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Bond Mates

Page 6

by Kirsty Moseley

  Rich walked up and threw his arm around me "Your alright you know that?" he said steering me towards the building "Again with the crappy compliment's? Do you need me to give you a class on how to talk to a girl?" I ask laughing. "Hey Baby Cakes" calls Chase as he makes his way through the crowed to us, "Hi Chase" I say smiling at him, "Oh no! have we lost you to the jocks?" he asks pouting and putting on his best puppy dog face. I shrugged out of Rich's arm laughing "No way! I told ya those pretty boys hold no interest for me! They are only good for one thing" I say waggling my eyebrows, "Oh yeah, and what's that?" he asks playing along. All the boys behind me are smirking and looking confident, "Football of course!" I tell him we both burst out laughing.

  "So anyways, I have just overheard Lacey talking to one of her clones and it turns out you are now her public enemy number one!" he says clapping his hands laughing. "What did you do to her anyway?" he asked excitedly, I put on my innocent face, "I didn't do anything! And I can't believe that you could ask me such a thing, do you not know me at all?" I asked faking shock and hurt, the boys all burst into hysterics behind me. The bell rings and we all go to our classes.

  The morning seemed to fly past and before I new it lunch arrived. I sat with Chase, Dan and the girls and were chatting happily with them about film that they wanted to go and see when Sean plopped down next to me with a grin. "Bro's before Ho's remember" I reminded him nodding my head towards the table where his friends were sitting, but to my surprise his friends weren't sitting there anymore they were all carrying their trays over to our table. Sean just laughed as his friend squeezed themselves onto the benches with us. It was a bit of a tight fit what with the 5 built football players, Chase, Dan and us four girls all squeezed onto a 8 seater bench but it was fun. I haven't laughed this much in years I thought happily.

  Chapter 5: The Mark

  Sean was waiting at my locker for me again after my detention, "Hey, can I give you a ride home?"

  he greeted me, he was already reaching for my bag as I walked up to him. "No its ok, I like to walk, but thanks anyway, see you tomorrow" I said slipping past him out of the door headed towards home. He easily caught up with me, when I looked over to him he looks so much like a little lost boy that I can't help but giggle, "Oh don't give me the cute puppy dog face! I really want to walk home that's all" I said giving him a timid smile, he chuckles at this and takes hold of my hand swinging our arms slightly as we walk.

  As we get to the car park he starts pulling me towards his car gently, "Sean I said that I wanted" I started but he cut me off "I know, I know I just need to get something from my car" he said opening the car door and pulling out a rucksack. "What's that then?" I asked interested thinking he must be going to give me something, but he just shuts the car door and locks it before pulling me along again. "Sean, where the hell are you going?" I asked pulling him to a stop, "You wanted to walk home" he said giving me a 'isn't it obvious' kind of look. "Your gonna leave your car here, walk me home then walk back?" I said shaking my head in disbelief, God this boy is sweet. He pulled me gently and we started walking again, "No silly, I'm gonna leave my car here overnight" he said simply, "If your leaving you car here how the hell are you gonna get to your house it must be like 10 miles!" I said confused, "I'm not going home I'm staying at yours" he stated, I stopped again.

  "WHAT?" I almost screamed.

  "Tyler, I promised you yesterday that I would never let anyone hurt you, and I meant it, I can't keep that promise if I'm not with you now can I?" he said stepping closer and bending his head slightly to look into my eyes. "So what, your gonna be my body guard?" I ask angrily "Well yeah, I would definitely love to guard your body" he said waggling his eyebrows. "Sean you're impossible!" I said laughing with him. "Come on" he said tugging me along again. Once we arrived at my house a deep terror sunk in, is she home? Is she conscious? Is she alone? I was embarrassed as hell thinking that Sean was about to know every part of my home life with my mom, I prayed to God as I opened that door that she would be asleep, alone, and would stay that way for the whole night.

