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Beast of Xeriel

Page 13

by Elijah Isaiah

  Lale rolled her eyes at his rationale. “For a child to reach the influence of Magnus and the council. She must be very powerful.” Lale joked. Fei looked up at his love with disgust.

  “I despise your current nature at the moment. I would appreciate your support in place of your jovial defiance.” Fei admonished. Lale took note of Fei’s demeanor. She seized his face bringing him up to her lips and kissed his forehead.

  Holding his head close to her chest. “I know you’re willing to do what is necessary……. Just don’t forget why we’re doing this.” She advised

  Lale activated her armor. Instantly, she could feel a feint connection to Tumakako. Unfortunately, the repairs Tumakako had made to her armor, saving her life, the rivalry tension and genuine unspoken respect had formed an unwilling connection between the two warriors.

  Lale became aware on her journey home. She assumed Tumakako would be aware too, but neither person reached out to communicate. Both parties aware of its existence but neither exploiting it for an advantage.

  Lale knew Fei would never negotiate or be peaceful. There would be no sort of outcome that didn’t end in a fight. “Our connection is indistinct. I can’t pinpoint where they are.” Lale disclosed. “Even if Dara isn’t with her, I can destroy her connection to any further training.” Fei assured her.

  Fei proceeded to further transform into his gargantuan primal form. Lale grabbed onto his mane, allowing his growth to propel her onto his back. Fei let out a loud roar, followed by a strong gale. He dug his paws into the ground and leapt forward to pursue his enemy.


  Tumakako meditated inside her ship. Remaining on the move, didn’t permit them much time to sleep or rest. The duo always ready to flee at hint of danger. Dara had been gone most of the day continuing to train and meditate alone.

  She had learned much under Tumakako’s tutelage. Her combat skills growing close to her increase in power. Dara was far from the ranks of Fei, Lale or Tumakako, but she now possessed the ability to protect herself in order to escape.

  Daily she had worked to hone her body, mind, power and abilities. Some days Dara would awake before her teacher and begin her training.

  Tumakako focused on their next move. Contemplating what would be the most successful route for their survival. Seeing her daughter’s growth, warmed her spirit. Often, she lost her train of thought thinking of the life she wished she had with Dara and her mother.

  She struggled still to keep the secret. If she could so easily be distracted by her desires and wishes, she knew with great certainty Dara would not be able to handle the truth. She would reason with her to leave, flee forever and move on.

  But Tumakako understood people like Fei, Magnus and the council. They would never be free from their reach. They had to be removed permanently. However, this dilemma by far had been the worst odds she had ever faced.

  An ominous feeling filled the pit of Tumakako’s stomach. She jumped to her feet. Tumakako activated her armor, waiting and listening. “We’re coming! He’s found her scent!” A woman shouted in Tumakako’s head.

  She recognized the voice. To her surprise, Lale chose to aid them. There wasn’t much time to deduce her reasoning, Tumakako ran for the exit. As soon as the door opened, she screamed. “Dara!........Dara!......Dara!”. In a few moments Dara appeared at an amazing speed, sporting her new orange energy form with relative ease.

  “Take the ship and go. They’ve found us.” Tumakako demanded. Dara had learned not to question her mentor, but reluctantly taking heed of her order. “Tuma, come with me. I need you.” Dara whimpered.

  “Go! I’m how they found us. I reconstructed her armor; it created a connection between Lale and I. It’s time for me to leave you.” Tumakako urged. It killed her inside to utter those words. Much like the reality she faced with her mother so long ago.

  “I can’t survive without you. They’ll find me!” Dara cried. Tumakako grabbed Dara’s shoulders. “Dara, we don’t have time! Run! I can stall them, but I don’t think I will last very long.” Tumakako reprimanded.

  Dara’s eyes swelled with tears. The two shared an intense hug. Tumakako clasped her hands around Dara’s face. “I will always know your face.” She said. Dara held on as long as her mentor would allow.

