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Lost in the Dark

Page 14

by Ann Jensen

  “No. Not really. I don’t know. Why are you holding them against their will?” Tari’s voice shook and it broke his heart.

  “Because we went to check out the address listed on most of Dark Zen’s mystery employees.” Sharp ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “We found them naked and locked in a room in the basement. What were we supposed to do? Just leave them there?”

  Dragon knew Sharp was leaving out a lot for Tari’s sake. He had described the encounter in detail during Church earlier. Before his Brothers had managed to break down the door and kill the two fuckers who had been guarding the shithole house, the thugs had managed to kill four other girls. These two had been the only survivors. The identification on the men had led to no gang or affiliation yet. But the two did have records with a list of crimes that should have had the men still rotting in jail; not out abusing more women.

  “I don’t know. What are you going to do with them then?” His woman sounded contrite, but it still bothered Dragon that she could think such horrible things about him and his Brothers.

  “We need to know what they know,” Hawk said his tone gentle. “Normally, I wouldn’t let a Civilian get involved in Club business. But since you speak their language, why don’t you help us out? Once we know what they know, we’ll figure something out that will keep them safe until they can make it on their own.”

  It hurt to hear Hawk calling his woman a Civilian, as if she wasn’t part of the Dark Sons’ Club, but officially she was still that. His Brothers would protect her for him because she was the mother of his kid, but until he made her his Old Lady, she wasn’t family. Truthfully, even if she were his Old Lady, she would be kept outside the loop on most things for her own safety. The fact that the Club was going to help these girls was, yet another reason Dragon was proud to be a Dark Son. His Brothers may not care much about laws, but they did what they saw as right and protected their own.

  Tari nodded her agreement. She sat down on the couch with the girls and took their hands in her own. He loved the gentle tone she used with them even if he couldn’t understand the words. Slowly over time they relaxed and started talking with Tari.

  Dragon was proud of how calm she was. She pulled the younger of the two girls into her lap and looked up. “She says they’ve been in the US for a few months. A man named Master V was in charge. They were forced to service multiple men a day, sometimes in groups. If they resisted, they were beaten and starved.”

  Dragon tried to match his Tari’s calm so as not to scare the girls but it was hard. Tek handed her a box of tissues and she wiped the girls’ eyes and her own. His woman was magnificent: giving comfort and coaxing in equal measure.

  She got names, descriptions, and places they had been and what had happened to them. It slowly formed a picture that had every man in the room ready to destroy any person who had a part in hurting the two girls, only fourteen and seventeen, who had come legally to this country to find a better life.

  When the women were emotionally spent, and no one thought they could get any more information out of them, Dragon set the three up in the kitchen. Pixie cooked a large, late lunch for the four of them, before he returned to Hawk’s office to find out what the Dark Sons were going to do about the evil they had just discovered in their own backyard.

  Chapter 25

  We’re going to be kicking ass and taking names… actually no need for names.

  “FUCK!” Dragon heard Sharp’s yell as he opened the door. Now that the women were gone the men weren’t holding back their fury. Sharp and Highdive looked like they were about to run out and beat someone to death with their fists. Muscles clenched and hot fury in their eyes.

  Tek paced with his phone against his head. “I want the entire cyber investigation team researching those coordinates. No, they can wait. I don’t care. Steal a fucking satellite feed if you have to, but get it done!” His words and tone clipped as if each word was a struggle to get out.

  It was Hawk and Max’s reaction that had Dragon pausing in his own fury a second before closing the door, not sure if he was still wanted among the Officers. Both men were so cold you could almost feel it emanating from them. It was the look of someone who was about to burn the city to the ground and smile at the flames. All the Dark Sons were dangerous, most with military backgrounds kept current with training, so much so, that even an ex-SEAL like Dragon, considered it impressive. He had no doubt the five men in this room had the skills and resources to take over a small nation if they ever wanted.

