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Cocky Billionaires: A Contemporary Romance Box Set

Page 43

by J. P. Comeau

  The moment swept me away as her headboard bashed against the wall. I heard her neighbors yelling at us and cursing our existence, but it only spurred me on. Her curves jumped for my viewing pleasure. I slid her leg over my shoulder, opening her up for the rest of me to sink inside. I felt my balls pulling up with her walls fluttering wildly around me, her jaw unhinging with silent pleasure. Her nails raked against my skin, marking me as I wanted to mark her. And as my hips began to shutter, her back finally arched.

  “Yes! I’m coming! Clint, oh my god!”

  And with her sounds, I unraveled against her.

  I captured her lips, swallowing her sounds as my cock poured into her warmth. With every jump of my dick, spurts of arousal shot from its tip, coating her in my mark. I peeled her arms from around my neck. I pinned her wrists above her head. I rutted against her, allowing her pussy to suck out every ounce I had to give her as my balls grew empty. The room spun around me. I felt weightless for the first time in my life. I’d heard men talk about this feeling, about orgasming so hard with a woman and being so lost in her that it toppled their world. But, I’d never experienced it myself.

  Until now.

  “Holy shit,” I whispered.

  Roxy giggled. “Come here, big boy.”

  I collapsed against her, blanketing her body with my own. She wrapped her arms around me as her legs went limp at my sides, my cock still sheathed within her warmth. I buried my face into the crook of her neck. I kissed her pulse point, feeling it escalate with every touch of my lips. And for some reason, I liked that sensation.


  I loved that sensation.

  “So,” Roxy said breathlessly, “how are things?”

  I chuckled. “Hey there.”

  She kissed the shell of my ear. “I take it something is on your mind?”

  I pressed myself up. “Actually, there is.”

  “I figured as much.”

  I grinned. “What gave it away?”

  “Mmmm, I think it was the suit. You were wearing one of your power suits.”

  I snickered. “You’re cheeky, you know that?”

  She squeezed my cock with her pussy. “And you know you like it.”

  I grunted at the sensation before I forced myself out from between her legs. As much as it killed me to move.

  “I actually came over to ask you something, Roxy.”


  I slid off to the side. “I was wondering if you’d like to start hanging out outside of work, or something like that.”

  She turned to face me. “Hanging out?”

  I propped my head up. “You know, going to get lunch sometime. Or going to see a movie. Getting together and bitching about clients. You know, the usual.”

  She smiled. “The usual. Got it.”

  “I mean, if you can handle that kind of ‘professional, but also kind of not’ relationship.”

  “Right, right. If I can handle it. Got it.”


  “I mean, can you handle it?”

  I furrowed my brow. “Why is there an issue with me handling it?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. Dudes fuck shit up, too. Maybe you can’t handle it.”

  “Oh, trust me. I can handle it.”

  “So, if you can handle it and I can handle it, then why don’t we go ahead and get it handled.”

  I blinked. “Is that a ‘yes’?”

  She giggled. “It’s not a ‘no.’”

  I narrowed my eyes playfully. “You’re one strange little woman, you know that?”

  She bopped my nose with her fingertip. “And you like it, don’t even try to deny.”

  “Maybe a smidge.”

  “Oh, yeah. Because this was totally a smidge.”

  I chuckled. “So, us then. Hanging out when we’re not at work.”


  “Sounds kind of nice.”

  “It does, with one condition, though.”

  I paused. “What’s that?”

  “I want to start over.”

  I blinked. “Start over what?”

  She smiled. “I want to start over with us. I want to become friends with you. I want to get to know you, not just your body. I want to hold off on jumping each other’s bones for a little while so we can actually have conversations.”

  “Isn’t that the fun stuff, though?”

  “It is, yes. But, it’s been a while since I’ve had anything like this with someone, and I’d like to do it right. Especially given our working relationship. I’d hate to fuck things up, and then have to find another job because we can’t work together anymore. Please, Clint? Do this for me?”

