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Have a Heart 4

Page 13

by Rachel Burns

  “Cathy, you made a mistake. Something terrible happened. However, you were on the way to me to tell me the truth. That’s what matters.”

  “I was on the way to tell you that I planned on raising the baby all by myself. I was planning to move away from here. I wanted to go where no one knows me.”

  “I would have stopped you before you could do anything stupid.”

  “I crossed the street without looking both ways. That wasn’t exactly clever.”

  “I’ll watch over you better. We will get married as soon as possible.”

  “I don’t recall you asking or me saying yes.”

  Chandler moved his chair as close to the bed as possible. “That’s okay, Cathy. If you need to take it out on me, you can.”

  Cathy tried to roll away from him, but she couldn’t.

  Chandler took hold of her hand and said nothing. He simply had to be here for her.

  Chapter 25 – In-Laws

  Chandler laid down his phone and looked at Cathy sleeping in his bed. Her broken leg was sticking out. He had just gotten off the phone with her father. He wanted them to come and visit. Chandler told him they would tomorrow.

  Cathy had been living with him for over a month now. They were getting along so well. He knew her parents hated the idea of them living together. They wanted Cathy to come home.

  Cathy’s mother realized immediately that Cathy had more than a broken leg. She wanted to know why Cathy was in the maternity ward. Cathy explained it to her on the phone. Her mother had been mad and heartbroken about the baby.

  Chandler felt he and Cathy were doing great. They simply needed to be alone.

  “I told you not to watch me while I’m sleeping.”

  “I’m sorry, Cathy. I can’t help it.” He sat down next to her and gave her a smile.

  “Is something wrong?” Cathy pulled herself up, so she was higher on the pillows. She wanted to feel like she was sitting across from him.

  “You know me so well.”

  Cathy shrugged.

  “I just talked to your father. He wants us to visit.”

  “Why is that a problem?”

  “I’m worried they will talk you into staying with them,” he admitted.

  “Oh, and you love having me here, so you can care for me.”

  “I’m addicted to you.”

  “Addicted?” Cathy smiled at him.

  “I’m not kidding. I like having you here.”

  Cathy nodded at him. He was telling her his secrets. She had to be very careful not to hurt his feelings. “We’ll visit, and then we’ll come back home again.” She laid her hand on the side of his face. “You need to shave,” she teased him. Old habits truly do die hard.

  Chandler moved his head, so he could kiss the palm of her hand. “I’ll get you your crutches. We can go shopping once you’re dressed and have eaten breakfast.”

  “Shopping? I don’t know about that.”

  “For an engagement ring. This evening I’ll take you out, wine you and dine you. Then, when you least expect it, I’ll ask you to marry me.”

  “Sounds like you want to sweep me off of my feet.”

  “That’s the plan.” Chandler grinned at her. She was perfect for him. It had taken a while, but she realized it too now.

  Chandler held the door open, so Cathy could enter her parents’ house. She insisted that she didn’t have to knock.

  They were surprised to see Brianna standing at the stove. Cathy couldn’t help but look at Brianna’s tummy. It was starting to round out.

  “Hi.” Brianna turned and smiled at them. “They’re here,” she called out.

  “Brianna, you shouldn’t be on your feet.” Chandler switched to his doctor mode.

  “I’m fine. I’ve never felt better.”

  Brianna was thrilled that Cathy and Chandler were finally a pair. “I’m so happy for both of you. I hoped this would happen.”

  “Really?” Cathy gave Chandler a puzzled look. She hadn’t seen this coming.

  “You two have always had passion.” Brianna stepped forward to Chandler and gave him a hug. Then she turned to Cathy. “How can I help you? Do you need to lie down?”

  “I’ll help her. I’ve been getting a lot of practice doing that.” Chandler stepped forward and took hold of Cathy’s elbow. There was no need for Brianna to help.

  “So I heard you are going to tell us what the baby’s gender is this evening.” Cathy’s mother had been talking to her daily. She hated that Cathy was living with Chandler in sin.

