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Bond Mates

Page 7

by Kirsty Moseley

  As I walked back into the bedroom Sean was already sitting up in the bed I could see he was wearing a vest like last night so I assumed he had on boxers too. He looked up at me as I walked in, his eyes going wide before he squeezed them shut tightly and groaned. "If you don't want to get bonded tonight Tyler I suggest that you put on some more clothes" he said his voice was so husky that I laughed as I got into the bed. "I'm sure I'll be fine in what I'm wearing, if it helps I can always tie you up" I said seductively, his hands clenched into fists "Not helping Tyler" he murmured through gritted teeth.

  I laughed at his pained expression and pushed him down before laying my head on his chest, "Sean, can I look at your mark again?" I asked trailing my fingers down his chest until I got the bottom of his top before pulling it up and over his head and throwing it on the floor. I put my chin on his stomach and just laid there looking at his mark, tracing my fingertips on it until my eye's started to get heavy, next thing I know I was gently pulled up the bed gently into two strong arms.

  Chapter 6: Biker Guy / Perfect first date

  "Tyler" Sean whispered in my ear, I start to open my eyes but decide on a few more minutes snuggling. I roll over to wrap my arms around him but the space next to me is empty, lifting my head off of the pillow I squint over, nope definitely not there. "Morning sleeping beauty" he whispers in my ear again, I sit up groggily and he's there with a beautiful smile sitting on the edge of the bed already showered and dressed.

  "Hi, your up early!" I said smiling back, "Yeah I couldn't sleep very well so I decided to get up and go for a run, then after I was changed I made you this" he said bending down and picking up a tray from the floor and placing it on my lap. "I'm not a very good cook so I couldn't make you anything fancy, so settled on cereal and toast" he said sheepishly. "You made me breakfast in bed?" I asked shocked, he nodded and took a bit of toast off the plate eating it. "Thanks Sean, I know you have this big macho image to pull off, but I think you're a big softie at heart, you are really sweet you know" I said, he just laughed.

  "I've never had breakfast in bed before" I said having a drink of orange juice. "I got you this too" he said reaching down again, he handed me a beautiful pink lily. I gasped and smelled it, "It's beautiful thank you" I said close to tears, "Your welcome, took me an hour and a half of running but I found one in someone's garden eventually" he said with a dark chuckle. "You stole it from someone's garden?" I said faking shock "Hey what was I supposed to do? No florist's are open at 5 in the morning" he complained moving up the bed to sit next to me. I kissed him gently on the lips making my body tingle, he moaned and quickly jumped up off the bed, "Don't start that again Tyler!" he said with lust written plainly over his face. I chuckled at the sight of it and finished eating.

  He waited downstairs while I showered and got ready, I decided that I wouldn't wear a round neck top today, I usually stuck to round necks as I didn't like people asking about the whole tattoo/birthmark thing, but after last night I thought I'd quite like to show it off, not that anyone would know what it was, but Sean would. I put on skinny dark blue skinny jeans and a black vest making sure I put my hot pink bra and panties on so that the straps of my bra would show. Instead of a pair of converse I put on knee high boots and my leather jacket. Looking in the mirror I smiled I never dressed like this, always wanting to avoid attention but looks like that was out of the question now so might as well roll with it.

  I happily bounded down the stairs to see Sean sitting on the sofa watching TV, I ran and jumped over the back of the sofa meaning to land on his lap but I had overshot and started to fall off the sofa, lightning quick Sean grabbed hold of me yanking me onto his lap laughing. "Lets leave the superwoman acts for today shall we?" he said still chucking. I looked into his eyes and the fire started up, putting my arms around his neck I pulled his face to mine, planting little kisses on his cheeks, forehead and nose before crushing my lips to his, as I was sitting on his lap I felt him instantly get hard making me even hotter if that was possible.

  I nibbled his bottom lip and he opened his mouth allowing me to slip my tongue in. He moaned and pulled me tighter against him, moving his hands up my back and catching hold of the collar of my jacket pulling it off my shoulders and helping me shrug my arms out. I slipped my hands under the bottom of his t-shirt as he kissed hungrily down my neck, I tipped my head back allowing him more access moaning as he licked round the tip of my ear sending a shot of pleasure through my body.

