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Lost in the Dark

Page 19

by Ann Jensen

  He stopped flicking her clit and ignored her whimper. When her breaths had slowed a touch he growled into her ear.


  Chapter 33

  The view from the point of no return is spectacular!

  Tari’s whole body hummed needing release so badly it actually hurt. Dragon was pressed up against her back, strong and so damn honorable that he was letting her choose. She looked to the left and realized that even tucked back behind this tall table they had an audience.

  Most people were partying or caught up in their own conversations. The music was loud, but if Dragon fucked her right here, people would hear her screams of pleasure.

  Already a few Brothers and people she didn’t know were watching, as he played with her as she leaned on the table. A scream of pleasure came from Pixie and Tari’s body tightened in response. She wanted Dragon to claim her for everyone here to know he was hers.

  Trying to catch her breath she moaned, “Te necesito, Dragon. Claim me.”

  His hand started working her clit again and the orgasm that had backed off rushed over her. She clutched at the sides of the table not wanting to lose her balance. Pleasure ricocheted inside her and a load moan escaped her lips.

  “You going to make my fantasies come true, Mami? I get to fuck you standing up, those long legs and perfect ass pressed against me.”

  “Yes, please. I need you inside me.”

  She felt Dragon raise her skirt then the warm length of him sliding against her folds. The room and the people watching meant nothing. She wanted him to thrust quickly and fill her up, but instead he slowly entered her. Each and every inch of him rubbing against her walls in sensuous torture.

  Tari tried to buck against him but his strong hands held her still. When he was fully seated inside her, his hand reached around and started slow circles over her sensitized clit.

  “You’re going to come like this for me, Mami so I can feel your greedy pussy pulling me in. Then I’m going to fuck you so hard there will be no doubt to anyone here that you’re mine.” His hand moved from her clit around to her ass. His voice dropped lower sending chills down her spine. “One day I’m going to claim this ass, and you’re going to beg me to do it.”

  He started a slow glide that lit all her nerves on fire. His fingers circling her clit with slowly increasing speed. The music and sounds of the people around her slowly faded and felt like their bodies were merging in a slow primal beat. Her hands shook with the effort it took to just stand still and not demand more. He shifted his hips and it was like the world exploded in light as he rubbed against a magic place inside her. This orgasm didn’t break, it just kept going. Dragon picked up speed and she tossed her head trying to absorb what he was doing to her.

  “You’re mine, reina, my Old Lady.”

  “God, yes. I’m yours, only yours.”

  His hips thrust forward slamming into her and finally the wave broke the orgasm blinding her for a moment. His body owned every inch of hers, the slap of his hips against her like a heartbeat against her soul as she let go and flew. His own shout of completion was loud, and she felt it deep in her bones.

  “Dark Sons for life!” Dragon’s hoarse voice called out loudly.

  “Dark Sons for life!” Was echoed around the room.

  Tari’s cheeks heated as Dragon carried her over to a couch near the front door. Her legs had given out and she wasn’t sure if they would ever work again. All the walking today, and then the orgasms, had her still healing body ready to go on strike.

  “You okay, mi reina?” Dragon ran a concerned hand down her cheek.

  She smiled, loving he was worried. “I’m fine, it was just a long energetic day. My body is not quite up to speed yet.”

  “You make me forget all sense. Can I get you something?” The concern in his voice made her feel special.

  “I have to clean up, but first I would love some juice.” Tari gave him what she hoped wasn’t a tired smile. What she really wanted to do was curl up and go to sleep but knew he would have to stay for a while longer.

  “I think I can do that. You wait here.” He kissed her forehead and walked toward the bar.

  Tari chuckled as she saw him getting back slaps and congratulations as he worked his way through the crowd. It was embarrassing in a way that made her feel special. She was now officially part of this odd family. A stranger with greasy blond hair squatted in front of her, blocking her view. Tari jerked back into the chair trying to put some distance between her and this rude man.

