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Beast of Xeriel

Page 20

by Elijah Isaiah

  Colonel List Rainer looked into her eyes, accompanied by his personal bodyguards. The accolades the trio had accomplished on behalf of the A-Kialle were quite impressive comparatively to the crew. His bodyguards, Joel and Pike, or Echo and Beam respectively.

  The former a short-balled man with rugged looks, long beard and a shout that could shatter a small moon. The latter a tall skinny woman with caramel skin, luminescent blond hair and island-like features. Her light projections could take physical form and brighten the deepest places.

  Known amongst his peers as simply the Viper, Colonel Rainer motioned for his guardians to usher Tumakako forward. Colonel Rainer and his personal guard’s wore black armor, but sleeker and lighter than the traditional Pratham army set.

  They always kept their faces exposed, as they enjoyed the attention they received during a fight. Most of their missions required stealth rather than an all-out battle. The defining trait that often-stirred fear from onlookers were their custom serpent emblem on his left chest.

  “I’ve been given strict orders from the Councilman himself, not to allow you to rendezvous with your friends.” The Colonel said, his voice both soft and raspy. He spoke with a command of his words that few in the army outside of the Council possessed. Overseeing the battle, he smiled.

  “But what fun would that be for us? The glory of defeating you would only serve our prodigious legacy.” He continued to have his back facing her. Tumakako, stood between the two guards, hands bound in shackles. Only her tattered mesh clothing covering her body.

  “I say, let’s have some fun.” He exclaimed, while the two agreed. Colonel Rainer finally faced Tumakako. “I took the liberty of stealing your shards from the secured vault before our departure.” He nodded to Pike, to which she held out Tumakako’s shards. “Away to your people General.” He encouraged in a low tone.

  Quickly Pike clenched her hand as Tumakako reached for her armor and weapons. The Colonel apprehended her shoulder and withdrew his silver long spear, the tip green as it is always lubricated with his venom. He forced his blade into her stomach, leaking the poison into her blood stream.

  Tumakako met his eyes grimacing in pain. “Hurry General, my bite treks expeditiously.” He hissed in her ear. Colonel Rainer removed his blade from her body, stepping aside to allow her escape. Tumakako wrestled her shards out of Pike’s hand and ran onto the battlefield. “Is our escape pod ready?” Colonel Rainer asked.

  “Yes sir. Just give the order.” Colonel Rainer nodded. He marveled for a moment at the crew’s prowess, spotting, Da-Xia and Kyah fighting off the horde of enemy soldiers. “At first sign of Jesh, we retreat. Until then.” He said twirling his spear. “How about a dose of poison?” The trio exited the carrier aiming for the crew.

  The soldier’s overwhelming numbers began breaking through Da-Xia’s initial stand. “They’re going to make it to the wall!” Da-Xia alerted the crew. The Pratham warship fired at the wall. A gaudy boom blasted a gaping hole, providing passage to the interior of the city.

  Kyah fully armored, shield at the ready, opened her hand to retrieve a mace. She threw it at the attackers, wiping out several. Kyah ran a couple feet before using her powers to propel herself into the air. As she reached and incredible height, she plummeted down into the sea of soldiers, her landing creating a concussive blast.

  10’s of soldiers was sent flying. Kyah grabbed her mace from the chest of the last soldier it speared and began viciously dismantling the massive assembly in front of her. The Sentry, led by 19 and 3 stood guard at the door of the Protector, preventing any stragglers from getting passed them.

  Tumakako’s body burned beneath her armor, as if acid were continuously being poured onto her bones. She drew her scimitar, cutting down countless unsuspecting soldiers on her way to the city wall. Before long the Pratham soldier took notice of her unique armor and began to surround her. One by one they fell to her blade.

  A couple blaster shots managed to land, but it was minor compared to the burning she suffered from the inside. Tumakako desperately called out to Dara via their link but there was no answer. Her body even mortally wounded was more than enough to last a while longer. But the pain inside was breaching.

