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Big on Education

Page 2

by Laurie Ames

  Alicia’s thoughts continued until she finally closed her eyes and began to drift off to sleep.


  Tyreesha was very tired after all the homework she’d managed to do that night. To make matters worse, she’d been thinking of the gorgeous professor the whole time. But she didn’t have any classes the next day, so she had lots of time to do the rest of her studies tomorrow. It also left her with a bit of time to have some fun time with herself, before she fell into sleep. Soon she was fantasizing about Professor Wright and wondering if she could be a passionate lesbian lover. Of course, she already knew the answer because she was married to a male judge and had a child. But just the intimate thought of herself with the sexy older professor made her hormones start racing. That image was all it took to make her hand move down between her bare thighs, and thankfully she had decided to sleep with no clothes that night. She was already a little wet, so it was easy to slide a finger into her pussy. “Ohhh!” she groaned out loud as she enjoyed a rush of heat to her pussy.

  She pictured the attractive teacher in class, wondering what it was like under Alicia’s business attire. She imagined a nice set of perky white tits, although they certainly they would be a touch saggy due the professor being somewhat middle-aged. For Tyreesha, this added to the allure.

  Alicia was on the petite side but had a nice curvature to her, the kind that told Tyreesha she’d had at least one child. Tyreesha’s favorite female conquests had been the ones with kids, the ones she would find while hanging out in her favorite lesbian bar. The truth is she would feel guilty about many of those, since some had been wearing wedding rings. Either they had been in denial, experimenting, or just coming to terms with their sexual attractions.

  What she had enjoyed most about those women was the delightful feeling she got from touching their hips during foreplay. Not to mention the feeling of eating them out, their pussies so nice and stretched out…

  This is what she pictured with Alicia. Yes, in Tyreesha’s head, her prim and proper Law Professor would always be referred to as “Alicia” whenever she thought of her slightly rounded hips and enticing pussy. By now she was using a hand to spread her nether lips while the other hand was stroking her clit. She imagined her professor getting ready to go down on her.

  Alicia’s mouth had surrounded her soaking mound, first her tongue darting in and out, then her lips sucking her clit—painfully hard. Tyreesha imagined Alicia had no experience with being sexual with another woman; that’s what she assumed from the gossip anyway. At first Alicia might not be skilfull in her technique but Tyreesha would be more than happy to give her a proper education.

  They would switch positions; Tyreesha would suck gently and slowly, showing her beloved teacher exactly how it should be done between two women. Alicia would be moaning, yelling for her to keep going, not to stop. Tyreesha would need to instruct her professor to massage her own tits as the older woman probably wasn’t the type to be familiar with pleasurable adventure.

  Tyreesha began to alternately massage her own clit and slide her fingers deep inside, while quickening her rhythm as she neared completion. She imagined introducing Alicia to the joys of her toy collection, trying one beautiful toy at a time. Alicia turned out to be an eager student, begging for more and more toys. As she fantasized about using her newest and largest toy with Alicia, her orgasm gushed out, in a ragged, desperate and unending way. To her amazement, it was one of the most powerful orgasms she’d had in a long time.

  Feeling breathless and drained, she had barely enough energy to roll over before falling asleep, soon dead to the world. After this, college class would never seem the same.

  Chapter Three

  They were unable to speak one-on-one until mid-October, when Tyreesha had a question regarding a topic about one of the advanced law courses. It hadn’t been a ploy. Tyreesha did in fact have trouble figuring it out and she was not going to hesitate in asking for Alicia’s help.

  As for Alicia, she was excited to assist with personal guidance as she had not stopped thinking about her beautifully curved student for that whole month. Tyreesha had been nervous about speaking to her but eventually opened up. They talked for some time and Alicia went out of her way to explain the nuances of the law topics. Much to Tyreesha’s surprise, Alicia then turned to more casual and personal conversation.

  “Tyreesha, I cannot help notice how different you dress from the other students,” said Alicia with a smile. “Yes, I realize they are wearing the latest haute-couture fashions and designs. But they seem more concerned about outdoing each other with clothing styles and less concerned about the course itself. Not one student has ever come to me for individual help, except you. I notice you wear more conservative clothes to my class but in my opinion, you outshine all of them.”

  “Well…the truth is I am as poor as a church mouse. I get all my clothes from the second-hand thrift store on Fanny Street.”

  Alicia sighed, “Oh God no, there I go putting my foot in my mouth again!” exclaimed Alicia. “I had no idea that you dressed like that out of necessity. Honestly, I did not mean it as a put down! The truth is you are very pretty in your clothes and I respect you for not dressing up like a Christmas tree.”

  ‘Did we just make a connection? It did feel very genuine and sincere,’ thought Tyreesha to herself.

  “No worries, thanks for the nice compliment,” she replied. Tyreesha took a glimpse at the cleavage that was loosely displayed between Alicia’s shirt buttons. She tried to look away and found it difficult to make eye contact. Then Alicia’s perfume was starting to waft in the air. This was intoxicating to Tyreesha as the delicate fragrance teased her senses and began to drive Tyreesha crazy.

