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Have a Heart 4

Page 12

by Rachel Burns

  He went to his parents’ house and found out that Brianna was upstairs with Cathy. Scott had to explain again. His parents took the news harder than hers did.

  Karen cried and told them Brianna had always wanted a baby of her own. His parents promised to help where they could.

  Everyone was going to pull together to make this happen.

  Scott asked Cathy if he could talk to Brianna in private.

  “We are going to play this by ear. As long as you’re feeling well, there will be no talk of hurting the baby. Nevertheless, if this becomes a matter of life and death, I’ll have to step in. However, everyone said they would help you out. You’re going to get lots of rest and care. If you feel up to this, I will help you. I believe in you and in our child. Forgive me. I panicked. I just don’t want to lose you.”

  “Thank you, Scott.” Brianna threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly. “I love you so much.”

  “We are only going to have one child. We have to make this one count. I’m going to get you pickles and ice-cream and rub your feet. We want to make this the best nine months of your life.”

  None of the doctors Brianna went to see thought their idea had merit. They all tried to talk her out of it.

  Scott felt sick to his stomach at such moments,

  Then they found a lady doctor who listened to Brianna tell her how much she wanted to keep her baby. She agreed to help Brianna try. A sonogram was taken of the baby.

  After seeing a picture of the baby, both knew they couldn’t end this pregnancy. Scott had to accept the fact that he might be a single dad very soon.

  He held onto Brianna’s hand and promised to love and care for their child for the rest of his life. He would say anything to help Brianna relax and be happy.

  The longer she was relaxed the older the baby would be when it was born. He couldn’t lose both of them.

  Chapter 23 – Lost

  Cathy figured it was time for her to go see a doctor too. She had to grow up and face the music.

  Cathy knew of a doctor in Birmingham with a good reputation. She wanted to go to him. The fact that he was far away was an extra plus. No one needed to know about the baby yet. The baby deserved the best doctor even if she wasn’t the best mother.

  She figured that she would get use to the idea of having a baby once she started to show.

  Cathy couldn’t put off telling Chandler anymore either. She would stop by his office on her way to the doctor. He worked Tuesdays, so she could slip in, whisper in his ear what had happened, and leave quickly.

  He would have a new girlfriend by now, and he would have forgotten her. That was okay. She merely wanted to keep the baby. She could do this without a man in her life.

  Cathy parked her car. She was running late. She hardly had any time left to talk to Chandler.

  Cathy truly would be dumping the information on him and running out.

  She would have left the house sooner this morning, but her morning sickness was acting up again. She had to stay sitting at the table and eat crackers until she felt strong enough to go.

  Cathy stood on the street corner across from the hospital and stared at the light. She didn’t have time to wait for the light to turn green. Besides, the light was about to change anyway. The cars had just gone by. The light needed a moment to change. She quickly looked for cars as she stepped out into the road.

  Cathy didn’t realize the cars coming from around the corner behind her had the right of way.

  The driver saw Cathy in the road and hit her brakes. The car ran into Cathy’s side and sent her flying to the curb.

  Cathy was certain she was okay. She was completely conscious. In fact, she felt like getting up and clearing the road, so traffic wouldn’t get jammed up. This was an especially bad place to have an accident. Ambulances needed to be able to go through here.

  “It was my fault. I thought the light was about to change. Is your car okay? My insurance will pay for it. I’m so sorry.”

  “Miss, you need to lie down. You’re bleeding.”

  “No, I feel fine.”

  Paramedics started to arrive. They wanted Cathy to lie down on a stretcher, so they could get her into the hospital.

  “There is nothing wrong with me. I just did something stupid.”

  “Please, lie down. You’re bleeding.”

  Cathy looked down and saw she was bleeding. She was losing the baby. “What have I done?” she cried out.

  News quickly spread in the hospital that Cathy, who was still considered to be one of their own, was hurt. Chandler took off running when he heard the news. He found Cathy and took hold of her hand.

  “What happened?” he asked.

  Cathy looked away from him. Telling him she had lost the baby was somehow harder than telling him that she was pregnant.

  The doctor taking care of her told Chandler the sad news.

  “No, Cathy. Don’t cry, sweetheart. I’ll make this better. Just you wait and see. We can have other babies. As many as you want.”

  Their colleagues were a little surprised, but a nurse brought in a chair for Chandler, so he could stay with her.

  “I’m sorry. I was on my way here to see you. I was in a daze. I didn’t see the car. It was my fault.”

  “It’s okay, sweetheart. Don’t blame yourself. I’m here.”

  Chandler stayed by her side. She had also broken her leg. She needed to stay overnight and Chandler had an extra bed brought into her room, so he could stay by her.

  He lay in her bed with her and held her while she cried. She admitted she hadn’t wanted the baby, but she didn’t want it to die either.

  When her parents arrived, he spoke with them out in the hall, explaining what had happened. He left out the miscarriage because Cathy asked him to.

  Her parents asked about the extra bed.

  “That’s for me,” Chandler admitted. “I love your daughter with my whole heart. I think I always have.”