  I pulled up hard on his shirt getting it off him so I could run my hands over his chest and stomach.

  He did the same with my top pulling it over my head, I grabbed his face pulling it back to mine roughly, kissing him like I could devour his soul. My hands traced down his chest to the top of his jeans, unbuttoning them and slipping my hand inside his jeans to grip his erection making him moan even louder, oh god I wanted him so bad I couldn't help but shudder with desire. "Tyler" he breathed against my lips, "If you want to stop you need to tell me, I can stop I promise" he murmured kissing down my neck to lick my bond mark making me shiver again, "I don't" I said with a moan. Stop? is he kidding me? I don't just want him, I need him!

  He stood up wrapping my legs around his waist as he headed towards the stairs. Half way up the stairs he stopped and pressed me against the wall kissing my neck and lifting me higher so he could kiss my mark again, I moved my hand down to his jeans again slipping my hand inside, pumping him gently making him breathe harder, then we were on the move again up the stairs.

  When we got to my room he pressed me against the door and as I reached behind me for the handle a male voice said "Mmm that is definitely hot, can I join in?". Sean immediately put me down pulling me behind him trying to get me out of view and turned to look at the voice. Biker guy was talking again, "Yep, she's a firecracker, can I have a go when your done?" he asked with a sneer licking his lips. "If you so much as look at her again I'll break your face" Sean told him simply sounding menacing fists tight his whole posture looked alert and ready, "But she's so nice to look at!" biker dude said shooting me a wink.

  Before I knew what had happened Biker guy was falling to the floor blood pouring from his obviously broken nose, Sean made a growling noise and was on him in an instant punching him in the stomach and face over and over. "SEAN STOP IT!" I screamed running to touch his shoulder, he jerked his head to look at me hate clear across his face. "Please stop" I whispered, his face softened and he looked down at the guy who was groaning in agony trying to get out of Sean's grasp.

  "I told you I'd break your face! The next time I see you I'm going to kill you! Get the fuck out of here and don't come back" he said in the guys face anger radiating from him. Sean pulled him to his feet roughly by his shirt and shoved him in the direction of the stairs. Biker guy swayed slightly but managed somehow to stay on his feet and get out of the house. Once he was out of the door I started to cry. "Sean, you c-c-could h-h-have killed that g-guy" I stuttered sobbing, "No Tyler, I was in control I promise, trust me, if I wasn't in control he would have been dead before he hit the floor" he said wrapping his arms around me. I buried my face into his neck his smell calming me and stopping my crying.

  He pulled back to look in my eyes and wiped his hand across my cheek to dry my tears, as he moved his hand I noticed that his hands were covered in blood. Grabbing his hands I pulled him into my bathroom shoving his hands under the taps crying hysterically again. "Tyler what? Why are you crying again?" he asked concern evident on his face, "Because you got hurt!" I wailed crying harder watching the water turn pink as it mixed with the blood. He laughed at me a little before taking his hands back drying them on a towel, "I'm fine, Tyler I promise, see, that wasn't my blood"

  he said putting his hands back in mine, I checked every inch of them, they were a little red but other than that looked perfect. I raised them to my face kissing each red knuckle.

  He pulled me back into a hug "I think you should think about moving in with me once we're bonded" he said kissing the top of my
head. "How about we skip school today?" he asked touching his forehead to mine making my heart melt, "We could go do something fun?" he said raising his eyebrows. I shook my head and he groaned, "Come on lover boy lets get ready for school, AGAIN!" I said pulling him along with me.

  Twenty minutes later we arrived at school, first period only had 5 minutes left so we walked to his car that he had left in the car park and waited inside so we didn't get seen. "Tyler, can I ask you something?" he said quietly suddenly looking nervous, "Sure" I nodded. "Can I take you out tonight? Like on a date?" he asked, his voice shook slightly he was looking anywhere but my face, I laughed at him, oh this boy is so sweet! "What's so funny?" he said looking at me now, "Sean, I spent the last two nights sleeping in your arms, found out that we have been pre-destined to be together, and we have almost had sex on two separate occasions, and your nervous I'm gonna turn you down?" I said laughing in disbelief. "Well what do you expect? I've been following you around like a love sick puppy for the last 3 and a half days only to have you turn me down time and time again!" he said sadly. Crap now I felt like a bitch! "I'm sorry" I said taking his hand, "I would love to come out on a date with you tonight" I said giving him my most seductive smile making him beam with excitement.

