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Beast of Xeriel

Page 14

by Elijah Isaiah

  “You cost us our lives. Our freedom. Our son. For all these lies. They wanted a reason to destroy us. And you fell for their trap.” Fei said to his love. He was visibly trembling; the anger and disappointment was nearly too much for him to express. Lale wiped her eyes.

  It was at last time to face the reality she abandoned for so long. “I tried to prevent something worse than Earth!” Lale lashed out. “You should have anticipated the lie. They wanted us dead. But we were too respected and visible in the public eye to destroy outright. Treason. They needed an act of treason.” He said calmly.

  “Lalen. Do you see now?” Fei asked. “I’m sorry.” Lale uttered in deep depression. “With my new power, our son will be reborn. Everything will be undone. Recommit yourself to me. Together, we gain it all back.” He offered.

  “I will rewrite the past. I will create life again. But I need you with me.” Fei said. Dara and Tumakako began to take notice of Lale’s anguish. The two could see her visibly struggling with the proposition she received.

  “Lale, don’t give up on humanity. There is still an opportunity to alter their course. We can’t do it without you.” Tumakako said. Meanwhile she pressed her hand on Dara’s arm in a specific gesture as a signal. “All I want to do is hold my son again. Allow him to grow up free.” Lale began.

  “I know he can appear radical to you. But, if you truly knew how much we did for that planet, those people, for the war. And we were rewarded with betrayal……. I hate them.” Lale responded, her voice stoic yet somehow revealing her internal fight being resolved. “It’s your fault.” Lale said turning to Tumakako.

  Her eyes fixated. “If you could have been even remotely close to the warrior you were hailed to be and stopped Vanakan, I would have never had to feel like I had to take the mission. You failed first. You killed countless people in your expedition for the council and now I know certainly, it was you who cost me my world.” She said with conviction. “If you stand in our way. You represent the Pratham that must be removed.” Lale confirmed.

  A smile crept across Fei’s face, as he and Lale’s link wasn’t just fully restored, it felt new, stronger. Lale and Tumakako’s link severed in the process. Dara seized the opportunity and stepped from behind her mentor unleashing a powerful blast of fiery red energy.

  Lale’s armor activating just in time to protect her. Lale’s body blown a couple meters before her harsh landing. Dara drew her sword and shield alongside Tumakako, both activating their armor.

  Fei launched himself in the air, his claws extended several inches. He slashed down Dara’s shield. Tumakako proceeded to attack him from behind. Like a banshee she wailed on the much larger Fei. She swung her scimitar at his neck for a decisive blow.

  His armor activated to deflect the lethal attempt. Fei smashed the back of his free hand into Tumakako’s helmet, causing her to stumble back a few steps. The three engaged in a 2 on 1 contest.

  Fei attacked both his opponents with great ferocity. Tumakako had never witnessed such aggression and precision before. Dara and her mentor fought close together, quickly abandoning the front and back strategy. They tried their best not to expose themselves. Tumakako saving Dara from several fatal blows during the bout. She was not sure how long she would be able to prevent Fei from reaching Dara.

  Every attempt at her daughter’s life he made, came closer and closer. “Run!” Tumakako commanded through their link. With perfect transition, Dara broke away from the fray and flew after Lale. The two seasoned warriors continued their duel. Without the pressure to protect Dara, Tumakako could fight more efficiently.

  She soon managed to incorporate small increments of offense toward her powerful foe. She perceived the exhaustion Fei suffered at the hands of the tyrannosaurs and the energy he exerted being in his gigantic primal form.

  Lale, slowly managed to get to her feet. The blast rendered her groggy. Dara flew at an amazing speed, plowing her body, shoulder first into Lale. The force sent her a few more meters. Dara continued to fly around, lighting a circle of fire around Lale.

  Fei was beginning to show signs of fatigue as his precise attacks became slightly erratic. Tumakako twisted, turned, twirling her scimitar, parrying Fei’s attacks while landing a couple of strikes on his armor.

