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Beast of Xeriel

Page 19

by Elijah Isaiah

  Tumakako couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She had lost the advantage of surprise. In fact, she may have never had it. Her delight in finding her child, deterred her better judgement of setting 19 free, thus costing her this moment.

  She tried to simulate outcomes in her mind without losing focus on the present or giving away her attempts to do so. She may have to cooperate to see her daughter again. Tumakako contemplated as many possibilities as she could. “Seeing that you are suggesting reclamation of your status and titles, this may restore my conviction and stave my hesitation.” Magnus finished.

  “Forgive me Councilman, I would have imagined my skills to be needed by your side?” She suggested, feigning loyalty and buying more time to think. “On the contrary, Pratham is safe. We have a surplus of terrain, no crime, the Iku, a thriving class system, and the strongest form of military might in most galaxies. Civil war is all but over.” He paused.

  “And due to your aforementioned tenure as General, a controlled population of the most genetically evolved citizens.” He said smiling. She tried not to wince at the mention of her past. The disgrace she felt pressuring her face to reveal itself. She hated him. Always a step ahead of everyone else, she had been careless. Messy when dispatching Vanakan and her troops, letting 19 escape. Her past finally catching up and seizing her by the throat.

  Tumakako tried to remain focused, his arrogance proved more infuriating than she remembered. “Forgive me again. As you said, I have been gone for quite some time. Surely, you will be joining the fray to bear witness to our triumph?” She asked.

  “In some form. Yes. I will send Colonel List Rainer and a rather sizable army to aide you in your conquest. Which should be very brief having knowledge of where the assembly will be heading.” Magnus said.

  Tumakako was losing more ground with every verbal sparring match against her former leader. Magnus had always been a tactical genius even when she operated as a general. His cunning and strategy unparalleled in the military. Magnus continued in his same disrespectful tone.

  “And the detail you so graciously omitted about your rescue operation. Your daughter? Isn’t she? Vanakan was quite precise about the research you had been hiding from him, before you both went dark.” Tumakako’s body tensed.

  She was unsure if she should attack. Would she be able to overpower him before he could retreat? Has his power increased in her absence? He seemed uncharacteristically cautious. “I’m sure, it was a ploy to trap and defeat the two before me. Clearly, you possessed prior knowledge of the child’s connection to the traitors. Very keen to exploit her distress and lure them to you, using their interest in her.” He said.

  Tumakako knew he had found her out. Trying to continue her aloof persona and salvage what could be from her façade she stayed the course. “Your insight remains as my skill. Unequaled.” She said, hoping he would understand her double meaning. “Despite not having your necessary assistance I will prevail and return with all traitors in custody.” She said

  Tumakako began to walk to her pilot’s seat. “General, I’m afraid I will be commandeering your ship.” He said with a sinister smile. “I wouldn’t dare send you into battle unequipped. You will be departing with your new battalion of troops in our latest war vessels. Under heavy guard. I’m sure you understand.” Magnus informed her.

  Tumakako saw the unwavering in his eyes, she would refrain from pressing the issue. “As you would have it Councilman. I will have the soldiers ready my ship and transport the traitors.” She said heading for the exit.

  “The traitors will remain on Pratham, with me.” He said, gently placing his hand on her shoulder as she attempted to pass. Tumakako, couldn’t take it anymore. She felt the urged to attack. If only for her dignity she must dislocate his arm. Surveying the exterior, the army would swarm her.

  Unlike her rash comments, she was confident she would be able to strike a fatal blow before he could escape, however the odds weren’t in her favor in the grand scheme. He had bested her, most of it due to her own negligence on Tetcht. She should have killed 19 when she had the chance. The next time they meet she would not repeat the same mistake.

  “Do you reason me a fool?” Magnus began, by whispering in her ear. “I know exactly why you’re here. It’s the same reason any of your kind would be here.” Tumakako felt her rationality slipping away. Her enemy standing firm, taunting her to attack.

  Magnus took a step back, bringing her into complete view. “You believe me a cruel man.” He nodded. “I am. You know me to be a murderer.” He nodded again. “I am. You believe yourself to be precise about what the future should be.” Magnus shook his head.

  “Know this General. There is only my rule. There will never be life without someone to have dominion over others. I am simply the one who seized power. Those who aren’t strong enough to survive were mercifully exterminated. All thanks to our joint effort.” His words stung. Tumakako was responsible for much of Pratham’s prominence. Perhaps Fei was right.

  Only someone like him could rip the power away from the Council. Tumakako had lost herself, she wasn’t vicious anymore. Dara had softened her heart. She no longer wanted to fight. How could she? She deserved as much of the blame as Magnus or any of the Council members.

  “So, out of respect for the effort you have done on behalf of Pratham. And because I too am a parent. I offer you a chance to survive. A choice. Die, right here. Or die with the rest of the traitors and your daughter far away like the many people you slaughtered under my orders?” He proposed.

  Tumakako watched as he withdrew. A crushing defeat worse than any physical wound. Her spirit was quelled. Two of the greatest threats to Magnus lay beside her.