  All three of the Greenes were surprised to hear him say that, especially Cathy.

  Her parents visited with her until Cathy started to doze off. Her pain medicine was working. Chandler said goodbye to them and told them he would drive her home tomorrow. Chandler was taking charge, making it easy for them to see him as a future son-in-law.

  Cathy slept, and Chandler watched her. She admitted she wanted to see him to tell him about the baby. Chandler pictured her doing so and him telling her what wonderful news that was.

  As a doctor, he knew she would probably be able to have other children, but as her boyfriend he worried.

  “I love you, Cathy.” He wasn’t sure where his feelings came from, but they were there. His heart ached in pain as he thought about her being pregnant and alone. Had she been afraid to tell him sooner? Three months had gone by since they made love. She must have wanted to wait to tell him until after it was too late to do something about a pregnancy. Did she fear he wouldn’t want it?

  He would have. He loved the idea of living with her in a house and being a family. Children belonged in that dream. He would prove to himself that he could be a good parent, better than his parents had ever been to him.

  His child wouldn’t be afraid to run into his arms just to tell him he saw a strange bug outside, like Chandler had been as a child.

  Cathy could hear snoring when she woke up. She turned her head and saw Chandler sleeping in the bed next to hers.

  “I don’t remember you snoring?” She tried to make a joke even though she only wanted to cry some more.

  Chandler woke up and moved, so he was sitting. “Sorry. Did I wake you?”

  “No, I was already awake. The snoring surprised me.”

  Chandler smiled at her. “I snore when I’m sick and when – I cry.”

  “You cried?”

  “Of course, I did. You’re hurt and our baby is gone.”

  “Would you have wanted the baby?” Cathy dared to ask.

  “Yes, I would have married you so fast it would have made your
head spin. The very next day I would have signed the papers for a house, a big one with a garden. Then I would have let you drag me from store to store to pick out furniture and tiny clothes.”

  “But you don’t even love me.”

  “Don’t say that because I do.”

  Cathy leaned over to him a little. “We hate each other.”

  “No, we don’t. We have been pushing one another away for a long time, but we are like magnets; either we push each other away, or we pull each other together as closely as we can possibly get.”

  Cathy looked away from him and cried.

  Chandler took hold of her hand and held it. “I’m so sorry about the baby.”

  Cathy couldn’t look at him. She couldn’t admit she hadn’t loved the baby. She had seen the baby as an unnecessary bother, who would ruin her life. Her baby died without ever being loved.

  Cathy cried harder, and Chandler moved closer to her. “I know this isn’t a help, but we can have other children, as many as you want. I’m sorry I said that. It’s one of those stupid things that men say when they have no idea what to say, but they want to do something to make their girlfriend feel better.”

  “I’m not your girlfriend.”

  “That again,” he sighed. “When you’re feeling up to it, let me know. I’ll take you out and wine you and dine you. Maybe when you get to know me, you’ll like me in return.”

  “Chandler, I do like you. But it’s hard to believe you could like me back. You date a new girl every month. Very beautiful girls,” she added. “I don’t want to be one of many.”

  “You wouldn’t be. I meant it when I said I would marry you. You can start planning with your mom. I’ll take you to meet my parents. I’ve never done that before. I’ll show you how serious I am.”

  “I believe you believe what you’re saying. I just don’t believe it.”

  “Then give me a chance to prove myself or fail. What do you have to lose? It’s not like you have a boyfriend. I could spend time with you and charm you. Besides, you need someone to hold doors open for you and to drive you around in the next couple of weeks. I’ll be that someone.”

  “Do you have a girlfriend?”

  “Yes, I’m laying next to her.”

  Cathy turned her head, so she could see him. “You’re so stubborn.”

  “I know. I’m a rich spoiled brat.” He grinned at her. “I always get what I want, and I always want the best.”

  “I’m not the best.” She shook her head.

  “You’re the nicest, smartest and sexiest woman in the world. Of course, I would want you.”

  “I’m not sexy.” She frowned at him.

  “The memory of you on the counter with your legs opened wide for me will stay with me forever. Nothing could top that.”

  Cathy blushed and turned away. “Nothing good came from that evening.”

  The door opened, and a nurse looked in. “Dr. Bentley, are you going to work today. Mr. Wilson in administration wants to know.”

  “We lost our baby yesterday. Cathy still needs me.”

  “Of course, Dr. Bentley. I’ll inform Mr. Wilson, so you can stay with Cathy.” She looked over at Cathy. “I’m so sorry, Cathy. Get well very soon.”

  Cathy gulped and nodded at her.

  “Chandler, why are you being so nice to me?” Cathy asked after the nurse left.

  “Because I love you.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “It hurts to be away from you. The thought of you going to a strip club with the girls scared me so much. I assumed one of those perfect-looking guys would notice you and take you away from me. It was the logical outcome in my mind. I was so relieved you had only been teasing me.”

  “You drove down because you worried I would fall in love with a stripper?” Cathy wasn’t sure if she should be mad at him, or if that was the most ridiculous thing she had ever heard.