  My Mom was sitting on the sofa, glass of neat vodka in her hand bottle on the coffee table watching re-runs of friends. "Hi mom" I said quietly, she turned to look at me, her eye's were bloodshot from the alcohol and she looked tired. She smiled a half smile, "Hello Tyler, brought a boyfriend home for some fun? Gonna fuck his life up too?" she asked nastily. "I'm going to make dinner" I said simply ignoring her bitching walking to the kitchen, Sean followed me but didn't say a word. "You like tuna pasta?" I asked looking through the cupboards, "Yeah, I eat anything" he laughed putting his hand on the small of my back I think he was trying to re-assure me that everything was ok.

  We made dinner together and I took a plate in and set it on the coffee table for my mom, she hardly ever ate anything anyway. Sean and I ate in silence before going up to my room to do homework. At about 8:30 I had done with mine and I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Sean had already packed up his and was just sitting there staring at me. "Why do you stare at me all the time? It's kinda weird you know?" I said quietly not looking at him.

  He crawled over and sat right next to me crossing his legs, wrapping an arm around me and reaching for my chin with the other hand forcing me to look at him. "I'm sorry, I don't realise that I'm doing it, I like to look at you, you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life" he said simply, I flushed with embarrassment trying to pull away but he wasn't having that, he tightened his arm around me. My breathing became shallow and my heart took off in a sprint as the burning started all over my body. "Can I kiss you Tyler?" he asked in a husky voice that sent shivers down my spine.

  I couldn't speak so I nodded never taking my eyes from his. He slowly bent his head to mine, as his lips brushed mine my body was throbbing in need. He pressed his lips to mine gently before pulling away with his jaw clenched tight. I couldn't help myself I threw my arms around his neck and crashed my lips to his again with all the passion that was burning through my body, twisting my hands through his hair. He wrapped his arms tightly around me pulling us even closer, he traced his tongue along my bottom lip and I opened my mouth feeling his tongue slip into my mouth massaging mine, he made a small moaning sound at the back of his throat that drove me wild.

  I practically threw myself onto his lap wrapping my legs tightly around his waist as his hands slipped up the back of my top caressing my skin. He pushed himself up off of the floor holding me tightly to him one hand gripping my ass and he carried me over to the bed. Setting me down he laid on top of me pressing every inch of his body to mine but still managing to keep his weight off of me. One of his hands snaked up my top and was gently caressing my stomach before lightly trailing it up to the seam of my bra and gently caressing my breasts though the lacy material, he placed soft kisses along my jaw working their way down my neck, moaning I bit on my lip and closed my eyes, as he pushed up my top and started kissing my stomach, I gasped as he gently bit me, I had never been more turned on in my life.

  He pushed my top even higher as he came back up to kiss me again, my hands were caressing the hard muscles of his stomach scratching slightly making him shiver. I was breathing in pants, I so excited my body felt like it was on fire. He reached down and pulled my top off over my head and threw it on the floor putting his hands back to my breasts he kissed me again. My body was aching for him, I felt like I would die if he didn't take me soon, I pulled his t-shirt off over his head and trailed my hands down starting to unbutton his jeans, I could feel how aroused he was so I gently rubbed his erection through the material of his jeans making him moan again.

  He kissed down the side of my neck making his way down to my collarbone and all of a sudden he stopped moving, I don't even think he was breathing, I couldn't see his face he was hovering above my bra. "Sean, don't stop" I begged twisting my hands in his hair trying to get him to kiss me again, but he pushed his body off me sitting up and straddling me still staring at my bra, he had the strangest expression on hi
s face.

  "Sean? Did I do something wrong?" I asked sitting up as well, he was still sitting on top of my legs so I reached out to touch his face, he still didn't move. "Sean, your scaring me, what's wrong?" I said, was something wrong with me? Did he not like my body? "We can't do this" he said simply, I couldn't take my eyes from his face, I couldn't make out his expression, he looked ecstatic but at the same time shocked and scared as hell. "You have my mark, I knew you would" he said finally dragging his eyes up to meet mine.

  "What the hell are you taking about Sean?" I said confused now. He reached out a hand and touched just above my left breast, directly over my heart, suddenly I knew what he was talking about.