  "So where you going to take me?" I said genuinely curious. "Nope, not telling, you'll have to wait and see!" he said waggling his eyebrows at me. I pulled myself over to him I leant in close, "You know, I could make you tell me" I whispered, he drew in a jagged breath. "Oh Yeah? How would you do that?" he asked breathlessly, I leant in closer and made my breathing sound deep and fast and rubbed my nose slowly along his jaw line up to his ear, I then lightly licked his ear lobe, he let out a breathy moan making me smile. He gripped the steering wheel tighter, "Ok ok I'll tell you" he said turning his head to mine wanting to kiss my lips, I laughed and pulled back to my own seat,

  "Wow, you are just too easy!" I told him shaking my head. "That was not fair!" he accused putting his head back on the head rest, "I never said that I played fair lover boy" I told him taking his hand again, he laughed and shook his head at me.

  When we heard the bell he walked me to my history class kissing my forehead quickly before he left. The morning flew by and I met the guys at lunch, all 11 of us sat together again at the table chatting happily and laughing until Lacey walked over, she looked at Sean and his friends. "Oh isn't this sweet? Are you guys trying to do some sort of charitable work for helping the dysfunctional by sitting with these freak shows?" she said laughing at her own joke.

  "Hey Barbie, I was thinking about organising some sort of BBQ or something that you have to buy tickets to, you know raise some money, you never know we might be able to scrape enough money together to sue the surgeon for that joke of a job he did on your face" I said smiling. She turned to me with a hateful glare and said "Bitch"

  "Slut" I replied


  "Whore" I said





  " Bitch" she said turning red from anger. "You said that already! Aww Barbie you really need to learn some new words" I said picking up my bag and grabbing my dictionary holding it out to her, "Here why don't you borrow this and come back when you've read a few pages" I told her laughing, she turned on her heel and stormed off.

  "You are diabolical!" Chase told me holding up his hand, I slapped him a high five and the whole table burst into laughter. "You know she's really started to grow on me!" I said with a laugh "Yeah, like mould" said Claire laughing. As I stood up to leave Rich noticed my birthmark, "Hey what's that?" he said pointing at my chest, "They are called breasts Rich, and if you keep working on those compliments like I told you, you might get to see some someday!" I said giving him the thumbs up.

  "Ha ha! Very funny, I meant that!" he said pointing again, his finger a few millimetres from my skin. Sean quickly pushed his arm away, "That's close enough bud" he said with a laugh but he had a stern face, wow possessive much? I thought with a smile.

  "No, Tyler what is that? Is that a tattoo?" Chase said coming closer, everyone was now fixated on my breasts, Great Tyler now everyone is staring! Stick to the round necks in future, stupid, stupid, stupid! I thought mentally slapping myself. I pulled my jacket round myself tightly "Way to make a girl feel violated guys, and yes it is a tattoo" I said. "Let me see it baby cakes" Chase said pulling my jacket apart and putting his face inches from my breasts, "Hey! No fair! If I did that I'd get a kick in the balls!" Rich complained. I just laughed my head off and pushed Chase away. Turning I saw Dan staring at it with his mouth so wide I could see all the half chewed food in there. "Dan babe, close your mouth that's disgusting" I said pretending to gag, he just rolled his eyes and looked at Sean giving him a high five and a big grin which made me smile.

  After school and detention/football practice Sean drove us to my house to pick up my clothes for our date and as I had agreed (after much persuasion on his part) to get ready at his house and then stay there the night. "What sort of thing should I wear?" I asked him as he opened my car door for me, "Tyler you wear whatever you want, you could put on a used bin bag and still be the most beautiful thing in the world" he said pushing a stray hair off my face. "That's not what I meant, but thanks" I said shaking my head amused at how damn sweet he was. "What did you mean then?" he said confused, "Well should I put on nice clothes if we are going somewhere posh, or warm clothes if we are gonna be outside, that sort of thing" I said waving my hand. "Oh ok, well go for dressy slash casual with a jacket in case it's cold but not too many layers in case its hot" he said teasingly with a wicked smile I rolled my eyes at him and dragged him in the house.