  “Yes, I drove down, made a fool of myself, and then went home to my apartment. All in a day’s work for a normal stalker.”

  Cathy smiled at him for a moment before she remembered why she was here. Chandler took hold of her hand and stayed by her side.

  Chapter 24 – Caring

  Cathy wasn’t sure how she should put this. “Chandler could you step out for a moment?”

  “Why?” He cocked his eyebrow as he studied her.

  “Just give me a second.”


  “What do you mean no?” Cathy had asked him politely enough to leave. Why wouldn’t he go?

  “I mean that I’m staying here.”

  “I wasn’t kicking you out for good. I only have to go to the bathroom. I need a nurse.”

  “I’ll help you.” He rose to his feet and went to a cabinet. He pulled out the bedpan.

  “No. I need a nurse.”

  “I’ll be your nurse.”

  “I would prefer a professional nurse.”

  “I’m sure I’m capable of emptying a bedpan.”

  “But I’m –” Cathy couldn’t bring herself to say what she needed to say.

  “But nothing. Lift up your cute little bottom.” Chandler smiled at her embarrassment.

  “I’m bleeding. I would prefer a woman’s help.”

  “I know that. You’re right. I forgot to get you sanitary napkins.” He went back to the cabinet and got out a couple of pads.

  Cathy blushed and turned away. “Go.”

  “Nope.” Chandler was eager to prove he loved her no matter what.

  “Don’t you need a moment to yourself too?”

  “I’m good.”

  “I can hold it until you can’t,” she threatened him.

  “Cathy, you don’t have to be ashamed. I’m a doctor. I understand about things like this. Your leg is broken. You need help. When you’re allowed to go home, you’ll move in with me. I have an elevator, and a staff, who will love to help you.”

  “You have servants?”

  “No, I live in an apartment where I have the option of help.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means I can call for room service, or for help going to the bathroom.”

  “I’m going home to my parents,” she told him defiantly,

  “Your parents have to work. At my place you would have help around the clock.”

  “Help from strangers, who would want that?”

  “You’re absolutely right. No stranger should have to help you. Lift up your bottom. If you can’t do so, a doctor, me, will be appointed to do so for you.” The words he chose were funny, but the tone he delivered them in was very serious.

  Was Chandler getting strict with her? He wouldn’t do anything like that, would he?

  “I would feel more comfortable with female help.”

  “I’ll be sure to let my staff know that for when I’m at work.”

  “Chandler, this isn’t going to happen.”

  “For crying aloud.” Chandler lifted up the blankets and did what was necessary, removing the blood filled napkins.

  Cathy thought she would die of embarrassment.

  Chandler covered her back up and waited for her to pee. “Come on, Cathy. Even your eyes are full of water. You have to go, so just do it.”

  “I can’t believe you did that.”

  “It was nothing special. I helped another human being in need of help. You do it every day.”

  “I know, but you don’t.”

  “Yes, I do. I just help in a different way. You’re giving me the impression that you have a very low opinion of doctors.”

  Cathy rolled her eyes. She desperately needed to go to the bathroom now. “I can’t believe you wiped my bottom.”

  “Believe it. If you don’t behave, I’ll be doing even more to your bottom. Now be a good girl and pee for me.” Chandler had overheard several things over the last couple of years. From what he heard he knew the women in Brianna and Cathy’s family got spanked when they didn’t behave. He had never talked about it openly with Scott because he
felt it was a very sensitive topic.

  Nevertheless, he hoped the threat would help him get Cathy to do what he wanted her to do.

  Cathy looked away from him, and then he heard her going. He smiled, proud of himself. The threat had worked.

  “Finished?” he asked.

  “I hate you.”

  “That’s fine.” He wiped her clean and helped her into the hospital underwear and the sanitary pads. He carried away the bedpan and cleaned it up. While he was in the bathroom, he went too. He needed to go too. He was glad the battle had been quickly fought and won.

  Chandler sat down and smiled at Cathy. “It’s a shame the light in here isn’t right.”

  “What’s wrong with the light?” Cathy asked. She was still deeply embarrassed about him cleaning her up.

  “I can’t do my show.”

  “Your show?”

  “The animals. Did you forget that?” He was surprised. He had honestly bared his soul to her when he showed her that.

  “I remember. It was very nice of you to cheer me up. What you have to understand is – since that day my life has taken a turn for the worse.”

  “Is that honestly true? Or did things start to go bad when you started to avoid me?”

  Cathy had to look away. There was truth in what he had said. Things started to go bad after she pushed him away. “I don’t want to think about anything. I want it all to go away.”

  “I know, honey. If I could go back in time, I would change everything. Our baby would still be alive.”

  “I didn’t want the baby. I wasn’t thrilled to be pregnant.”

  “Cathy. Never say that. I understand that you were scared, and you thought you were alone, but you may not say anything bad about our deceased child.”

  “I wasn’t saying anything bad about the baby. I was saying the baby died unloved. If things had been different, I would have been excited, but I wasn’t. I feel so guilty.”


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