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Lost in the Dark

Page 15

by Ann Jensen

  “I’m not mad, Tari. I’m…” He ran a hand down the side of his face sighing. “I’m just disappointed.”

  Strangely, that hurt Tari more than if he had been angry. She had heard many times from her parents how she constantly disappointed them. “Because of what I asked?”

  “Because you could believe for even one second that I, that my Brothers could be part of something like that. I know you haven’t known the Club or, hell, even me long; but have you ever seen anything from one of us that would make you think we are the kind of evil that could do that?”

  “No. But Dragon you have to understand I don’t know anything about motorcycle clubs that I haven’t learned from gossip, TV, or romance novels. And they all say that ‘yeah you protect your own but if someone isn’t part of the club they don’t matter’.”

  Dragon raised an eyebrow. “You read MC romance books?”

  Of course that would be what he focused on. “That is not the point.”

  He chuckled and the sound had something relaxing deep inside her. “You’re right, it’s not.” Dragon sighed and came over sitting next to her on the bed then put his arm around her. The warmth and comfort of his body so close had her laying her head into the crook of his shoulder. “I forgot that even if you had every one of your memories back, we haven’t had time to really get to know each other. It just feels like we’ve known each other forever.”

  “I feel that too, but then things happen, and I realize how little I really know.” Tari wanted to know everything about Dragon. Her heart believed she could trust this man who had so quickly claimed a part of her soul. But she wasn’t a young single girl who could just take a leap of faith. She was a mother. Keeping her daughter safe and providing a stable, healthy environment trumped her heart’s desires.

  “What do you want to know?” He kissed her on the top of her head.

  Tari wasn’t sure where to begin. The two of them had been thrown into this whirlwind that sped every decision up. Instead of having months or years to learn each other and grow closer, they had a daughter who tied them together forever and they needed to find stable ground. Sexual compatibility wouldn’t be enough, though they had plenty of that. Tari decided to start with the one part of his life that might be a line in the sand.

  “Why did you join a Motorcycle Club?”

  She felt his chest rise and fall a few times before he answered and was glad he wasn’t just blurting something out.

  “Brotherhood. When I joined the SEALs, I found something I had been missing. A purpose that was bigger than just me. More than the missions and men who had my back, I had a purpose. No matter where I was or what I was doing I trusted the men around me to put us and the mission above anything else.”

  Tari could see why that feeling would appeal. She had always longed to be part of a community that cherished its members rather than expecting the members to serve blindly.

  “I met Sharp on my first tour. He was a member of the Dark Sons in Texas back then, but Hawk was talking to him about starting a chapter in Colorado; so, he asked me about my home state. When we got leave, he visited and met my family.”

  “So, you joined because of Sharp?” Tari was amazed that a friendship could be so strong you shaped your life around it.

  “More than that. Sharp left the service the next year and we didn’t really keep in contact. I had a drink with him once or twice when I was on leave since he started the chapter in Denver. But four years ago my sister Kachina was in trouble. Her husband had started drinking and using his fists on her and the kids. She left him and moved in with Mama, but he wasn’t stopping his abuse.”

  “I’m so sorry, that is awful.”

  “I had months before my next leave, and the cops and the restraining orders weren’t helping. I was desperate, so I called Sharp.”

  “He helped her out?”

  “The whole Club did. Gave them a safe place, managed to get the bastard to sign over parental rights, and move to the East Coast. But they also helped my sister until she got back on her feet. I wasn’t a Brother yet, but because I was friends with Sharp and on active duty, they made sure my family was safe.”

  Tari couldn’t imagine how much that must have meant to a man who must have felt powerless over an ocean away. Men, in her experience, hated asking for help and that must have been doubly hard for someone like him who was trained by the military to handle all situations.

  “I asked to become a prospect on my next leave but Sharp wouldn’t let me. He said joining because of gratitude wasn’t the right reason. I needed to get to know the Brothers first. It took two years before he said yes, and I don’t regret it for one second.”

