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Cocky Billionaires: A Contemporary Romance Box Set

Page 42

by J. P. Comeau

  A capability I thought my ex-wife had robbed from me.




  “Ugh, this face mask is so gross,” I murmured.

  Kelly’s voice sounded over the speakerphone. “Trying the avocado recipe again.”

  I paused the filing of my nails. “I keep reading how good it is for my skin. I can’t help it!”

  She barked with laughter. “When are you going to learn that guacamole goes in chips and not your face?”

  I shrugged. “When the internet stops telling me this stuff is good for someone’s skin.”

  “If the internet told you to pour battery acid all over a dildo, would you?”

  “Ew, no. Did you just compare avocado mush to battery acid? Really?

  “Hey, my point stands. Just because the internet tells you its wonderful doesn’t mean it actually is.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Whatever. Anyway. I have something to tell you that I have to get off my chest. But, you have to promise me not to tell anyone.”

  My sister paused. “Wait. What?”

  I sighed. “I have a secret. One, I don’t want you blabbing to anyone. And that includes your new bestie, Karina.”

  “Uh, sorry. But, I’m pretty sure Karina is both of our besties? And she’s hardly new. Are you still on that crap that happened at your birthday?”

  I started filing my nails again. “I’ll always be on it. Promise me.”

  “I promise.”

  “Swear on your firstborn.”

  “What if I swear on Karina’s firstborn?”

  “Doesn’t work. You have no emotional investment in someone else’s child.”

  “I do if I’m their godparent.”

  I paused. “Wait. What?”

  Kelly sighed. “I promise on Karina’s firstborn that I won’t tell anyone. Now, what in the world is so urgent?”

  I blinked. “She-she made you a godparent?”


  “Why didn’t she ask me to be a godparent?”

  “Are we really going to start measuring our friendships again? Come on, don’t do this. Stick with one topic at a time.”

  I swallowed down the hurt. “All right, but if you blab, you’re dead. Blood over best friends and husbands.”

  “You have my word, Roxy. My lips are sealed.”

  I dropped my hands into my lap. “I slept with Clint.”

  There was a long moment of silence on the other end of the line before I heard Kelly’s voice.

  “And… what else?”

  I blinked. “What do you mean, what else? I slept with my boss, Kelly. And after he promoted me, I might add.”

  She squealed. “You got a promotion at work!? That’s fantastic! What are you doing now?”

  My jaw dropped open. “That’s what you want to talk about?”

  “Well, duh. I want to hear all about your new job.”

  “Girl, you don’t want to hear about the fact that I slept with my direct boss?”

  “Oh, come on. I mean, I love you, Roxy. But, it’s not news when you sleep with someone.”

  I clicked my tongue. “I don’t know whether to be proud or hurt by that statement.”

  “And anyway, I see how you look at him. I see how he looks at you. I think you should go for it.”

  “Wait, how he looks at me?”

  “Oh, yeah. Karina and I talk about it all the time.”

  “You do not tell Karina any of this.”

  “I promised you I wouldn’t, and I won’t. But, still, I knew it would happen eventually. The two of you are drawn to one another. Everyone sees it.”

  I swallowed hard. “Everyone?”

  She snickered. “And so what if he’s your boss? If the two of you are happy and okay with things, screw everyone else.”

  I shook my head. “I can’t. It can’t ever happen again.”

  “Why not?”

  “He’s my boss. He holds my future in my hands.”

  “Since when have you ever let any man hold anything but your ass in his hands?”

  I paused. “Good point. But this is different.”

  “Because… you like him?”

  My eye twitched. “Because he’s my damn boss, Kelly. Keep up. Plus, he’s been through his own shit with women. I’m sure he’s not looking for anything but a fun romp every now and again.”

  “Sorry, but did you stop looking for fun romps, and I didn’t know it?”

  I scoffed. “I swear, sometimes you make me sound like a slut.”

