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Home Again

Page 12

by Lisa Emme

  Mike raised an eyebrow. “Fine. I’ll leave. But you better hustle and get out of those wet clothes or I’ll do it for you.” He checked the water in the tub one last time and then turned off the tap. “I’ll go find you something dry to wear.”

  When the door closed behind him, Allie quickly dropped the towel, peeled out of her wet things and slipped into the tub with a sigh. The water felt just shy of too hot and, oh, it felt heavenly. She had never been in such a big tub. She could practically lie down in it. Enjoying the luxury, she slipped below the water, totally immersing herself in its heat. When she surfaced again, she wiped the water from her eyes and then let out a little shriek when she saw Mike standing in the doorway, fresh towels and a pile of dry clothes in his hands.

  “Oh, Mike! You startled me.”

  “Sorry,” said Mike, although he looked less than apologetic. No, he looked like he was enjoying the view, way too much. Allie crossed her arms in front of her chest self-consciously. Unabashed, Mike took a few more steps into the room and set the towels and clothes on the counter. He pulled his cell phone from the holster at his side and held it out to Allie. “Here, thought you might want to give your aunt a call and let her know we’re running a bit late.”

  Allie reached out for the phone, keeping her other arm across her chest. “Oh, thanks. You’re right, I’d like that.”

  Mike disappeared out the door again while Allie placed her call. She spoke quickly to her aunt, made sure everything was okay with Dougie, and promised to be back for dinner. She had just ended the call and was wondering what to do with the phone when Mike returned carrying two steaming mugs.

  With a push of the button, Allie fired up the tub jets and groaned in delight. “Oh, wow. That is positively heavenly.” She held the phone up high above her head hoping to keep it from the spray. “Here, you’d better grab this before I melt completely and accidentally drop it in the tub.”

  Mike laughed and set a mug down on the counter. He came over and grabbed the phone from her outstretched arm and then held out a steaming mug towards her. “Here. I made us some hot chocolate.”

  “Mmmm, gimme.” She smiled and reached out greedily for the mug. She held it under her nose and inhaled the luscious scent of chocolate. “Yummy! You know, a girl could get used to being treated like this.”

  Mike grabbed his mug and leaned back against the countertop. “How do you know that’s not my plan?” he asked, a gleam in his eye.

  “Huh, well…if it is, it’s working.” Allie leaned back against the tub and sipped her drink. It was strong and sweet, just how she liked her hot chocolate…and her men. She closed her eyes and took another sip, enjoying a moment of pure relaxation.

  Mike sipped his hot chocolate and leaned against the counter enjoying the view. God, she was beautiful. He didn’t think she even realized how beautiful she really was. She looked totally relaxed, as she lay stretched out in his tub. The bubbles produced by the spa jets prevented him from seeing much below the surface of the water, but he caught a few tantalizing glimpses of her creamy skin and he found himself imagining what it would be like to take one of her pink nipples in his mouth, to tease it with his tongue until it stood at attention. Speaking of standing at attention, Mike shifted and tried to make room in his jeans for his rock hard erection. He groaned quietly and shook his head. Way to go Mike. Scare her off by standing in front of her with a massive hard on. He downed the rest of his drink then grabbed a large bath towel, opened it up and held it in front of himself.

  “Hey there Kitten. Don’t go falling asleep and drowning on me,” he called out with a grin.

  Allie’s eyes snapped open with a start and she almost dropped her now empty mug. “Oh. Whoops! I think I almost did. Fall asleep, that is.” She smiled lazily at Mike and set the mug down on the edge of the tub. “I love this tub.”

  “Well, sorry to interrupt your love affair with my bathroom appliances, but I wouldn’t want you to get all wrinkly.” He held up the towel in front of him and gave it a little shake. “Come on out, Kitten.” He turned his head away. “I’ll even close my eyes,” he said with a laugh.

  “Well,” replied Allie reluctantly. “Okay. I guess you’re right.” She snapped off the jets and stepped out of the tub and into the waiting towel.

  Mike wrapped the towel around her, turned to face her, and began to rub her back vigorously. “There you go. All warmed up?” He gave her back another quick rub. “Here, let me grab a towel for your hair.