  “Dara go!” Tumakako ordered. Dara let go of Tumakako and hurried into the ship. Lifting off, moments later she disappeared over the horizon. Tumakako took a deep breath. She wondered if this would be her final moments. If she was content with giving her life for her daughter. She withdrew her purple scimitar and awaited her fate.


  Fei’s speed exceeded anything Lale had ever seen before. She held on to his mane with the tightest grip possible. He moved so fast she felt like she was in a tunnel of suppressed air. Fei followed the scent religiously, changing directions seamlessly. In one leap he would clear gorges and impressive hills.

  Unbeknownst to him, Lale had informed Tumakako about their pending arrival. Each paw dug into the ground propelling him forward miles at a time. Fei crossing the distance between him and his target within a fraction of the time. Fei suddenly froze.

  Lale held on, nearly flying forward, crashing into the back of his head. “Why did you stop?” She asked rhetorically, as in this form he is unruly and unable to speak. Fei surveyed the land, lifting his nose in the air. His sniffs less frequent and more purposeful.

  “Where is Dara?” Lale asked through her secret link. “She is gone.” Tumakako responded. Lale thought for a moment, looking down at the calibrating beast beneath her. Then she realized. Fei inhaled the fiery tinge, Dara’s excessive training leaving a healthy smolder in the air. “He has her scent! He’s figured out you’re not together anymore. You have to help me stop him!” Lale urgently communicated to Tumakako.

  Tumakako’s heart sank. She desperately looked around, clueless to her best option to aid Dara. “I can’t cover that distance on foot! She is too far away by now.” Tumakako responded.

  “You have to slow him down!” Tumakako ran toward the gorge. Arriving at the edge, she saw the vessel that transported Dara’s mother. She wasn’t certain it would start but decided her second option would surely be nearby. Tumakako dove off the cliff, free falling for seconds before driving her scimitar into the cliffside.

  She guided herself to the ground beneath, landing with a thud. The landing was harsh but ultimately uneventful to her goal to save her daughter. She continued despite the pain coursing through her body. Yanking her weapon from the gash in the cliffside, she began making her way toward the ship.

  She walked momentarily, before picking up her pace. Tumakako broke into a complete sprint. Lale, would not be able to stop Fei for long. With each second, her universe was becoming closer to darkness. As she neared the ship, the ground vibrated. From behind the large ship, a tyrannosaur revealed itself. Tumakako slid to a halt.

  The colossal relic of the past let out a warning screech. The volume shook Tumakako’s bones. She remained still. The tyrannosaur’s approached, shaking the ground beneath her as it walked. It stood to its tallest height. Tumakako, removed her armor. Her scent leaked into its nostrils.

  It lowered its head to take a closer look. Tumakako stood firm, staring it in the eye. Finally, she made a cautious approach. Slowly, reaching out with her hand and gently placing it on its snout.

  Fei appeared to become drunk off the scent in the air. He sniffed a great amount of air repeatedly, confirming the specific direction of his target. Focused and determined he lowered his head, dug his paws into the ground and took off again. He reached his previous speed in less time than before. Lale’s mind was conflicted.

  She understood, standing between Fei and Dara would surely create a rift between her and her love forever. “She’s just a child………. I can’t let him……. But he could bring about the greatest version of the universe.” She thought. Holding on tight, as Fei pushed himself toward his future.

  “One child, for the entire universe.” She wage
red. Suddenly, the image of an incapacitated Fei flashed across her brain. The feeling was familiar, as she knew what followed. A scream filled her audible senses to an unbearable degree. In her mind, she witnessed her child being stabbed.

  Over and over her mind’s eye taunted her into fear. Fear of the choice she was conflicted to make. Her family or her honor. She could feel the pain from her hair being pulled and held steady to view the disheartening and soul crushing act. “My baby.” She whimpered in real time. Before long, Tumakako’s ship was in sight. Fei quickened his pace even more.

  Its rear opened to expose Dara. Her eyes gaped. The ship alerted Dara to the approaching threat. She laid eyes on the beast. “Tuma? How could they reach me this fast?” Dara thought. She activated her armor and ignited her red form.