  “I mean, if the shoe fits.”

  I dropped my nail file. “Hey!”

  She giggled. “Kidding, kidding. But, really, Roxy. You hooking up with a guy isn’t news to anyone. The news is the fact that this is the first time I’ve ever known you to get flustered after the fact. You really like Clint, don’t you?”

  “Does that even matter if we can’t have anything?”

  “Yes, it does.”

  I closed my eyes. “How I feel doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is how quickly he pulled away from me after we were done. We hooked up, we got dressed, and neither of us have spoken so much as a sentence to one another since. I mean, he can’t even look me in the eyes, Kelly. I know he views me as a mistake, and it sucks.”

  “I mean, he was probably feeding off your awkwardness.”

  I smirked. “I’m not awkward.”

  “Roxy, you’re one of the most awkward people I know.”

  I clicked my tongue. “Name one time I’ve been the most awkward person in the room.”

  “Does the entity of your birthday ring a bell?”

  “Hey, I agreed to put that behind me if you did, too. It’s obvious we agree to disagree, and the last thing we need is to keep fighting about it.”

  “Okay, okay, I hear you loud and clear. But, seriously, if you were making things awkward, then he was definitely feeding off that.”

  I lowered my voice. “I’m not awkward.”

  She barked with laughter. “Suit yourself.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Anyway, what’s new on your--?”

  “When did this hook-up occur, anyway?”

  I blinked. “What?”

  “This thing with you and Clint. When did it happen?”

  I paused. “Uh… two days ago?”

  “So, Wednesday?”


  “And it’s Friday evening.”


  “And you’re not dragging me out to the club to go dancing?”

  I shrugged. “And?”

  “You mean to tell me it’s a coincidence that you hook up with Clint, you’re feeling vulnerable, and now you’re not going out on a Friday night? You always go out on Friday nights. That’s your night, Roxy. Your night to ‘seize life,’ as you always put it. Why are you sitting at home at eight in the evening with a mask on your face and filing your nails.”

  I gripped my file. “I’m not filing my nails.”

  “I can hear you sandpapering those claws of yours over this phone, Roxy.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “I hate you sometimes.”

  She laughed. “Love you, too. But, I think you’re so blown away from hooking up with him that you don’t want to go out because you know other guys won’t measure up.”

  “Or, maybe you’re reading way too much into things, and I’m exhausted from my new position.”

  “Your position beneath Clint?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “I know what you’re doing, and you can stop.”

  She smirked. “You mean your new job position. Yes, I know. I’m just teasing you a bit.”

  “Well, you can stop that now, thanks.”

  She sighed. “He’s really got you all in knots, doesn’t he?”

  I groaned. “Is it that obvious?”

  “I think you’re finally growing out of your hook-up phase.”

  “What do you mean, ‘finally’? Did you really think I’d live my entire life like that? I’m just havin
g some fun while I can, that’s all.”

  She fake sniffled. “Ah, my beautiful sister. She’s growing up so fast.”

  “Hey, I’m going to get in my car with this nasty mask on and drip-drive my way to you just to slap you across the face and get guac on your carpets if you don’t cut the shit.”

  “I don’t think Brenden would like the green. It doesn’t go with our walls.”

  I smiled. “That’s what I thought.”

  “Can I ask you something, though?”

  “Hit me with it.”

  “You have to promise to answer honestly.”

  I got up from the couch. “Yes, I’ll answer honestly. Now, what’s the question?”

  “Do you want more than just one night with Clint?”

  I came to a full stop at her question as the answer battered itself against my head.

  Yes. Yes, I do. I want more of him. All of him. As much of him as he’ll let me have.

  “I don’t know,” I said.

  “You promised you’d answer honestly.”

  I walked into my bathroom. “And I did.”

  “I don’t think you did.”

  I closed the door behind me. “Kelly, even if I wanted more, he’s not capable of giving me more. The man’s been through a divorce. And it sounded like a messy one, at that. No man’s going to want to have anything to do with women for the long-term--.”