  His story was amazing, but Tari wasn’t a young naive girl. Getting rid of an abusive man probably hadn’t been accomplished with stern words or actions that were completely legal. The question that really bothered her was, where was the line drawn and could she live with it? Even more concerning, could she raise a daughter knowing she would be exposed to it.

  Caught up in her own thoughts Tari didn’t realize she had been rubbing her hand up and down Dragon’s chest until he stopped her hand with his own and kissed her again on top of the head.

  “We aren’t choir boys, Tari and, by the letter of the law, every one of us has done things that could mean time in jail. But we do it for reasons and people we believe in.”

  She wasn’t surprised Dragon knew where her real worries started. The two of them had a connection she didn’t understand. She wished she could just let go and follow her heart but it wasn’t that easy. “It is just hard when I don’t get to know the whole picture. In just the last few hours, it has become clear you won’t ever be able to share everything with me. ‘Club business’ is a phrase I think I might come to hate.”

  “Military wives have the same problems and, unfortunately, it isn’t something I can say will change without lying to you.”

  “Do you have to go away for long periods of time too?” Tari was teasing him, but his comparison was making sense of a situation she was struggling with.

  “Not nearly as long as a deployment lasts; but sometimes yeah, we go on jobs that take us away from home for a few weeks.”

  “Oh. And you’ll never be able to talk about the Club?”

  “Not everything is a secret. If I don’t share something it will either be to protect you or someone else. I can promise not to lie but, you need to understand, when I say I can’t share, it isn’t personal.”

  That thought was hard to swallow but it was something Tari guessed was a struggle for more than just people associated with motorcycle clubs. The question was, did she trust Dragon and his Brothers?

  “I want Lali to have a normal life.”

  “Ah querida.” Dragon tilted her face up so they were looking into each other’s eyes. “What is normal? She will be surrounded by an extended family who will fill her life with love. She will have so many protective uncles she will probably grow to hate it as she gets older. But you will know no matter what happens, my Brothers will be there for you and her.”

  Tari didn’t want to think of a future without Dragon. All her doubts and questions didn’t change the growing love in her heart for this man. She could see the same wealth of emotion reflected back at her in his eyes.

  “That sounds like you think something is going to happen to you.”

  “No, Mami. If it is up to me, we will grow old in each other’s arms. But it is smart to have plans.”

  Tari couldn’t resist the draw of his lips anymore. She leaned in and kissed him with all the emotion bubbling inside of her. They kissed gently, both knowing the conversation wasn’t over but wanting to show each other how they felt. There were so many things they still had to worry about and figure out, but for once Tari had real hope. Her heart was telling her she loved this man and everything else would work itself out.

  Chapter 27

  A wise man once said, “Don’t start a fight with a man who can end you from another zip

  ‘Tek always gives us the best toys’ Grinder’s voice came over Dragon’s bone conduction earpiece. Despite the noise of his motorcycle the sound quality was amazing.

  ‘I thought your M82 was the best toy?’ Sharp said.

  ‘Ah but she isn’t a toy. She is a work of art.’

  ‘Are you gentlemen going to give me a sitrep or just jerk off about your equipment?’ Hawk’s voice cut through the banter.

  Sharp, Grinder, and Rooster had gone ahead to the meet site hours earlier to set themselves up in Sniper positions. Dragon rode alongside Max, Highdive, and Hawk fully decked out for the first time in state-of-the-art combat armor under black BDUs. The bullet proof material wasn’t comfortable while riding but they all believed it might be needed. They were driving public streets so they couldn’t carry all the hardware Dragon would have liked, but they did have several handguns visible as well as heavier backup weapons in their saddlebags.

  ‘Looks like Diablo brought twenty men with him including our pal, Tico,’ Sharp reported.

  ‘How long have they been there?’ Highdive asked.