  “Hey! I think that warrior 19 spoke about is here. She’s wearing some amazing armor.” Da-Xia confirmed. As the soldier’s circle drew closer, Da-Xia prepared for their confrontation. “They have her surrounded. Do I mount a rescue?” Da-Xia asked, hoping for a yes.

  “You’re free to engage.” Kyah answered. Da-Xia smiled. Just as Tumakako decapitated another soldier, she was vaulted from out of the sea of enemies by a large chunk of land. Da-Xia propelled her right next to herself and Kyah. Caught by surprised some of the soldiers retreated toward their war ship.

  “We’re the crew of the ship Verge.” Da-Xia relayed to Tumakako. “I’ve been poisoned by a man and his guards.” Tumakako managed to grunt out. Cheers and chants of the troops herald the calm approach of their rivals. Through a fashioned lane the deadly trio advanced.

  “Magnus has sent the Viper and his goons to attack us. He must really want us dead.” Da-Xia informed the team. “What! I’m coming down.” Zeeba exclaimed. “No, we need you air borne. We’ll be overrun without your assistance above.” Kyah ordered.

  Yaffa and Zeeba prevented any meaningful rounds toward the skirmish from the hunter ships. While Gala cleared many soldiers toward the rear formation. Suddenly, the ship alerted Gala.

  “Six more cruisers just dropped out of lightspeed! We need Jesh! I’ll try and slow them down!” Gala shouted to the others making her way back into space. Da-Xia’s assault had slowed down tremendously as she tired. Only 19 and 3 remained from the Sentry, one by one the other Sentry members were killed by the incoming blaster fire or attacked from behind as their numbers dwindled.

  Kyah, Da-Xia and Tumakako waited for the coming attack. The Viper quickly rushed after Tumakako, jump thrusting his spear directly at her face. Da-Xia’s quick thinking saving her life, as she boosted a large rock to be smashed instead of the target.

  A white arrow whipped into Da-Xia’s shoulder, only slightly penetrating her armor before disappearing. Beam continued to shoot arrow after arrow of white light from her bejeweled bow. Da-Xia took evasive action, while deflecting attacks with her guan dao and powers.

  Echo pushed forward after Kyah. Swinging his one-handed axe, he cleaved with every intent to end the fight early. Kyah blocked and parried with her shield and mace, although weary from fighting the Pratham soldiers.

  The Viper pressed his attack, stabbing strikes with his long spear at Tumakako. Occasionally twirling his weapon to showboat. Tumakako, felt weaker with every second. Slowly succumbing to the Viper’s venom. Every motion felt like it was her last.

  Still, she fought on, however pathetic, she persisted. Colonel Rainer chuckled sinisterly as he engaged his military predecessor. Da-Xia tried her best to reduce the separation between her and Pike, but these were no ordinary troops or soldiers.

  Beam’s archery was even more precise than a shot from a blaster. Even Gala would’ve complimented her aim, had the group not been their rivals. This was their golden opportunity to finally show themselves superior to the Verge. Each arrow of light Beam shot was a reminder of that fact.

  Da-Xia moved in close swinging at her target for the first time, only for a back handspring to allow Beam to escape. An arrow pierced Da-Xia’s side as Beam re-established distance.

  Kyah was surprised how much Echo’s combat skills had improved since she had last witnessed him fight. Or maybe he had always possessed such valor in battle, her hubris not allowing her to see. She couldn’t tell by the way he swung his axe with such conviction.

  Fortunately, he finally made a mistake. Parrying his axe wielding hand upward Kyah brought her mace inside his body for the counterattack. Echo opened his mouth, to release a deafening shout.

  The sound powerful and forceful. Blocking the strike and throwing Kyah back several yards. Her ears rang, a pierci
ng bell in her head. Echo was upon her again as she was coming to all fours. Feeling his approaching swing, Kyah thrusted a concussive blast into the ground, uncharacteristically pushing her into her opponent. The recoil knocked her into Echo, causing the two combatants to tumble over.

  Echo got back to his feet quickly and let out a loud shout. Kyah created a concussive barrier around herself. The sound making visual waves against her defensive orb. The two hoping the other would break.