  Cathy told her they couldn’t have sex because of her cast, but still her mother worried.

  Cathy moved her hand to get a better grip on her crutch.

  Brianna saw something sparkle. She took hold of Cathy’s hand and looked at the ring. “It’s huge.”

  “Chandler picked it out. I’m never going to be able to go swimming again. The weight of this clunker would pull me under.”

  “You’re engaged. Congratulations. This is fantastic.” Brianna looked up at Chandler. “Wow, when you make up your mind to do something, it’s full steam ahead.”

  “I knew what I wanted, and I was prepared to do anything to get her.” Chandler helped Cathy into the living room. He sat her down on the sofa and grabbed a chair from the kitchen, so her leg was propped up.

  He gave Cathy a magazine and went back to the kitchen. “Tell me what I can do to help.”

  “I’m fine. Go take care of Cathy.”

  Chandler closed his eyes. “I know you don’t want anyone to worry about you, but we are. This whole power woman thing you are doing is making it worse. Scott worries about you constantly. I think he would feel better if you rested more.”

  “I rest all the time.”

  “Really? Because Scott told me that you are always doing something. He told me he thinks you do it because you know you won’t be around much longer. He thinks you are working ahead for when you are gone. Brianna, believe me, he would rather have you rest more often, and have you longer than have whatever project you are working on finished. This isn’t easy for him either. I’m sure your unborn child feels the same way.”

  Brianna had a lump in her throat. She had her back to Chandler. His words hurt her so much, mostly because they were true. She was working ahead, preparing the house for when she was gone.

  It also hurt that her husband was confiding in his best friend and not in her. Did he feel he couldn’t come to her with his worries?

  John had heard Chandler and Cathy arriving. He had been upstairs changing for the family meal. He heard everything Chandler said to Brianna. John agreed with him. Chandler was making a very good impression on him.

  John went to her and laid his hand on her shoulder.

  “We don’t want to upset you. We are all worried. Maybe if you let us help you more, we could worry less.”

  “I didn’t mean to make Scott worry.” Brianna was in tears.

  John hated that she was crying. “We know that. You have to understand. We Greenes are very selfish people. We want you as well as the baby. Karen will be back from the grocery store soon. Let her finish up in here. Go in the living room and talk to Cathy for a bit.”

  Brianna nodded at him. “I’ll just wash my face first.” Brianna kept her head ducked as she passed them on the way to the bathroom.

  “Chandler!” Cathy called out from the living room.

  John looked at Chandler for a moment, unsure what he should say to him.

  Chandler also said nothing. He went to see what Cathy needed.

  “You’re right, your bedside manners suck,” Cathy scolded.

  “I’m sorry, but it needed to be said. I thought as a doctor, she might listen to me.”

  John had followed Chandler into the living room. He saw his baby tucked up on the sofa weak because of her broken leg. Nevertheless, it was clear she was the one with the power at the moment. She was the boss.

  “Help me up.” Cathy reached for Chandler.

  “You should keep your
leg elevated, honey.”

  Cathy flashed him a mean look. “She is in the bathroom crying, and I have to go to her, thanks to you.”

  “I was trying to help.” Chandler helped her to her feet and gave her the crutches.

  “Typical doctor, but what she needs is a nurse. Nurses have the necessary medical knowledge and a heart to tell people what they need to hear in a manner in which they can understand it and still feel good about themselves.” Cathy stormed off as fast as she could with her crutches.

  Chandler looked at John and shrugged his shoulders. He had wanted to make a good impression on him. Now, he had blown that chance. John was already furious at him because he lived with his daughter in sin, supposedly.

  “Don’t worry about it, son. In the long run your words will help. Someone had to tell her.” John could see that Chandler was surprised. “Scott calls me too.”

  Chandler was relieved that John wasn’t mad at him. He had even called him son.

  “Now that I have your attention, I’d like to ask what your intentions are with my daughter.”

