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Lost in the Dark

Page 18

by Ann Jensen

  “Do you miss your parents?” Pixie asked.

  “Yes and no. I think every child wants their parents to love and cherish them but I accepted long ago that I was never going to be what my parents wanted.”

  “All I want for my baby is for him or her to be happy.” Pixie rubbed her small belly with a sad smile on her face.

  “Can I ask you ladies a question?” Tari knew so little about being part of the biker life that wasn’t found somewhere in fiction and she trusted these women to give her the unvarnished truth.

  Cheryl sat down in another chair. “Of course.”

  Pixie and Val settled on the couch while Tari sorted through the questions she had, deciding on the most important. “Dragon said he wants to see his Patch on my back.” Pixie squealed, clapping her hands and Tari smiled. “Does that mean he wants me to be his ‘Old Lady’?”

  “Yes! Only a man’s Old Lady can wear his Patch. Did he give you a cut?” Pixie was practically bouncing off her chair.

  “Cut?” The word was familiar but Tari couldn’t remember what it was.

  Cheryl gestured to the black leather vest that both her and Pixie wore. “They call this vest a cut when it has MC patches on it.” She turned around showing that sewed onto the back was a beautiful Patch with the Dark Sons’ logo and the words Property of Deep underneath.

  Tari noticed Val wasn’t wearing one. “You don’t have one, Val?”

  Val threw back her head and laughed. “Oh Lord, yes I do, but I only wear it if I’m going outside the compound or I’m going to be around people who aren’t family. Ain’t no one here that doesn’t know who I am or who they will be answering to if they disrespect me.”

  The phrasing was odd, but Tari liked that these women openly announced their relationships and allegiances to the outside world. There was an honesty in the whole set up that appealed to her. “What does it mean to be an Old Lady?”

  Cheryl and Pixie both looked to Val which was odd to Tari since Cheryl looked to be the oldest but there must be more to the social structure than just age.

  “It is slightly different for each couple, but like a marriage there are some basic expectations. Something you need to accept before ever putting on that Patch is that his Brothers will always come first.”

  “And that will never change. Deep missed Ava’s first dance recital with no more explanation then,” Cheryl made her voice low and gravely, “Club business, Babe.” She smiled a little. “I was so angry but when my little girl danced out onto stage eight big burly men stood up in the back of the auditorium and cheered. When she was done, they whistled and hollered her name like she had just won the Super Bowl. Deep had her do her dance for the whole Club at the next Barbeque and she loved every minute of it.”

  “Did you ever find out why he left?” Tari was amazed at the love, acts like that, displayed.

  “Not directly but that was around the time of Pixie’s troubles with the cops so I’m guessing it was something to do with that.” Cheryl shrugged. “I trust his Brothers wouldn’t pull him away for a silly reason, but it still stings sometimes.”

  “When you take his patch, you don’t just get Dragon you get all his Brothers, good and bad. As long as there is a Club member breathing you will never be alone.” Val winked at her. “But the MC lifestyle isn’t for everyone. We live hard, play hard, and have our men’s backs no matter what it costs us. You need to trust and respect your man enough to follow his lead without question in public.”

  Pixie threw back her head and laughed. “What we say in private is completely up to us.”

  The idea of loyalty and family fed a lonely part of her soul. She wasn’t naive, there was a reason these men lived the way they did, but she knew in her heart Dragon would never hurt her or Citlali. It was hard to imagine but she knew she was ready to take the leap of faith. He was worth it.

  “Is there a ceremony? Like a marriage?”

  Cheryl gave a chuckling cough. “You could say that.”

  Val shook her head. “Nothing so formal as that. He has to claim you with at least five Brothers as witnesses and you have to accept his claim.” She raised her eyebrows up and down a few times suggestively. “Some people, like Banshee, take that claiming to a new level.”

  Did claiming mean more than just saying the words? She was almost afraid to ask. “Banshee?” Tari hadn’t met anyone with that name.

  Pixie started turning the cutest shade of pink. She waved her hand. “That would be me. I might have a bit of a temper at times.”