  Looking down I saw my birth mark, he was tracing it lightly with his finger, his hands were slightly shaking. My birth mark was weird to say the least, it was a black heart with chains tracing around the outline of the shape and over lapping at the bottom. It didn't look like a birth mark at all, it looked like a tattoo, it was jet black and was so intricate you could see each link of the chain. It was about an inch in diameter and lay directly over my heart.

  "It's a tattoo Sean what's the problem?" I lied trying to pull him back into the kiss, "It's not a tattoo Tyler, you were born with it" he said still tracing the outline of it. "How did you know that? People never believe me when I tell them it's a birth mark so now if people see it I just say it's a tattoo" I said shocked. He didn't say anything he just picked up my hand and touched my fingertips to his chest lightly holding it there, he nodded his head down motioning for me to look at his chest.

  I slowly lowered my eyes to his bare chest and saw he had a tattoo about the size of my palm in the exact place of mine directly over his heart. I bent closer to get a better look and gasped. The centre of his tattoo was exactly the same as my birth mark, the black heart with the chains around the edge but it was surrounded by a intricate pattern that looked kind of like a maze, it was beautiful. I gently touched the black lines, "I can't believe you have a tattoo with my exact birth mark in the centre, that's just freaky" I said with wide eyes still tracing the shape, he let out a heavy sigh.

  The black tattoo on his chest made him seem even sexier to me and I started to get the burning feeling back again, I leant forward and kissed it, he moaned loudly then pushed me back down onto the bed laying on top of me again his eyes shining with lust. I started to run my fingers down his back, biting my lip as I thought of every single lustful thing that I wanted to do to him. He grabbed my hands and pinned them to the bed above my head.

  "Tyler please don't do that, it was hard enough for me to stop the first time, I don't think I could stop again" he said clenching his jaw and frowning. "Then don't stop" I said huskily lifting my head trying to reach his lips but he just pulled back. "We can't Tyler, I won't, not until you know everything, I'm not gonna force you into something" he said sternly, I smiled, is he kidding? He thinks he needs to force me? "No forcing required" I said seductively, wrapping my leg around his waist and raising my hips to grind against his erection.

  He moaned but quickly climbed off me walking over to the wall furthest away from me pulling on his shirt. "Stop it! I'm being serious I need to talk to you but I can't if you keep doing things like that, I can't concentrate! Your making me crazy I swear!" he said squeezing his eyes closed and gripping handfuls of his hair tightly looking like he was in pain. I got off the bed and pulled on my top zipping up my jeans. "I'm sorry Sean" I said quietly looking at the floor. I felt his arms go around me and pulled me into his chest, he was breathing heavy and his heart beat was really fast.

  After a couple of minute he pulled away to look at my face. "We need to talk about this" he said pulling me over to my desk and motioning for me to sit in the chair, he walked over and sat on the bed facing me.

  He took a few deep breaths, I couldn't speak, he was really trying hard to get the words out, staring at the floor he finally spoke. "My mark isn't a tattoo either, I was born with it too, It's bigger than yours and more intricate because I'm male, Tyler, do you believe in destiny and fate?" he asked looking up at me. "I don't know I never really thought about it" I said honestly, "Tyler I really don't know how to explain this to you without you freaking out, so please just bear with me ok? Just let me get this all out then I'll answer anything that you want I promise" he asked earnestly, I nodded so he continued.

  "I'm not normal Tyler, not like you are, there are a lot of people like me, you can't tell that we're different at all my whole family is the same way" he said swallowing. I shuffled nervously in my seat eyeing the door wondering if I should make a run for it, not knowing what the hell he was saying but I was scared shitless. He noticed me looking at the door and a pained expression went across his face, "Do you want me to leave?" he whispered, did I want him to leave? Could I let him leave? "No" I whispered shaking my head slowly.

  "Ok, the people like me are marked with a mark unique to them when they are born, like a birth mark, the females get smaller marks like yours and the males larger ones like mine, the marks are supposed to help you find your other half" he took a deep breath. "The marks match up signalling that you've found them, a 'bond mate' it's called, they're your other half, your pre-destined mate, the one you were made to be with, the people like me are all over the world, your bond mate could be anywhere, at any time, people can spend their whole lives trying to find them and die still trying, finding your bond mate is very rare and probably for every 300 of us only one pair will find their bond, your mine Tyler, we were pre-destined to be together" he looked up at me hopefully.

