Amherst College, 48–51
Anderson, Carol, 13, 19
Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves (Derman-Sparks and Edwards), 128
antimiscegenation laws, 270, 272, 300–301
active, 91
educational programs, 198–199
narratives, 203
White allies and, 201–208
Anzaldúa, Gloria, 310
APIs. See Asian and Pacific Islanders
Arabs, 288–289
The Asian American Achievement Paradox (Zhou and Lee, J.), 277
Asian and Pacific Islanders (APIs)
Asian Indians, 269, 273–276, 278
Chinese, 269–273, 276–282, 287, 303
cross-racial dialogue of, 335–336
demographics of, 2–3, 269, 275
diversity of, 236–237, 269, 275
education of, 275, 277–284
Filipino, 269, 272–273, 276
immigrants, 269–282
Japanese, 269, 271–272, 276–277
Korean, 269, 272, 281, 322–325
microaggressions against, 52–53
in multiracial families, 304, 322–325
NHPI, 275
Pakistanis, 274–275
racial identity development of, 235–236, 275–276, 286–288
racism and, 275–276, 282, 285, 287
residential segregation and, 8
Southeast Asian, 273, 283
stereotypes about, 268, 276–286
use of the term, 96, 268–276
Vietnamese, 269, 273, 278, 281–282
voice of, 284–287
Asian Indians, 269, 273–276, 278
Asian Pacific Americans, use of the term, 96, 276
assimilation, 244–245, 323
Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), 351
Atlanta Friendship Initiative (AFI), 344–347
A-Town Boyz (movie), 286–287
Aunt Harriet’s Underground Railroad in the Sky (Ringgold), 121
The Autobiography of Malcolm X (Malcolm X), 139, 171
autonomy, 187, 206–207
aversive racism, 220–222, 224, 226–229
AWARE-LA. See Alliance of White Anti-Racists Everywhere—Los Angeles
Ayvazian, Andrea, 203
Baldwin, James, 78
Banaji, Mahzarin, 24–25, 222–226
Bannon, Stephen K., 66
beauty, 124–125
Bell, Ronald, Jr., 172–173
Benigno, Joseph, 344
Berry, Wendell, 94
Bertrand, Marianne, 217–218
Between the World and Me (Coates), 93
Beyond Black: Biracial Identity in America (Rockquemore and Brunsma), 307
Bhutanese, 283
Bible, 339
biculturalism, 244–245
bilingual education, 249–251
biracial Americans
increase in, 3
label of, 304, 320
social adjustment of, 305–306
See also multiracial families, identity development in
birth rate, 2, 237, 257
birthday party effect, 137
Black, White, Just Right! (Davol), 320
Black Americans
adolescent, 132–163
in adulthood, 165–181
affirmative action and, 10–11, 209–215, 217–226, 229
Blackness and, 115, 117–125, 135, 144, 148, 152–153
in cafeteria, 77, 131–132, 142–143, 151–152, 165
children, 111–128
churches of, 22–23, 173
cross-racial dialogue with, 334–335, 339–340
demographics of, 2
as emissaries, 148
Great Recession and, 11–13
hair texture of, 124–125
at HBCUs, 169–170
history of, 120, 151, 158, 166, 171–173
mass incarceration of, 13–16
in multiracial families, 304–322, 325–327
one-drop rule and, 301–304, 308
police violence and, 25–26, 28–39, 41–42, 46–48, 53, 58–61
race-conscious parenting by, 134, 138, 154, 176–178
racial identity development in, 132–163, 165–181
residential segregation and, 5–7
slavery and, 2, 13, 16, 118–121, 123
in subordinate group, 104–107
use of the term, 95, 205
victimization and, 119–120
women, 38–40, 173, 315
See also Black Lives Matter
Black and White Racial Identity Development: Theory, Research, and Practice (Helms), 186
Black Feminist Thought (Collins), 173
Black Lives Matter
on college campuses, 39–46
group esteem and, 167
millennials and, 25–39
police violence and, 25–26, 28–39, 41–42
social media and, 25–28, 30, 36
Trump and, 59–61
women in, 38–40
Blackwell, Lisa Sorich, 163–164
Blanchard, Fletcher, 230
Bland, Ashley, 40
Bland, Sandra, 39
Blindspot: The Hidden Biases of Good People (Banaji and Greenwald), 24–25, 225–226
Blue Lives Matter, 59–60
Bode, Patty, 266
Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo, 226
border identity, 307, 310–311
The Boxcar Children (Warner), 125–126
Boyd-Franklin, Nancy, 123
boys, adolescent, 138–139
Brooks, Scott, 42
Brown, Michael, 25, 28–36, 71
Brown Is the New White: How the Demographic Revolution Has Created a New American Majority (Phillips), 1–2
Brown v. Board of Education, 3, 13–14
Brunsma, David, 304, 307–314, 320
Burmese, 283
Bush, George H. W., 14
Bush, George W., 21, 250
Butler, Jonathan, 41–43
cafeteria table
alternative to, 155–158
Black kids sitting together at, 77, 131–132, 142–143, 151–152, 165
corporate, 179–181
MuslimGirl website as, 293–294
Calhoun, Carol, 302
California, Proposition 209 in, 10
California Alien Land Law of 1913, 271