  ‘Pulled up about fifteen minutes ago in five cars. They have a hooded hostage bound in the back of the car parked furthest away. Two tough guys are holding automatic rifles like they learned how to shoot from a bad gangster movie. Everyone else has the standard gangbanger piece down their pants pointed at their prides and joy.’

  ‘It’s like they want us to make fun of them.’ Max chuckled.

  ‘We’re two minutes out. Do you all have full coverage?’ Hawk asked.

  Grinder chuckled. ‘We have 360 coverage and, at this distance with what I’m packing, even hiding behind the car would be pointless. If you request a maiming, the pansy crap Sharp or Rooster are holding have less chance of removing the limb.”

  ‘Good. Let’s get our game faces on. One way or another, we are settling this shit.’

  Diablo, the Jacks’ leader, had picked the meeting spot: the middle of a parking lot in an abandoned shopping center. He probably thought the open terrain meant no surprises. Unfortunately for him, Dark Sons had plenty of Brothers who could make a kill shot from a mile away. The three men here wouldn’t find the less than 200 meters from the surrounding rooftops a challenge.

  Dragon easily found the cold place inside him where he went while on missions. Highdive was letting him take the Enforcer role this time and that meant he would be responsible for any physical shows of force. As a new Brother he would normally not even be involved in something like this except as backup. Dragon appreciated the respect they were giving him because of the harm done to his woman. Any action he took had to be swift and brutal in order to keep things from escalating because even an amateur could get in a lucky shot if things went south.

  The four of them pulled into the lot and found what they expected. Twenty guys, half probably under the age of 21, all trying their best to look tough.

  The four Dark Sons parked and turned off their bikes. Without a word, they dismounted and let Hawk take the lead. Dragon saw Tico back away from the group towards the car Sharp had indicated held a hostage. It took all his self-control not to pull his gun and kill the fucker for what he had done to Tari.

  ‘I’ve got Tico in sites’ Rooster’s hushed voice came over the coms.

  ‘No sign of Chobo’ Grinder added.

  Hawk stopped about 30 feet from Diablo and crossed his arms. Dragon, Max and Highdive positioned themselves behind him so they could get clear shots if needed.

  “Amigo.” Diablo spread his arms as if welcoming them. “I was expecting you to bring more of your men. Word on the street is you aren’t pleased about the little misunderstanding that happened last week.”

  Though his words were friendly, Dragon noticed he didn’t step out from his men. Hawk remained silent for uncomfortable seconds before speaking.


  Diablo chuckled and slapped his thighs as if brushing off dirt. “You should have told us one of your men’s baby momma was working for us. The puta running our distribution shop tried to blame her for the mess with the cops. Had we known she was Sharp’s, we would have handled things differently.”

  Dragon had suspected Diablo might be out of the loop on some things but it sounded like he had been fed a complete fairytale.

  “Where’s Chobo?” Hawk’s tone could have dropped the temperature several degrees.

  “Now, Hawk, you don’t expect me to hand over one of my men because he got a little rough with a woman.” Diablo gestured back behind him. “I’ve brought the bitch who lied to us and caused this mess. You can hardly blame Chobo for lashing out. The police raid cost us a lot of product.” A slight tinge of fear now colored Diablo’s voice. He gestured to his men probably to go get the woman he hoped would pacify Hawk.

  The sound of a car door opening was followed by a gunshot. Dragon’s muscles tensed and he scanned the area for danger.

  ‘Tico shot the hostage. Orders?’ Rooster’s voice was empty as he probably sited down the man.

  Like idiot bystanders, every one of the Jacks had spun to see what happened. Tico scrambled to get into the driver’s seat of one of the cars followed by the sound of an engine turning over violently. He reached to close the car door.

  “Rooster, disable. Grinder, engine block.” Hawk’s voice was calm as if commenting on the weather. Within five seconds three gunshots echoed through the parking lot. Tico was screaming, the car had stalled and there were two smoking holes in the hood of the car. Dragon held steady, only years of discipline had him waiting for an order rather than moving. Hawk tilted his head slightly towards him. “Bring me Tico, alive.”