  Mom was passed out on the couch TV blaring again. Once we were upstairs he went to follow me into my room but I just put a hand on his chest at the doorway, "No way lover boy I can give surprise's too" I said closing the door in his face laughing. After much rummaging in my closed I decided to go for two outfits and then get Kate to help me choose as I bet she knew where we were going. I settled on a black dress with spaghetti straps that was tight around the bust and then flared outwards to about mid thigh and matched these with a dark blue short sleeve cardigan and black heels. The other outfit was black skinny jeans and a pink baby doll top with my black knee high boots, I also brought my black leather jacket that could go with either if needs be. Once I had everything I needed we went to Sean's.

  Sean dropped me at his then left again saying something about 'preparations that needed to be made'or something like that anyway. "Kate do you know where I am going tonight?" I asked her when we were alone, "Yes I do, but I am not allowed to tell you! I'm under strict orders" she said giggling. "Well can you at least help me choose what to wear? I brought two outfits and I don't know which one will be more suitable, and Sean's no help at all he basically told me to wear a bin bag!" I whined. She laughed and looked over my outfits, "I'd go with the jeans one and take the jacket" she said with a wink.

  Sean had told me to be ready at half past six so I took a nice long shower and took the time to dry my hair properly which is something I never do normally. Finally happy with my appearance I sat on the bed looking at the clock, I still had five minutes left and was starting to get excited butterflies in my stomach. This was actually the first date I had ever been on and I didn't really know what to expect. At 6:30 I made my way downstairs, Rachel ran up to me hugging me "Ooooo Tyler you look pretty!" she gushed playing with my necklace. "Where is Sean? He told me not to be late and he's not even ready?" I asked laughing, just then to door bell rang "Tyler hon would you mind getting that for me while I put Rach to bed?" Kate asked "Sure thing" I said going to the door.

  I opened the door to see Sean standing there with a big grin on his face, my mouth fell open in shock. He was wearing a button down light blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and open a little at the neck, just enough that you could see some of his perfect chest, and faded jeans, he looked so handsome that
I could eat him, I was seriously contemplating doing just that when he spoke.

  "Tyler, you look heartbreakingly beautiful" he said with a breathy moan looking me over, "So do you" I told him blushing, I still wasn't used to all this praise that he gave me, sure I'd been told I was pretty before but I had never been called beautiful with such heart stopping adoration before. "Err, I got you these" he said bringing his hands out from behind his back and handing me a huge bar of milk chocolate and a bunch of pink lily's wrapped in maroon tissue paper. "Wow Sean you sure have put a lot of thought into this, thank you, they're beautiful" I sad smelling the lily's. "Here I'll take those for you and put them in some water" Kate said coming out of no where as if she had been spying. "You two have a nice time" she said walking off, "Are you ready?" Sean asked holding out his hand.

  About 30 minutes later we pulled into the car park of the national park, he grabbed a bag from the back and we walked hand in hand for a couple of minutes, he led me round a corner of trees and I stopped walking, it was the most beautiful place I had ever seen in my life. There was a huge crystal clear lake, the way the tree's were they hade made a secluded are of grass with wild flowers growing randomly in clumps, it was unbelievable. Oh I will have to get Sean to show me this pace again, I would love to sketch this place.

  Sean led me forward some more and I realised that there was already a maroon picnic blanket laid out that had been little stones on each corner keeping it from blowing away, he had scattered white rose petals over it. He sat down on the blanket and pulled out his ipod and some portable speakers and put on some music on quietly. He started pulling out containers from the bag filled with all sorts of things from sandwiches to stuffed olives to chocolate fudge cake.

  The whole time he was doing this I just stood and watched him in awe, I couldn't believe that he had done all this just for me. "Aren't you gonna come sit with me?" he asked patting the ground beside him. I sat down and we talked while eating about things we liked and didn't like, movies, books, everything, there was not one minute of awkward silence. After he had packed up all the empty food containers (wow that boy can eat!) he told me to wait there and he ran off into the tree's coming back after a couple of minutes with a A3 sketch pad.


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