Cambodians, 273, 283
Caribbean immigrants, 155
Carruthers, Charlene, 38–39
Carter, Dontey, 34
Carter, Robert, 188–189
cartoon images, 84
Castaway, Paul, 47
Castile, Philando, 58–59, 190
Cauce, Ana Mari, 305–306
Central American immigrants, 240, 242, 251
Chamorros, 275
Chan, Kenyon, 275–276, 287
change. See social change
Charlotte-Mecklenburg School District, 136
Chatelain, Marcia, 45–46, 53
history of, 238–239
immigration and, 251, 278, 282
use of the term, 95–96
See also Latinx
activism for, 128–129
Black, 111–128
color-blindness and, 112–113, 116, 321
critical consciousness developed in, 125–129
literature for, 121–122, 125–127, 320–321
preschool, 112–117, 319
race and, 111–129
racial identity development in, 122–125
slavery and, 118–121, 123
White, 111, 113, 115–122, 124–126
See also adolescence, identity development in; multiracial families, identity development in
Chinese Americans, 269–273, 276–282, 287, 303
Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, 270
Christensen, Rebecca, 354
Christianity, 18, 173, 197, 259, 274, 289, 296
Christopher, Gail, 350
churches, Black, 22–23, 173
civil rights era, 14, 202, 260, 276, 348
colorism and, 123
discrimination against Whites and, 213–214
intersectionality of, 38, 101
multiracial families and, 314
poverty and, 4, 12–13
segregation and, 4–5, 8
Whiteness and, 187
classism, 92–93
Clinton, Bill, 14, 215
Clinton, Hillary, 58, 61–64
Coates, Ta-Nehisi, 93
Cohen, Geoffrey, 161–162
college education. See higher education
Collins, Patricia Hill, 173
color evasion, 226–227
“color” language, 117–118, 124
color line, 1
The Color of Fear (movie), 335–336
color-blind racism, 226
affirmative action and, 220–228
children and, 112–113, 116, 321
millennial, myth of, 22–25
multiracial families and, 321, 324–325
colorism, 123, 243
color-silent society, 24
Comey, James, 63
communication anxiety, 284
company-sponsored resource groups, 180–181
Concerned Student 1950, 41–44
Conference for Asian Pacific American Youth, 285–286
“Connections, Disconnections and Violations” (Miller, J.), 337–338
Cooley, Charles, 99
corporate cafeteria, 179–181
Correll, Pete, 345
Crawford, John, III, 28
Crenshaw, Kimberlé, 39
critical consciousness, development of, 125–129
Crosby, Faye, 216, 231
Cross, Binta, 134, 178
Cross, William, 133–134, 166, 178–179, 236
Crossing the Color Line: Race, Parenting, and Culture (Reddy), 316
cross-racial dialogue
with Asian and Pacific Islanders, 335–336
with Black Americans, 334–335, 339–340
employment and, 333–334
fear of, 331–337
intergroup dialogue, 355–358
racism and, 331–341
silence broken in, 331–335, 337–339, 341–342
with White Americans, 332–336, 338–340
Cubans, 240–242
Cullors, Patrisse, 27
cultural identity. See racial-ethnic-cultural identity
cultural racism, 85–86, 128, 203, 337
Cuomo, Andrew, 68
“Cycles of Psychological Nigrescence” (Parham), 174–175
DACA. See Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
The Daily Stormer (website), 55
Dallas shootings, 59–60
Davis, F. James, 302–303
Davol, Marguerite, 320
DDNRC. See Difficult Dialogues National Resource Center
de Blasio, Bill, 68
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), 69, 254–255
Delpit, Lisa, 283
Demby, Gene, 22–23
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), 5
Derman-Sparks, Louise, 128–129
desegregation, 4, 156–157
“The Destruction of the Black Middle Class” (Ehrenreich and Muhammad), 11–12
DiAngelo, Robin, 192
Difficult Dialogues National Resource Center (DDNRC), 352–353
discrimination. See racial discrimination
disintegration, 187, 189–193
distortions, prejudice and, 84–85
of American Indians and Alaska Natives, 236–237, 257
of Asian and Pacific Islanders, 236–237, 269, 275
benefits of, 228–229
goals, 219–220, 229–230
in higher education, 11, 43–44, 48, 51
increase in, 3, 212–213
Latinx, 236–237
of MENAs, 236–237, 288–289
dog whistle politics, 14
Dog Whistle Politics (López), 227–228
domestic terrorism, 59
domination, identity and, 104–108
Dovidio, John, 220–222, 224–227
Du Bois, W. E. B., 1
Duke, David, 55
Dweck, Carol, 162–164
“Dylann Roof and the Stubborn Myth of the Colorblind Millennial” (Demby), 22–23
Dyson, Michael Eric, 172
of American Indians and Alaska Natives, 259–261, 263–268
antiracism, 198–199
of Asian and Pacific Islanders, 275, 277–284
bilingual, 249–251
high school dropout rates, 283
about Islam, 297
segregation in, 3–4, 13–14
for social change, 340
of undocumented immigrants, 252–253
