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Home Again

Page 11

by Lisa Emme

  Allie blinked, trying to dry her eyes. “I…I…yes. Yes, I want that too.” Her voice was a whisper as she smiled tentatively at Mike.

  Mike smiled his killer smile and then kissed her chastely on the lips. Allie slid her arms around his neck and Mike took it as an invitation to deepen the kiss hungrily. He wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her close.

  “Oh…well….I’ll just...” Uncle Russ stood in the doorway to the kitchen awkwardly. “I’ll just go back out there.” He turned and hightailed it back to the living room.

  Allie pushed away from Mike sheepishly. “Well.” She grinned.

  Mike smiled back, a twinkle in his eye. “Well. How about I give you a hand finishing these tarts?”

  “Douglas Henry Daniels, slow down and watch where you are going!” Allie shouted as she watched her young son scamper down the sidewalk dodging the occasional passerby.

  “What lit a fire under his wagon?” asked her aunt, chuckling.

  “I made the mistake of saying he could look, just look mind you, at the toys in Hanley’s” replied Allie.

  “Come on Mommy. You’re too slow.” Dougie stood a few yards ahead waving her on.

  “Just a minute. Come back here.” Allie called back and Dougie groaned. “We’ll go to Hanley’s, I just need to do something at the post office first.”

  “Ahh, Mommm-eee!” The little boy looked down and scuffed his feet on the sidewalk before slowly walking back towards them.

  “Here now,” said Aunt Elaine. “Why don’t Dougie and I go ahead and you can catch up.”

  “Yay!” Dougie’s face lit up. “Please Mommy, please?”

  Allie shook her head and threw up her hands in surrender. “Okay. All right.” She put up a finger to forestall the little boy’s further cheers. “But, you walk nicely with Aunt Elaine and hold her hand crossing the street. And no running off inside Hanley’s. You stay with your aunt.”

  “Okay Mommy. I will.” Dougie ran back to Elaine and grabbed her hand. “C’mon Auntie Laine. Wait ‘til you see the cool fire truck…”

  Elaine laughed and let Dougie tug her down the sidewalk. Allie sighed with relief. She’d been hoping her aunt would suggest exactly that. She had a call to make to the insurance company and today had been the first opportunity she’d had to come into town. The strawberry farm had been busy from the first day of picking, which was great, but it also meant there’d been almost no free time the last couple of days. Thank goodness they had decided to make Wednesday a day off and closed the farm.

  She looked around the square, checking to see if anyone was nearby. Although the public phone outside the post office wasn’t particularly the best place to make a private call, it was better than making it at home in front of Dougie. No need for him to learn any new words of the four-letter variety quite yet.


  Mike unloaded the last case from the truck and carried it into the clinic. He had just returned from a supply run to the city and had managed to fit in the last load of stuff from his old apartment that he had been storing in a friend’s garage, as well.

  “Hey, Doc. That’s the last box.” He set the box down beside the others. “I’m just going to take a quick run home and unload the rest of my stuff.” He paused and wiped the sweat from his forehead. “Now don’t go trying to lift those boxes. I’ll unpack them when I get back.”

  Laughing at Doc’s muttered reply, Mike hopped into his truck and headed down Main Street. When he reached the intersection in front of the Post Office, the only one in town with an actual traffic light, he pulled to a stop as the light turned red. He glanced across the street to the Post Office and caught sight of a familiar and most-welcome set of curves.

  Allie stood at the payphone, dressed in a short denim skirt that showed off a delicious amount of shapely, sun-kissed leg. A gauzy, yellow, button-front, sleeveless top hugged her bust and skimmed her trim waist. The hem of her shirt rode up and down, providing tantalizing glimpses of her smooth skin, as she gestured angrily and talked, no, make that yelled, into the phone.

  Since the other night at the farm, Mike couldn’t stop thinking about her. Unfortunately the last few days had been hectic for the both of them and they had only managed a nightly phone call. Not exactly what Mike was hoping for.