  “I too have grown up poor. I’ve have had to work very hard to build my career,” said Alicia.

  Tyreesha was floored with that comment. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Tyreesha found these comments to be very pleasing and flattering. She wanted to reach over and plant a big kiss on those luscious lips of Alicia’s. However, she did not pry further because it could be too intrusive, and a university classroom was neither the time nor place to discuss in-depth personal topics. Tyreesha was comforted by the fact that someone so successful had come from circumstances so similar to hers.

  It was at this point when Tyreesha realized that a crush had now become something entirely else. She was quite sure about having strong feelings towards Alicia. But there was no time to dwell on it since exams would be next month. To say nothing of how many assignments she had to complete at this time. But in her spare time, she was checking what other classes her pretty professor would be teaching for the next few years.


  Alicia was quite content spending time talking to her attractive student. It had been rather cathartic to get to know her on a personal level, even if only for a very short time. Because of the inappropriateness of the situation, she’d been nervous about being caught with a student in the middle of a personal conversation. Being a new professor while answering the curvy student’s questions was not nerve-racking, but sharing personal information was an entirely different story.

  And yet she felt so excited while talking with Tyreesha. She just wanted to be in her company and was disappointed when the time passed so quickly. She couldn’t describe what she was feeling; she only knew she had never felt these emotions before, not even with her husband.

  But it was wrong to feel anything beyond professional courtesy between a teacher and student; even if said student was on her way to becoming a top achiever. That was something she could talk about without feeling nervous. Tyreesha was going to be her top student in this class if she kept up her exemplary work.

  She spoke to her about that in November, right before exams started. She could have sworn her heart sped up when Tyreesha had given such a beautiful, glowing smile in response. The real surprise came when Tyreesha had hugged her professor tightly. Alicia felt those delicious soft curves when she hugged her affectionat
ely back.

  Her emotions had become rattled when she looked into Tyreesha’s eyes and found joy and happiness in them from the compliment. But she also saw… something else, an emotion she couldn’t identify, nor wanted to. Maybe because she was afraid of what she might discover; maybe because she would have to admit to herself that she was feeling something toward her student.

  She had simply shaken her head and gone back to preparing her students’ exam, trying not to dwell on Tyreesha and her soft curves.


  Tyreesha had been thrilled – and a little lucky – to have passed her exam while studying. It had been hard to tear her thoughts away from Professor Wright’s compliments. To hear she was a very special person was a foreign concept to her. Not even her parents ever said anything even remotely positive to her before.

  ‘But what does that mean? She had thought to herself as she left the classroom, giddier than she had ever been. Somehow, though, she had managed to put it all aside while studying and she passed all her exams.

  She celebrated with drinks at her favorite watering hole and kept her personal vow to not take anyone home or go to someone’s place. Instead, she took a cab home and slept it off while dreaming of ways to get her sexy professor all to herself.

  Chapter Four

  On Valentine’s Day, Tyreesha decided to heat things up between her and Alicia. She didn’t have any classes that day, but still decided to pop into the building to deliver a gift to Alicia. Since she didn’t have a lot of money to spare, she had bought a simple silver chain with a heart charm, wrapped it in plain paper and placed it in Alicia’s assignment drop off box.

  She did not try to hide the fact that it was from her, writing the note in her own handwriting. She was certain Alicia would be able to identify the gift-giver right away. It was nothing fancy like the things Alicia’s husband could buy for her, but it was the best she could do on a student’s savings. She had immediately left after dropping it off, suddenly feeling too shy to stay and see the professor’s reaction. She had only hoped it would be a step forward and not two steps back.


  Alicia had been a little surprised upon seeing the gift in her drop off box, but she knew immediately that it was not from Neil. Her husband would have wrapped it in the most expensive wrap that could be found, but this gift was wrapped quite plainly. A jolt of electricity shot through her once she realized who it may be from. The handwriting on the card that read “to my wonderful teacher” confirmed her suspicions.

  Heart racing, she tore through the paper and melted when she saw the gift. She held it in her hands delicately, as though it was made of rare glass. It was simple but so very sweet. She felt wonderful holding it even though she could never actually wear it. Strangely, it meant more to her than anything her husband had ever given her.

  When Tyreesha went to class the next day, she had a crazy plan in mind but then wondered if she should actually go through with it. When Alicia came in, she made no outward indication of whether she had appreciated the gift or not. The lecture had gone on as normal and Tyreesha was on the edge of her seat the entire time.

  At the end of the class, she was deliberately slow in getting her books together, making sure she would be the last to leave. Her nerves were very much frazzled at that point as she thought about carrying out her scheme. Her stomach felt like it had been tied up in a Celtic knot. When she knew they were finally alone, she made her move. That’s when she walked right up to Alicia. She placed an arm around her shoulder and planted a hard kiss on her lips.

