of his hand. "Stay with me, please" I begged not wanting to be on my own, he looked at my face for a few seconds looking a little pained. He didn't say anything, he just turned and walked away to the door. I thought he was going to leave, he didn't, he just turned off the light and walked back to the bed in the dark, the only light coming from the bathroom where I had left the light on and the door open slightly, I was afraid of the dark.

  I felt him lift the covers before sliding his warm hard body into the bed next to me. He pulled me to him wrapping his arms around me, I buried my head in his chest and took a deep breath trying to breathe him in. Feeling safe and warm I drifted into a dreamless sleep, it was the best night sleep I have ever had, I didn't wake once.

  Chapter 4: Unexpected Friendships

  I woke up and tried to roll over onto my back but I couldn't move! What the
hell? Looking down I see two arms wrapped protectively around me, panic shot through me as my head snapped up and looked around the room. Oh thank God this is Sean's room I remembered, I let out the breath I didn't realise I was holding and relaxed. Sean tightened his arms around me pressing my back harder into his stomach, our legs were intertwined too. I realised that his t-shirt I was wearing had ridden up during the night and was now up to my stomach exposing my black lacy panties. "Shit" I whispered quietly as I pulled the t-shirt down as far as I could. Sean had one of this arms draped across my hip resting on my naked thigh.

  Jeez I need to pee, ok this is easy just lift his arm and get out I thought, taking a deep breath I took hold of his hand that was on my thigh and started to lift his arm gently, he twisted it slightly and pulled my arm across my body pinning it there and hugging me tighter. "Crap" I muttered, ok so that didn't work, now I can't even get my arm out! Oh for goodness sake! Ok now I really need to pee! I tried to pull my leg out of the tangle but he just moved so that my legs were wedged tighter in with his. I didn't want to wake him but I couldn't see any other option.

  "Sean" I whispered, "Yeah?" he said into my ear, no sleepiness in his voice at all, "Sorry I had to wake you but I need to use the bathroom" I said quietly hoping he would go back to sleep. "That's ok I wasn't asleep anyway, I was enjoying you trying to squirm away from me!" he said chuckling and untangling our arms and legs so I could get out of the bed. "You ass! You were doing that on purpose?" I asked chuckling too and slapping his arm. "I woke up just before you did, but that was funny come on you have to admit it!" he sat up in the bed, I looked at him, he was so handsome that I gasped my breath catching in my throat.

  "What? Do I have dribble on my face or something?" he said wiping his face quickly with his hand,

  "Err no, it's nothing" I said climbing out of the bed and heading to the bathroom. "You know, you have never looked more beautiful than you do right now" he said rubbing the back of his neck embarrassed. I blushed and headed to his bathroom, "Tyler, I'm gonna grab the stuff I need then you can have the room ok, there are towels and stuff in there if you want to take a shower" he said going over to his wardrobe and pulling out clean clothes. "Ok, and Sean?" I called "Yeah?" he said turning back to me "Thank you for staying with me last night, I swear that was the best night sleep I've ever had" I said walking quickly into the bathroom, I heard him mumble something as the door closed and it sounded a lot like "Me too".

  After I was showered, dressed and ready I made my way downstairs quietly, I could hear voices in the kitchen so I stopped to listen before turning the corner. "I know I can see it too, there is definitely a connection there" Kate said, "Exactly mom so why are you and dad so dead set that I'm wrong?" Sean asked harshly. "It's not that we think your wrong hon, its just it's never been heard of before that's all, I mean have you checked for the mark?" Kate said, "How can I do that mom?

  Jeez!" Sean replies with a sigh. "Hear anything good?" Dan whispered in my ear from behind scaring the shit out of me and making me jump a foot into the air, "You scared me!" I whispered back elbowing him playfully in the stomach.

  He just laughed and put his hands on my back pushing me into the kitchen in front of him, "Oh good morning Tyler! Morning Dan" Kate said with a smile. "Morning" I said back, god the whole family are so damn cheerful in the morning! Sean smiled at me then continued to eat his breakfast. I looked at Kate she was busy piling waffles onto two plates, she gave one to Dan and the other to me. "Umm....." I said taking the plate frowning at it, I hadn't eaten breakfast in over 10 years, the most I ate in the morning was a banana or granola bar. I wasn't used to being treated like this, being looked after and it actually made me feel upset. I could feel my eyes starting to glaze over as they filled with water, looking down I desperately tried not to let them fall.

  "What's wrong sweetie? You don't like waffles? I can make you something else, bacon and eggs, toast, cereal" Kate said with motherly concern on her face as she reached out to take the plate, "No, no, I love waffles, thank you" I said smiling. She continued to look at me worriedly as I began to eat, and oh my god they were the best damn waffles I had ever had in my life! Rachel came running into the kitchen and grabbed onto my legs hugging them tightly.