  “How did we miss this?” Hawk’s question brought all attention to him. Tek hung up his call and they all came to stand in front of the desk like they were back in the military about to get ripped apart by a commanding officer.

  Max spoke first. “It was a girlie spa Dozer wanted to buy to make his Old Lady happy. None of us thought it was a high-risk investment, so we didn’t look below the surface. We fucked up.”

  “Hell, when Sharp and I went over to that address today, worst I thought we would find was some women who gave the customers a little extra for cash,” Highdive said.

  “We only busted into the place because the fuckers slammed the door in our faces, and we heard a woman’s scream,” Sharp added.

  “Do we have any idea who this ‘Master V’ is?” Hawk looked at each one of them in turn.

  “Overweight, middle-aged, white man. Could be half the city. I’ll need to find a sketch artist I trust to keep their mouth shut, since, I’m assuming, we won’t be going to the cops with this.” Tek’s tone said he didn’t have issue with that fact.

  Dragon didn’t either. The justice system was fucked up and sitting in a cushy jail, or getting off on a technicality, wasn’t going to cut it this time. Men were buying and abusing young girls and they had used a Dark Sons’ business to do it.

  “Sit down, let’s talk this through.” Hawk gestured to the many chairs in the room and moved out from behind his desk to take the closest as if trying to put everyone on equal ground. Everyone sat, but none of them were relaxed. Dragon wasn’t used to being part of these types of discussions with the Officers and appreciated they included him because of Tari’s connection.

  “Something isn’t right with this situation. If the girls were a Jacks operation, why weren’t some of their members guarding the place?” Max said.

  “Jacks have maybe 25 men in their crew, 30 if we account for members the cops don’t know about. Most of them are teens.” Tek shook his head. “They have no national organization and the only reason they have power is the heroin they deal and the guns they own. They have minor ties to the cartel through their leader Diablo. If they were running girls, I would think Mexican not Eastern European.”

  Dragon agreed a lot of things weren’t making sense. If the Jacks had been into human trafficking for long, something would have popped up months ago when they were dealing with Pixie’s problems. He had an idea. “What if Chobo and that other guy—”

  “Tico,” Tek supplied.

  “Right, Tico, were just side players letting this V guy use Dark Zen as a front in return for cash or other considerations?”

  “You’re thinking the drugs and the women were separate?” Hawk scratched his jaw considering.

  “You think Diablo knows his boys were running a side business?” Highdive asked.

  Hawk seemed to consider for a minute then nodded. “My meeting with Diablo is tonight. If he doesn’t show, we’ll know he was in on the attack at the hospital. Fucker has brass balls, but I doubt he would be dumb enough to face us if he ordered his men to pull that stunt. Tek, pull everything we have on the two we know are involved. Sharp, I want you and two other snipers in position tonight just in case. Dragon, Max, and Highdive you’ll be with me. We go in suited up and ready. One way or another I’m getting answers tonight, even if we have to gut every one of those punks to do it.”

  Chapter 26

  Don’t go to bed angry. Stay up and fight.

  “Mama mama mama.”

couldn’t hide her joy when she turned from the table to see her wriggling daughter reaching out to her, while being carried in by Dragon’s mother. She stood up, reaching her arms out for her beautiful little girl. The weight, when Lali threw herself into her arms, was unexpectedly hard to hold and Tari stumbled a step before she caught herself.

  “Careful, mija. The doctors told you not to strain yourself.” Mama Rios calling her daughter touched a soft spot in Tari’s heart. Her adoptive mom had never referred to her by anything but her full name, to have this woman she only just met offer such affection was almost overwhelming.

  “I’ll be okay, Mama Rios.” Tari snuggled Lali a bit closer taking in her clean, wonderful smell. She had almost lost her daughter; the rekindled memories all too fresh in her mind. “Have you been having fun, sweetie?”

  Light danced in the little girl’s eyes and Tari was so glad her daughter was too young to understand or remember the horrible things surrounding both of them. “Aba cookies yeah!” She squealed.

  Mama Rios chuckled. “Abuela.”

