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Bond Mates

Page 19

by Kirsty Moseley

  "Ok are you in LA?" he asked quickly, "Yes" I replied. "He's going to need proof he doesn't take people's word, you have any proof?" he asked, I felt sick, I had already thought of this and made preparations. I had various photo's of Tyler with me, some with me in the picture but I made sure to choose ones where we weren't standing too close, if this guy knew we were together he would probably kill me before I opened my mouth to speak. I'd heard that he was a sick mother fucker, Ryce's folder had shown in pictures exactly what type of a man he was. I had no doubt whatsoever that he would kill me as soon as I said my piece. "Yeah, I have photo's" I said grimly, "Meet me at the Café on the corner of Wiltshire in one hour, bring the proof and I'll will see what I can do for you" he said hanging up.

  Ok well that was easier than expected I thought cheerfully, maybe I would get this sorted today and be back to see my girl by tomorrow morning, the thought made me ecstatically happy. 'Hey lover boy what are you so happy about?' Tyler asked me in my head, 'I was just looking at a photo I have of you' I lied smoothly. 'You are so adorable, so lover boy, what you wearing?' she asked in my head teasingly, the sound of her husky seductive voice making me grow hard instantly which I think was her intention.

  'Baby I can't do this now, as much as I want to, I have to go to a meeting, it's important, I love you and I'll speak to you later' I sent to her, she groaned in response. 'Well, I'm gonna have a party for one then and think about you a lot, so don't be surprised if you start getting some funny feelings in the middle of your meeting' she teased. 'Oh hell no you can't do that to me, I can't have a hard on or feel your flippin orgasm while I'm in the middle of a meeting!' I told her sternly. I could almost hear her mental sigh 'Ok lover boy I'll wait for you to finish your meeting but you are definitely talking dirty to me tonight' she sent, making me get harder, I moaned at the thought 'Yep definitely' I told her.


  I was now sitting in the café waiting for Max Ryan to come and meet me, he was late and I was getting nervous, what if he didn't show? How else could I get to Symons? Just then a lanky greasy haired man in his 40's came up and looked at me, his hair was sticking out in all directions like he had just got out of bed, his eyes were bloodshot and they had bags underneath like he hadn't slept in days. "You Sean Watts?" he grunted at me, I nodded and he sat down opposite me quietly.

  I didn't say anything I just took out the picture of Tyler and I sitting on the grass at the school field and slid it across the table to him. He picked it up and looked at it gasping eyes going wide, "Holy shit it's her" he whispered to himself he looked up at me his eyes greedy, a smile spreading across his face as he obviously thought of the reward that Symons was offering. "I'll need to speak to Peter Symons in private, I wont tell anyone else, and I'll want cash" I said sternly shrugging pushing my anger away, I couldn't let this little man know how much she meant to me, I needed to play it cool.

  "Like I said, you get 10% for making the introduction" I said giving him a persuasive smile.

  He grinned, "Ok, I'll need some time, I've got your number, I'll make some calls then get back to you, are you staying in LA?" he asked putting my photo in his pocket, "Yeah, I'm in some shit hole hotel on Riverside" I said turning my nose up at the thought of sleeping in the disgusting room.

  "The Armada?" he asked looking equally disgusted, I just nodded, "Ok well like I said I'll make some calls" he said standing up and walking away.


  A few hours later when I was back in the hotel I spoke to Tyler, 'God I miss you' I told her, not that I needed to I'm sure she could feel it though our link same as I knew that she missed me too. 'I know lover boy, but it's only for a couple of days right?' she sent back 'Yeah baby, I'll be back soon then maybe me and you could spend some quality time together, I could take you back to the lake' I suggested with a smile. 'Oh Sean I would love that' she gushed, 'lover boy I gotta go, Ryce is calling me down for dinner, I love you and I'll speak to you later' she sent. I smiled at the thought of Ryce taking care of her, he was a good guy, he must care for her a lot to do this for me, he's a police officer for Christ sake yet here he is almost an accessory to murder. I sighed shaking my head checking my phone for the hundredth time, Max Ryan still hadn't called and it had been over ten hours since I met him at the café. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

  I was laying in a bed in a room I didn't recognise, it was obviously a little girls room, it was painted pink with pine furniture, there were posters of celebrities on the walls. Just then the door started to open, I felt sick, I was so scared my heart felt like it would break out of my chest, I squeezed my eyes shut trying to breathe normally so that the person would think I was asleep. I felt the bed dip as someone sat on the edge and pulled my covers off slowly with breathy moan.