  At the honk of a horn, Mike snapped his attention back to the now green light. He pulled ahead and turned into the first parking spot he could find. He’d just stop and get the mail first.


  “I’m sorry. Could you repeat that?” Allie all but yelled into the phone. “Because it sounded like you just accused me of being a goddamned drug dealer…” The last few words came out in a hiss as Allie self-consciously looked around to see if anyone was nearby.

  She clutched the phone and took a deep breath. Calm, calm…must remain calm. She put a hand to her forehead in the hopes of stalling the headache she could feel approaching and shook her head in denial as the moron at the insurance company blathered on.

  She threw up a hand as if she could stop the words coming through the phone. “Okay, so let me get this straight. The two known criminals that lived below me and who are responsible for the fire that burned down my fricking home, claim that the marijuana plants and drug paraphernalia was mine, mine and not theirs? And, even though the police have charged them and not me, your company won’t release my insurance money without an independent investigation. Have I got that right?”

  She paused, listened again and shook her head. “That is absolutely ridiculous! Yes, my living room furniture ended up in their apartment. The fire burned a hole through the goddamned floor! Half my apartment ended up in theirs!”

  She listened again, leaning on the payphone, head resting on her hand. “You must be able to give me something, an interim advance of some sort. It’s been four weeks since the fire. I have been a model customer for the past seven years. I always pay my premiums on time, I’ve never had a claim - ” She stopped, rolled her eyes at the voice at the other end of the phone. “But I need that money now. All my art supplies were destroyed. It’s my livelihood. How am I supposed to make a living…?” she trailed off, overwhelmed.

  Head hung in defeat, Allie listened as the insurance rep rattled on, seemingly unconcerned that his company was dragging their heels, denying her the rightful settlement they owed her, while they tried to find a way to wiggle out of paying at all. She slammed the phone down and clenched her fists at her side. “ Argggh!” she exclaimed through clenched teeth.

  Overcome with emotion, she balled her fist and punched the side of the phone box. “Ow!” Surprised at what she had just done, she shook her hand, tears springing to her eyes.

  “Hey now! That’s no way to treat the poor phone. What did it ever do to you?” Mike grabbed her arm and looked at her red knuckles.

  “Oh Mike! I didn’t see you there. I’m fine, I’m fine.” Embarrassed, Allie tried to yank her arm back, but Mike kept a firm but gentle grip.

  “No, you’re not. You need to get some ice on this hand.” Mike looked up at her over her outstretched hand. Their eyes met and Allie felt a familiar jolt. Eyes still locked, Mike bent over her hand and gently kissed the bruise now forming on her knuckles. Allie swallowed, it felt like her mouth was as dry as the desert.

  “Come with me,” said Mike. At Allie’s startled look, he added, “To my truck. I’ve got an icepack in my bag.”

  “I…I…I can’t. I have to meet my aunt and Dougie at Hanley’s. They’re waiting for me.”

  “Well, they can - ”

  “Mommy, Mommy! We waited and waited…” Dougie ran up to Allie and wrapped himself around her legs. “Look what Auntie Laine buyed me.” He held up a small toy car.

  “Bought you. And she shouldn’t have bought you anything. You were just supposed to be looking.” Allie shook her head as her aunt approached.

Oh, now dear. Don’t fuss, it’s just a little something,” her aunt chided.

  Allie looked down at Dougie. “Did you remember your manners?”

  “Oh yes. I said please and thank you and everything. Didn’t I Auntie Laine?”

  “Yes, you did dear. You were a proper gentleman.”

  Dougie beamed up at his mother, proud of himself, then spying her hand, suddenly frowned. “Mommy, your hand is all busted.”

  “Oh, it’s nothing. I just banged it.” She quickly put her hand to her side.

  “Well, it’s not that bad, but it’s not nothing either. I was just about to take your Mommy over to my truck so I could fix her up,” Mike said. “Do you think you can stay with your aunt for another minute?”

  “Listen, Mike. I appreciate you wanting to help and all, but I’m fine, really. Besides, I want to get Dougie home now. I don’t want him getting too tuckered out.”

