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Beast of Xeriel

Page 18

by Elijah Isaiah

  Dara pushed into it, causing it to shatter forward in slow motion. She observed her hands, feeling a different type of power becoming available to her. Dara walked around the protector, witnessing the storm. The image of it was sheer ferocity. Yet, she only felt peace among the powerful Aella.

  She returned to the door of the protector. Dara looked up at the night sky. A bolt of lightning was forming. She could feel the energy. Dara flew high just beneath the clouds. The soothing splashes of each droplet of water on her face was refreshing. A flash of light flicked and ticked before the electric light slowly stirred down.

  Her mouth a gape as she witnessed it trickled down through the clouds. The small sizzle it produced as it zigs zagged downward. She followed the light back down to the surface as it moved slowly. Her feet touched the ground, watching it travel toward her. Dara held her hand out to catch it. The bolt of lightning kissed her palm before her body absorbed the energy. She felt the sensation. The rush of power.

  Different entirely from the Sun’s fire. She craved it. Dara twirled her body aggressively. Her speed, creating a small tornado around her. The storm resumed. The wind, the rain, the lightning. This time she felt in command of it all.

  When lightning reached the ground, her body called out to it and it obeyed. She pointed and waved, and lightning obeyed. She twirled her hands into the air and the tempest obeyed. The rain heavy or not, whatever she chose it to be. Dara was now in control.

  She absorbed the light. The winds now protected her and had the power to destroy whatever she would choose. Dara ceased her rotation, while the tornado carried on around her. She was at peace. Free from the lack of control. She didn’t need control of what wouldn’t be.

  Only what she could. Dara reached out again, and the entire storm instantly dissipated. Calling for the wind, she ushered it to open the protector door. Jesh and her mother emerged to see her glide back down to the surface. The dark sky behind her.

  Jesh looked around, seeing what was just tumultuous, settle without reason. “Did you figure it out?” Jesh asked. Dara held her hand out. Her eyes sparking with electricity, her hand crackling with lightning. A large bolt of lightning shot down from the sky and immobilized right before touching her hand.

  It remained stationary in the air. Humming and sizzling, hovering above her palm. Dara grabbed the string of lightning with her bare hand, before dispatching it at a large chunk of stone. The stone burst in a heap of rubble. “I think I got the hang of it.” She giggled.

  Jesh’s amazement quickly evolved into a frown. “I’ve never seen that before. Teach me.” He pleaded. “Concentrate. Sense. Generate.” Dara answered smugly. The two shared a smile. Dara saw her mother’s eyes full of tears. “Mom, I did it. Why are you upset?” Dara asked.

  Her mother wiping her eyes. “Because you’re ready.” She answered her daughter. Dara opened her eyes again, this time to the red light shining on Jesh’s face. The two bewildered and rattled. “Did we?” Dara asked.

  Jesh took his finger and wiped the blood from Dara’s top lip. “I think so.” He responded. Dara removed her hands from Jesh’s to see the electricity coursing between her fingers. “I think the army has more than they can handle headed their way.” Dara joked.

  Dara walked over to the massive engine. She yanked on the door handle and hoisted herself inside. She now felt comfortable in the complete darkness. Taking a deep breath, she thought about her mother once again. She thought about Tuma.

  A smirk crept across her face. A red fire blazed from her body. She growled out loud, trying to fuel her energy. The flames burning wildly. The engine creaking and cracking as the flames circulated through the pipes. Dara heated the temperature to the limit of her red form. The engine began to shake and move.

  “You’re doing it! Now we need the spark!” Jesh instructed. Dara climbed out of the engine, closing the small door behind her. She ran over to Jesh’s new location by a small control panel. “These things used to operate from huge electric probes, that would serve as keys. For now.” He said looking at Dara with a great smile. “Just shock the whole thing.”