  While he was turned away, Allie quickly shuffled the towel around and wrapped it under her arms, sarong-style. It was a nice big towel and it covered her from armpits to mid thigh.

  Mike grabbed a smaller towel from the pile and handed it to Allie. “Here you go…I guess I’ll just...” He gestured out the door.

  Before he could step away, Allie grabbed his shirtfront and pulled. Surprised, Mike stumbled a step towards her.

  “Don’t go,” she whispered.

  Hand still gripping his shirt, she gazed up at him, her eyes wide. He was several inches taller than her, taller than usual because he was still in his boots and she was in bare feet. She raised herself up on her tiptoes and pulled him closer. His eyes widened and he dipped his head to hers. Their lips met. The kiss started soft and sensual, almost tentative. After a moment, Allie began to pull away, but Mike was having none of it. She may have started it, but he was going to finish it.

  He cradled her head with his hands preventing her from moving and deepened the kiss, nipping at her lips, coaxing them apart until he could thrust his tongue in her mouth. Allie groaned and threw her arms around his neck, her body pressed against his. Mike was lean and hard up against her and she could feel his arousal. His kiss became fervent and he groaned as he slid one hand down her back to cup her ass through the towel. He pulled her closer, causing the front of the towel to gape open. Allie could feel the soft denim of his jeans against her bare skin and then he shifted again and the cold metal of his belt buckle brushed against her. She gasped and pulled away from his kiss. Mike’s eyes followed hers and he looked down to see her bare hip and thigh. He reached out to run his fingers up along the silky skin and a shiver ran down her spine.

  “I want you so much,” he rasped.

  “Oh yes. Yes.” Allie grabbed his chin and guided his mouth back to hers. This time it was her turn to thrust her tongue into his mouth, devouring him with a sense of urgency.

  Mike pulled his mouth from hers. “Are you sure this is what you want? This isn’t exactly taking things slow.” Without answering, she eagerly captured his lips, so he kissed her again before pulling away and adding, “Be sure, because if we don’t stop now, I don’t know if I’ll be able to later. I want you that bad.”

  Allie pulled away and disappointment surged through him, until he saw her eyes. They reflected his desire back with a heat that set him on fire. She pulled at the top of the towel, letting it drop and stood before him in all her naked glory. Mike stood dumbfounded, his eyes devouring her. She was perfect. Lush and round from her perky, pink tipped breasts to the curve of her hips. His eyes strayed to the juncture of her thighs and the downy curls there. Yep, she was a natural blonde. He glanced at the tiny tattoo at her hip. It was a red heart with letters inside. He felt a momentary rush of jealousy for the man whose initials marked her flesh so permanently.

  Seeing his gaze, her hand brushed across the tiny brand. “They’re Dougie’s initials,” she said, as if sensing his question. She shifted uncomfortably. “Well, aren’t you going to say something?”

  Mike met her gaze and saw the hint of uncertainty. “You are so beautiful.” He stepped towards her, reached for her neck and pulled her in for a kiss. He kissed her hungrily and slid his lips down her jaw, running tiny kisses along her neck to her collarbone. His other hand reached out and cupped her breast, his finger and thumb grasping her nipple. Allie
shivered and then gasped as his mouth covered her breast, her nipple between his teeth.

  Mike suckled her breast, his hand roaming up her side. While his mouth paid homage to one nipple, his finger and thumb tweaked and pulled the other with equal attention and then he switched and began to lave it with his tongue. Allie moaned and staggered. “ Ohhhh, that feels so good.” She thrust her fingers through his hair, holding his head close and then ran her hands down his back and tugged at his shirt. “You have too many clothes on,” she whispered, her voice husky.

  Mike stood back and pulled his shirt off. Allie’s eyes widened. He was gorgeous. His muscled chest was dusted with a light coating of downy hair that led a trail down across his washboard stomach to disappear beneath his jeans. She trailed her fingers lightly across his chest, teasing one nipple then the other, tickling along the downy path to the fly of his jeans. “These need to go too,” she demanded, tugging at the button.