  “I never said anything about long term.”

  I set the phone down. “Can we find another topic, please?”

  “Here’s what I think: I think you want more than a simple one-night stand with Clint, and it’s messing with your head.”

  I splashed water in my face. “Or, maybe this guacamole mask is messing with my spirits.”

  “Don’t change the subject.”

  “If you don’t change it, I will.”

  She sighed. “Roxy, you really have to get used to talking about--.”

  A knock came at my door, and I froze. I looked at myself in the mirror, my face dripping with green-tainted water as the avocado mask slowly swirled down the drain. Another knock happened, and I quickly pulled my hair back into a ponytail before I reached for a towel.

  “Is someone there?” Kelly asked.

  I picked up my phone. “Yeah, someone’s knocking. I have to go.”

  “We aren’t done talking about this, you know.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Trust me, I know.”

  Another knock sounded at the door, and I groaned.

  “I’m coming! Hold your damn horses!”

  Kelly giggled. “Love you, girl.”

  “Love you, too.”

  And after I dried my face off, I made my way for the door with part of myself, hoping that Clint might be behind it.

  Even though I knew damn good and well that he wasn’t.




  I lifted my fist to knock before placing it back down at my side. I turned to walk back down the hallway, but it felt as if a wall were holding me back. I peered over my shoulder as I looked back at the door, feeling like some geeky idiot at my senior prom who couldn’t knock on his date’s door.

  “Come on, you’re better than this. Just knock on the damn door,” I murmured.

  I drew in a deep breath and let my chest expand. I rolled my shoulders back, trying to force my confidence to trickle all the way down to my toes. It was just Roxy. It wasn’t as if I was going to see the President of the United States. And besides, shaking that man’s hand hadn’t been nearly as nerve-wracking.

  It’s just a girl, Clint. Get it together.

  “She’ll open if you knock,” I whispered.

  I turned back toward the door and raised my fist, but I couldn't get it to settle against the door. I’d made it all the way here, so why the hell couldn't I finish the job? What did I think was going to happen? Surely, she wouldn’t slap me. We both enjoyed what happened in that safe. She couldn't deny it, and neither could I.

  “Just do it, you coward,” I grumbled.

  Then, I finally knocked against her door.

  I stood there, waiting for her to answer, but I didn’t hear anything on the other side. So, I raised my fist and knocked again. I knew she had to be here. Her car was in the parking garage downstairs. Then again, she could’ve taken a cab anywhere.

  What if she’s with someone else right now?

  What if she’s trying to erase your memory with someone else?

  What if she really did hate it, and she decides to tank my business?

  I knocked one more time for good measure, and finally, I heard footsteps on the other side.

  I expected her to call out and ask who it was. I expected her to crack the door and peek out, like any normal woman who lived alone in Vegas might have. But, instead, the door ripped open, and there she stood. Clad in nothing but a long t-shirt, some socks to keep her feet warm, and her damp hair pulled back into a ponytail. She was a vision of beauty. The sexiest little thing I’d ever laid eyes on. Her skin looked smooth to the touch as if it were freshly shaved. She smelled of lilacs and lavender as if she’d just bathed.

  Her hair is wet, you idiot. Of course, she just showered.

  “Clint,” she said breathlessly.

  I blinked. “Roxy.”

  She didn’t move to let me in her place, so I took a step toward her. And like the wonderful girl she was, she took a step back. She matched me, movement for movement until I stood just inside her apartment. She relinquished the door, and I closed it behind me, my eyes never leaving hers. They sparkled with shock and curiosity. Her eyes danced between mine as if she were waiting to see what I would do next.

  When I reached out to cup her cheeks, I pulled her face to mine, crashing our lips together.