  Dara slapped her hand onto the control panel. The electricity shooting out of her and into the panel. After a moment, the engine began to move on its own. The control panel lit up. Jesh began to flip switches and raise handles to capacity. The sound of energy poured through the ship.

  Lights flickered before some turned on, while others were burned out or busted. Jesh and Dara celebrated. Jesh pulled Dara in for a hug. The shadowy crimson energy covered them once again. Jesh felt stronger. His energy being replenished.

  Dara too felt the flood of energy all the same. They were unclear if the other felt it, neither wanting to be the one to ask. Hanging on for a moment longer, the two broke off. Staring in an awkward but intrigued silence. “Uh…. we should probably……” Dara said, breaking up the moment.

  “Yea. you’re right. We gotta…. the planet and stuff.” Jesh agreed. The two ran out into the hallway before reality hit. The countless bodies littered the ground. Jesh recognized old Pratham armor on a few of the fallen with sword entry points clearly being the reason for their demise. “Must be the soldiers Tumakako killed to save your people.” Jesh assumed.

  The two could barely take a step without stepping on a corpse. Death was everywhere. Dried blood splattered against the wall. Handprints of people dragged from their rooms and stations. Dara took in the scene. It was haunting. Jesh appeared emotionless.

  As the two elected to float through the ship, instead of walking on or amongst the dead. “So many more than I could even imagine when I was first here.” Dara said quietly. The joy all but gone in her voice. “I’ve seen plenty more.” Jesh said, stoically.

  “In the war?” Dara inquired. “After just one of my attacks.” He clarified. Dara restrained the urge to pry further. It served as a reminder of the darkness she suspected within him. Jesh’s response weighed on her thoughts as they flew to the navigation zone of the ship.

  “Didn’t mean to scare you. Just the reality of what is. The reality of what I can do. What you can do. And what I’m fighting to end. Believe it or not. My father is still the best option for us all. I must find a way to convince him you’re not our enemy. We can all work together.” Jesh proclaimed. “You clearly don’t know him very well. Everyone else is a better option than your father.” Dara retorted.

  “And clearly, you have no idea who the true enemy is. There’s obviously a reason the most powerful warrior and the greatest fighter fled Pratham.” Jesh said. Dara laughed unconvincingly. “I’m not so sure she was the greatest fighter. Tuma, may have defeated her in combat if they fought longer.” Dara boasted.

  Even more proud of her mentor now that she knew they were directly related. “Your precious Tuma feared the real enemy too. Tell me something, wouldn’t you fear the thing that scares the three of them?” Jesh said staring into her eyes. “This is just the beginning. You will see much. Try not to let it change you.” He said proceeding with their mission.

  Jesh ascended to the highest point of the ship, sitting in the navigator’s seat. His finger pushing on the screen to input the city coordinates. Dara followed closely behind, angry at his assumptions of her mentor.

  “Who said Tuma was afraid of anything? If your father wasn’t so set on killing me and finding more of the raw Iku, we could have all worked together. We could’ve stopped the bad people on your home world.” Dara offered, while Jesh worked.

  “You don’t get it. We’re vastly outnumbered. It begins with the Council, but their influence and connections are far reaching. Magnus alone is powerful. I can’t even defeat him.” Jesh explained to her, not losing focus on his tasks. He walked around to another screen and begin putting in more information.

  “Have you ever tried to fight back?” Dara asked. Jesh stopped for a moment. The truth is, he never thought of it. It was suicide, a crazy thought to attempt to fight back against Magnus and the Council.

  “No one f
ights back against the council. Why would I try? Even my father failed. If he can’t win, who can?” He justified to himself as well as her. Dara looked disgusted. She felt like she looked in a mirror, but this time not in the way she enjoyed.

  “You’re not just anyone. I get it. I don’t know you, but I’ve felt our connection. You’re not your father. You’re greater.” Dara said. Jesh sat for a moment looking into his counterparts’ eyes. He didn’t know what it was about her that made him want to believe her.