  “Really?” Tari was shocked and Val and Cheryl burst out laughing.

  “I also might like putting on a show.” Pixie gave a wicked smile and Tari was floored. She would have never guessed this sweet looking woman had a dirty side.

  “Oh, she likes it like a jackrabbit likes a twitchin’ bunny. If you spend any after hours in the Clubhouse main room you will get to see every secret God gave her.” The women burst out laughing and Tari could tell that the idea of liking public sex didn’t bother any of them. This was just teasing among friends.

  The idea of watching Pixie and her man stirred something inside her. Her nipples tightened and her core ached. After seeing what happened in the private rooms the idea of being in a crowded room where lots of people would be letting themselves go was a great temptation. It was Saturday, would there be a party tonight?

  “Hola!” Mama Rios’s voice interrupted Tari’s thoughts.

  She stood up and hugged the smaller woman who had just come into the room. “Mama Rios what are you doing here?”

  “Mija, your English is much better today.”

  Tari paused thinking about it. After getting most of her memories back she had only had to focus on her language when stressed. Was it a sign her brain was healing?

  “I guess it is.”

  “What were you ladies laughing about when I came in?” Mama Rios raised an eyebrow as if she somehow knew they had been talking about something dirty.

  Tari was stumped at what to say but Pixie came to her rescue. “Dragon told Tari he wanted to make her his Old Lady.”

  A large smile broke across the older woman’s face. “Did you say yes?”

  “He didn’t actually ask.” Tari felt the rightness of everything settle into her stomach and came to a decision. “But if he did, I would say yes.” This family, this place was everything she could want for her and Lali. Nothing was perfect but what they had here would make up for any troubles they might face going forward.

  Pixie squealed and rushed over to hug her. For a tiny pregnant woman, she had a hell of a grip and Tari had to muffle a groan from the pain of her healing body. The stinging of tears not just from the hug but from all the happy emotions pricked at her eyes. Val, Cheryl, and Mama Rios joined the hug and the warmth and peace was food for her soul.

  Mama Rios stepped back with a scowl. “Now, you make sure Gabor understands you deserve a wedding not just some smelly piece of leather.” She paused for a second seeming to consider her words then looked at the other women. “Not that your leather vests aren’t lovely, ladies.”

  Val gave a cackle. “Don’t you worry, Mama Rios. We all know you love us.”

  “You should tell him at the party tonight.” Pixie was bouncing like a small child who had too much sugar.

  Tari shook her head. “I have Lali. I can’t go to the party.”

  “No seas tonta. I will take mi nieta to my house to give you time to seduce my son into a wedding.”

  “Mama Rios!” Tari gasped and laughed. Was she being silly? There wasn’t any reason to wait and the idea of the wild party was very tempting. For the last two years she hadn’t let go and really gotten to enjoy any time as anything but a mother.

  “It’s settled then.” Val gave her a wink.

  Pixie giggled. “I have the perfect outfit for you!”

  Chapter 32

  Using your weakness against you might not be fair but it sure is fun.

  The usual chaos that was Saturday night
at the Clubhouse held no appeal to Dragon. If Dozer hadn’t warned him away, he would have long since left to spend time with Tari. He was glad she was having a good time with some of the Old Ladies. When they came back, he would take that as his cue to leave. Dragon took comfort in the thought his woman had spent the day laughing and making friends rather than being dragged into the muck he was dealing with. Tek had confirmed that Volker was Master V but none of their contacts could get a current location on the man.

  Some of those contacts were here right now, getting bribed with free booze and easy pussy to make sure they stayed loyal and motivated. Dragon was sitting off to the side of the room with Max, Sharp, Dozer and Deep while they waited for the Old Ladies to show up. Most of the women who were property only rarely came to parties and would leave early not wanting to deal with how wild it got after the alcohol had been flowing for a while.

  Dragon looked at Dozer. “You sure the women coming here tonight is a good idea?” There were a lot more non-Brothers present and from the already barely dressed state of the women, it wouldn’t be long before someone was getting fucked or sucked right in the middle of the floor.