See also academic achievement; higher education
The Education of a WASP (Stalvey), 198–199, 202
Edwards, Julie Olsen, 128
Ehrenreich, Barbara, 11–12
elections. See presidential elections; voter suppression
Elsokary, Aml, 68
Ely, Robin, 64
Elzie, Johnetta, 33
Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, 22–23
emissary, 148
empathy, 103
affirmative action in, 216–232
bias in, 217–219
corporate cafeteria in, 179–181
cross-racial dialogue and, 333–334
labor market patterns, 211–212
English language, learning, 250
“entity theory” of intelligence, 162–163
Erikson, Erik, 100, 178
“The Ethics of Living Jim Crow” (Wright), 106
ethnic identity, racial identity and, 96–97, 189
See also racial-ethnic-cultural identity
Ethnic Notions (movie), 190–191
Facilitating Change Through Intergroup Dialogue: Social Justice Advocacy in Practice (Ford), 358
families. See adoptive families; multiracial families, identity development in; parenting
familism, 243–245, 258
Federal Housing Authority (FHA), 5–6
Ferguson, MO, 25, 28–36, 40, 45
FHA. See Federal Housing Authority
Fields, Cierra, 265–266
Fijians, 275
Filipino Americans, 269, 272–273, 276
Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin, 11
Fiske, Susan, 105
Follow the Drinking Gourd (Winter, J.), 122
Ford, Kristie, 357–358
Ford, Verna, 162
Fordham, Signithia, 143, 147
Frankenberg, Ruth, 199–200, 226–227
Franklin and Marshall College, 351–352
Frey, William, 7
From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation (Taylor), 34
Fryberg, Stephanie, 266
Funderburg, Lise, 302, 321
Gaertner, Samuel, 220–222, 225–227
Gallardo, Miguel, 227
Garner, Eric, 28, 35, 71
Garza, Alicia, 27, 60
gender, 102, 196, 315
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 21
girls, adolescent, 137–138, 160
Glisson, Susan, 348–349
goal-oriented affirmative action, 216–217, 219–220, 229–232
Goller-Sojourner, Chad, 327
Gonzales, Roberto G., 252–254
Graham, Lawrence Otis, 138–139, 147
Graham, Lindsey O., 18
Grant, John, 345–347
Gray, Freddie, 37
Great Recession, 9, 11–13, 212, 237
Greenblatt, Jonathan, 56
Greenwald, Anthony, 24–25, 222–226
Grinde, Donald Andrew, Jr., 263
group esteem, 166
group identity, stereotype threat and, 158–164
Guamanians, 275
Hackman, Heather, 197–198
Hagland, Mark, 325
hair texture, 124–125
hate crimes, rise in, 22, 66–69, 295
HBCUs. See historically Black colleges and universities
Head, Payton, 40–41
Healy, Joseph, 99
Helms, Janet, 186–188, 194, 207, 236
The Hidden Wound (Berry), 94
high school dropout rates, 283
higher education
access to, 12–13
affirmative action in, 9–11, 216
Black Lives Matter and, 39–46
diversity in, 11, 43–44, 48, 51
HBCU, 169–170
intergroup dialogue in, 355–358
preparatory curriculum for, 136
racial identity in, 165–171
signs of hope in, 344, 351–358
TCU, 260–261
hijab, 67, 291, 293–294
Hinduism, 274
Hispanic, use of the term, 95, 237, 242–243
See also Latinx
historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), 169–170
Hmong immigrants, 273
Hochschild, Arlie Russell, 213–214
Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC), 5
hooks, bell, 124–125
higher education and, 344, 351–358
restoration of, 201–208
signs of, 72, 343–358
“How I Finally ‘Got’ the Meaning of White Privilege” (Robbins), 190
Howard University, 9, 12, 168
Hune, Shirley, 275–276, 287
Hunger of Memory (Rodriguez), 245
hypersegregation, 7–8
hyperselectivity, 277–280
“I Won’t Learn from You” (Kohl), 106
IAT. See implicit-association test
complexity of, 99–108
development, 100–101
domains, 132
intersectionality of, 101, 107, 196–197
multiple types of, 92–93, 101–103
“otherness” and, 102–103, 105–106
recycling, 178
subordination and, 104–108
See also racial identity; racial-ethnic-cultural identity
identity development, racial
American Indian and Alaska Native, 235–236, 266–267
Asian and Pacific Islander, 235–236, 275–276, 286–288
Black, 132–163, 165–181
changes in, 1–2
in children, 122–125
complexity of, 99
defined, 96
Latinx, 235–236, 245–251
MENA, 235–236, 288–294, 296
racism and, 73–74, 77–79
White, 73–78, 131–132, 134–138, 140, 142–149, 152–155, 160–163, 185–208, 304–327
See also adolescence, identity development in; adulthood, racial identity in; multiracial families, identity development in
IGR. See Program on Intergroup Relations
IGRA. See Indian Gaming Regulatory Act
immersion/emersion, 165–167, 187, 201, 206
Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? Page 52