  Mike grasped her hands and held them still. Allie groaned in frustration. “In a minute, Kitten. But first…” He swooped her up in his arms and she let out a little shriek, throwing her arms around his neck. “We need a change of venue because I’m not letting our first time happen on the bathroom floor.” He strode from the room and down the hall, kicking open the door to the bedroom. He was across the room and tossing her on the bed in three quick strides. Allie yelped and laughed in surprise as she found herself airborne. She landed on a soft, puffy duvet and sank into its thick pockets of feathers.

  “Oooo, nice,” she purred, and ran her hands across the satiny cover. She rolled to her side and propped her head on her hand, her brow arched. “Well, lose the pants and please tell me you have protection.”

  A look of stunned shock passed over Mike’s face. “Oh shit!”

  Allie fell back on the bed and groaned. “Nooooo.”

  “Hang on, hang on,” said Mike. “Give me a sec.” He dashed from the room. Allie could hear a rustling of boxes out in the living room and a few muttered curses, then “Thank God!” Mike came rushing back into the room, a strip of condoms held high in victory.

  “Five?” Allie sat up and crossed her arms over her chest. “Being a little optimistic don’t you think?”

  Mike winked and replied, “What can I say, I’m a glass half full kind of guy.”

  Allie laughed and lay back on the bed, her head propped on one hand. She crooked a finger at him and waggled her eyebrows. “Yeah, well if you don’t get your ass nekkid and in this bed, the glass is going to be empty. I have to be home by dinner.”

  Mike tugged at his fly, pushed his pants down his legs, and then cursed. He still had his boots on. Allie laughed as he hopped to the bed and sat down, still cursing, and began to yank off his boots. “Damn it.” He tugged futilely at his boot.

  Taking pity on him, Allie scrambled from the bed. “Here, let me.” She grabbed his boot and pulled, then did the same with the other. Grabbing the bottoms of his jeans, she pulled them off with one swift tug.

  She dropped his jeans on the floor and eyed his black boxers. “Huh, I would have pegged you as a tighty-whitey kind of guy.”

  “Oh yeah? Well, I’m sort of half and half. Today was a boxers day.”

  “You don’t say. Interesting.” She gestured and threw her thumb over her shoulder. “Now lose 'em.”

  “Now who’s bossy?” Mike smiled and jumped to his feet. His gaze held hers as he eased his boxers down, so he didn’t miss it when her eyes widened.

  “Uh, wow?” Allie gazed in wonder at his long, thick, very erect cock. “My…what a very big dick you have, Mr. Wolf.”

  Mike leered and waggled his eyebrows at her. “All the better to fuck you with, Kitten.” He reached behind him and pulled the duvet off the bed to reveal dark blue, satiny sheets. He grabbed her and pulled her towards him, letting himself fall back on the bed. “Now what was it you said? Oh yeah, get your nekkid ass in bed.”

  Allie laughed and tumbled onto the bed beside him then climbed up and straddled his hips. His cock jutted up between them. She wrapped her hand around his hard, silky length and Mike groaned. Emboldened by his response, she slid her hand up and down slowly, pulling the foreskin back to reveal the bright red, bulbous head of his cock. A tiny bead of pre-cum formed, and grinning, she slowly slid back until she could put one leg between his and then bent over and licked the moisture away. Mike growled and his hips shimmied off the bed.

  “Oh God. Do that again.”

  Pleased with his reaction, she wiggled back a bit more, pushed his legs farther apart and then settled in between his thighs. She grasped his cock in one hand, tucked her hair behind her ear with the other and looked up at him, grinning mischievously. “Hmmm, you liked that did you?”

  “God, yes.”

  “Well, wait ‘til you get a load of this.” She bent down and ran her tongue up the side of his cock from base to head then laved the top like she was licking an ice cream cone. Mike groaned in appreciation then gasped as she slid the tip of his cock between her lips and sucked him into her eager mouth. With his length hitting the back of her throat, she swallowed and sucked, running her tongue back and forth. Keeping her hand wrapped firmly around the base of his cock, she let the other stray down between his legs to cup his balls. Mike groaned and his hips bucked.

  “That feels amazing.” He reached down and ran his fingers through her damp hair and then tugged her head up and away. Allie whimpered in protest. “Kitten, you have to stop or I won’t be able to.”

  “Well, that was sort of the point now, wasn’t it?” Allie grinned.

