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Bond Mates

Page 20

by Kirsty Moseley

  I looked up to see him sitting on the edge of the desk just as I knew he would be, hatred bubbled up, I could feel my wolf wanting to explode but I don't think I could shift, the drugs must still be in my system. Shit I couldn't shift yet! I squeezed my hands tight trying to shift but nothing, ok I just need to keep talking for a few minutes until I could shift, I thought wildly.

  "Hello, you must be Sean Watts. I'm sorry for the rude way you were brought here but I have to be careful you know a lot of people would love to know where I am" he said giving me a small sly smile showing me that he was not sorry at all. "I understand" I said playing along. "So it appears that you know my stepdaughter" he said holding up the picture I had given Max Ryan, I nodded looking around again, there were two men in the room with us they were the same two from my hotel, they looked big obviously body guards and I could see they were armed.

  I looked back to Symons as he spoke "How do you know her and where is she?" he asked through his teeth, "Have you got my money?" I asked still needing to check out my surrounding more trying to guess how many more men were outside the room, how many guns. I still couldn't shift. "Yes, but I have to be sure your information pans out before you get your money" he said shrugging, I nodded. "Ok fine, she is in New York, I have the address of her house stored in my phone along with her phone number" I said nodding to my pants pocket where the phone was stored. I could feel the drugs leaving my system now, my wolf pushing to the front, my hands shaking slightly.

  I smiled knowing I was going to kill him in a couple of minutes. "And who are you?" he asked, "I'm her fiancée and the person who's going to kill you" I said smiling as I felt the drugs leave my system. My wolf pushed to the front ready to shift when I was. He whipped a gun around fast before I could shift and smiled an evil smile at me before emptying the gun into my chest, I felt each bullet go in ripping through flesh, bone and organs. One of the bullets went into my heart making everything suddenly go black.

  The blackness was everywhere, I couldn't fight it, this was it, I was dead, there was no pain, which I was thankful for. I sent up a prayer to God to take care of Tyler for me. Just then I heard movement near me someone touched my neck "He's dead Mr Symons" a guys voice said, I could feel his breath on my face he was bending over me, "Good, take Lenny, Go to New York find her and bring her back to me" Symons ordered, my blood boiled in my chest suddenly I pictured Tyler's face.

  I refuse to leave Tyler on her own, the pain suddenly ripped it's way into my chest, my heart was on fire. I took a quiet shaky breath and didn't move. What the fuck? I'm not dead? How? No time to think about that now Sean come on you need to finish this! I cracked my eyes open slightly. I could see them standing over by the desk, they were looking through my phone at the fake information I had stored in there about Tyler being in New York. They all had their backs to me, I used all my strength and pulled my hands apart, tearing my wrists open on the ropes gritting my teeth so I didn't make a sound, I looked at my hands the cuts were already closing, the pain in my body was excruciating as my wounds healed themselves.

  'SEAN!' Tyler shouted in my head, 'Oh God please! Sean are you ok? Please, please, please!' she cried in my head, I couldn't answer her I needed to get this done, 'Tyler I can't speak to you now, this is important, I'll talk to you when I can, please be quiet ok, I'm fine' I sent quickly. It took everything in me I had to ignore my angel's pain and worry, it was programmed in my bond to give her everything she wanted but I couldn't, I needed to hurry. I lifted my head to look at my chest, my shirt was soaked in blood, I pulled my ankles apart ripping the ropes, I grabbed the ropes that had been used to tie my hands and tucked it in my pocket for later, I would use that to tie up Peter Symons while I beat him to death.

  I glanced up they still had their backs to me. Suddenly one of them turned to leave the room, I put my head back down quickly, as he walked past me I kicked out my foot into his kneecap, he screamed and dropped to the floor. I jumped up and grabbed hold of his hair bringing his head down as hard as I could into my knee knocking him out cold.

  "What the fuck?" Symons shouted, I started walking towards the other two who looked like they were in shock. The other body guard pulled his gun from his belt holder, as his arm was swinging round to aim I dropped my shoulder and punched him hard in the throat. He automatically dropped his gun and clutched wildly at his throat going completely red in the face as he tried unsuccessfully to breathe.