  The ship continued to speed off away from her pursuers. Gathering her fire, she swiped her arms in the air sending scorching waves of fire at her attackers. Fei evaded the first before, the second caught one of his front paws, causing him to stumble.

  His agility prevented him from falling over completely, merely losing a step or two in his stride. The flame seared his paws. It served as fuel to his rage and thus he regained his speed. Lale held on with great vigor.

  At this speed she could die, if she was flung from Fei’s back or if he rolled onto her. Fei dodged and jumped the following attacks from Dara, as he was beginning to gain ground.

  Fei nearly reach the rear of the ship. Making a desperate attempt, he lunged forward, clamping his enormous jaws into the opened exit. His body dangling in the air. Fei twisted and jerked his head. The violent force threw Dara into the ship walls.

  “Fei Stop! This is insane!” Lale attempted to yell above the commotion. Fei would not yield. Lale caught a glimpse of Dara’s body being shot back and forth in the interior. The image of her son flashed in her head again. “Fei Please!” Lale begged. Dara prevented another knock against the ship.

  Floating in the air, she approached her foe. Terror coursed through her body. Focusing, Dara channeled her fear. Assembling her red energy into her fist and smashing it on Fei’s nose.

  Fei let out a squeal. As he relinquished his bite, Lale was flung in the air. Fei’s body skid into the ground, leaving a linear crater behind his vicious tumble. Dara flew out of the ship before it made its turbulent descent into the ground.

  Flying after Lale, Dara grabbed her hands. She held Lale suspended in the air. “He won’t stop! Help me stop him!” Dara pleaded. The duo descended to the surface. “Do not hesitate or show mercy to those who would destroy our world. Promise me.” Dara reminded Lale.

  “You said that to me, before you gave me this power. Right now, you’re the only one between him and our world being destroyed.” Dara continued.

  Fei fought of the daze he suffered from his fall. Blood dripping from his nose. He feebly reached all fours. He saw the ship crashed on the ground. Looking around frantically before spotting Dara and Lale.

  His rage fueled his power. Fei knew Dara had nowhere to run. He could easily catch her in this form. He let out a roar causing the ground to vibrate. Dara looked on in horror. “Please Lale. I’m afraid of the void. The afterlife.” Dara cried.

  Fei got in position to make a final lunge. Lale looked at her fearsome lover. She could now see; he truly was willing to destroy anything in his quest for absolute power. Lale removed her armor and stood in front of Dara.

  Fei grunted tilting his head. “My love. This is not the way. You believe power to be the route to true glory and peace.” Lale began. Tears streamed down her face. Fei refused to abandon his position to lunge. “I know the pain you feel. We failed our baby boy. But if you do this, you will reach a depth beyond redemption.” Lale said.

  A visible tear trickled down from Fei’s eye. “Please my love. I’m begging you. You’re above the power you desire. We can leave this all behind.” Lale pleaded. Dara shivered in anticipation of what would happen next.

  Fei gazed at his love and the destiny she protected. After a moment, he growled aggressively. Lale, understood plainly his decision. For the first time since discovering her love amongst the war of Pratham. She felt alone.

  The ground rumbled beneath their feet. Fei turned to witness a large animal hurrying toward him. Gleaming purple armor riding atop the dinosaurs back. He returned his gaze to Dara and Lale. The tyrannosaurs shrieked, challenging Fei. His primal impulse taking the better of him, Fei much obliged and charged after the tyrannosaurs. Tumakako slid down its back before tucking and rolling onto the ground.

  She scampered to her feet and ran for Lale and Dara. The two gigantic behemoths engaged in a brutal battle. Fei’s claws and teeth attempting to rip through the rough hide of the huge reptile.

  He was substantially faster than his opponent but was only inflicting minimal damage. He was caught off guard by its tail as it whipped, slamming into his side. The force knocked him several meters. Its powerful tail expelling the air from his lungs.