  Unfortunately, nothing strong enough to conclude their fight. Dropping below his arid fist she resurfaced inside his view, slicing upward. Tumakako fashioned a deep gash diagonally across his chest that pierced his armor. Dara circled her mentor from above.

  She elevated her power into her orange form, pushing her efforts to her maximum peak. Dara landed from the sky directly in front of Fei. She released the strongest attack she could. An emblazon orb burned for a second before blasting Fei away. A hole the size of the orb exposing his bare chest. Unconscious, his body reverted to his normal form.

  Lale erupted through the wall of flames. She saw Fei’s unconscious body. “I assure you; this will be the last time you see the sky.” Lale said, drawing her crescent sword and aiming it at Tumakako. “You may have been the best warrior on Pratham. But this is not Pratham.” Tumakako fired back.

  Dara dropped to her knees gasping for air. Her flame dissipated completely, only her armor remained as she was visibly weakened from her attack. “Tuma.” Dara said, barely managing to breathe. Without hesitation, Lale ran in to attack. The greatest duel began. Lale attacked with motions as fluid as water. Tumakako, immediately retreated, attempting to parry and dodge.

  Lale contorted her body in ways foreign to her opponent. She rotated in midair slicing a sliver through Tumakako’s armor on her thigh. “Do not worry. I respect you. I will end this faster than the act of blinking.” Lale taunted. Lale pursued Tumakako again.

  Dara observed her mentor’s patience. Lale landed multiple slices and slaps, but nothing of true significance. Yet, Tumakako didn’t appear worried. Dara could not tell if Tumakako was on the verge of defeat or preparing for a grand move. Tumakako parried Lale’s attack and swung her scimitar with speed and accuracy, slicing her arm through the armor.

  Lale jumped back several feet. This was the first time she had ever been touched in battle. The cut bled profusely. “You favor that side when you fight. It’s clearly your dominant hand.” Tumakako explained.

  Lale held her wound. “I see how Dara has improved so much in such a short amount of time.” Lale said. Tumakako turned the tide of their battle and pressed the attack. Lale, found herself on the defensive. Tumakako pushing forward.

  Even with her best arm injured, Lale’s prowess in battle was too difficult to overcome. Neither combatant could seize the upper hand. The duo circled, looking for a moment to strike, while recovering their wind. Off in the distance, Fei regained consciousness.

  He naturally entered the fetal position to nurse his pain, holding his bare chest where his armor was scorched. Sluggishly, he crawled before finding the strength to reach his knees. “Tuma!” Dara yelled. Both Tumakako and Lale, saw Fei gathering his strength. Dara drew her sword and shield, using what little energy she had left to ignite her blade and shield in a red flame.

  Fei let out a fierce roar, as he transformed back into his feral form. He waved his hand through the air to retrieve his enormous black pole halberd. His weapon was famed on Pratham for requiring three soldiers to carry, whilst he could wield it with just one hand effortlessly.

  Lale preceded to attack Tumakako again. Dara took to the sky, keeping her focus on Fei. She preceded to confront him, ready to place her life on the line. Dara unleashed fire, which Fei either cut through or swatted away with his blade.

  His first swing narrowly missed its target. Dara flew around him, evading his powerful attempts to sever her head from her body. She tried to remain at a safe distance from his strikes but against this opponent, she could not tell what a safe distance would be.

  Finally, Fei twirled his halberd and slashed Dara in the belly. Her armor just strong enough to prevent a wound, still the force immediately dislodged her from the air, drop
ping her sword in the process. Holding her shield tight, she rolled several times to avoid dismemberment from Fei’s Halberd providing what looked like small explosions in the sand after contact.

  Fearing for her daughter’s life, Tumakako tried her best to successfully disengage from Lale. Each attempt was foiled, as even a minor mistake could cost Tumakako her own life with such a skilled opponent. “Ugh!” Dara grunted as she struggled to evade death.