  Lali scrunched up her face. “Abeyha.”

  Tari laughed. “You’ll have her speaking Spanish in no time.”

  “Talk funny, Mama!” Lali’s confused expression just about broke her heart.

  Mama Rios smiled. “Spanish is not funny, Princesa, its beautiful.”

  “Bootiful!” Lali giggled.

  Tari felt like a failure. The day had been like a rollercoaster and she was already exhausted. Her arms were starting to shake a bit from the strain of lifting her little girl.

  Pixie saved her from having to put her down by holding out her arms. “Who wants some fruit?”

  Lali launched herself and the tiny woman caught her with an expert’s touch as she settled Lali onto her hip. Tari admired how Pixie so effortlessly helped and supported everyone around her, even though her own baby bump was becoming bigger by the day.

  “Lope!” Her daughter’s vocabulary was still limited so each word was a surprise to Tari. With the gaps in her memory she didn’t even remember what Lali’s first word was or at what point she had become such a chatterbox. Would she ever get her memory and strength back?

  Exhaustion pulled at her and tears pricked her eyes. Her only contribution to these people who had stepped in and saved her daughter and herself had been as translator which probably could have been handled just as well by an app on the phone. How could she even start to repay them?

  She hadn’t even been able to get the two girls settled. The apartment on the compound they had been given was just too far of a walk and Val had taken the scared girls. Tari’s rational mind knew the doctor had said it would take time for her mind and body to heal, but she wasn’t feeling particularly rational.

  Tari was drawn from her spiraling thoughts as Sharp and Dragon entered the kitchen. Lali was sitting in a highchair with melon pieces all cut up in front of her. Dragon bent down for a kiss and instead received a raised offering of cantaloupe.

  “I think that is for you, little girl.” Dragon chuckled.

  “Papa, lope!” Lali pressed the soggy fruit against her father’s lips.

  He made wide eyes then opened his mouth wide and bit down. “Nam Nam Nam.” Tari held back a laugh and Dragon continued play nibbling up Lali’s arm ending with a smacking kiss on her cheek which sent their little girl into peals of laughter.

  “There is no sound in this world more precious than that of a child’s laugh,” Mama Rios whispered beside her.

  Tari nodded her agreement, unable to talk past the lump of emotion in her throat. Dragon picked his daughter up and carried her over. He leaned down and brushed a kiss against her mouth.

  Tari couldn’t help but lick her lips, the sweet flavor making her smile. “Cantaloupe kisses mmm.”

  Heat flared in Dragon’s eyes and, for a moment, she felt like the two of them were alone in the world sharing an attraction that was indescribable. How strong was their connection, that just a brief chaste kiss could scramble her thoughts and make her forget everything but him? He cupped her face gently.

  “You look tired, mi reina.”

  Tari cut off her yawn trying to pretend she didn’t want to curl up and sleep. “I’m fine.”

  Dragon’s lips thinned, and his tone went harsh. “Don’t lie to me.”

  “Gabor give your woman a break. You men think you are strong but until you birth a baby you know nothing of what strength is,” Mama Rios chided her son in Spanish.

  It was strange, but nice, to have someone stand up for her. Dragon winced at his mother’s words and Tari found herself hiding a grin.

  “Sorry, Mama.”

  “Is the little princess ready for her sleepover with Aunty Pixie and Aunty Val?” Pixie skipped over smiling.

  “What? No, you don’t have to do that. Nosotras estaremos bien.” Tari was confused. While the idea of having to take care of Lali with her current level of exhaustion was daunting, she couldn’t keep imposing on them.

  “You are still recovering.” Pixie waved off her concerns. “And there is no way I’m going to call Val and tell her that playtime and cuddle time is cancelled.”

  Sharp came up behind his woman and cradled her stomach in his big hands. He kissed the side of her neck. “You won’t be fine, Tari if you don’t rest. You can pay us back when our little girl is here so we can get some alone time.”