  “I warned my girl, but do you know what she said?” Dozer took a sip from a bottle of beer, his smile evident even through his beard.

  “What?” Val was a crazy wonderful woman who looked out for most of the Old Ladies. But somedays Dragon thought she was more crazy than wonderful.

  Dozer chuckled. “She said ‘That’s perfect’.”

  “You think they have something planned?” Tari was still healing, excitement was not a good idea. Unless of course it was him doing the exciting.

  “My Pixie is with them, so I’m going to guess yes.” Sharp laughed.

  Dragon looked at Deep. “Cheryl will keep them from going too crazy right?”

  Every man at the table let out a bark of laughter. Deep patted him on the shoulder. “Her road name, though she hates it, is Busta.” He raised an eyebrow. “As in she can bust a man’s nuts in more than just one way. Sorry Brother, but she is more likely to egg them on.”

  Max gave a low whistle looking across the room. “You fuckers are lucky sons of bitches.”

  Dragon turned and the sight of the four women stalking towards them had every part of him sitting up and paying attention. Like four goddesses from different pantheons each woman was the very primal expression of sex. Cheryl was sleek and deadly, Val a sparkling vision, and Pixie a slutty school girl. But Tari, Dragon swallowed his groan, was everything he never even knew he wanted.

  Thigh high red stiletto boots were visible under a flared black mini skirt that swayed as she walked. A skin tight, concert tee dipped low, hugging her every curve and displaying ebony cleavage that begged for his mouth. Gold framed, her night sky eyes and her lips were a deep color of plum that made them seem impossibly sexier than they usually were. Her long, straight midnight hair was pulled up in a ponytail that had him imagining using it to pull her back as he fucked her from behind.

  Val winked at Dozer. “Hey, Sugar. Y’all waiting for us?”

  Dragon stood, putting his beer on the table behind him and took the three steps necessary to bring him chest to chest with Tari. He heard, more than saw, his Brothers doing the same with their women.

  “Mi reina. I have no words.” Dragon ran his hand from her hip to her thigh loving how her body shivered. With the boots she was wearing, they were almost eye to eye and he used his other hand to cup her face and draw her in for a kiss.

  Her lips parted for him and he didn’t hesitate. She tasted like tequila, lime, and pure Tari. Her body pushed against his and her scent filled his nostrils. He groaned into her mouth and pressed his now iron-hard cock against her stomach. He rubbed his cheek against hers and whispered in her ear, “Did you know what this outfit would do to me, Mami? What seeing those gorgeous legs in those fuck-me boots would make me want to do?”

  The way she bit her lip was adorable. “I plead the fifth.”

  He chuckled and pulled her a little away from the crowd and the table of his Brothers who were busy greeting their own women in their own ways. There wasn’t really anywhere close that they could have real privacy but with a glare he cleared away two hangers-on who were using one of the small pub style tables nearby the wall. He backed her against the wall and ran his hands up her waist using his thumbs to brush up and over her nipples that were now clearly outlined.

  “Mmm. So you think you did something wrong?” Dragon nibbled at her ear, enjoying her catching breath.

  “No, I just–” She gasped a bit. “I can’t think, Dragon, and I have something important to say to you.”

  Her words gave him pause, fear briefly sending a chill over his skin. He eased up, backing off just a bit. He took another moment to enjoy the perfection that was his woman’s body. She wouldn’t have worn that sexy as fuck outfit to tell him something bad. “What do you need to tell me?”

  “I, uhm, well.” Her shoulders and chest rose and fell with a deep breath then another slower one. “Last night. Was amazing.”

  He smiled, loving every facet of this woman. How she could both be shy, and outgoing was a wonder. She was the whole package whether she was wearing her hippie yoga outfits or this hot as fuck rocker chick look, he wanted her all. “Yes, it was.”

  “You said something important last night.”

  “What did I say?” He had said a lot of things last night as he explored every inch of her body.