  Dara managed to scurry to her feet and flew toward the two duelists. Fei pursued his target without hesitation. He lunged for another killing blow. He twisted in the air to gain momentum and force. “Tuma Down!” Dara called out. Tumakako, dropped to the ground immediately, just as Lale’s blade followed its trajectory upward.

  The motion carved a laceration up Tumakako’s cheek through the exposed area of her helmet. With her arm in the air, Dara placed her shield on Lale’s chest, encircling her body and holding fast to her back side for protection.

  The contact twirled Lale to face the incoming attack. Before Fei could react, his halberds blade shattered Dara’s shield, penetrated Lale’s armor, effectively impaling her in the chest. The blow sent Lale and Dara airborne.

  The two bodies rolled for seconds before the friction of the ground halted their advance. Dara rolled over in pain. The force still was strong enough to leave her without air. Lale laid still on her back. Her armor dissolved exposing the truth of her wound. Fei leaped to her side.

  The blade still lodged in her chest. Fei curled his love’s head in his lap. “Lalen! I didn’t. Lalen, I’m sorry.” He pleaded. Lale’s cheeks were drowned in her and Fei’s tears. “I love you…….” She whispered. Rubbing his face.

  Lale’s face at peace for a moment before it distorted into fear. Her eyes gaping. “Dark……Fei, the dark.” She murmured her last words staring into his eyes. “Lalen, please don’t leave me again. Lalen! No! Lalen! I need you!” Fei cried.

  Her eyes were void of existence. Fei held her head against his chest. The agony worse than any pain he ever endured. His tears rinsing her hair beneath his chin.

  Fei gently removed his blade from his love’s chest. His own weapon dripping with her blood. Tumakako readied herself for what would come next. Fei softly laid Lale’s head on the ground. His eyes intense. He gazed at Dara. “Bring her back.” He commanded.

  “I can’t.” Dara responded unsure about the request. “You have the power. Bring her back now.” He demanded again. Dara was too weak to respond, still trying to recuperate from his misplaced attack. Fei turned his focus to Tumakako. Trying to flesh out all of his options.

  He didn’t know what to do next. He had lost her. They were together again. Whole again. And now, she laid, gone. On a planet where they should have been the strongest beings. She lay dead, by his own mistake. He refused to accept this reality.

  “I need the raw Iku” He thought. “Take me to Vanakan’s lab.” He demanded. Tumakako shook her head. “I’ve destroyed everything. All his research, his trials and test subjects on this planet. I destroyed it all.” Tumakako answered.

  Fei searched her body language. She was telling the truth. Then he thought for a moment. “This planet.” He muttered. He figured it out. There will definitely be duplicates of Vanakan’s work back on Pratham.

  Tumakako, would surely know where his most secret lab would be. “Not here. Pratham. Take me to his laboratory on Pratham.” He demanded. Suddenly, Fei could feel her angst. She remembered.

  Magnus wouldn’t know she is still alive; the council will be caught off guard by their arrival. He just needed the guide to where the raw Iku would be. Fei wasn’t interested in her coming willingly. He moved at a blinding speed, landing a punishing blow to her abdomen, rendering Tumakako unconscious. Dara rushed into her aid.

  Fei stepped aside effortlessly, palming her head and forcing it to the ground, knocking her out. Both of their armors dissolved. Fei removed Tumakako’s bracelets. He wrapped his arm around Tumakako’s waist and lifted her in the air, her unconscious body dangling.

  Fei looked down at Dara, he couldn’t care about any other matter than to resurrect his love. He lifted his foot to crush her but thought for a moment longer. If this mission failed, he would need a backup plan.

  For now, he chose to allow her to live. With no ship, she would be stranded on Tetcht if he needed her. Fei made his way over to Lale’s body and gently scooped her in his free arm. With one jump he landed next to Tumakako’s crashed ship.

  He entered the ship with the two women. Fei unceremoniously dropped Tumakako’s body, before placing Lale on a surface. He held Tumakako’s shards in his hand allowing him to control the ship. He piloted their ascent, before disappearing into the atmosphere.