  When put like that it was hard to refuse. This Club and its sense of community seemed like what she should have had within her own commune. How was it that a bunch of outlaw bikers understood more of what family was supposed to be, than a group of supposed righteous missionaries? If it wasn’t for the danger and violence that surrounded these men, Tari could easily see herself loving being part of them.

  “Okay, if you’re sure.”

  “Absolutely.” Pixie smiled reaching for Lali who eagerly went to her.

  It hurt just a little that her daughter so willingly went to a woman who wasn’t her. Tari leaned in and kissed Lali’s cheek. “I love you, baby.”

  When Lali was out the door, Tari squeaked as Dragon scooped her up in his arms. She should probably protest but she was too tired to do so. Being carried around like she weighed nothing was oddly comforting to Tari. At 5’11” she never thought she would find a man who treated her like she was small and delicate but, against Dragon’s 6’6” extremely muscled frame, that was exactly what she was. But things felt strained between them. The connection was still there but, ever since she accused his Club earlier, it was like there was an invisible wall muting it. He was taking her upstairs to a room where she could rest, and she hoped they could talk things out.

  The upstairs of the Dark Sons’ Clubhouse looked more like a hotel than anything else. Closed doors lined the hallways, some painted red, but most primer white with a few glossy black ones thrown in for good measure. Dragon stopped in front of a white door and maneuvered them inside. The room reminded her of a slightly smaller version of what she had been renting for the last year. A king-sized bed took up most of the room but there was a small desk and dresser.

  Dragon laid her gently down on the bed. The silence between them was killing her so she blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “What is with the different color doors?”

  Dragon’s lip lifted in a knowing smirk. “Black doors are the Officers reserved rooms. White are for when Brothers crash here.”

  “And the red?”

  “Party rooms.” Mischief sparkled in Dragon’s eyes.

  “Party. Why don’t I think that means you have cake and appetizers in there?”

  “That is where Brothers go to fuck when they welcome company. If they close the door it means they’re with a woman and want privacy, but don’t plan on spending the night with them.”

  “Oh.” Interesting images of people doing things she only had ever read about flashed in her mind and had her heart speeding up. “Do you use those rooms often?”

  Dragon took a gentle yet firm grip on her chin and f
orced her to look him in the eyes. “If you’re asking if I fucked around with women, I’m not going to lie to you, yes, but there was never anyone special. If you’re asking if I want to take you into those rooms listen closely, Mami. I will not share you. I will fulfil every dirty fantasy you have as long as it doesn’t involve another man laying one finger on you.”

  Tari’s thighs clenched as desire flowed through her. She had never fantasized about two men fucking her so it wouldn’t be an issue. The idea of watching two or more men fuck another woman, that was a different story. She had always been that way, watching and listening to people fascinated her, and when those people were having sex, well that got her fired up faster than oil near a flame.

  “I don’t want anyone else touching me either.”


  “Or other women touching you.”

  “Of course.”

  Tari swore she could almost hear his thoughts as they played behind his eyes. She definitely felt the emotional distance growing between them as he stood and walked over to the dresser. The effort of maintaining English was too much so she switched to Spanish.

  “Talk to me, Dragon. I’m sorry about what I said earlier, please don’t pull away.”

  He pulled out a large shirt from the drawer and handed it to her. “You need sleep and I’ve got a run tonight with the Brothers.”

  “You’re leaving?” Fear rushed through her veins like ice water. She didn’t know if it was fear of him leaving or fear of being alone.

  “I’ve got Club business tonight. You’ll be safe here with my Brothers and we’ll talk in the morning.”

  “You have to go right now?”

  “No, but you need your sleep. You can use that to sleep in.” Dragon lifted his chin to indicate the shirt she was now clutching.

  “If you think I can sleep knowing you’re still mad at me, you’re crazy.” Tari was exhausted but knew she would toss and turn trying to think of ways to fix things. She didn’t know exactly what this thing between them was going to become but she did know she wanted to try and make it work.


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