  I turned my attention to Symons who was looking through his desk draws looking for something.

  "I'm going to kill you now Symons" I said simply, advancing towards him slowly, his eyes snapped up to me panic setting in. He found what he was looking for, it was a clip for his gun, he smiled a small smile. "That didn't work out too well for you last time but you can have another try" I sneered pulling my top up to show him my healed chest, his mouth dropped open, "T..t...that's" he stuttered taking a step back banging into the wall, his face was deathly pale.

  I smiled this was going to be fucking easy! I closed the distance between us. He was desperately trying to insert the clip into the gun but his hands were shaking so hard he couldn't. I looked down at his hands, his whole arms were shaking now, my eyes snapped up to his "You're a shifter?" I said but it sounded more like a question. He smiled an evil smile and exploded from his body.

  I staggered back in shock, I'd never fought another shifter before, and fuck he was big! He growled at me menacingly taking a step forward. I shifted and lunged for his throat but he dodged out of the way so I bit deeply into his shoulder. He whimpered but spun around on the offensive, he ran at me but due to my extra speed I easily moved out of his way and he ran into the wall smashing his face, he turned back to me blood was dripping to the floor from his snout.

  I growled, this really is too fucking easy, suddenly I heard a scream from behind me I turned to see who it was, it was the guy who I had knocked out. He was looking at us, two giant wolves having a fight in the middle of Symons office, he literally pissed in his pants. I felt a searing pain in my back, I whipped my head around to see Symons with his teeth buried deep into my upper back just below my shoulder blades, I tried to shake him off causing more pain to shoot down my spine. I couldn't get him off so I threw myself towards him as hard as I could shoving him roughly into the wall. I heard a sickening snap as his hip broke. He howled in pain, and slid to the floor.

  I turned my attention back to the other guy on the floor, he was sobbing and whispering something into a cell phone. SHIT! He's calling for help, I quickly ran towards him and snapping his neck easily. I didn't really want to hurt anyone I didn't have to, the only one that had to die was Symons but I couldn't leave any witnesses. The other guy who I had punched in the throat was already dead unable to breathe through his smashed larynx. Symons was still slumped on the floor trying desperately to drag himself away using his front legs but not managing to get anywhere. I started to walk back over him but I heard movement outside the door, it burst open and three other big guys came in all holding guns pointing them at me. I ran towards them, they didn't even see me coming as I smashed into them knocking them flying, the one nearest to me was still conscious so I ripped out his throat. The other two had been knocked out so I left them for now.

  I shifted back to my body and walked over to Symons, "Shift back" I told him sternly, he looked at me and growled thrashing his head trying to bite me. I smiled its only a matter of time and at least the fucker is in pain already I thought. "Shift back or I'll make this worse for you, trust me" I told him again. He looked at the floor and suddenly shifted back to his human form, "Why the fuck are you doing this?" he shouted his face pale and sweaty. "You really don't know? I already told you, Tyler is my fiancée, think hard see if you can guess, I'll give you a minute to think about it" I said sneering at him.

  He shook his head taking in a deep breath, "That little fucker wanted it! She was always teasing me for fuck sake! Walking around in hardly any clothes, any man would do the
same! She was such a fucking peach" he said, I kicked him as hard as I could in the ribs hearing the snaps as his bones broke. I nearly lost it, my whole body shook, "She was a fucking child! She was your stepdaughter!

  You should have looked after her not raped her every chance you got!" I screamed at him backing away, I didn't want to finish this quickly I wanted him to beg for his life.

  I calmed myself before grabbing hold of him and throwing him roughly into his desk chair making him scream, his legs were hanging at weird angles due to his broken hip. One of the other two guys was waking up slowly, I grabbed Symons' gun from the floor near me shoving the clip in and shot them both in the head. I turned to Symons, "I'm guessing that I have four bullets left in here if this is a six shooter?" I asked looking at the gun, I knew nothing of guns but point and shoot.