  Whom she fought valiantly, yet she remained motionless as her past taunted her and escaped. Her choice had been made. “And what of my armor Councilman!” She called out. Taking one last sorry attempt.

  “As I said, you would require none of the such to still be more than enough for me. Two children against one army of elite soldiers. They’re defeat is imminent.” He returned as he disappeared into the sea of Pratham soldiers. Tumakako followed behind the multitude of soldiers tasked with escorting her to the briefing of her perceived final mission.

  Chapter Eighteen

  G ala sat with her eyes fixed on her monitor. No signs of the impeding invasion. Her legs crossed, resting on the seat next to her. A beautiful young woman and an expert shot with any blaster of choice.

  She never cared for being the daughter of the most feared Councilman. She spent much of her time trying to be a normal girl. When time called for war, against her father’s wishes she fought in the vanguard. It was her zeal for battle and piloting that led her on a collision course with her now crew.

  She loved being around them, it was the only place she felt needed and wanted. Magnus only cared to prop her in front of the public and show how great of a soldier she was. Even though her father much rather her use her tactical mind away from the frontlines.

  Gala lived for the feeling of squeezing her trigger, until she met her new family. Now, she loved the missions where she could galivant amongst the stars, the cockpit to her liking, all the ladies and Jesh allowing her free will to pilot.

  “They’re refusing to leave the city.” Da-Xia informed her. Her voice relaying the message through their group link. “Well, that’s unfortunate. What did Kyah say?” Gala asked, relaxing in her seat. “She challenged the entire Sentry to a fight for control.” Yaffa responded.

  “Did she win?” Gala asked, wishing she were there to witness the bout. “We didn’t let her fight them. We need their help.” Da-Xia interjected, much to Gala’s disappointment. Kyah was never the first option for negotiations, unless with a blade. In combat, she was an unmatched orator.

  “So, what’s the alternative?” Gala inquired. “Kyah is trying to reach Jesh, to have him rendezvous with us here. We managed to secure the citizens in the Protector, and 19 convinced the Sentry to aid us in protecting the city.” Da-X
ia updated her.

  Gala shook her head disapproving of the new plan. “You guys realize that city is made up primarily of stone, right?” She asked rhetorically. “I’ve ran a couple scans and what improvements Fei did make are generally to the Protector. Not the wall or homes.” Gala informed the group as she typed and swiped on her screen.

  “Sooooo. That means, fighting a massive army on multiple fronts will leave us…” Zeeba began. “Exposed.” Da-Xia added finishing her sentence. “We also don’t have Jesh to help Kyah provide some sort of shield from air strikes.” Yaffa added.

  “Gala, Kyah wants you to remain airborne to keep some of the fire off us. We just need enough time for Jesh to return, then we can escape.” Da-Xia informed her. Gala sighed. She loved to participate in the fight. But she understood her role was more important to remain aerial. “Ugh! I really despise being the best pilot sometimes. How long till Jesh gets here?” Gala asked.

  “Not sure, Kyah is having trouble reaching Jesh. It’s like his link was severed for a moment.” Da-Xia said. The Verge alerted Gala of the new presences. The radar lighting up with a battalion of Pratham ships coming out of lightspeed travel. “We have bombers!” Gala warned identifying the bulky shape of the city clearing ships with her naked eye.

  She sprang into an upright position, ready to fly. “I can handle these. The second wave will not be far behind. Take action.” Gala called out to her crewmates. She forced the boosters switch forward and headed right for the incoming bombers. Immediately blasting two ships just out of light speed travel.

  Gala maneuvered easily through the group, erasing the bombers with great precision; smiling the entire time. “Yeah!!!!!!” She cheered. Bombers travel slow and monotonous, but they possessed enough power to level the entire city with one blast. This sacrificed their defensive capabilities. Against Gala, they were sitting ducks. She eliminated one after another before the second wave arrived. “Hunters! I’m going to let them through and focus on the bombers.” Gala informed the group.

  “Leave the ozone to us.” Zeeba chimed in. Gala activated her yellow armor, her normal green visor extending to protect her face from the cold of space. She made her way to the center of the ship. “Autopilot! Target bomber fleet!” She ordered.

  Gala extended both arms allowing two small blasters to appear in her hands. The ships ceiling retracted. A small portion of the floor propelled her above the opening before closing beneath her feet. Atop the ship, protected from the relentless cold of space, Gala took aim.

  Her armor magnetically attracted to the top of the Verge, preventing her from losing her footing. Deadly accurate she shot. The red sliver of light seemingly passed through one of the bombers. As if the shot was transparent. After a second, the ship exploded, and Gala continued to waste the bombers on two fronts.

  The Verge soaring through space still taking out the bombers and her using her arsenal. Gala was an expert marksman, even while on top of a speeding vessel, her accuracy was not forfeited. She noticed a hunter headed toward her. “Give me cover!” She demanded.

  A protective L shaped block rose from the ships surface. She waved her two smaller blasters away, before bringing her arms together. As she separated them a large laser cannon occupied her hands. Resting its hefty front on the lower half of the block, she took aim.