  Tari looked down and it bothered him that she looked so uncomfortable. “That you wanted your patch on my back. Did you mean it?”

  Dragon didn’t think she knew she had slipped into Spanish. He gripped her chin waiting until she looked into his eyes before speaking. “Tari, you are mi reina, my queen. I love you and our daughter so much, I hurt when we are apart. I want my patch on your back, my ring on your finger, I want to spend the rest of my life making sure you both know how precious you are to me.”

  “It’s been so quick, it’s crazy, but I love you too.” She laughed, the lights dancing in her dark eyes. “Good thing you mentioned a ring cause your mama has definite feelings about that.”

  Dragon chuckled and moved his grip to cup her face. “I’m sure she does.”

  “Uhm, so Val said you had to claim me in front of five Brothers. Does that mean what I think?” Dragon felt Tari’s cheeks warm.

  It was true that five Brothers had to witness the claim and usually it meant exactly what she was asking. He studied her face for how she felt about that. Her eyes were dilated, lips parted. Dragon reached down and ran his hand up under her skirt and found her bare pussy so wet it was almost running down her thigh.

  “Cristo, you shaved for me, Mami?”

  Tari nodded and Dragon wanted nothing more than to fuck her right here, but he saw the way she nervously bit her lip. He needed to get her past the fear or drag her upstairs to a private room.

  He turned them so the table was between them and the rest of the party. Seeing his Brothers with their own women gave him an idea.

  “Turn around, spread your legs, and put your hands on the table.”

  “You going to frisk me, Papi?” Her tone was playful. Dragon raised an eyebrow waiting for her to comply.

  She did and his plan almost flew out the window as he took in the sight. It was even better than his fantasies, her luscious ass pushed out her skirt and, if she bent just a little more, he was sure to get a perfect view of her bare pussy.

  “Look over at Val.” Her head moved slightly. “You see how she’s sitting on Dozer’s lap. Her shoulders back because he has her arms pinned. I’m betting that under the table he is stroking her little clit. Edging her because he loves driving her to the point of losing control.”

  Tari’s breath was ragged and he could see her thigh muscles clenching. She had said she liked to watch but watching her get worked up had his dick pushing painfully against his zipper. Dragon slipped his hand under her skirt sliding through her wet lips with his fingers
till he found the stiff bundle of nerves at her front.

  “Can you find Cheryl? Look down at Deep’s feet just under the table.” He waited till he heard her quick gasp of breath. “See how he grips her hair.” Dragon gave a tug on Tari’s ponytail. “He’s got his cock down her throat, pushing her down on it until she can’t breathe. Watch how she struggles.”

  When Deep let his wife up for air Dragon heard Tari’s own gasp and he thrust a finger deep into her tight clutching channel. He added a second finger and her hips bucked back at him trying to force him deeper.

  “Dragon.” Tari gasped. “Pixie…”

  He nipped at her neck grinding against her ass so she could feel what she was doing to him. He looked over and saw Pixie was straddled outward on Sharp’s lap. Her top was gone and she was leaning back against her man’s chest.

  “What do you see, Mami?”

  He ran his fingers out of her depths and up to the tight ring of muscles on her ass. Using her own honey he circled the area. He was an ass man loving the look of it. He wondered if she would let him claim her fully one day.

  She moaned pushing back and he smiled dipping a finger into the forbidden spot just enough to tease.

  “Oh God. She’s fucking him right at the table. He’s pinching her nipples so hard it looks cruel but she is loving it.” Tari whimpered and ground back against him, almost making him come in his pants like a teenager.

  He started flicking her clit in time with Pixie’s up and down rhythm. He needed her so badly If she didn’t beg soon he was going to have to take her upstairs.

  “Please Papi, I need you inside me. Fuck me please.”

  Triumph washed across his skin but he needed to be sure. He pressed them chest to back grinding his cock against her as he gave a quick bite on her earlobe.

  “I want to Fuck you and make you come so hard every man in this room knows it. Last chance, Mami. I can take you upstairs or claim you right here and now with my Brothers as witnesses.”


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