  Elaine, seeing a chance to do a little matchmaking, replied, “I know, why don’t I just take Dougie on home and Mike can bring you along when you’re ready?”

  Mike smiled at Elaine. “Why that’s a great idea, Mrs. Roberts.” He turned and raised a questioning eyebrow at Allie.

  “Fine. Yes, that sounds like a great idea.” She fished out her keys, handed them to her aunt and then ruffled Dougie’s hair. “You go on home with Aunt Elaine and I’ll be along shortly.”

  “Okay Mommy. I want to show Unca Russ my new car.”

  As Elaine and Dougie left, hand in hand, Mike grabbed Allie’s sore hand at the wrist, and tugged her along in the direction of his truck. “Come on you, let’s get you fixed up before you decide to beat up a defenceless lamp post or something.”

  “Oh hardy-har. Aren’t you just a comedian?” Allie stuck her tongue out.

  “And none of that lip, Kitten, or I might just have to put you across my knee.” He waggled a finger at her in warning. Allie’s stomach did a little flip-flop. That threat should not have sounded so sexy. “Now come on.” Mike tugged her along.

  “You know, you sure are awful bossy,” replied Allie as she followed along a step behind.


  When they reached his truck, Mike unlocked the passenger side and waited for Allie to climb up, before reaching behind the seat and pulling out a small first aid kit. He dug out the ice pack, gave it a snap and then shook it up for a few seconds.

  “Here, let me see that hand of yours.” He reached for her sore hand and gently examined it. “Doesn’t look like you broke anything. Just a good bruise and some swelling.” He placed the ice pack on top of her sore knuckles. Allie hissed at the cold, but didn’t pull her hand away.

  “So how long were you standing there?” Allie asked, looking out the window.

  “Not long,” Mike replied vaguely.

  “So…how much did you hear?”

  “Enough to know it sounds like the insurance company is trying to screw you over.” Mike sounded angry and Allie glanced at him. “But they won’t get away with it, don’t you worry.”

  Allie frowned. “No, they won’t. It’s just…it’s just I’m pretty much S-O-L in the meantime.” She looked away again. “All my work stuff, my art supplies, were ruined. I really need them replaced as soon as possible. If I had them, I could take on some freelance work.”

  Mike frowned. “Freelance?”

  “Graphics Arts school, remember? I’m an illustrator, or at least I was.” She smiled wryly. “I just tend bar and bake pies in my spare time.”

  Mike gently kissed her swollen knuckles and cocked an eyebrow mischievously. “An artist and this is how you treat your hands?”

  Allie smiled, as he hoped she would. “Yeah, well you know how flaky artists are. At least I didn’t cut off my ear.”

  Mike laughed and readjusted the ice pack. “Now, hold that right there.” He waited for her to grab hold of the ice pack with her other hand before reaching for the seatbelt. He leaned over to buckle her in and they came face to face. Tears sprang to Allie’s eyes at the look of genuine concern on Mike’s face. She quickly looked away, but Mike tucked a curled finger under her chin, turning it back and tilting it up until he could look her in the eye again. “It’s going to be okay, you know. It’ll work out.”

  Blinking rapidly, Allie tried to hold back her tears, but a big, fat drop flooded over her eye and streaked a path down her cheek. She reached up with her finger to wipe the offending tear away. Mike caught her hand in his, his eyes never leaving her face. He slowly brought her finger up to his lips, kissing it gently. Allie swallowed loudly, eyes still locked on his. Mike’s eyes flitted down to her lips then back up. Allie cleared her throat. “Uh, are you going to drive me home?”

  Mike blinked and pulled away, letting go of her hand. “Yeah, yeah. Sure.” He looked up at the sky and the rain clouds threatening there. “I just have to make a quick stop first.” He positioned her injured hand in an upright position across her chest and replaced the icepack. He moved her other hand on top. “Keep your hand elevated.” He slammed her door shut and went round the front of the truck and hopped in behind the wheel.

  They were turning off Main Street, headed the opposite way from the farm, when Allie cleared her throat. “Where are we going?”