  Chapter Fourteen

  W arnings blared inside the main military compound. Pratham troops thundered through the corridors, urgency quickening their pace. The fortress sat in the uppermost left corner of the capital city. Its peak stretched into the clouds, with many surrounding buildings and community infrastructure all around.

  A normal day consisted of constant commotion, as the people of the capital city went about their daily lives. The noise working jointly with the constant harassment by soldiers transporting supplies and ammunition.

  The busiest city on the planet; the most important city. The Council and the majority of Pratham’s forces resided here. The most elite recruits trained under veterans of the lingering civil war between the four tribes.

  Tension grew every year the war continued. Each tribe relying on their strengths to continue to survive. Today would be yet another disruption outside the capital wall.

  Jesh swiped his hand against the blank wall to reveal the panic below. Civilians scrambled to retreat back within the city and into their homes. “Da-Xia, Its time.” Jesh alerted. The young woman Da-Xia was abnormally large, beyond 7 feet tall with a brawny physique. Her hair touched her lower back in length, dark in color and fine.

  She possessed features of one of Earth’s Eastern Dynasties. Her armor presented the most alluring yellow and her helmet in the shape of an open mouth dragon, cupping her exposed face. Da-Xia’s face sprinkled with many battle scars, with one significant gash down her visible right cheek.

  “We need to move. Inform the ladies of our new time constraints. The plan remains the same.” Jesh ordered. Da-Xia kept her massive green guan dao tight in her grasp, while she relayed the updates to her counterparts via their joint armor link.

  Jesh hurriedly retrieved his shards and before long activated his regal purple armor. The duo exited Jesh’s personal quarters. Often, Da-Xia remained by Jesh’s side. She had her own lodgings down the hall, but protected Jesh’s door well into the night before returning to her own accommodations.

  Da-Xia calmly escorted Jesh through the compound. The Pratham soldiers running here and there to battle the incoming threat. “To the north entrance! The shifters have infiltrated to the north!” A soldier called out.

  Jesh winced. He hated the term shifter. Derogatory for the Muetus tribe whose most lethal assassins could shapeshift. Two of his dearest friends hailed from Muetus, defecting due to their bond.

  Jesh was privileged a perspective of the other tribes that most in the capital city weren’t accustomed or cared to experience. Jesh followed closely behind his armored guard, Da-Xia alone was more than enough to deter any challenge.

  Only the truly naive and foolish stood before her. Very few were granted her grace to walk away. They maneuvered through short cuts and uncommon passageways through the compound as to avoid the soldier’s suspicions.

  Once out of sight from the congregating forces they broke out into a complete sprint. Da-Xia’s strides were difficult for the much shorter Jesh to keep up. After a short distance he began to fly behind her.

  The hallways shimmered with a combination of crystal and a metallic make up. Various new metals were discovered on Pratham and quickly incorporated into constructing materials. The alloys of old would not manage a small
ding against the new metals.

  Diamonds would falter at the glorious sight of the fortress and be easily shattered in a competition of hardness. The army of Pratham under the A-Kialle tribe owned the strongest of the weapons and armor forged by the new metallic materials. Still the war was far from simple, far from over.

  Jesh and Da-Xia made their way to the prison vault, which sat levels below the surface. Two guards stood outside a door at the end of a short hallway. Da-Xia led Jesh to the edge of the door. “You’re relieved of your duty men.” Jesh ordered. The two guards in traditional purple Prathaman armor.

  “We didn’t receive communication of any departures or consultations with this prisoner.” One responded. Jesh placed his hand on Da-Xia’s shoulder. “I assume you are familiar with Da-Xia.” Jesh said.

  The two guards stepped aside after only a single moment of thought, quickly heading for the level entrance. “Your reputation might even exceed my infinite power.” Jesh chuckled. Da-Xia placed her hand on the door, it opened at her nonverbal behest. Sentry 19 stood with his pole axe in hand.


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