Book Read Free

Dear Dawn

Page 8

by Aileen Wuornos

  #23. I think they exaggerated on the bodies bullet riddled looking slaughterous.

  #24. One major rule of thumb I had was on littering. I hated it! I don’t believe in just throwing garbage out the window . . . Never just would throw a beer can (anywhere) in someones vehicle. (So they bullshitted here to.)

  #25. I dislike country music, pretty much, except. Rockabilly some of. Would never in a bar, play country. Strickly only Rock & Roll. Had to keep my-“cool”-image. Didnt want to look like a square. anyway.

  #26. “Motel-FairView.” Never owed $100 to R honda. Always was caught up each day on rent . . . When tyria left. I owed one day behind. left her with some collateral, for trust that I’d return with cash. And this one I never did. I said fuck it, bye. Because of to many memories at the motel of tyria and me. But it was only one days rent $15000. 4-now Love Lee



  Dear Dawn,

  “Merry Christmas”, and “happy New Years.” . . . I’ve got a drawing I’m doing for ya for Christmas . . . For black ink its comin out really good. I’m impressed myself. Because Blue ink usually comes out better on night drawings. But in black. So far so good ...

  Back to Phyllis. When she says the money should go to her attorneys. She’s talking about her associates. So this shows me right here, shes 2 face, and lying like hell . . . Well everyone is in for a goddamn fuckin surprize. Cause no ones gettin “Anything!” . . . will ya take care of me? Sis———tar please. Only packages now and then . . . Think you could handle it? . . .

  Boots and a Mini skirt65 – Overkill – me! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha . . . Thats a joke and a half . . . What cracks me up, is I’ve seen Fat Ass tyria in a dress in her (butch brush) cut hair do and all. You’d die – If you seen it. She looks pothedic as hell! I still love her, but God shes ugly in a dress. And guess who “Conned” her into shaving her legs. Yes me! ha ha When I first met her, I asked her why her legs were hairy like a mans. She said “honey cause I’m a lezzbian,” . . . How I feel, is that if your gonna be gay. You can still look like a women . . . I got her to grow her head hair semi long once. But it only lasted a short while before she cut it all off again like a guys, brush cut style hum! She was difficult to tame! ha ha . . .

  Dawn, no no no. You read my letter wrong. I didnt have any feelings of you “Not wanting to go to court in my defense.”66 . . . Lets face it you and I know I’m gonna die here. O.K! So who cares about court! Court isnt ever gonna change. They fucked me good to death. Just like the rapist tried . . . I love you just as much to the highest heaven. Need to close er up. See ya soon. Take er Slow. Love Lee



  Dear Dawn,

  . . . I’m at half time on the Army & Navy foot ball game. Rootin for the Navy ... Navys winnin . . . You know I missed getting into the Marines by 2 messly points on my apptitude battery test/ 40 was as low a score you could get. I made a 38. I was 20 years old . . . I was runnin down a T or F quaustioniar and missed a box. By the time I realized it, I was some 15 or so questions down. Retracted by erasing all I just answered. Started over . . . So I lost out . . . the Marines was my last try. After taking all other tests for the Army, Air force + Navy. Finally said “Foohey!”

  Did you receive my letters that I described the defamations on overkill . . . I was messin with the Antenna for about 10 minutes in the ding dang movie. And at this time, this must have been were the part expressed sexual abuse by Keith and my Dad. Anyway, that’s complete Bull! My Dad never ever sexually abused me, nor even exposed himself in front of me. If he did. He would of surely been locked up. Keith did have sex with me. But it was all mutual. Plus we were so young around 9 or 10. Also it was basically 4-playin. Not down right intercourse . . . If they’d Just ask me. I’d tell them everything so truthfull . . . But no one wants to hear this “Complete truth.” Because it isn’t Vile enough for money makin . . .

  Love ya Lots. Lee



  Dear Dawn,

  “Man I laid it on thick to Phyllis!” I told the guards this wount take long. And it didnt. I gave her a piece of my mind Royal. Told her how she was out for fame and money only off of me and my cases. She called me a liar. So that set me off . . . Anyway. I stuck the finger “Right in her face!” I told her to fuck off. Don’t write me anymore . . . I also told her, if she does any books on me. Just like Kennedy + Reynolds,67 you’ll also be in court . . . I shut the door on her Royal. So please do not help her in any way . . . She out completely I mean the door is locked. O.K.