  “So, what you’re saying is you don’t just want it to be sex.”

  She nodded. “Right.”

  I shrugged. “Well, neither do I.”

  “Wait, really?”

  “Really, really. So, if going along with this means we both get something a bit more than sex, then I’m down. I’ll wait.”

  Shock rolled behind her eyes. “Not gonna lie, I’m surprised you’re agreeing to this.”

  I winked. “Then, I guess you have more to learn about me than you thought.”

  She sat up. “Want me to order some pizza, and we can chat for a while?”

  “Can we do it naked?”


  I rolled my eyes. “Fine, fine. But, I’m ordering the pizza, and I’m not taking ‘no’ for an answer.”

  She slid out of bed. “I eat pepperoni and mushroom with onions and spinach.”

  I nodded mindlessly, my eyes watching her sauntering naked body.

  “Mhm. Whatever you want,” I murmured.





  “Well, what does it say?” Kelly asked.

  “You know damn good and well what it says. Look at her face!” Karina exclaimed.

  Kelly held out her hand. “Give it to me. Let me see it.”

  Karina rubbed my back. “What can we do? What do you need?”

  I felt my entire world come to a careening halt as I stared down at that little stick. I gripped it so tightly in my hand I thought I’d break it. But, my sister slipped it from my grasp before the plastic had a chance to crack. I turned around quickly and headed back into the bathroom. There were two more tests in that box I bought, so maybe this first one was defective.

  It had to be defective.

  There’s no way in hell I’m pregnant.

  Karina sighed. “Roxy, what are you doing?”

  I closed my bathroom door. “Taking the other two tests. Hold on.”

  Kelly knocked on the door. “But, you just peed.”

  I sighed. “I peed into a cup, you ninnies! Give me a second.”

  I ripped open the other two sticks and jammed them into the glass cup. I paced around in the bathroom with my hands clasped behind my back, hoping and praying these tests gave me the answer I needed. I mean, yes, I forgot to update my Nexplanon implant. Yes, I missed the doctor’s appointment due to a lunch date with Clint. But, a two-day delay in changing out that implant couldn't possibly mean this. Clint and I hadn’t been together in over a month! And I sure as hell hadn’t been with anyone else.

  A knock came at the door. “It’s been three minutes.”

  Kelly’s voice gave me pause, and I whipped around to stare at the cup on the counter. The door opened, and I heard my two best friends pad into the bathroom. But, I couldn't reach out for the cup. Dread filled my gut. I felt my knees growing weak. So, Karina did the honors for me.

  She took out both of the sticks and shook them off in the sink.

  “Oh, boy,” she murmured.

  I swallowed hard. “Oh, no.”

  Kelly took my hand. “That doesn’t sound good, Karina. What is it?”

  Karina looked up at me. “They’re both positive, Roxy.”

  Tears rushed my eyes as Kelly squeezed my hand. I felt myself teetering before something clat
tered to the floor. I felt a grip on my upper arms before my legs started moving as if they were possessed. And when I felt my ass touch down against the edge of my mattress, tears fell down my cheeks.

  “Do you know who the father is?” Kelly asked softly.

  I slowly looked over at her. “What the fuck kind of question is that?”

  Karina rubbed my back. “Go easy on us, now. You know your history.”

  I whipped my head around. “Fuck both of you for thinking I don’t know who the damn father is.”

  Kelly rubbed my thigh. “Then, are you comfortable telling us who it is?”

  I closed my eyes. “Both of you have to swear you won’t tell a soul. And I mean, both of you.”

  Silence fell across the room before I opened my eyes.

  “I’m not hearing anyone swear anything,” I said flatly.

  Karina nodded. “Of course, I promise.”

  Kelly kissed my cheek. “You have my word, sis.”

  I drew in a deep breath. “Clint.”

  Kelly blinked. “What about Clint?”

  Karina scoffed. “Stop it, Kelly.”

  I looked between the both of them as their eyes slowly widened. Then, Kelly gasped.