  Mike laughed and pulled her down beside him. He quickly rolled her onto her back and straddled her hips. “Yeah, but not so soon. I’m nowhere near done with you yet.”

  “So you mean all the condoms were being overly optimistic.”

  “Cheeky wench. I ought to smack your bottom for that.” He grinned. Allie’s eyes widened but Mike noted that he had piqued her interest. He’d just file that thought for another time.

  He kissed her deeply and slid his hands down to squeeze her breasts. Allie groaned in pleasure. She loved that he was a little rough and his take-charge attitude was a total turn on. Mike ran his fingers across her belly and down to rest on her thigh. A shiver rippled down her spine and she arched her hips involuntarily. He slid a leg between hers, pushed her thighs wide and gazed down at her wet pussy. “Mmmmm, gorgeous. And so wet and ready.” He ran his finger through the dewy moisture and Allie gasped. He smiled and brought the finger to his lips, sucking it clean. “Just like I imagined. Sweet as honey.”

  He pushed her thighs wider and hunkered down between her legs. When his tongue parted her moist lips, Allie cried out, and Mike sucked her clit between his teeth. Her hips bucked as his tongue speared her and then he licked her from her puckered ass to her clit.

  “Oh Mike, Mike, more. I need more.” She arched her hips as he slid a finger inside her, plunging it deep and then pulling it out. She cried out again when he slid not one, but two, fingers inside. He bent his head and sucked her clit while he fucked her with his fingers. Her hips arched and she grabbed his head, fingers tangled in his hair. “Don’t stop, don’t stop. Oh God!” The orgasm exploded through her, her pussy spasmed and squeezed his fingers as he lapped the flowing juice.

  Allie lay on the bed, dazed. The sound of a condom wrapper tearing roused her and she propped herself up on her elbows and watched as he grabbed his throbbing erection and expertly rolled the condom on.

  “You ready for this?” he asked with a grin.

  “Bring it on, baby. I’m ready for anything.”

  Mike arched a brow, grabbed her leg and threw it over his shoulder. He guided his cock to her weeping entrance, brushing her clit on the way past. A shiver ran down her spine and she reached up as if to pull him into her. “Now Mike, now. Oh God, I need you inside me right now.”

Taking her at her word, Mike breached her entrance in one hard thrust. Allie cried out and then moaned in pleasure. He stilled, letting her adjust to his size. When she wiggled encouragingly, he laughed, “Alright, alright, you greedy wench.” He pulled back until just the head of his cock was still inside her then thrust back in, this time moaning in unison with her. He pumped in and out several more times, gaining momentum, then let her leg fall back to the bed as he leaned over her and took her mouth with his. Their bodies joined, they fell into a rhythm of arching and thrusting, while their mouths devoured one another’s.

  Allie gasped, pulling her mouth from his, arching her back, her breath ragged. Mike thrust, over and over until he felt her muscles clench, gripping his cock in a velvet vice. Allie cried out as another orgasm flooded through her and she raked her nails up his back. The twinge of pain sent him over the edge and he exploded, joining her in release, her clenching muscles squeezing every last drop from him.

  Spent, he eased himself down, his body covering hers, their hearts pounding as one. Worried he was too heavy, he slid off to lie beside Allie, eliciting a cry of protest from her. He propped himself up on his elbow, looked down at her and grinned. He reached out and brushed the hair from her face, his finger caressing down her cheek and across her jaw. Allie smiled and opened her eyes. “Oh. My. God. I think you’ve killed me.”

  A look of concern crossed his face. “I wasn’t too rough for you, was I?”

  “Hell no. That was the best sex I ever had.” She sat up, pushed him back on the bed and captured his lips with hers. She kissed him long and deep, leaving him breathless again. He reached for her, but with a curse, she suddenly scampered off the bed.

  “Holy Crap! Is that the time?” Allie raked a hand through her unruly hair.

  Mike looked at the clock beside the bed. Four-oh-four flashed on and off. “I think the power’s been off.”

  “Shit. Where’s your cell?” She scrambled to his discarded jeans, hunting for the phone. She flipped it open and yelped when she saw the time. “Damn! It’s almost four-thirty. Better get your ass in gear. I’ve got to get home.”


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