  “That rain could hit anytime. I just want to stop at my place and unload some stuff.”

  “Your place?” Allie asked in surprise.

  “Yeah, it’ll just take a minute.”

  He turned into the small parking lot behind the row of bungalow apartments. The units were all identical but well kept. Allie remembered that the complex was yet another holding of Circle D Enterprises. Mike pulled up in front of the second apartment on the right and threw the truck into park. He stopped the engine, palmed his keys and hopped out. “This won’t take long. Wait here,” he said.

  He jumped in the back of the truck and grabbed a couple of bags, heading towards his apartment door. Allie sat in the truck admiring the way his biceps bulged as he carried the two large, and apparently heavy bags. At the door, he set one bag down and fished in his pocket for his keys then unlocked the door and disappeared inside.

  A minute or so later, Mike returned and hopped back up into the truck bed. He pushed a couple boxes back towards the tailgate and then jumped down. Grabbing one, he headed back towards the apartment. Allie watched him as he walked past. Man, he was sexy.

  A few big, fat drops fell and splattered on the windshield. Allie looked up at the sky. The dark clouds were right overhead. She looked out the back window at the box sitting on the tailgate and then back at the apartment door, but there was no sign of Mike.

  “Well damn,” she muttered to herself as the rain began to fall steadily. She looked back at the apartment. “Where the heck is he?” Allie jumped from the truck, ran to the back and grabbed the last box. Luckily, it wasn’t that heavy and she was able to manage it even with her sore hand. She hustled to the apartment and pushed on the door. “Crap!” The door was shut tight. Just then the sky opened up and the rain poured down. In a matter of seconds, Allie was soaked to her skin. She pounded on the door with her foot. “Mike! Open up!”

  She was just about to pound on the door again when it was pulled open. Mike stood with a surprised look on his face, holding his cell phone. “Allie. What are you doing? I asked you to wait in the truck.”

  Allie pushed her way in past him. “Well, in case you hadn’t noticed, it’s started to rain. I didn’t think you’d want your stuff to get soaked.” She shoved the box at him. It was dripping wet, like her.

  Mike spoke into the phone, “Hey. I’ll call you back.” He slapped the phone shut, grabbed the box and carried it across the room to set it down on the floor with several others. Allie shivered, her now almost see-through top clinging to her.

  Mike looked up at her. “Geez, you’re soaked through.” His eyes caressed her body, lingering on he
r chest where she could feel her erect nipples pushing against the fabric of her bra. She crossed her arms over her chest and Mike shook his head. “Let me get you a towel.”

  He hurried down the hall and into what Allie assumed was the bathroom. There was the sound of running water and then Mike returned carrying a large bath towel. “Here. Wrap up in this.” He tossed the towel around her shoulders, wrapped it tight around her and pulled her close. “Darn stubborn woman. Why didn’t you just wait in the truck?”

  “I..I..t..t..told …the rain.” Allie said between chattering teeth.

  Mike shook his head, rolling his eyes. “Well, come on. I’m running you a nice hot bath. You need to get out of these wet clothes.” He tugged her along holding the ends of the towel wrapped tight around her, effectively trapping her arms.

  “Whoa, hold on there, Buster. Look, I’ll be fine. I just need to get home.” Allie struggled under the towel trying to free herself from his grip.

  “Not in this rain, you don’t.” Having reached the bathroom, he pulled her inside and pushed her towards the tub. It was a large soaker tub, the kind that had jets. Allie eyed it appreciatively as Mike fiddled with the taps, adjusting the water temperature. He turned and stood looking at her, hands on his hips. “Now are you going to cooperate and get your gear off and get in that tub, or do I have to pick you up and throw you in?”

  Allie gasped, “You wouldn’t dare.” She looked at him, a challenge in her eye.

  Mike took a step closer to her. “Oh yeah? Just try me, Kitten.” He took another step.

  Allie sidled back out of his reach. “Alright, alright. You really are bossy, you know that?” She stopped and looked at him. “Well, what are you still standing there for? I’m not getting undressed in front of you.”


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