  “Holy shit, Clint’s the father.”

  I snickered. “There’s the lightbulb.”

  Karina shook her head. “When in the world did this happen? How did we not know about any of this?”

  I sighed. “Not like the three of us have been very close lately. The two of you have your lives, and you don’t give a shit about your single friends.”

  Kelly clicked her tongue. “That’s not true.”

  I peered over at her. “When’s the last time you and I had ‘just a sister’ outing. You and me, without your man checking in or tagging along or calling you in the middle of our date. When did that last happen?”

  And when she didn’t give me an answer, I stood to my feet.

  “My God, what am I going to do?” I whispered.

  “You have to tell him,” Karina said.

  Kelly stood to her feet with me. “At some point in time, you do have to tell him. He has a right to know.”

  I turned to face them. “Yes, but I tell him. Which means the two of you keep your lips shut.”

  Karina nodded. “They’re sealed.”

  “Neither of you can tell your men, either. Because you know they’ll blab one hundred percent to Clint.”

  Kelly raked her hand through her hair. “Did you forget your implant or something? Don’t you have that arm thing?”

  My head fell back. “I forgot about the doctor’s appointment. But, I rescheduled it for two days later, so I figured I was fine.”

  Kelly sighed. “So, how long have you and Clint been seeing one another?”

  I swallowed hard. “Maybe a month? We hooked up twice, and I told him that if we were going to start seeing each other outside of work, then I wanted to start all over. I wanted to shelve the physical stuff until we actually got to know one another. And he’s been surprisingly patient with me.”

  Karina giggled. “Awww, that’s so sweet.”

  Kelly’s eyes widened. “I didn’t know he had it in him.”

  I glared at the two of them. “And I’m seeing him tonight for dinner. So, don’t fuck up between now and then. Promise me.”

  They nodded in unison. “We promise.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “Creepy. You two are creepy as fuck.”

  The girls stayed for a while, trying to calm me down. But, eventually, I had to kick them out. In some ways, it was nice to know I could rely on them during a crisis. I still missed them, though. I closed the door behind them and pressed my forehead against the door. Tonight over dinner was probably the best time to speak with Clint, but I was scared. What if he got upset? What if he accused me of sleeping around on him? I mean, it wasn’t as if we were officially dating, but I was under the impression that we weren’t seeing any other people.

  What if he’s seeing other people?

  I felt sick to my stomach. I turned around, pressing my back against the door before I slid down to my ass. No, I had to do it. I had to find the nerve to talk with Clint about things tonight. Even if it ruined us. Even if he walked away. Even if he got upset, accused me of being a hoe like my friends just did, and walked out. I had to do it. Because he did deserve to know, even if he wanted nothing to do with the baby after this.

  Or me.

  “Fuck!” I exclaimed.

  After I got done feeling sorry for myself, I pulled myself off the floor. Clint was going to be here in a couple of hours to cook for me, and I needed to clean up more than just myself. I needed to hide those tests, hide any evidence of my anxiety, and relax as much as I could.

  Though, part of me knew I wouldn't be able to hide from him for long.

  I shuffled into the bathroom and poured the urine down the sink. I tossed the glass cup into the trash, along with the tests and the pregnancy box. I piled other trash on top of it to make sure it was buried, then I ran the hottest shower I could stand. I didn’t feel clean anymore. I didn’t feel right. I felt off-kilter, exhausted, and ready for a long night’s rest. Clint would already know something was up, though. I knew he’d come over curious about things since I called out of work this morning.

  “I shouldn’t have done that,” I murmured.

  I let the hot water roll over my body as I watched it swirl down the drain. I didn’t want to move from this spot. The shower was where I did all my best thinking. All my best scheming. And I knew if I stayed in here long enough, I’d come up with a plan to fix all of this. Either that or the hot water would eventually wake me up from this nightmare I’d stepped into.

  “Fuck,” I whispered.