  I shot him in each foot, he screamed and vomited on himself, then I shot him in both shoulders. He was almost passed out through pain but it still wasn't enough for me, "Please!" he begged, "Please what?" I asked smiling sweetly, here it comes I thought, "Please stop, I'll leave her alone, please I wont go after her again" I sneered. "Your damn right you wont go near her again! That's not gonna happen though, I'm not going to stop, I have all the time in the world, I recon it will take about an hour or so for you to bleed to death, I can definitely wait that long" I said looking around I spotted another gun on the floor. I stooped to pick it up, "Wow look what I found" I said cheerfully as I shot him in the kneecaps, he screamed a high pitched scream,

  "What do you want? Tell me! I'll do anything! I have money, lots of money!" he said through clenched teeth, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. "I don't want money and the only thing I want you can't do, no one can" I said shaking my head, "What? I can do it I promise I can do anything, please tell me what it is! Please!" he cried spitting up blood as he spoke, his blood was flowing rapidly now there was a huge puddle under his chair, he was struggling to breathe.

  "I want you to give Tyler back her life, her childhood, her innocence, her dreamless sleep, you do that and I'll let you live" I said simply, "I....I....c...cant that" he whispered. I lifted the gun to point it at his head, "I'm feeling merciful Symons, I want to get home to see my girl, if you ask for it I'll make the pain go away" I said shrugging my shoulders.

  He squeezed his eyes shut thinking for a minute, then he opened them looked me straight in the eye,

  "Please kill me" he whispered. As soon as the words left his mouth I pulled the trigger shooting him right between the eyes. I let out a shaky breath, wiped the two guns that I had used on a piece of my clothing that was ripped on the floor making sure to remove all traces of my finger prints then I left them on the desk. Picked up the photo of Tyler and I.

  I quickly changed into some clothes I found in the next room, and made my way cautiously out of the house, keeping an eye and an ear out for anyone but no one came, the place was empty. I'd killed everyone. I found a car in the driveway and lucky for me the keys were still in it. I had no idea where I was, so I opted to drive left and straight, I had left all of my belongings that mattered like my passport, and money at the airport in a locker and had hidden the key in one of the bathrooms behind a loose tile.

  I needed to go back to the crappy hotel first and retrieve my things from there, like the fake papers Ryce had given to me. After driving the wrong way for almost 20 minutes I stopped to ask directions, finally I found my way back to the hotel. I parked up the street a bit and wiped over the steering wheel and gears and door handles.

  Once I had picked up my stuff and collected my belongings from the airport I bought the first ticket home to my girl. 'Hey baby, I'm sorry I couldn't talk to you earlier are you ok?' I sent to her, I knew that she was ok, but she was worried sick about me. 'Sean? Oh thank God! I've been so worried about you' she gushed her voice full of love and worry. 'I'm ok baby, I got into a bit of trouble but I'm ok, I'll tell you about it as soon as I'm back' I said, 'Trouble? That didn't feel like trouble to me Sean, that hurt like hell!' she said.

  I took in a sharp breath, shit! How could I not think about that? She must have felt that when I got shot! 'I am so sorry Tyler, honestly, I'm sorry baby but it's over now, I'm getting the 1am flight back'

  I said I could feel the happiness bursting through our link, 'Oh Sean thank you! I've missed you so much, I can't wait to see you' she said excited. 'Listen I better go get some food I haven't eaten all day' I said, 'No way! How did you manage to last lover boy?' she sent amused and teasing, 'Ha ha, I'll speak to you later I need to get some sleep too, do me a favour will you, tell Ryce it's done would you? I love you' I sent her looking round for the nearest food outlet, 'I love you too lover boy'

  she said simply. The happiness radiating from her body to mine was overwhelming and I knew that it was all worth it, I didn't even feel guilty, wow does that make me a monster?

  Chapter 20: Homecoming / news


  I had been worried sick all day, literally I was throwing up with worry, ever since that stupid dream I had about him with my stepfather I couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. Ryce had been following me around all day like a lost puppy. Then about an hour later I lost contact with him completely. It was like he just disappeared, I shouted him and shouted him but nothing, then later on I felt pain in my chest, it was like the whole world exploded inside my chest, I thought I would die from the pain, I had tried and tried but I still couldn't reach Sean.