  “Say anything, make any fuss, and your daughter dies.” His voice was like gravel but his words hit her like a splash of cold water.

  The man held up his phone on it was a picture of Mama Rios with a black eye and bloodied lip clutching Citlali to her chest. Bile burned up her throat as adrenaline raced through her body. They were still wearing the same clothes they had been when she last saw them.

  “What do you want?” Tari’s voice trembled with fear and rage.

  The man swiped over to the call screen and hit dial before handing her the phone. She took it with shaking fingers and placing it against her ear.

  The ringing stopped and a male voice came over the line.

  “Nefertari Johnson, I want you to listen very closely.”

  Tari recognized his voice and Californian accent as the officer from the hospital who had threatened her. But now that she had her memories back, a second older memory made her want to sob. He had been at Dark Zen and yelled at her when she had tried to talk to the young girl walking him back for a private session. The Ukrainian girl much too young to be working as a massage therapist. The incident that had almost gotten her fired for speaking anything other than English around the customers. Tari looked around hoping someone was paying attention but the party was in full swing and the bodies of strangers blocked out the sight of anyone who might help her.

  “Officer Volker?” Pieces fell into place. Master V, the young girl, Dark Zen, all of it was connected to this man.

  “I said listen!” Tari flinched at the rage in his voice. “If you want your little girl alive, you’re going to walk calmly out with my man and get into his car. In ten minutes, if I don’t hear from him, your daughter and the old lady die.”

  Tari breathed deep trying to find calm in the chaos swirling in her brain. What should she do or say? Before she could decide a click sounded and the call ended. Going wasn’t smart but if there was any chance Volker would keep his word it was worth any risk on her part.

  The man in front of her took her arm in a painful grip and pulled her out of the chair. Numbly she stumbled next to him, tears blinding her as she put one foot in front of the other. Would people notice and try and stop them? She tilted her head down to try and hide the tears she couldn’t stop. They were out the front door and walking towards the parking lot, gravel under her boots making walking hard, when the music inside the Clubhouse cut off.

  The few people outside turned to look toward the building in confusion. Her kidnapper picked up his pace and when they reached a beat-up sedan practically threw her down on the back seat. Covering his actions with his own body he cuffed her hands behind her. He pulled a black hood over her head and everything went dark. For her daughter she had to stay still. She couldn’t risk fighting.

  Tari heard Hawk’s distant voice cut through the night. “Party’s over, everyone out! Brothers, lock this place down.”

  Fear and hope fought for supremacy in Tari’s heart. Had they realized she was missing? If they stopped her Volker would kill her daughter. The cotton of the hood absorbed her tears as she heard the car door slam. The vibration of the car through the seats matched the shivering of her muscles as she fought back sobs.

  She counted as she felt movement, trying to find some sort of peace in the darkness that was her reality now.

  “I got the girl and we’re heading your way.” Tari strained to hear anything praying that Volker had kept his word. “No one is following but there was some so
rt of dust up right as we left… Will do.”

  She hadn’t prayed in a long time but found herself doing so now. Lost in darkness, without much hope, she didn’t know if she was praying to God, the Universe, or Dragon but she hoped one of them would hear and answer.

  “When I am afraid, I will trust in you. I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?” She whispered the barely remembered bible quote under her breath, her jaw clenched. Not caring if it was the Christian thing to do, she added, “Lord, if I can’t save my daughter let her father’s wrath be slow, painful, and lacking all mercy.”

  Chapter 34

  Too little too late ?

  Dragon pushed his way through the crowd, accepting the teasing congratulations from Brothers and strangers alike. Tari looked beat and after getting her a drink he fully intended on taking her back to his place to rest. With how sexy she had looked he had completely forgotten she was still recovering. He pushed in next to Ink and Hannibal at the bar annoyed at himself for not taking her back there immediately.

  “Saw you pinned your filly down. Guess she won’t be peeping at our door tonight.” Ink’s Texas drawl somehow cut through the noise without shouting.