  I sank to the floor of the shower and curled my legs up to my chest. In a few months, I wouldn't be able to do that. In a few months, my body would be so massive I wouldn't be able to fit in any of my clothes. I’d need an entirely new wardrobe. Plus, I’d have to find a new place to live. This apartment wasn’t suitable for raising a child, especially in the part of town I inhabited. I mean, I felt safe as a single woman who carried mase in her purse. But, I certainly wouldn’t feel safe as a young, single mother without any career prospects and no chance in hell of ever having the life I wanted.

  “Yeah, like I know what that is,” I breathed.

  I forced myself to clean up nonetheless, though. I had less than two hours at this point to get ready before Clint would show up with food. And I hoped that the food he cooked didn’t make me sick to my stomach. I turned off the water and got ready for our dinner date, making sure to put on my best dress. The sleek black number hugged my curves, and it gave me pause as I stood there in the mirror.

  Will my body be the same after I give birth?

  As much as I hated the idea of having a child right now, I couldn't stomach the idea of an abortion. Or even adoption. I knew my parents would help me out, though they’d be pissed. So, there was that. But, I also knew my father would kill Clint. And I mean, my father would slaughter that man. Especially if he walked away from me.

  “Would he really walk away, though?” I whispered.

  I wasn’t sure. I mean, my gut reaction was that he’d stay at my side. But, I also thought I’d have my two best friends forever. And the past few months had shown that to be a wrong assumption as well. And when that knock came at that door, I almost jumped out of my skin.

  “Roxy, you here?” Clint asked through the door.

  I drew in a deep breath. “Game time.”

  And as he knocked on the door again, I slipped into my best black heels. I sauntered over to the door and threw it open wide, allowing my eyes to case his body. My God, the man looked delectable in his suit. Stark black, like my outfit, and not a hint of white to be seen.

  “Great minds,” I said, giggling.

  His eyes darkened. “Maybe this bodes well for dessert.”

  I forced a giggle. “As lovely as that would be, I don’t think w
e’re quite there yet, Clint. But soon, I promise. Okay?”

  He nodded. “Whenever you’re ready.”

  But, even as I let him in, I saw the disappointment behind his eyes.

  And I wondered if tonight was a bad night to drop this on him.





  As much as I tried to focus on work, I couldn’t. There was something off about Roxy lately, and I couldn't put my finger on it. She called out of work yesterday, she was virtually silent on our date last night, and while she’d come into work today, she hadn’t said one word to me. If I didn’t know any better, I would’ve assumed she wasn’t into me any longer.

  While I didn’t want to push her into talking, I needed to be privy to that kind of information.

  Not to mention, it had been over a month since we’d done anything other than cuddle. The girl wouldn't even let me kiss her on the lips! I mean, I was a patient man. But, Roxy kept wearing these tight little numbers on our dates and wouldn’t give me a taste of anything. Not even those soft lips of hers. It was driving me mad. I couldn't focus. I was masturbating way too much for a grown man with my kind of prospects. Roxy was worth the wait, sure. But, I felt like there was something else.

  Something she wasn’t telling me.

  “Got some time for your brother?”

  I lifted my head at the sound of Brenden’s voice. “Hey. What are you doing here?”

  He slipped inside my office. “Can’t a guy come over and pay his older brother a visit?”

  I set my pen down. “Depends. Are you here to ask for something?”

  He chuckled. “Love you too, Clint.”

  I gestured for him to sit in the chair in front of my desk, and I tried to get myself in a frame of mind to talk shop. But, the more Brenden stared at me, the more he got that look in his eye. That softly-narrowed, curious look.

  And I knew I’d been busted.

  “Something wrong?” he asked.

  I leaned back. “What makes you think that?”

  “I don’t know. You just seem…”

  I shook my head. “What?”

  He cocked his head. “Elsewhere. You seem like you’re elsewhere right now.”

  “Just tell me what you came here to talk to me about. I’ve got a lot of work and some new hires I have to interview this afternoon, and I’m just now getting their resumes.”


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