  She was right, she didn’t know him, the atrocities he had committed on behalf of Magnus and the Council. He wasn’t sure how, but he almost believed her. “You have no idea what lays ahead of us.” Jesh retorted, feeling the glimmer of hope she provided start to slip away. “That’s the thing Jesh. It doesn’t really matter when you have your family there, fighting alongside you.” Dara encouraged.

  Chapter Seventeen

  T umakako’s ship suspended in dark space outside the large green planet. An impenetrable blockade of Pratham war ships prevented entry. Aligned in the arrow formation, each colossal ship staggered to prevent any chance of sneaking past all layers.

  Tumakako sat still in the pilot seat awaiting to hear from the blockade. The war ships upgrades were quite daunting in comparison to the ships she remembered. Much larger since her crusades so many years ago. Small speeder designs filled the gaps, not to be taken lightly, as their accuracy and fire power were undeniable.

  Tumakako didn’t have to contact the Planetary Watch, for some reason they intercepted her first. She was certain something unforeseen had transpired to require a blockade and high alert. A flashing light inside her ship signaled the fleet was attempting to reach her via her communication system.

  She hovered over the switch before moving it to allow the connection to become complete. “This is Commander Saul of the Prathaman Planetary Watch, state your vessel ID and code.” The voice sternly ordered. “I am Tumakako of the Flagship Hope. Code KO4018-WS.” She responded. It had been years since her last departure from Pratham, but the countless times she repeated that statement, it became engrained information in her memory.

  The Commander’s voice did not immediately return. Tumakako waited patiently. She understood returning here would be a gamble. The Council were not men and women of clemency or mercy. Her disappearance would undoubtably be considered treason.

  She believed they would not be beyond erasing her from the records and destroying her ship where it sat stationary in space. Enough time had passed since her missions, only persons with highly classified clearance may remember her. Minutes turned into an hour. No word from the Commander; nor an aggressive maneuver to suggest she was unwelcomed. Tumakako looked back at her precious cargo.

  Lale’s body remained on the table, while Fei’s dominating frame on its side. What a feat to have these two beings’ lifeless in your ship. Not even the armies of Pratham had been able to kill them after having them dead to rights, only for them to escape.

  Finally, a small window opened for her to descend onto the planet surface. Tumakako, cautiously approached and proceeded through the barrier. She begrudgingly took in the view of Pratham. She hated the idea of returning here. The planet was the birthplace of the evil she chose to be rid of. A disease.

  Dara’s mother helped her to see that. Now, after failing her, the only choice she had left to make was that of providing their daughter with the opportunity of a life free from the woes she endured. Free from the horrible things they would without question force her to do. This was her chance to undue it all.

  Immediately upon touching down, she was surrounded by the Pratham Army and ships. Unconcerned by the display of strength, Tumakako positioned her two lifeless passengers on tables she formed from her ships deck. Placing her shards on the floor a couple feet in front of her and standing arms out to display her defenselessness.

  Her mesh suit was more tattered and torn from the years of isolation and harsh elements on Tetcht. She often practiced unarmed scenarios during her training. Tumakako, was a true warrior, just as comfortable weaponless as she was fully armed.

  Soldiers advanced, encasing the ship and blasters at the ready. The sleek star styled ship approached. The Nova was synonymous with Magnus’s arrival. It gracefully landed amongst the army. Magnus emerged from the crowd.

  Tumakako used all her efforts to conceal her rage and trauma she was experiencing at the sight of her former leader. Magnus advanced alone halting just outside of the rear entry. Tumakako stared, part of her wanted to fire her ships weapons and end it all.

  Or a surprise ambush from above and disassemble his body piece by piece. Her mind raced with many ways she could remove this blight on humanity from existence. But she had to be careful and smart. Magnus was no simple leader. Him proceeding alone is most likely a trap, obviously goading her into attempting a rash act.