  Dragon laughed. “Not tonight at least.”

  Hannibal raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t think you shared.”

  “Oh, I don’t. My girl likes to watch and I love how hot that makes her.”

  Ink slapped him on the shoulder. “Always glad to help out a Brother.”

  Just past the bar Hawk strode out of the back hallway his face grim. When a hanger on didn’t move fast enough the president knocked him aside.

  “Something’s up.” Dragon pointed across the room and they watched as Hawk ripped the cord to the sound system out of the wall.

  Dragon pushed away from the bar and started walking in that direction with his two Brothers at his back.

  “Party’s over. Brothers, we’re on lockdown.”

  Fuck. He had to get Tari safe and make sure everyone cleared out. Hawk’s gaze caught his own and Dragon’s stomach dropped as the man gestured for him to follow.

  He looked around the room trying to see if Tari was okay but the mass of people now being pushed out the door by Brothers and prospects hid that side of the room.

  “We’ll get your girl secured. You go to Hawk.” Hannibal’s words loosened something inside him.

  He nodded. “Thanks, Brother. She is on the couch by the front door.”

  Dragon pushed through the crowd following his President down the hall into his office. Highdive and Max were already in the room looking grim.

  “One minute and I’ll brief you. Where’s your girl?” Hawk’s serious tone had Dragon’s blood pumping.

  “Hannibal and Ink are securing her.”

  Hawk nodded and the office door swung open as Sharp and Dozer entered the room. All the Officers were here except Tek, the fact he was being included didn’t mean anything good.

  Hawk hit a button on his desk phone and spoke, “Everyone’s here.”

  Tek’s voice came out of the speaker. “To catch you all up, we have people who monitor police calls near any address of interest to us. Two hours ago a possible carjacking was reported two miles from Mama Rios’ house.” Dragon’s heart froze as what that could mean hit him. “Police investigated and reported it was a prank call. As a security measure we sent men out to do a safety check as a precaution. They didn’t find her at home but didn’t see any signs of violence. It took some time but we tracked her phone and found it on the side of the road with her purse which had blood on it.”

  The floor felt like it dropped out from under him. His mother was out there somewhere possibly hurt or worse. “She had my daughter with her!” His throat constricted. “Did you find her car?”

  Thank God, the Dark Sons had their own special type of LoJack on every one of their families’ vehicles.

  “It was abandoned a few miles away in a parking lot.” Tek’s voice told him there was no good news to follow.

  Dragon felt the overwhelming need to punch something. “Mierda!”

  Hawk leaned forward. “Every Brother is going to hit the streets none of us will stop until we find them.”

  Dragon growled. “It’s fucking Volker it has to–” The door flung open.

  Ink rushed in, panting. “Tari’s gone. We have Brothers checking every car as it leaves but Grinder said he saw Flak running for his bike right as the lockdown was called and taking off like he was chasing someone.”

  Dragon had to grip the edge of the desk to keep himself upright. His whole world was crumbling right in front of him right in the moment it had finally been perfect. His Brothers wisely gave him space and silence while he processed.

  “I’ll start tracking Flak and Tari’s phones and call you back when I have something.” Tek’s voice was immediately followed by a disconnect.

  Dragon slammed his fists on the desk causing everything to shake. His scream of primal rage causing all the men around him to tense. He wanted to smash everything around him. Make the chaos swirling in his mind a physical reality.

  Focusing on his breathing he pulled himself under control. Destroying this room would do nothing to bring them back. He looked up and searched the eyes of these men, the Officers of his new family and knew there was nothing they wouldn’t do to bring his women home. They were his Brothers; he would lay down his life for them as they would do for him.

  Hawk nodded. “Highdive and Ink, get the gear and weapons ready. I want every Brother ready to ride as soon as we have a location. Sharp and Dozer check on lockdown I want all families accounted for and secure. Max you organize who rides together and prepare team plans if we need to split up.”