  Alrighty! 4-now Love Lee



  Dear Dawn,

  . . . I can very well emphasize with you on why you didn’t go to the cops on your + Lori enconter in chicago. . . . I just can’t believe you guys agreed to get into

  a black guys vehicle. She did the same dam thing to me . . . We came real close to getting killed . . . Of-course because I didnt carry a gun. If I did in my teens. I wouldve knocked off more blacks then ever, By the way. If I’m suppose to be such a seriel killer, why didnt I kill blacks. I’m prejudice as shit towards an entire class of them Exspecially them crack monkeys, UK! . . . There simply as much of a Waste in Society as a crooked cop is . . .

  Yes its true. I killed because of push + shove. What really gets me is that this actually happened, that people died. Because all my life. I asked God one of the biggest things I would say to him, that I pray I am never involved in . . . someones death.... And it just really blows my mind “Completely”, being here having had killed not one at that . . . Its just unreal. And alot of this myself I cannot understand. My Fate. This all is so strange to me. Very strange. Cause I didn’t want this to happen ... I am sad about there death. Very sad. But I dont want anyone to know it. Because then there stupid ignorant ass’s will think. I’m crying and all blue because I feel guilty. Wrong! Thats not the case at all. Society is the one’s who are guilty. All the way. 200% . . . Okee do Kee!

  . . . I’m Sorry if some is not ligiable, its Just this hand has been workin over time. And sex is out of the question now. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

  “I know – Wuornos your so crazy!”

  . . . Did I tell you. Your drawings almost finnished. Yeah! I’ve only the stars left – a small corner to finnish up on. Then touch up. And Presto! on the way to you. When you get it. Put it against your T.V. set – That’s on. Or up towards a light. It looks boss. Arlene plans to have all the drawings I did for her, situated in frames of just glass with lights stationed in back. Like those Budwiezer signs you see in bars . . .

  Dawn! Lots of Letters will be on the way to ya. So be expecting them . . . (4) and (5) is on the way. “A-OK!”






  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Yes I like Rod Stewart. Alot of his songs, but my favorite—favorite—“FAVORITE” group I’m into is R.E.O speedwagon. (There best hits.) Man whenever they come on my radio, I drop everything, plop my headphones on and just go hog wild. I love the way the sing. My heart does a million beats per minute . . .

  Butt out hands forward in the air, rockin my ass back and forth like the black girls do . . . 4-now—Love Lee



  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Man dawn I kid you not. You and I “Are” alike . . . I love animals so bad . . . The animal can be as ugly as tyria, and I’d still love the dickens out of it. ha ha ha! . . . Once tyria kicked Maggie.68 Wrong, we nearly came close to a knock out drag out. Then I once witnessed her on a drunk throw tyler69 against a wall. Another Wrong move! Lord we nearly tore into each other on that one too. I hate Animal abuse as much as abuse on women . . .

  To bad Society has me all wrong, from all the cop lies and defamations put out on me. Because really I was all “Love”. Now I’m not. Too angry from the whole mess. Even at myself! But before my arrest, and before things
got hairy. I was nothin but full of “Love” . . .

  Whew! I got on a roll didnt I. From Lovin animals to, animal abuse, then side tracked off on to the deranged system. oh well! Forgive me if I began to bore you. Feels good to get it off my chest at times . . . Love Lee


  Dear Dawn,

  And how your Christmas comin along! . . . You know, here, I can’t believe they haven’t even Christmas decorations up. Nothing! Last night some inmates

  from the compound. “Church goin ones.” Sang 3 Christmas carols out loud to us . . . they did a pretty good job. I clapped, whistled, and yelled. “Merry Christmas you guys!” So got a little Christmas spirit going. Felt nice....