  This more contained shout was too risky to abandon her block for even a moment. The sound would be capable to remove the flesh from her body or at least shatter her internal organs beneath her armor.

  One of the hunters landed a hit on Yaffa’s ship. She course corrected and aimed for the cruiser on the surface, ejecting while the hunter crashed into it.

  Seeing what had transpired, Zeeba blasted the culprit out of the sky and headed directly for Yaffa as she began to freefall post ejection. Leveling out, Yaffa latched onto her sister’s ship and Zeeba guided them to the surface. The twins wasted no time flanking the soldiers. Their daggers flying around at a blinding speed.

  Tumakako twisted and turned fighting for her life. Multiple swipes on her armor sizzled from the venomous blade. She fought harder, as she drew near to blacking out. Colonel Rainer circled her, appearing as if he had not been trying.

  Tumakako had no strength to mount an offensive, a reality her opponent knew. Finally, the Viper attacked again. His spear describing how he earned the name and title. Tumakako, felt the parry of the bunt of his spear expose her, the calm before certainty set in.

  A blinding twirl brought Colonel Rainer inside her defense, him clutching the neck of his spear as his blade penetrated her chest. Tumakako froze, her arms in the air, the young man nose to nose with her. For a moment, there was no more pain.

  The venom and wound began to fight for dominance in her body. Tumakako dropped her blade. Colonel Rainer kicked it away to prevent a surprise attack. He smiled, moving his hair out of his face, proud from his fatal move.

  “You certainly didn’t disappoint general. It was an honor.” He said, twirling his spear. He lowered into a stance, his spear head resting on his forearm as he held the rear. The Viper prepared to land one final unnecessary blow. He paused, as the shout of Echo had ceased.

  “Ah, that would be my cue to take my bow.” He said giving a graceful curtsy. He retrieved her scimitar for his trophy. “A pleasure general.” Colonel Rainer bellowed as he accompanied his guards in their retreat. Kyah kneeled panting, as Echo abandoned their duel, Da-Xia rushing over to her side as her combatant did the same.

  The sky began to darken, clouds forming to blot out Tetcht’s sun. The battlefield covered in darkness. The Tetcht Traveler noisily soared toward them. A small figure blazing the trail. A bright orange fiery aura covering the small body.

  Dara flew toward the battle. Gusting winds blew ferociously toward the Pratham soldiers, preventing them from having any line of sight. Funnel clouds formed above her. Da-Xia, Kyah and the twins retreated behind the wall, taking out confused stragglers as they ran.

  A cruel tornado cleared the soldiers around Tumakako, lightening striking those attempting to run away, hail large enough to render one unconscious fell on soldiers trying to find cover from the open field.

  The Colonel and his guards reached their escape pod and lifted off, slipping away amongst the chaos. Dara’s eyes flickering with electricity. She created a small orb of orange fire and cast it down on the remaining ground troops; wiping them out.

  On the other side of the city, Jesh had landed the ship and extended the ladder for entry. He flew over the wall so 19 and 3 could see him. “Get your clan in the Traveler!” He ordered.

  The escape pod was small and usually housed 1 individual, two at the max. Still, the three famed warriors crammed inside, as they plotted their course of retreat. “Contact Councilman Magnus.” Colonel Rainer ordered. A couple moments later, a small red image of Magnus appeared before the small group.

  “The general is defeated. But the battle ultimately lost.” Colonel Rainer reported. Magnus scoffed at their results. “Perhaps you’re not as effective as I once believed.” Magnus insulted the team.

  “If more conducive to you, I could acquiesce to your more primal plan.” Colonel Rainer retorted. “Careful Colonel. It would be only a bat of an eye for you to be removed. Permanently.” Magnus warned.

  “My apologies Councilman.” The Colonel responded with a bowed head. “Rendezvous here. I have another mission more suitable for your lack of expertise.” Magnus ordered before the conversation was forcibly disconnected. Colonel Rainer sat back, annoyed with the insults he and his team endured.

  “Plotting our return.” Beam said. “Wait.” Colonel Rainer grabbed her hand, before she could jump to lightspeed. “I’m tired of carrying out his orders.” He said looking back and forth between his two guards.