  I felt a hand on my shoulder and I opened my eyes to see him sitting there smiling at me. "Hello" he said trailing his hand up my leg making the bile rise in my throat but I swallowed it down quickly. I was terrified now, my hands were sweaty, "Please, don't I ....I don't feel well, please" I begged in a voice that I recognised. He sneered at me "You don't feel well?" I shook my head, "No I......I have a stomach-ache" I told him, his smile got wider as he pulled at my nightshirt so I was just left in my panties, he stood up and unzipped his pants. I turned my head away not wanting to see and tears stated sliding down my face but I didn't make a sound, he didn't like it when I cried, he made it worse for me.

  I felt the bed dip again and he pushed me over onto my back grabbing at my body roughly hurting me, sneering. I couldn't look at him knowing the sound would escape from my lips if I did and he would hurt me again. He pushed my panties to the side and thrust into me hard, pain shot through my body, I bit my lip so hard that it began to bleed. Please, please, please let someone help me, let someone come and take me away I prayed as the pain between my legs got worse and worse as he thrust into me again and again. "Good girl Tyler, good girl" he cooed as he continued to use my body. Oh God please, please just let me die, please let me die.

  Suddenly I jerked awake, HOLY FUCKING SHIT! I was shaking from head to toe. Tyler, that was her dream not mine! I jumped from the bed grabbing my phone shouting her in my head at the same time as dialling Ryce's number. 'TYLER! Wake up baby your having a bad dream, Tyler wake up please' I shouted in her head, just then Ryce answered his phone sleepily, "RYCE, GO TO TYLER!

  WAKE HER UP NOW!" I screamed down the phone, my whole body was shaking with anger at what I saw, what I felt even, what made it worse was that I knew that it wasn't a dream, it was a memory, that was the kind of thing he put her through for 5 years.

  My body was trying to force me to shift but I had to make sure she wakes up. "Sean what the..." he said sleepily again, "RYCE, SHE'S HAVING A FUCKING HORRIBLE NIGHTMARE GO AND

  WAKE HER UP NOW" I shouted desperately again. I could hear him jump off of his bed and run through the house, as he got into her room I could hear her whimpering, begging for someone to help her. "Tyler wake up, it's ok, Tyler your dreaming wake up" Ryce said to her, I heard her piercing scream and I couldn't hold it any more, my wolf exploded out of me.

  I could still hear through the phone even though it had dropped to the floor when I shifted, "Sean, I need Sean, please, please" she begged making my heart break. "He's not here, it's Ryce tiger, I'm here and Sean is on the phone" he said, I heard her sobbing now, a growl rose out of my mouth. I would make sure that Peter Symons suffered a lot before he died, even if it was the last thing I did.

  "He can't speak on the phone, he's shifted" I heard her say through the phone, "How do you know that? Sean? Sean?" Ryce said obviously talking down the phone again, "I can tell" she said simply.

  'Tyler baby, I'm here, I am so sorry I'm not there for you, please forgive me, I promise once I get back I'll never leave you again, ever
I promise' I sent her. I could feel her breathing coming back to normal she was starting to calm down now. "I'm sorry Ryce, did I wake you up?" she asked him suddenly starting to feel guilty. Jeez what the hell? She just had the worst fucking dream I've ever seen in my life and she was felling guilty that she woke Ryce? She really is incredible.

  "No Tyler, actually it was Sean who woke me, he told me to come in and wake you up, he said you were having a nightmare" he said simply. Suddenly dread came through the link, she felt awful, terrified and dirty, God what now? I thought. "I'm ok thank you Ryce, you can go back to bed now, I'm fine I promise" she told him, I heard the phone disconnect.

  I concentrated on my breathing trying to calm myself, I looked at my nightstand, I had a photo of Tyler there I looked at her face imagining her smell, the feel of her skin, how small her hands were in mine. After a couple of minutes I had calmed down enough to shift back. I got dressed and laid on the bed, I felt awful, I was right on the edge of shifting, I could barely control my anger. She had been put through so much, she lost her childhood, but I would make him pay.