  He couldn’t possibly believe she would be so uncharacteristically ignorant. Yet, she had contemplated many rash decisions. He knew her well enough that invoking the thoughts would get her off her game. All the while his calculating look deserved to be wipe away forever.

  Tumakako, understood just killing Magnus would only belay the Council’s efforts to hunt down her daughter. She had to remain focused on the bigger picture. “Entrance.” She uttered. The door slowly dissolved to bring the two individuals together.

  A grin slid across the old man’s face. “You’ve kept very well General.” He said, taking in the interior of the ship. “Thank you, Councilman. You’ve aged. Not taking enough Iku I see.” She returned smugly. Magnus chuckled at her insult.

  Seeing she was not in an aggressive position; he took a very vigilant step onto the ship’s floor. “I assure you, I am unarmed, and my shards currently sits closer to you than I.” She said not breaking eye contact. “You would require none of the such to still be more than enough for me.” Magnus retorted as he entered the ship.

  Magnus glanced over her shoulder to observe Fei and Lale. His stoic expression quickly subsiding into uncertainty. His eyes unsure where to look. The threat directly in front of him or the two greatest threats accompanied by the former.

  “I bring the bodies of traitors Fei Zeall and Lale of the planet Pratham…………Unable to capture alive I’m afraid. They’re less problematic this way.” Tumakako said. Although in this moment, she rather her former leader replace the two great warriors instead. Magnus’s face refusing to release his look of disbelief.

  “Am I to believe you defeated the warrior as fearsome as yourself in combat and the most domineering and fatal threat to our world? Believe, with no army or aide they lay lifeless before me. After your desertion, you inexplicably found the two individuals our infinite resources have been unable to locate?” Magnus questioned.

  Tumakako dropped to one knee, arching her neck to resemble her submission and willingness to die. “Am I not the Hope of the New World. Cleanser of Earth’s failures? The only explanation that would be unreliable and invalid is my arrival with all parties alive and you not already dead.” She mockingly gloated.

  She hated the words she just said, quickly growing tired of the façade. She much rather remove his head and be done with it. But the constant consideration of her daughter kept her desires at bay.

  Magnus pondered her words briefly, walking past her to examine the bodies for himself. Tumakako’s body urged her to attack, snap his neck while his guard was down. Or was it? Magnus was only one of the Councilmen, she would need to infiltrate and kill them all to save her daughters future.

  She had to remain patient. Magnus observed their wounds, before accepting the truth of their death. “I’ve returned to Pratham to resume my affairs of cleansing those who are deemed unfit.” Tumakako said.

  Magnus returned opposite her position, helping Tumakako to her feet. “I deny your request.” He said quickly. “What is the basis of my denial Councilman?” She asked politely, fighting the urge to grit her teeth.

  “Your efforts have not bee
n verified. Your whereabouts yet to be accounted for, nor trust regained. More importantly, your talents are more appropriate in the pursuit of the child Jesh Zeall. Seeing as you so easily dispatched his parents, you will prove your loyalty in the way I estimate suitable.” Magnus said retrieving her shards.

  “Zeall?” Tumakako questioned. “A lot has changed since your departure General. Your ignorance correlates with your absence.” He said storing her shards away on his person.

  “The child of those two traitors has since escaped my grasp with our greatest remaining war general Kyah and her crew, including my daughter Gala, the fierce Da-Xia, the annoying and deadly twin shifters, and a member of Fei’s Vanakan Sentry. He goes by 19. Not too worried as he isn’t nearly a threat like the others. Jesh however, has undergone the blending and possess more power than all of Pratham combine.” Magnus stated.

  “I have no doubt they are in pursuit of the child named Dara, who according to 19 has survived the great Beast of Xeriel as well. I suspect you and Vanakan’s research had some success, yet I haven’t received a briefing from either of you in quite a while. Perhaps your work in genetic splicing has progressed further than you had led us to believe.” Magnus said, his pale wrinkled skin aiding the curvature of his sadistic smile.


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