  When she groaned down the back of my throat, my cock came alive. I felt it pressing against my pants as her tongue fell against my own, with the rest of her body following in suit. She gripped my tie and wrapped her fist in it, pulling me closer as my hands explored her body. They raced down her curves, gripping her waist and massaging her hips as I backed her further into her place.

  I didn’t stop moving until the two of us tumbled over the back of the couch.

  “Oh, Clint,” she whispered.

  My lips slid down her neck. I pinned her to the cushions as her legs spread effortlessly for me. I felt her womanly heat beating against my clothed cock, teasing it and taunting it. Wanting me to set it free. Her movements against my body intoxicated me. It forecasted what was to come as I kissed down the valley of her breasts.

  When my lips fell against the neck of her shirt, I gripped the fabric.

  “Off. Now,” I growled.

  The two of us scrambled to get up, and clothes went flying. I slipped her shirt over her head while her hands loosened my tie. Fabric fell to the floor as we stumbled into her bedroom, her hands sliding against every inch of my muscles. Fucking hell, her hands were soft. Warm. Inviting, and alluring, all at the same time. I gripped her bare ass cheeks the second I was naked and hoisted her against me, feeling her wet heat sliding against my skin. Her hands raked through my hair. My knee touched down against her mattress.

  And as we fell to the sheets together, I felt my dick leaking with need for her.

  “Oh, fuck,” she groaned.

  I laid her on her back and splayed her wet hair out onto the pillow. I pulled myself back, allowing a moment to gaze into her sex-hazed eyes. She was a vision. An angel sent from heaven to quell the devil inside me. I wasn’t deserving of such a woman. I wasn’t deserving of such beauty beneath me. Not after the things I’d done. Not after the things I’d seen. Not after the things I’d been privy to.

  And yet, here she was.

  “Clint?” she asked.

  I felt her hand cup my cheek, and it pulled me from my trance.

  “You’re beautiful, you know that?” I asked.

  She blushed. “If I’m beautiful, then there isn’t a word in the English language that
describes you.”

  I growled as my lips fell back against hers, needing to taste her again. And when her legs parted, I felt my cock fall between her soft thighs. Her pussy lips wrapped around my girth as she rocked her body, slicking my pulsing veins with her juices. Oh, how wet she was for me. Oh, how her scent called to me. My mouth watered as I kissed down her cheek. Along her jawline. Down her pulse point. What I wouldn't have given to taste her once more.

  But, when my tip settled at her entrance, my head started spinning with other needs.

  Other thoughts.

  Other desires.

  “I need you,” she whispered.

  I kissed her breast. “Then, just say the word.”

  I lifted my head to gaze into her eyes once more, watching them flutter open. And when her gaze held my stare, she nodded.

  “Fill me, Clint. Do it.”

  In one fell thrust, I slid against her walls. I felt her trembling beneath me as moans and groans escaped from between those pillowy lips she had. I fisted the bedsheets, growling as our hips quickly seated themselves together. Her arms wrapped around my neck. Her legs locked around my waist. I felt her entire body open itself up to me before clinging to me for dear life. As if she didn’t want to be anywhere else.

  I sure as hell don’t want to be anywhere else.

  “Move. Clint, do something. Please.”

  I nuzzled my nose against hers. “Be patient for me, sweet girl.”

  She whimpered. “Daddy, please.”

  I grinned. “Well, if you insist, princess.”

  I pulled back and slammed deep within her, watching as her back arched. I dropped my lips to her nipples, licking and sucking. Feeling her quaking as her walls caved around me. I did it again. And again. Picking up the pace as her juices dripped down my shaft. I wanted to be coated with her. I wanted to reek of her scent before I left. I wanted her to always remember me. Remember us. Remember this moment.

  “Oh, fuck. Clint!”

  I grunted. “That’s it, Roxy. Come on. Squeeze that cock. Squeeze what’s yours.”

  “Mine. You’re mine. Clint, holy fuck. Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Don’t stop.”

  My lips fell to her ear. “And you’re mine, Roxy. Always.”


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