  'You ok Sean?' she asked, I squeezed my eyes shut taking a deep breath before I answered her 'Yeah baby, I'm ok, are you?' I asked, 'I'm ok Sean, I'm sorry I was having a bad dream but I guess you already knew that' she said quietly, 'Yeah Tyler I saw it' I said, ' saw it?' she asked stuttering obviously crying again. 'Yeah Tyler you pushed your dream onto me somehow, I don't know how but, I .....I am so sorry' I said honestly not knowing what else to say.

  She was quiet for a long time then she said 'I haven't had bad dreams since I've been sleeping with you, I'm.....I'm really sorry you saw that Sean, I didn't ever want you to know about what he did to me' she said quietly. Oh jeez she's feeling guilty again. 'Tyler, you are my whole world, my everything, you don't ever feel guilty for anything that happened to you, ever ok, promise me' I said begging her to understand and to stop looking down on herself like she was the one at fault.

  'I can't promise you that Sean, it's how I feel, I told you I was dirty and used, I'm always going to feel that way' she said, suddenly I was so angry again, my hands shaking, my wolf wanting out again. 'No Sean! Calm down, don't shift again please I need you, I want you to talk to me for a little while keep the bad dreams away, please?' she begged. I took a breath, 'Ok baby, I'm here, it's ok, I'll talk to you as long as you want and I promise he'll never hurt you again, I swear to it' I sent her laying back on the bed settling in for a long night of talking to my girl.

  After a couple of hours her answers started to slur slightly and not make much sense, finally she drifted off to sleep. I laid there not wanting to go back to sleep in case she pushed her nightmares onto me again, I don't ever want to see that again, but at the back of my mind I knew I needed to sleep so if she did have another nightmare I could wake her again. Please God, don't ever let her dream that again, please I prayed as I closed my eyes and tried to sleep too.

  I was in complete blackness, I couldn't see anything, I couldn't move my hands or feet. Something was over my head I could feel my hot breath blowing back into my face every time I breathed out.

  Suddenly whatever covered my head was yanked off, the light momentarily blinded me and I couldn't see anything. As my vision started to come back I realised I was in a bright room, it's walls were painted a luxurious blood red, it had dark wood furniture that looked expensive.

  I looked at my hands in my lap they were tied together in a praying position, my ankles also bound with the same rope. I looked up to see a man sitting on the edge of the desk, he looked familiar, I knew him. "Hello, You must be Sean Watts. I'm sorry for the rude way you were brought here but I have to be careful you know, a lot of people would love to know where I am" he said giving me a small sly smile showing me that he was not sorry at all. "I understand" I said playing along. "So it appears that you know my stepdaughter" he said holding up the picture I'd given Max Ryan, I nodded looking around again, there were two men in the room with us, they looked big obviously bodyguards and I could see they were armed.

  I looked back to Symons as he spoke "How do you know her and where is she?" he asked through his teeth, "Have you got my money?" I asked still needing to check out my surrounding more trying to guess how many more men were outside the room, how many guns. "Yes, but I have to be sure your information pans out before you get your money" he said shrugging, I nodded.

  "Ok fine, she is in New York, I have the address of her house stored in my phone along with her phone number" I said nodding to my pants pocket where the phone was stored. "And who are you?"

  he asked, "I'm her fiancée, and the person who's going to kill you" I said smiling, he whipped a gun around and smiled an evil smile at me before emptying the gun into my chest. I felt each bullet go in, ripping through flesh, bone and organs. One of the bullets went into my heart making everything suddenly go black.

  I woke up sweating 'SEAN!' Tyler screamed in my head, 'It's ok Tyler it was a dream again, it's ok' I told her over and over again, but I knew that this one wasn't a dream it was a premonition. Tyler had forced it on me again, she had a premonition I was going to be killed. 'It's not real, it's ok I promise, I'm fine' I told her, she was so upset she was struggling to breathe again. 'Tyler, breathe baby, it's ok'

  I said squeezing my eyes shut trying to block out the heartbreak and sorrow she was sending me through out link, it was crushing grief, it felt like it was killing me.