  I didn't know what to say, what the hell do you say to that? He smiled a small smile and continued

  "The bond is unbreakable, once it's made you'll only ever want that person for as long as you live, you'll never feel the need to cheat or split up, you love'll them more than anything else in the world and would die to protect them, the physical passion that you feel for them can apparently be a little overwhelming" he said chuckling. "My parents are bonded, so I've seen it first hand, the way they look at each other is like lovesick teenagers, they can't keep their hands off of each other, its disturbing actually, parental PDA's are not something I like to witness!" he said with a shudder. I couldn't help it I laughed at his face, he looked horrified, he laughed too but I think that was relief that I wasn't bolting out the door.

  He came over to me and knelt on the floor in front of my legs. "I felt it, I knew you were my other half before I even saw you, I started to feel strange, all sweaty and shaky and then you walked round the corner and that was it, I told my family and they thought I was crazy, that I was wrong"

  he said frowning. "Why did they think that?" I whispered, "Because it's never happened before, your not like me, your human, we can only bond with our own people they're the only ones that get marked, we can have relationships with others but you only bond within your....people" he said struggling for the right word.

  "My father and I have been doing research trying to find another time this has happened but we can't, there's nothing" he said looking down again. "My family said it was impossible, that I'd made a mistake, they said I needed to see if you were marked but I knew, the first time I saw you I would have died for you then, I'd do anything for you Tyler, anything, I know this is hard for you to understand, we only met three days ago but" he shook his head swallowing. "So we are bonded now then? That's it?" I asked running a hand through my hair nervously, "No, no we're not bonded, but I am your other half we are linked, what do you feel for me Tyler?" he asked quietly.

  I looked down twisting my hands together, not knowing what to say, he laid a hand on top of mine and my worry and fear disappeared. "I feel safe with you, I haven't felt safe for over 10 years, and when you touch me my whole body goes crazy for you" I said laughing at the thought. "I feel that too" he said "For a bond to complete we'd need to have sex" he said looking at our intertwined hands.

  "That's why I had to stop earlier, that was the hardest damn thing I've ever had to
do in my life, I swear it nearly killed me" he said taking a deep breath and blowing it out through puffed up cheeks.

  I burst out laughing, "Your so dramatic Sean!" I choked out laughing harder, he laughed too, "Hey it might not have been hard for you but trust me that was like torture!" he said grimacing at the thought. "It was pretty hard for me too" I said calming down now, "Yeah I know, I could tell by the death grip you had on my back when I pulled away" he said chuckling again.

  "Sean?" I took hold of his chin making him look at me, "So I'm human, and your......not?" I said wincing at the sound of it being spoken that way. He gave me a pleading expression, hmm this is probably the part I'm gonna freak out about! "No Tyler I'm a ..... well I'm a" he stuttered, "NO! No don't tell me, I don't want to know" I said leaning forward and wrapping my arms tightly around his neck. He responded immediately putting his arms around my waist.

  "You don't?" he asked confused, "No, not now, please can we just go to bed? I'm tired, can we just pretend that this whole thing didn't happen? At least for tonight, please" I begged pressing my face into his shoulder, I couldn't have any more drama in my life. I needed stability and calm and Sean was part of that, he kept me calm, made me feel like everything was going to be ok and I couldn't give up on that feeling, not yet. What if he told me and I couldn't have him near me anymore? What if what he said was so horrible that I had to stay away from him? I needed to be close to him right now, I just needed him.

  "Anything you want Tyler" he said pulling away flashing me his beautiful smile making my heart beat faster. "I'll go get changed in the bathroom" I said getting up and taking my pyjamas into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and hair and put on my navy blue short shorts and tight vest top, I caught sight of my birth mark in the mirror and smiled suddenly it didn't look as weird to me anymore.


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