  “Yes, that’s also something I wanted to talk to you about. I asked your daughter to marry me, and she said yes. I’m asking for your permission to marry her. I would be honored to be the man at your daughter’s side. I love her with every fiber of my being. She seems to be able to tolerate my presence – sometimes. I was thinking that’s a good start.”

  “That definitely doesn’t hurt. There is just one thing you have to know about my daughter, she’s headstrong.”

  Chandler cracked a smile. “Really? I hadn’t noticed. I’ll have to watch out and see if I notice that trait.”

  “I like you, Chandler. I always have, so I’m giving you a warning. Don’t let her dance on your toes. She will, if you let her.”

  “I won’t. The problem is she is often right.”

  “Women often are. Otherwise, they’re perfect.” John smiled at his soon-to-be son-in-law.

  Scott and Karen arrived at the same time. Scott helped her carry in the groceries. He was informed that his wife was locked up in the bathroom with Cathy because Chandler and had told her off.

  Scott looked ready to sock him. “We aren’t allowed to upset her.”

  “We aren’t allowed to stand by and watch her work herself to death either,” Chandler tried to defend himself.

  Karin stepped in between the two tall men. “Scott, you two had a doctor’s appointment yesterday. Tell us what the doctor said. Is there cause for worry?”

  “She said Brianna is doing great. Her heart rate, which is usually low, is almost at a normal rate. Brianna doesn’t have morning sickness anymore. She said Brianna needs to rest, but that she should also move around too. Brianna only heard the last part. She has been cooking, cleaning and getting Alex’s room ready.”

  “Alex? Who’s Alex?” Chandler asked. “And why is he going to stay with you?”

  Scott had to grin. He had let it slip. “Alex is my son.”

  “A boy.” Karen covered her mouth because she had spoken too loudly. She knew Scott and Brianna had wanted to announce the baby’s gender during the meal. That was the purpose of the evening.

  “The baby has a name already?” On the car ride down here, Cathy had admitted that she was a little jealous that Brianna was still pregnant and she wasn’t. Chandler was suddenly able to relate. He wanted to have another child with Cathy. He missed the baby.

  Scott nodded as he walked over to the bathroom door and knocked. “It’s me, Brianna.” He hoped she hadn’t heard his slip up.

  The door opened, and Cathy came out. It was the first time he had seen her on crutches. “Cathy, are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. Brianna will you help me to the sofa?” Cathy wanted to get Brianna to come out of the bathroom.

  “Can’t your fiancé help you?” Brianna asked her, while she quickly wiped away her tears with toilet paper.

  “Fiancé,” Scott repeated. “Cathy, congratulations. I’m so happy for you two. You couldn’t have gotten a better guy. That is so fantastic. I’m not used to you two being a couple, and now you’re engaged.”

  “Chandler is a go getter. He chased me for a long time. I tried to run, but a car hit me and he caught up with me,” Cathy teased Scott.

  “Catherine,” Chandler called out her name, strictly.

  “I was just kidding. He asked me last night in a private room in the best hotel in Birmingham. It was very romantic. I couldn’t say no.” She looked over at Chandler and gave him a smile that made him forget he was mad at her.

  Brianna stepped forward and looked at her husband. “Scott, can you come in here for a moment?”

  Scott felt his shoulders slump. He figured he was in trouble. He stepped into the tiny bathroom, closed the door, and looked down at his tiny wife, feeling like he had been called to the woodshed.

  “Chandler told me you have been talking to him, telling him how you feel about me and the baby. It pains me that I have behaved in a way that made you feel you couldn’t come to me.”

  “Brianna,” Scott tried to stop her.

  “Please, let me finish. You have been so terrific to me throughout this pregnancy, even after what the doctors said, you listened to me and not them. I want you to be able to look back and think I was terrific during the pregnancy too. It isn’t only my baby. He’s ours.”

  Scott closed his eyes. He hadn’t expected her to say that. He expected her to scold him for going behind her back. “I think you’ve been fantastic. What you are doing for the sake of our child moves me to tears.”