  The tyrannosaurs preceded to attack. It used its arms to attempt to hold Fei down. It opened its jaws to apply a deadly bite to Fei’s neck. It was unsuccessful due to Fei’s thick mane. He let out a roar in pain none the less from the force alone.

  He fought ferociously to get back to his feet. The combatants, rolled around, trying to gain the upper hand. Fei finally broke free, scurrying to his feet. The two circled one another, growling and positioning.

  Tumakako reached Lale and Dara. “We can stop him with your help.” Tumakako aimed at Lale. She wanted to draw her weapon and end Lale for good but decided her help to stop the beast was more necessary. “I can’t. I won’t kill him.” Lale said behind a wall of tears.

  “This is not a matter of emotion.” Tumakako said, equally to herself. “He will kill all of us, if given the chance. Do not mistake his heart. He will not be converted from his purpose. Do not convert from yours. You know what I speak is the truth.” Tumakako urged.

  Fei and the tyrannosaurs continued to claw and bite. Both bloodied and bruised. Finally, their attacks generating lasting injuries. The tyrannosaur tried to whip its tail again, but Fei anticipated the move.

  He scaled the reptiles back, sinking his teeth on its head and gouging its eyes. It cried out in agony. Forcing Fei from atop its body. Fei rolled and quickly returned to his feet. The tyrannosaur screeched in its blindness.

  Fei circled his prey, striking strategically. Making it unaware of where Fei would strike next. His worthy opponent finally fell to its side in defeat. Fei ripped into its throat ending the fierce competition.

  His mouth dripping with blood, he roared in victory. Fei focused on the trio before him. Wounded and exhausted he reverted back to his feral form.

  He jumped on the defeated beast’s side, letting out a roar that nearly rivaled his primal form. Blood poured from his wounds and mouth. The ecstasy of a hard-fought victory blocking what would be incapacitating pain. His hair damp from both his blood and his victims.

  He beat his chest relishing in his own glory. Fei allowed himself to calm as he remembered his goal. “Stand aside my love and I will forgive you.” He said wiping his mouth and panting. “I will not ask again.” He warned. Tumakako pointed her scimitar at Fei.

  “You fool! Vanakan sought the same power you do. In the end I defeated him all the same. Give up this pursuit of Divinity. Mortality is judgement for all. Don’t you see? The Iku is unnatural. We’re not meant….” Tumakako began. “Vanakan was incompetent. I assure you, nothing you possess will ever rival me.” Fei interrupted. “Unnatural is the way of a God!” Fei declared.

  Dara stepped through her two protectors. “You’re not a God!” She shouted. Fei’s face now sinister. His rage was boiling at her boldness and courage to stand up to him. “You dare speak to me that way! I should have killed you in that mountain. Your existence is an extension of my mercy. Unfortunately, my mercy has departed forever. I will erase you from the universe!” He rumbled

  “Fei, I’m sorry.” Lale interjecte
d. “I should have trusted you when I took the mission to find the raw Iku on Pratham. I should have allowed you to decide your own future. The thought of losing you to the blending. Or if you survived, I didn’t trust anyone with such power.” Lale said.

  Tumakako looked puzzled. She seized Lale’s shoulder. “Pratham? Pratham never acquired the raw formula Vanakan solved. I killed him before he could return or transmit the data back to Magnus.” Tumakako informed the group. “Unless, he deceived even me. He must have relayed his formula before I discovered his treachery.” Tumakako muttered in failure.

  Lale returned the confused look. “I was tasked with a mission to retrieve the raw Iku from a team of scientists on Pratham, as my last mission. I was told they discovered a means to revert the Iku to its raw form.

  I killed them all and deceived the council into thinking I destroyed the Iku and notes.” Lale shared. “You’re the reason they attacked us. Even without the last of Vanakan’s research, they figured out the process. You should never have taken that mission, you should have talked to me, we should have fled. It cost us our child. The two of you brought calamity on countless people with your secrets and failure.” Fei said, dropping down from the slain beast.


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