  "Hey Rach, wow you look really pretty today" I told her hugging her back. "Are you gonna stay here again tonight Tyler? Because if you want you can sleep in my room, you can have the bed and I'll sleep on the floor, you can even pull the curtain round the bed so you feel like a real princess!"

  she said jumping up and down clapping. "I can't Rach I'm sorry, but thank you for offering to give up your bed for me, but you should have that bed, I'm not a princess like you" I said smiling down at her. "But if you married Sean you'd be a princess too, because you're a prince right Sean?" she said turning to him making him choke on his orange juice. "Rachel sweetie, say goodbye to Tyler and your brothers so we can brush your hair as they need to be leaving for school" Kate said looking at her watch. "Bye guys" she called as she was ushered out of the room.

  The drive to school took around 25 minuets from Sean's house, Dan drives himself to school as Sean has football practice after school everyday so we were alone in the car. "How about you let me finish that game of 20 questions?" Sean asked raising an eyebrow at me. "Ok" I laughed. "Right so I believe I have 9 questions left, ok so what do I already know so I don't waste any, lets see, your originally from LA, but you've lived in lots of places like Arizona, Miami and New York but you didn't like it there because it was too noisy and smelly, your favourite colour is maroon and your favourite flower is a lily because you like how they smell, oh and lets not forget your favourite animal is a wolf" he said with a grin shaking his head slightly.

  I stared at him in disbelief, how in the hell did he remember all that? "Ok question 12 then, What's your favourite sweets?" he asked happily, I laughed "Well I only eat sweets at the weekend as they are not very good for you" I said making him laugh, "But I guess any brand of milk chocolate" I said shrugging. "Question 13, pool or beach?" he asked, "Pool, I don't like sand much" I answered

  "Why not?" he said "Is that question 14?" I smiled "No I don't want to waste a question on that, you can tell me that some other time, ok so Question 14, do you have a boyfriend?" he said raising his eyebrows "No" I said quickly, he breathed a sigh of relief looking like he relaxed slightly.

  "Question 15 then, favourite sport?" he asked, "I don't actually play any sport but I like watching figure skating, does that count?" I said turning my nose up, we pulled into the car park then and he pulled into a empty space, "Yeah I guess that counts, wait there for me" he said grabbing our bags and jumping out of the car and coming round to my side to open the door for me. "Wow your mom and dad really raised you well huh?" I said with a grin, "I'm trying to impress you! Is it working yet?" he asked locking the car. "A little" I admitted with a sheepish grin. As we walked through the car park together everyone was staring at us and whispering, as we passed Lacey she gave me the death stare and mouthed the word 'bitch' to me.

  Sean stopped at his friends and gave them all the typical 'man hug' I stood there awkwardly for a few seconds while he greeted them then he turned to me pointing to the guys in turn, "Tyler, this is Matt, Will, Blake and Rich, but err your already intimate with Rich, or at least you knee is" he said all of the boys apart from Rich were laughing hard. "Hi guys, and Rich I'm sorry about that little incident yesterday" I said apologetically, "Hey nothing little about my incident! And by the way your ass was totally worth a knee to the balls" he said smirking "Wow, you really need to work on your compliments, I mean have you even spoken to a girl before?" I ask faking shock, this causes the boys to laugh even harder and even Rich cracks a smile. "Hey Sean baby how you doing?"

  Lacey say's walking up and draping an arm around Sean's waist, he unwrapped himself and stepped to the side out of her reach frowning at her. "Hello Loser" she said to me giving me a death glare.

  "Hi Barbie! Gee I like your skirt, will you be w
earing the other half tomorrow?" I ask faking friendliness, "I'll have you know I paid $400 for this skirt!" she stated matter of factly, "Oh! Jeez I'm soooo sorry!, did you call the police? They have whole departments set up to deal with card scammers and overcharges now days right?" I ask faking concern, from the corner of my eye I can see that all of the boys are staring, with red faces trying their hardest not to laugh. "You're a real bitch do you know that?" she spat taking a step towards me "As a matter of fact I did know that!

  But thanks for reminding me" I said smiling at her again.

  She turned to Sean again, "Sean baby want to walk me to class?" she asked sweetly, bushing her chest against him whist rubbing her hand up his leg. He had a look of disgust on his face that I couldn't help but smile at. "Eww! What is that smell?" I asked, everyone turned to look at me, I sniffed the air noisily "Wow jeez can you smell that, ew, that smells that....." I said, everyone was sniffing to see what I could smell, they all looked confused, I sniffed again trying not to laugh, "Ew! yep definitely is, it's...... desperate skank!" I said faking a shudder the boys burst into laughter again. Lacey went bright red walked right up in my face, "You better watch you fucking back!" she almost screamed at me, I laughed shaking my head "Whatever you say Barbie!" with that she stormed off into the building glaring at me. The boys were practically crying with laughter now.


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