  I’ve got a new Years resolution going. January 2nd I start really meditating into God. Knees and all in here. I’m gonna see if I can silently get baptized in the Holy Spirit . . . Even on death row, I still have sins. One is extreme, “hatred” over those crooked cops. I can’t seem to tear myself away from all the evil theyve done. So Ive got to work on it, by the help of the spirit . . .

  I love you, so very-very much. Forever, I will. Plus you and I do think a like. That’s because our friendship is a most deeply felt one from the heart . . . we do think a like, and I bet act, alike, and (were) always made to be friends. The way us to are!! . . . Well until next time Buddy! Have a good one and see ya soon. Love Lee


  Dear Dawn,

  Well, Arlene really did it this time. I now recieved this letter on Christmas Eve. The bitch is claiming the manuscripts I’ve worked on up to 16 years old so far, she has, I gave to her as a gift.70 I never did . . . Obviously she is strickly in for finnancial exploitation over my fate, convictions, and death near to come . . . Shes a pig, a low life, “FAKE.” I hate this Bitch with all I’ve got. I need to make a will and have it set up for you and tyria to recieve anything of mine. She’s history now. For good.

  Must close. to angry.

  Hope your havin a real good one!

  for now.




  Dear Dawn,

  Well Whew! what a trip! Went to tampa by flight.71 And back by 3:15 P.M.

  Left around 8AM. Had to get up at 4:30 A.M to pack my stuff up. What little it was. ha ha Anyway! What a waste and hassle. Cause see! Steve had a “court order” without my knowledge “before” hand to see #2 psychiatrists . . . thee insanity jazz would allow Steve and Arlene to be eligible to be gaurdians over any money I make. Which then they’d rip me off. Well! Pretty sneaky deal! . . . There have been one to many evaluations on me. “All Sane!” And each took less, [at tops] 2 minutes . . .

  I tell you – I hate Steve and Arlene. I’ve already told Arlene, to get screwed. She’s history now. Once I do get my share of the “movie money”, Steve will be history ... “Oh the latest.!” Steve’s found a book writer for my Autobiograpy. And! Do you think I’d grab it. “HELL NO!” I look for my own source . . . I’m not money hungry. If they rip me off. but I still make out . . . great.! It’ll be enough for you to take care of you and your family for a good long time . . . And plus you’ll have my drawings you can invest in, and letters. on “Sound off” . . . So you’ll be set. And I can die in peace. . . . I feel before 2 more years. Everything will have been accomplished. Then like a flower in a hard rain, Ill let things go . . .

  Take Good Care 4-now Love Lee



  Dear Dawn,

  Hi gal! I’m back! . . . Say guess what! I recieved my play girl card, expressing theyll be sending the magazines now. Doesnt sound quite Christian of me. But Man I’ve got to see some fine bods. Before I go! ... 10 bucks I do a drawin of one. Like of one showing more of it covered, but the rest of his gorgeous species reflected on the paper. Whew! Sound good! Watch Dave pitch a fit. “Dawn, take that drawing down!” . . . ha ha ha ha ha! Then next he’ll start sayin. “And she says she’s Christian!” Chuckle-chuckle! I’d say! “Relax Dave its only human Anathomy something like “Leonardo Devinchi” would do,” Chill out! ... Anyway! That baby would be worth some bucks if I could do it right . . .

  Dawn, Dawn, Dawn, slap your conscience. I’d, never ever “Lezzbo!” out with you. nor try! ha ha ha! Yeah, I am a kidder . . . You sure were a tomboy. Tough as heck . . . I admired it though – a lot. I didn’t have “Any” lezzy tendencies back then. I got thee idea at 28 when I met Toni. But your tomboy styles turned me on, because you weren’t afraid to adventure . . . Cause life is to adventure, and thats were our human knowledge comes by. Wheather they be good or bad. The key is there . . .