  Alicia froze, but that lasted only a second before she melted into the kiss. Tyreesha could sense she had never been kissed like this before and a thrill shot through her. When she finally let go of Alicia’s lips, neither said anything for a long and silent moment.

  “Don’t tell me this is wrong,” Tyreesha whispered huskily to Alicia when the latter began to open her mouth in protest. “Is it wrong to be with someone you have genuine feelings for?” Alicia could only move her mouth open and closed at first.

  “No,” she whispered with trepidation in her voice; “but there are so many reasons why we shouldn’t do this.”

  “I know that,” Tyreesha told her firmly as she adjusted her bag and pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket and gave it to her. “Here’s my address, come over tomorrow evening and we can talk some more.” She sashayed her way out of the classroom while hiding the smirk on her face. Alicia would show up, she was sure of it.


  ‘I can’t believe I’m doing this’, Alicia thought as she stood outside the door that led into Tyreesha’s apartment. She hadn’t been able to stop thinking about that kiss nor able to hide her distraction. Neil had certainly noticed her strange emotions. She had to stave off his suspicions by saying she was tired of having to organize so many classes.

  Twice she had almost fled when she reached the front door of Tyreesha’s apartment and she had almost thrown up on the elevator ride. Her pulse was racing and there was a lump in her very dry throat.

  ‘What am I doing here, this is wrong. Turn back now before it’s too late!’ She said to herself. Now here she was, standing at her student’s door, trying hard to push away her innermost fears. She hesitated before knocking and again felt like running away. She took several deep calming breaths before finally mustering up the courage to knock.

  She delivered a couple of very soft knocks to the door, almost hoping her student would not hear. ‘Please don’t answer, I bet she’s not home,’ she thought as she tried to fool herself.

  The door opened immediately and standing there was Tyreesha. Alicia was not given any time to even say a single word as the curvy student’s warm lips suddenly locked onto her’s. Alicia was totally shocked and stunned, and unable to do anything as Tyreesha pulled her inside. She didn’t regain her senses until she noticed Tyreesha was leading her closer to where she figured was the bedroom.

  “I thought we were going to talk about this?” She’d asked breathlessly after managing to pull away from the kisses.

  “We will,” Tyreesha whispered as she tugged her arm and led her into the bedroom, “but not until I show you what it could be like for the two of us.”

  By now Alicia had thrown all caution to the wind and offered no further resistance. She allowed Tyreesha to almost rip off her clothes and push her onto the bed. Tyreesha then proceeded to do a slow strip tease from the waist up, but very slowly, enough for Alicia to enjoy her ample curves.

  When Tyreesha had pulled her sweater over her head, Alicia was amazed to see that she hadn’t worn a bra for her visit. Her breasts were absolutely exquisite. They were plump with large dark areolas and matched perfectly her similarly large dark-skinned tits. Alicia was fast becoming a little wet as she started thinking about was how good it would feel to suck on those luscious titties.

  Tyreesha had noticed where Alicia’s attention had focused and played with her breasts in response. She squeezed her ripe mounds together, producing a fair amount of cleavage that left Alicia almost drooling. She pinched her nipples hard enough for the older woman to produce pleasurably loud moans.

  She halted when she saw Alicia panting heavily and wanting to get on with it. She was thankful she had decided to simply wear sweatpants because she slid them off easily. Alicia could plainly see the rolls of flesh that padded her stomach, thighs and hips and she was hypnotized, powerless to resist whatever Tyreesha wanted to do to her next.

  Tyreesha slinked over to the bed where Alicia sat watching the show, then, leaned down and kissed her deeply. As their lips moved in unison, Tyreesha gently lowered their bodies so that they were flat on the mattress.

  “Let me be the teacher, right now,” Tyreesha whispered. Alicia could only nod wordlessly, as her finest student moved her lips along her collarbone and took her left breast into her mouth. Alicia could tell she had experience with women as Tyreesha moved her mouth around the nipple in a way that Neil had never done.

  While suck
ling, Tyreesha moved her hand south, running her fingers through Alicia’s short blonde curls. She probed her gently and was pleased to feel how plump her pussy lips felt. Alicia almost stopped breathing when she felt what Tyreesha was doing. Her nether regions had never been probed so deeply and passionately before. Neil had done his best but she had always felt he was somewhat inadequate when it came to sexual matters. Tyreesha was starting to prove her right.

  Tyreesha had switched her mouth to the other breast and probed even deeper, causing Alicia to scream before shutting her mouth immediately.

  “The walls are quite soundproof,” Tyreesha said after taking her mouth away, “no one will hear us, don’t worry about it.” To punish Alicia for that, she took her fingers out and sucked them clean in full view of her.

  Then, instead of going back to the nipple, she touched her lips to Alicia’s ribs, in a feather-light motion. She very slowly, torturously, moved south until she reached her professor’s pussy. Continuing the torture, she didn’t dive in right away, giving only the barest of touches to the nether lips.


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