  “I’m not only a mother. I’m a wife too. I want to be there for you. If I do something that bothers you, I want you to feel that you can talk to me. You can always talk to me.”

  “I’m sorry, Brianna. I’ll come to you with my problems. I simply didn’t want to burden you with my worries. I would really appreciate it if you could slow down a little.”

  “I will, Scott,” she promised.

  Scott wrapped his arms around her and sat down on the toilet. He had to chuckle a little. “I can’t believe we just had such an important moment in my parents’ spare bathroom.”

  Brianna laughed a little as she leaned into his body. “Can I help your mother cook now? She has six people to cook for, and Cathy has to keep her leg elevated.” Brianna would hate to sit in the living room while Karen did all the work.

  “We’ll both help her.”

  Chapter 26 – A Child Is Born

  “Everything looks great. Your little fellow can be born whenever he wants to.” Those words gave Scott such relief. The doctor talked with them about birthing Alex. They felt a planned C-section would be best.

  The doctor wanted to do it on Monday when the complete staff of doctors was at the hospital. She wanted everyone on hand just in case.

  Brianna couldn’t believe it. “I did it, Scott. I told you so.”

  “I’m ashamed I ever doubted you, darling.”

  After they had made their appointment, the doctor smiled at them. “I suggest you two go home and enjoy your last weekend of peace for the next couple of years.” She was so glad a couple like them was going to have a baby. They would be excellent parents.

  Scott helped Brianna to her feet. Her tummy was so huge, and the rest of her was so thin. Still, he felt she looked amazingly beautiful. She had a tough pregnancy, but she never complained.

  “Thank you for everything doctor. We’ll see you bright and early Monday morning.”

  Scott drove Brianna over to her parents. Brianna didn’t want to be alone, and Scott had to go to work and get several things done before he could call it a week.

  Scott told his bosses he was going to be a father on Monday. They warned him not to forget the cigars when he came back to work.

  Mary laughed and told him she would rather have chocolate.

  Outside a thunderstorm was starting to brew together, a storm that people would talk about for many years to come.

  Karin got off work an
d wanted to hear what the doctor had to say about Brianna and Scott’s baby. She loved that they would finally be having a grandchild who lived here in town. She planned to spoil Alex and let him wrap her around his little finger.

  Karen hoped he would be born soon, so she could hold him in her arms. She wanted to be there to hear his first words and see his first steps. She had missed so much with Rebecca’s boys because they lived so far away.

  Karen jumped a little when she saw all the lights on the street and in the houses go out. The sky lighted up with several thunderbolts.

  Her first thought was she should head right home and see to things there, but her second thought was she needed to go to her daughter-in-law.

  It was as if an instinct made her car stay on the road to Eva and Charles house. She suppressed thoughts of things starting to melt in the freezer and drove a little faster.

  Scott lifted his coat up over his head as he ran to his car. It was the kind of weather that made him think they should add a fireplace onto the house. He would be happy when he had gotten Brianna home. He would take her home and feed her. It amazed him how much she could eat lately. She looked better than she ever had before. He always thought she should eat more. This was proving him right.

  He got into his car and shook the water off of his arms. The rain was coming down in buckets.

  Scott started his car and turned the wipers on high before he slowly took off to get his wife. He could hardly see the road. Suddenly, the power went out. Scott smirked to himself. This was the perfect weather for a candlelight dinner.

  He was surprised to see his mother’s car parked outside the Banks’ house. He parked behind her car and ran inside, not bothering to ring the bell.

  “Hello,” he called out loudly.

  “We’re up here, Scott. Come quick.”

  Scott raced up the stairs taking them three at a time. Everyone was in Brianna’s old bedroom. The room was lit with candles, and Charles was lighting even more. Brianna was walking around slowly. Her mother had her arm wrapped around Brianna like she could fall. His mother was leaning close to a candle trying to read the time on her watch.


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