  “Ladies, I have a gift.” She said. Gala shot a blast resembling a black orb of energy surrounded by white electricity. It hit the incoming ship, halting it in its tracks. “Release.” She commanded to the Verge. Dropping the cannon, she hurdled the block and ran for the edge of the ship.

  Her momentum carried her to the disabled hunter. She crashed into the windshield, rolling on top. She scraped and clawed for the ship, trying to slow herself down. Approaching the edge, she managed to grab hold of one of the rear latches.

  The rear of the ship opened to reveal the ships pilot. Gala drop down inside. Blaster bolts followed immediately. Gala rolled and dodged covering the space between them. She reached striking distance and the two engaged in a tussle. Her opponent much larger and wider than Gala.

  The pilot effortlessly picking her up and slamming her into the side of the ship. Gala frantically tried to break free of the pilot’s grip. Yet another forceful slam followed, this time onto the ships floor. The pilot cocking back their arm to strike.

  Gala dodging their large fist, as it created a small dent in the ships base. Instinctively, she latched onto the arm, wrapped her legs around their head and began to squeeze. The pilot’s free hand landed a solid punch to the side of her helmet. The thump nearly stunning her.

  The pilot used their free hand to yank her from the ground and into the air. While airborne, Gala anticipated their next move. She released her leg lock, splitting her legs mid-air, as her adversary attempted to slam her down yet again.

  She pulled on the back of the head, smashing their face into the canvas between her legs. Her armor protecting her from the force on her rear end, yet still knocking the wind out of her. Gala rolled over sluggishly, trying to catch her breath.

  She looked over at her unconscious enemy. She barreled over to the nearest wall, to help prop herself to her feet. Retrieving a blaster from her armor, she shot ten times. “We could have just talked about it.” She said panting, rolling her eyes and laughing to herself.

  Gala stumbled into the cockpit of the commandeered hunter. She flipped switches, redirected power and ultimately could override the ships disability. She preceded to take out a couple more bombers nearing the planet before beginning her descent to the surface.

  She shot a few flares into the air as she approached the city. “That’s me! The rear is open you two.” Gala said. The twins Yaffa and Zeeba were perched on the side of the Protector; each with one blade punctured into the exterior for leverage. Gala pulled around, allowing the two to board. “You have to take the next one.” Gala said jokingly.

  The three, headed back up into space. Eliminating some of the hunters close to the planet’s surface for good measure. Gala flew in close to another hunter, Zeeba held her arm out, before launching a dagger into the parallel ship and swiftly tight roping across the line attached.

  Using her dagger, she carved a small entrance for herself. Once inside, the pilot attacked. Zeeba dodged multiple strikes, while landing a few of her own, merely toying with her opponent.

  After a couple more blocks and dodges, she plunged her two green daggers into her foes heart, violently ushering them into the side of the ship with a swift kick. After making quick work of her opponent, she took control of the hunter ship. “I’m in control.” Zeeba informed her crewmates.

  Yaffa escorted Gala back to the Verge, before continuing to thin the herd in the newly acquired hunter ship. The bombers were nearly gone before a large Pratham ship appeared. A long tunnel shape, with ample space for transporting an immense number of troops. The war ships signaling the all-out assault.

  “The landing party has arrived.” Gala informed the group. While, Gala, Yaffa and Zeeba brilliantly danced through space and the planet skies, Da-Xia prepared on the surface. Half the Sentry bordering the inside of the city walls with Kyah, while the other half awaited outside with Da-Xia.

  The large cruiser glided past the dwindling bombers, heading straight for the surface. The couple of shots Gala managed to land via the Verge did nothing against the massive cruiser’s shields, it would land without hinderance.

  Destroying the last bomber, Gala entered the atmosphere to help rid the hunters. Meanwhile, the cruiser landed just outside the city wall. The multitude of Pratham soldiers poured out onto the battlefield. The soldiers charged. Da-Xia activated her yellow armor and brandished her guan dao.

  As the soldiers rushed, she focused. The ground shook. Before they could react, Da-Xia manipulated the ground to form a deep trench. Most of the front-line infantry fell into the deep crevice, while the Sentry members jumped down after them to serve the final blow.

  Raising her hand, Da-Xia created a small cliff
to rise. She ascended it and propelled herself into the crowd of unexpecting soldiers. Striking blow after blow she mowed down 10’s of soldiers with each swing.

  The Sentry pulled themselves out of the fissure and rejoined the fight, remaining close together. Should one become overwhelmed, they could easily rally and regroup against the superior army. They were slightly outmatched by the veterans of many wars.

  Still the Sentry persevered, dispatching their fair share of troops. From the Pratham cruiser, Tumakako observed. Under heavy guard helmed by the revered Colonel. A young man with a reputation of brutal violence through his use of poisonous blades. He stood just over six feet tall.

  A slender frame, with his famous forest green greasy hair that lined his pale skin. His hair a byproduct of his power’s manifestation. Lethal poison with just a swipe of his skin. Tumakako waited for the ship to nearly empty, hundreds of soldiers funneled out to attack the city.


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