  All my love

  for now




  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Ty, sent me 2 flicks of herself with new front choppers in. Man what an improvement. She looks really differant now, in a real good way. Amazing what 2 front teeth can do. 4-real! She’s really hurtin, over our breakup in all of this. I can tell within her letters. I am too, but I’m trying to hide it from her, so she wont hurt as much. I tell you, I Love her so deeply. Like you . . . These feelings are more “Sisterly”, like our friendship. For I swear, I now am totally against lesbianism . . . It’s a “Royal” strike against God, and his laws of nature. So Ive tossed any sick ideas as these, way out the window. But I really love her “Bad” as a sisterly image thing . . . 4-now LOVE LEE



  Dear Dawn,

  Why I always have to address you like that, is institutional rules. Stupid huh! I’d rather get difference in this once in a while and say at the top. Hey buddy what gives. Heres 5. or Something! chuckle chuckle. Dear Dawn, Dear Dawn, Dear Dawn, hum! like a broken record. oh well! . . .

  . . . Penalty Phase, is Bull! . . . So I am relieved once again, that your staying home. Our face to face visitation here will mean a heck of alot more . . . can’t wait 4 this! . . . Lights, camara, Action! Ladies and Gentlemen these 2 women haven’t seen each other in 20 years! Can you imagine how much they’ll have to say, to one another with only 6 hours to count. Surely the time won’t be enough. But lets have a warm welcome for Botkins and Wuornos. And hundreds begin to clap. Guess who! All the Angels in heaven. chuckle chuckle . . . Well need to close . . . Baby! Love Lee



  Dear Dawn,

  . . . I can’t believe it. Friday . . . around 5:00; I had to pack to leave to Dixie.72 I was completely unnotified by Steve of this. Boy was I pissed. Well its Sunday now, I’m back. Got back last night at 10:15 P.M. See this shit all makes me sick. He claims theyll only be 1 more, that Pasco + Dixie he’ll try to arrange them next to each other for sentencing. Yeah! Sure. Like he can really turn these Judges heads . . . All I have now is to return for sentencing in these last 2 counties . . .

  Well I got to talk to Steve while there . . . I’m havin Steve draw out a will. 50% goes to you and 50% to ty. Also he’s going to leave the fact in the will that you are the sole person to obtain my body and do the burial. OK! Well hopefully things are getting squared away . . .

  I’m tired so I must go.

  Got to get some rest.

  Take Care of yourself buddy






  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Ever since I told Steve that Arelenes history! He’s been 100% in my corner . . . Just takes time because he really did go through by-pass surgery of the heart. Showed me all his cut up operation areas. Explained how metal wires were

  in his chest. And as he gave me a hug, I could feel nothing but metal. The man is is pain and stiel, doing penalty Phase . . . So now, I’m getting a slight different outlook on him . . .

  Arlene is complete history! . . . The manuscript is not letters but stapled pages upon pages. Maybe 5 or 6 inches thick of my childhood from birth to the age of 16 years old in growing up . . . And this bitch is keeping it . . . She wants to be p
ut in percentages of recieving like Delores Kennedy’s73 book . . . I never said that she could “keep these”. Only said if I die see that my book gets completed . . . Well, I’m not dead, and I want my scripts, to continue on . . . I’m begenning to feel “Steve” all along was O.K. It has been Arlene. She’s a sneaky no-good women . . .

  See ya in the next kite. No # 2XX 4-now Love Lee P.S. Steve is sending drawings to you. Let me know when you get em. All 3.


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . Jeroldo wants to [do an] interview74 . . . I’m kinda pissed to. But since they also offerred to send you a ticket to see me. Or pay your expenses . . . I’m going to go ahead and agree . . .

  Love your letters! . . . They fill this room up with Love, and keep me going. Keep me “Sane” . . . And it makes my day ...

  Pasco and Dixie – Sentencing left. 10 min deal to appear for in each county. Then its over. February 4th Dixie. Pasco – unknown. But within the following 2 weeks I’m sure. Can’t wait untill it is. I’m fed up, and completely exausheted from the in + out bullshit. I’ve hated it all!

  Stay Cool!

  4-now Love




  Dear Dawn,

  Happy New Year to you once again too Hopefully this one will be a money maker one. I want to see you. So bad. Can’t wait! Say what day is your birthday again? ...

  Sorry to hear Christmas wasn’t so great for ya . . . Come on Dawn! Smile Baby Smile! Ticky! Ticky! Ticky! How about a foot massage. Ticky! Ticky! Ticky!


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