  “We deserve better. We are better.” The three shared a look. Each knowing what the other was thinking. “Set a course for Gundarri. Sergeant Utte is there with his army and Councilman Zio. It’s time we make this war interesting.” He whispered to the other two. Pike entered the coordinates before the three entered hyperspace.

  As the dust and debris settled, Da-Xia and Kyah could see Dara landing from out of the sky. Extinguishing her orange form, Dara ran over to her mentor. “Tuma! Tuma!” Dara screamed. She attempted to prop her up much to the agony of Tumakako.

  The toxins altering her skin. Dara abandoned the plan. “What do I do? Tell me how to help.” Dara pleaded. Tears dripping from Tumakako’s face onto the blood-soaked battlefield. Dara fell to her knees and gently scooped Tumakako’s head, resting it there. Dara’s own tears saturating Tumakako’s white hair as she caressed her head.

  “Tell me how to help. Please. I can do it. Just tell me what to do.” She cried. Tumakako grimaced as reality was slowly slipping away. “I know. I know. I know you’re my mother.” Dara proclaimed, hoping the revelation would provide some divine intervention. She looked up into Dara’s eyes, her words provided Tumakako her final peace. “Don’t run…. Don’t run anymore.” Tumakako managed to whisper to her daughter.

  Her last breath barely escaping her mouth. “Tuma……. Tuma! Don’t go! Tuma please, I don’t want you to leave!” Dara screamed. Jesh descended next to her. “Dara take her to the ship.” He said firmly. “Tuma!” Dara repeated shaking her lifeless body.

  “Dara, we don’t have time! Take her to the ship now!” He yelled. Dara hooked Tumakako’s arms from behind and lifted her into the air before flying toward the ship. “Da-Xia” Jesh said through their link. “I got you.” Da-Xia assured him.

  Jesh closed his eyes momentarily. When they opened a green aura surrounded his body. The ground quaking as if all the planets plates were moving simultaneously, rubble falling from the city wall, bodies burning and armor melting around him. “The cruisers are too close; this is going to hurt.” Kyah said finally catching her breath from her duel.

  The last of the citizens and crew entered the traveler, sealing the door behind them. Kyah stood next to Da-Xia on the outside of the city wall, Kyah created a small clear concussive barrier around them.

  Jesh flew toward the six incoming cruisers. The effect his power had on the planet’s surface was monumental. He stopped only a few hundred feet from the massive ships. Blaster fire rained toward him. Most of it missing and hitting the ground below.

  Jesh’s aura swarmed, his power swelled, the blaster bolts that would have landed true, denigrated right before touching him. Two of the cruisers attempted to turn around and flee, but it was too late. Jesh spread his arms.

  “Arrrrrgh!” He bellowed as he pushed his hands forward, releasing his energy. The force disintegrated all six cruisers. The energy wave it created streaming toward Gala and the Verge. She took evasive action, but she wouldn’t be able to outrun the energy trail.

  “Go to lightspeed!” Gala yelled. The energy nearly upon her, rattling t
he Verge. The green light becoming blinding as it drew near. Gala and the Verge zipped away just before it was consumed by the energy.

  The recoil leveled Tetcht’s surface with great force. The traveler tumbled over. The barrier Kyah held immediately crushed and knocked her unconscious. Da-Xia narrowly avoiding the fate of Kyah, but still delirious.

  Shaking off the confusion, she spotted Jesh’s body falling from the sky. Trying her best to focus she ran for him. Fearing she wasn’t going to catch him in time she controlled the ground. Da-Xia road the land into the sky, she pushed her powers to the limit.

  Jumping for him, she caught Jesh. Forming a wall to stop their forward momentum and a crescent of land to roll them down to the level ground. The two rolled, with the motion separating them as they reached the surface. Jesh laid unconscious, Da-Xia slowly drifting after him.

  Chapter Nineteen

  T he unfriendly emptiness of space was a foreign type of cold to the citizens of Tetcht. A different freezing temperature and crisp sting on their faces than the Eira.


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