  Two of the Jacks had run over to Tico and were trying to help him with the gaping hole he now had in his left calf. Dragon strode over, ignoring the pulled guns the gangbangers held gripped in shaking hands. When he reached to drag Tico by the arm out of the car the two morons who had been trying to help their friend tried to stop him. Dragon grabbed the first by the back of his skull and slammed him face first into the back-door hearing bone and glass crunch. Using a side kick he took out the second man’s knee then brought an elbow around and caught the gangbanger in the temple. A knife to the throat finished the job.

  Dragon enjoyed the screams of pain from Tico as he easily dragged him across the pavement. It was almost humorous, the ridiculous reactions on the lower-level Jacks’ faces, their jaws dropped and eyes wide. Not one of these boys had ever faced off against real danger. They were used to being bullies and had no idea how to react. Dragon tossed Tico to the ground in front of Hawk resisting the urge to kick him in the head. The action seemed to free some of the gang from shock and several pulled out their guns from their waistbands.

  “You might want to tell your boys to ease down if they hope to survive this meeting.” Max’s voice held a sick, teasing humor; as if he hoped they wouldn’t and he might be able to kill someone.

  “Put your guns down, idiots!” Diablo shouted. “What the fuck is going on here?” The Jacks’ leader looked like he was about to lose his shit and attack someone, but one look at Hawk’s impressively scary face had him easing back.

  “Highdive give him the folder.” Highdive didn’t hesitate in responding to Hawk’s order. He jogged back to his bike and pulled out the packet of information Tek had pulled together for just this purpose. Returning to the group, that now had a sobbing Tico in the middle, he tossed the large envelope to Diablo.

  The man clutched the package but didn’t move to open it. “What game are you playing, Hawk? Who shot, Tico?”

  “Is that what you think this is, Diablo, a fucking game?” The way Hawk said Diablo he might as well have been saying piece of shit. “Was it a game when your boy sold your poison out of my business?”

  Diablo was shaking his head and looked ready to piss himself. “No, we moved our–”

  Hawk cut him off. “How about when they got into bed with slavers and sold children to sicko pedophiles, aga
in on my fucking property?”

  “We never had the younger kids at the spa,” Tico whined from the ground.

  Hawk continued as if he hadn’t heard. “Or when they attacked a woman under Dark Son protection… twice after they damn well knew she was ours because there were three Brothers with her.”

  “What the fuck?” Diablo sputtered.

  “Flak, bring the van,” Hawk said quietly and the squeal of tires from a block away was the evidence the prospect heard. “Evidence is in your hands. Oh, and it wasn’t cops that got your product. You have twenty-four hours to deliver Chobo or we go to war.”

  Flak pulled up at speed and the side door swung open revealing Clean and three other Brothers in full tactical gear and fully automatic weapons. They poured out of the van as Max and Highdive picked up and tossed Tico in. The men retreated back in the Van and sped away.

  The whole action took about a minute but none of the Jacks moved. Hawk turned with Dragon, Highdive, and Max following him back to their bikes.

  “What do you mean the cops don’t have our product?” Diablo shouted finally, coming out of his daze.

  Hawk kick-started his bike. “Twenty-four hours.”

  Chapter 28

  I’m not a voyeur, I’m an enthusiastic bystander.

  Tari woke to the sound of music thumping through the walls and the overwhelming urge to pee. She looked around the room and was disappointed to see Dragon hadn’t yet returned. Her muscles ached, she wanted to roll over and go back to sleep since her mind was foggy from fatigue, but her bladder was insistent.

  Stumbling out of bed, she steadied herself against the wall, cursing how uncoordinated she felt. It was only after she managed to walk down the hall and find a bathroom, that she fully woke up. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. The healing cuts that ran from the base of her neck were just visible in the men’s t-shirt she wore.


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