  Each man touched his shoulder as they quickly moved out of the room to follow Hawk’s orders.

  “I’m not going to give you any pussy platitudes, Brother. We will find him. He’s not smart enough, nor is this earth big enough, for him to hide from us. Go get geared up and put your head on straight. Your women need you at your best.”

  Dragon barely registered the time it took to get ready, his training allowing him to check and ready the weapons laid out for him. The bone conduction earpieces and throat mics on every man, along with the quiet professional way his Brothers prepared, let him know they all took this as seriously as he did.

  “Listen up!” Hawk’s bellow had every man’s attention. “We received a text from Flak. He saw Tari and is in pursuit. We’ve told him to hang back unless she is in immediate danger.”

  It was the right move, Dragon knew it, but he wanted his woman safe now. He sent out a prayer that she would hold on.

  “Tek will coordinate tactical once we have a final location. Get with your Road Captains. We’re moving out.” Hawk made a rounding up gesture and they all started moving towards bikes and vans.

  Max stood in front of Dragon, his face serious. “You’re riding with me, Hawk, Sharp and Highdive. Your comms are on the Officer channel so you’ll know what we know. Can we count on you to keep your head?”

  Dragon didn’t think he could talk so he nodded. He’d been on countless missions for the SEALs, never once had he doubted his training, but this was personal and he knew his own instincts would get in the way. He had to trust in the men, his Brothers, to see him and his family safely through the other side.

  “Good. Tek has done some magic so he can use Flak’s phone as a microphone. Once it starts giving any good info he’ll patch it through.” Max gave him a quick look up and down. “Let’s go get them back.”

  Chapter 35

  Mess with me and I’ll let Karma do its job. Mess with my child and I become Karma.

  Tari felt the car finally park and tried to prepare herself for what was to follow. Why this lunatic had focused on her, still confused her. She hadn’t done anything to him except survive and try to find happiness for her and her daughter. She hadn’t even told the cops what she had remembered yet.

  The door opened and rough hands tore h
er out of the car, dumping her onto the dirt. The hood fell off and she blinked trying to get her eyes to focus. Rocks and twigs dug into her palms as she looked up at what appeared to be an expensive forest retreat. At least five vehicles were parked in front of the large building. Only the front porch lights illuminated the yard, leaving the surrounding area in deep shadows.

  “Get up you stupid bitch!” The impact of her kidnapper’s kick pushed her forward and she scrambled unsteadily to her feet.

  Adrenaline and exhaustion twisted within her as she was roughly escorted inside. The lodge-like house felt too upscale for what was going on. Nice furnishings were contrasted by the armed thugs in worn clothing. Two figures were sitting on an oversized leather couch. Energy flooded her system as she ran towards Mama Rios. The woman had a protective arm around Citlali who lay curled up, asleep against her side.

  Not wanting to wake the little girl, Tari dropped to her knees soaking in the sight of her daughter. She had to bite back a scream as she noticed the swelling and split lip on the left side of her little angel’s face.

  “That Pendejo officer hit her when she wouldn’t stop crying.” Mama Rios also looked battered and a little bloody. Her right eye and lip were swollen and flecks of dried blood were visible on her clothes and skin. Hot tears of rage burned down Tari’s face.

  Volker stormed into the room looking disheveled and agitated. The man had the nerve to still be wearing his badge on his belt while committing crimes. Tari wanted more than anything to claw this man’s eyes out but knew one of the five other men in the room would stop her and what would that accomplish?

  “Por Que?” Tari’s choice was choked with emotion as stress caused her to struggle with her words. “Why? Why me? What could you possibly want?”

  Volker grabbed Tari by the hair and dragged her to her feet. In her heels she was taller than the detective which caused her to have to bend forward in his grip to keep her hair from being pulled out. He threw her backwards causing her to trip over a coffee table and sprawl on the ground.


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