  'TYLER STOP IT' I ordered, she calmed down slightly and the feeling started to recede. 'Your really ok?' she asked still upset, 'Yeah baby I promise, look Tyler I got to go, my dad needs me in a bit so I got to get dressed, I'll talk to you after school ok?' I said needing end the conversation I needed to think. 'Ok please be careful Sean I love you so much, I would die without you' she told me breaking my heart in two, 'I love you too Tyler' I said.

  Oh Shit! What the hell do I do? If that was a premonition I was going to be killed, Tyler would be crushed if I was killed, she would be alone, never want anyone else, she would pine for me forever.

  But on the other hand, if I don't try Tyler will never be safe as long as he's out there he will always want her, would never give up. It was an impossible choice but I have to go and try to kill him, I had no other choice but I just prayed that I wouldn't cause Tyler any pain because of my actions.

  My phone rang making me jump out of my thoughts. I snapped it open without looking at the caller id only two people had this number, I had brought a new phone so my real identity couldn't be traced. "Yeah?" I said gruffly, "Hey its Worzel, look dude I'm sorry but I've spoken to Mr Symons he won't meet you, he's no longer looking for what you have to offer" he said simply. Part of me was happy, was he really no longer looking for her? Was she safe? The other part of me was angry, I still wanted him dead for what he'd done to her.

  "Look I need to see him, why is he no longer looking?" I asked confused as hell, "He is no longer interested in what you have to offer, he's not the type of guy you question when he says something, if you know what I mean, he's not interested so I left it at that, I suggest you do too" he said hanging up. Damn it, now what? How the hell could I find him now? Ryce's people had no idea where to find him, this was my only lead. I guess this could be a good thing after the premonition that Tyler had, but I just couldn't find it in me to feel good about that fucking paedophile breathing the same air as my girl. I slumped down on the bed thinking. I decided to stay for another couple of days ask around see if I could get to him some other way.

  I called Ryce, "Hey man, my lead didn't pan out, apparently he's not interested in her now, that's what my guy said, what do you recon?" I asked, I heard Ryce take a deep breath thinking for a while before he spoke, "Honestly Sean? I don't think he would give up, he's not the type of guy that just gives up something, if he wanted it then he wouldn't give up until he got it, maybe they thought you weren't who you said you were saw through you or something?" he asked unsure. He thought the same as me that Symons wouldn't give
up that was what was in my gut too.

  "Ryce, I've got nothing now, you have any ideas?" I asked almost begging, he was quiet for a long time again. "Sean, your just gonna have to accept it, your not gonna find him on your own, we've been trying to find him and pin something on him for the last few years but we never get close, you should just come back, Tyler's missing you like crazy and she is really freaked out said something about you being killed in a dream but she wouldn't talk about it to me" he said. I knew he was right, I could feel the worry coming off of her in droves and I really had nothing now that Max Ryan had let me down, taking a deep breath I said "Ok Ryce I'll be back soon and thanks" I said snapping the phone and putting it in my pocket.

  Just then I heard movement near my door, an arm went round me hand covering my mouth, I felt a sharp sting in my arm, I spun round to see two guys standing there, one had a gun pointing at me they were both looking at me intently. "Who the fuck are you?" I shouted desperately trying to control myself so I didn't shift and rip these guys apart, they looked familiar to me, "Mr Symons would like a word " one said. My vision went blurry, I looked around desperately and saw that the other guy had a syringe in his hand, "What did you gi..." I managed before everything went black.

  Chapter 18: Mr. Symons

  I slowly opened my eyes, it all came back to me the two guys one of them had given me an injection of something. It must have been some sort of sedative, pretty strong too if it knocked me out, usually drugs and alcohol had no effect on shifters. I was in complete blackness, I couldn't see anything, I couldn't move my hands or feet. Something was over my head I could feel my hot breath blowing back into my face every time I breathed out.

  Suddenly whatever covered my head was yanked off, the light momentarily blinded me and I couldn't see anything. As my vision started to come back I realised I was in the bright room from Tyler's premonition, the room was that same blood red but looked brighter in person, the dark furniture even more luxurious than I saw before. I looked at my hands in my lap knowing they would be tied together in a praying position, I tried to move my ankles but they were also bound. I tried to breathe normally, control my fear and anger, I couldn't let Tyler feel that.


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