  Ryce had told me not to worry that he would be fine but I knew something bad had happened, maybe he was mugged or in a car accident or something worse. Suddenly I felt him again, he was angry, so angry it scared me, 'SEAN!' I shouted in his head, 'Oh God please! Sean are you ok?

  Please, please, please!' I cried, God it was killing me being apart from him, I loved him so much, what if he was hurt? I could feel how angry he was in my stomach, making my fists ball up.

  'Tyler I can't speak to you now, this is important, I'll talk to you when I can please be quiet ok, I'm fine' he said, what the hell? What is going on? I could tell he was serious he needed me to be quiet so I did. It took everything I had but I managed to keep quiet. Suddenly I felt a pain around my wrists then my ankles, it felt like a prickly cut, but this was very light compared to the pain I still felt burning through my chest. A little while later I felt a pain up my back, oh God please help Sean, keep him safe for me! What the hell is going on? I laid my head on Ryce's lap and I fell asleep I don't know how I managed to but I did.

  I was awoken by Sean a few hours later, 'Hey baby, I'm sorry I couldn't talk to you earlier are you ok?' he asked sounding concerned, God this boy! He'd been hurt and he was worried about me.

  'Sean? Oh thank God, I've been so worried about you' I said tears of relief flowing down my face.

  Ryce looked up at me I nodded to him smiling, he laughed and nodded back giving me a big hug, he was just as relieved as I was but I think for different reasons, not that he would tell me them.

  'I'm ok baby, I got into a bit of trouble but I'm ok, I'll tell you about it as soon as I'm back' he said,

  'Trouble? That didn't feel like trouble to me Sean, that hurt like hell' I told him and instantly regretted it, he started to feel guilty that I had felt his pain, way to go Tyler, the boy gets hurt and you make him feel guilty I scalded myself. 'I am so sorry Tyler, honestly, I'm sorry baby but it's over now, I'm getting the 1am flight back' He said.

  Oh God I felt like my heart would explode I was so happy, jumped off the couch and did a little happy dance. 'Oh Sean thank you, I've missed you so much, I can't wait to see you' I told him,

  'Listen I better go get some food I haven't eaten all day' he said, 'No way! How did you manage to last lover boy?' I asked him smiling, the boy was always eating he told me that it was part of being a shifter. 'Ha ha, I'll speak to you later I need to get some sleep too, do me a favour will you, tell Ryce It's done would you? I love you' He sent.

  Those three little words
melted my heart, if this boy ever realised his effect on me he would have me in the palm of his hand. 'I love you too lover boy' I sent back and went back to my happy dance, Sean would be here in the morning, and I couldn't wait.

  "So he's ok? All that worrying for nothing?" Ryce asked smiling, I nodded and jumped on his lap giving him a hug, "He's getting the 1am flight, he'll be home soon" I said with a sigh, "Oh and he said to tell you its done, whatever that means" I said leaning back to look at him. He didn't say anything he just looked shocked as hell, "What? What is it? What does he mean? Do you know?" I asked him frowning, now I knew for sure that they were keeping something from me, I suspected it but I didn't have a clue what it was.

  Ryce just pushed me off his lap, "Tyler, if Sean wants to tell you he will, but I am begging you don't push him for it, he may not want to tell you" he said looking at me intentlym I tried to read his eyes but they were giving nothing away so I just nodded, Sean would tell me if he could, I knew that.

  I was watching TV in the lounge waiting for Sean, but I was so tired I couldn't stay awake. Next thing I knew I felt two strong arms go around me lifting me off the couch and carrying me, "Don't Ryce, I want to wait down here for Sean" I complained with my eyes still closed tight. "No need to wait downstairs, I'm home now baby" Sean said as he carried me to my room. I snapped my eyes open and there he was, the most beautiful thing in my world, God he is so handsome I want to jump his bones right here in the hall way.

  I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him with as much force as I could whilst telling him I missed him in his head, "I missed you too Tyler, so much I can't even tell you" he said laying me gently on the bed and climbing on top of me kissing me passionately. My whole body was thrumming with need, "Show me how much you missed me" I said pulling his shirt over his head, he smiled his heart stopping smile and proceeded to kiss every square inch of my body.


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