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Nice Day For A White Wedding

Page 15

by Le Carre, Georgia

  His name is wrenched from my lips in a cry that I don’t recognize as my own voice as my orgasm explodes from nowhere, bursting forth through my full body. I can’t suck in another breath and I hover, airless, weightless. I call his name again and again, as if that single word is my anchor to reality as I float up to the clouds.

  I feel my arms give way and I fall onto my elbows, but I don’t stop moving. My pussy clenches tightly around Alex’s cock as another orgasm assaults my senses, bringing me even closer to undone. I call out Alex’s name and then I let out a stream of unintelligible mutterings as my body screams with pleasure.

  My orgasm begins to recede and I am me again. It feels as if it was only his name and his cock that kept me anchored, and stopped me from floating away and losing myself completely. He moves his fingers from my clit and I am both relieved and disappointed that the terrible, wonderful touch on it is over.

  I feel his hand wrapping in my hair and he pulls me backwards. I come up easily, the stinging pain in my scalp only intensifies the pleasure I can feel in other parts of my body. He pulls me upright, against his chest and he wraps his arms around my waist, holding me in place against him.

  I can feel his warm breath tickling my neck as he kisses it, and when he starts to whisper my name, I can hear the shaky quality of his voice. I reach an arm up and wrap it around his head, turning my head to the side and kissing him deeply as he thrusts hard into me.

  He kisses me back, a rough kiss that tells me he’s on the edge himself now. I clench my pussy, tightening my hold on him and he moans into my mouth. He pulls his lips away from mine and drags them along my shoulder, then I feel him pressing his face against my neck, breathing me in. He says my name in that lust filled voice that moves me so much and then he comes, his cock jerking and twitching, his cum pouring into the condom. And I mourn for that fact. I mourn that I cannot feel his hot seed inside me.

  His whole body goes rigid and he doesn’t breathe. His arms tighten around me, holding me to him so tightly it’s like he wants us to be one. Then he relaxes, his muscles softening again, and sucks in a big breath. He holds me tightly against him.

  Even when his cock slips out of me, spent, he still holds onto me. Then he pulls me to the side and we flop down on the mattress, my back still pressed against his chest. I can feel his chest heaving as I lay in his arms, enjoying the moment of closeness, enjoying knowing I can make him come just as undone as he can make me.


  The delicious afterglow of fabulous morning sex lays like a soft cloud around me, when Alex springs it upon me that Babushka told him last night that she was going to get up early today so that we could all enjoy a family breakfast together … which means, I have about fifteen minutes to get showered and ready.

  I jump out of bed with a squeal. His laughter follows me as I run naked back through the connected door between our rooms.

  Less than fifteen minutes later, I knock on his door. He grabs me and pulls me towards his body and I can immediately feel how hard he is for me.

  “I don’t think Babushka would mind if we are a little late,” he whispers in my ear as his hand slips under my skirt.

  I want to protest. I really do, but as soon as his fingers reach my slit, my legs part for him. A small moan escapes my lips as he picks me up like a damn caveman and carries me to his bed and throws me on it.

  * * *

  Everyone is at the table by the time we arrive, but the mood around the table seems somber. Both the ice sisters seem to be on their best behavior. At least they’re not whispering about me in Russian today.

  Babushka looks at Alex, then me. There is a twinkle in her eyes. “Neither of you look like you’ve had much sleep.”

  “As a matter of fact, none of us got any sleep last night thanks to all the screeching and wailing. Quite an achievement considering I’m in a whole other wing,” Petra puts in sarcastically.

  So much for her being on her best behavior. I feel my face turning red. We didn’t make that much noise, I might have screamed once or twice, or maybe three times, but that was it. The other two times I bit down on the pillow.

  Alex glares at Petra, and Babushka throws her a look that stops her from saying anything else, but she doesn’t need to say anything else. She’s already made me sound cheap and slutty. She looks down at her plate with a little smirk.

  Babushka looks at me. “I can still remember when I made love all night long.”

  The ice sisters gasp in shock.

  “What?” Babushka asks innocently. “You think I never had sex. How do you think your mother came into being?” She turns to me again. “Why don’t you two have a nice relaxing day in your room? Just lock the door, get naked, curl up in bed, and watch movies together.”

  I feel myself blushing again and I take a long drink of my orange juice to try to hide my face. The thought of being locked away in the bedroom with Alex naked. There’ll be no movies watched. I know exactly what will happen if we’re left alone together.

  There’s no denying that Alex knows his way around a woman. The sex last night was good, but this morning was something else. It’s by far the best sex I’ve ever had, and even though I am still sore from it, I’d happily risk more soreness to have another go of that kind of pleasure.

  Even just sitting so close to him at the table is enough to have me on edge, aware of his body so close to mine. A couple of times, our thighs brush against each other beneath the table and my clit throbs in response, a mixture of pain and desire. God, it’s incredible how badly I want him.

  “Cindy?” Alex says.

  Every eye at the table is on me and I realize he has said something I’ve missed.

  “Sorry,” I mutter. “I was a million miles away.” Thank God, people can’t read thoughts. I take another sip of my orange juice and wish I could stop making such a fool of myself.

  “I was just telling everyone how much you enjoy riding,” Alex says innocently enough, but immediately I have a flashback of me bouncing on his hard cock.

  I choke on a mouthful of juice and, thank God, I do not spray orange juice all over the table, but it throws me into a fit of coughing. Petra and Anastasia start laughing at my reaction. Babushka looks at me with concern, and Alex thumps my back.

  He looks deep into my eyes. “Did I get that wrong, Cindy?”

  You so know you didn’t, I think to myself. Hell, we’ve already done a spot of riding this morning. It’s clear he wanted to get a reaction. Well, two could play this game.

  “No, you didn’t get that wrong. I love riding. There’s nothing to beat the sensation of being on top of a strong, powerful, beast, and feeling it move underneath you. It makes the blood in my veins sing,” I say throatily, feigning the same innocence he did.

  Now it’s Alex’s turn to almost choke on his breakfast and I smile into my glass. That’ll teach him.

  “You should take her riding one day while you’re here Alex. Take her out to the creek. It’s really romantic there,” Babushka puts in, saving me from any comeback Alex was thinking up.

  “I already have. We’ve even been on a ride to the lake,” Alex says.

  “Take her to the creek, but no galloping though. I don’t want any accidents. Cindy needs to give you lots of big healthy babies,” Babushka adds with a cheeky grin.

  I swear that old lady says these things on purpose. I squirm in my seat with embarrassment as I try to smile nonchalantly, the way a real fiancée would.

  “I’ll remember that, Babushka,” Alex says with a mocking smile. “Although, I think it’ll be a long while before we start thinking about babies. I’ve got my hands full with just Cindy.”

  “Don’t wait too long now,” Babushka replies. She is no longer smiling. “I would love to see my great, great nephew or niece before I leave this body.” She turns to me and leans forward. “Will you give me a great grandchild before I die?” she whispers.

  Confused by the undercurrents I do not understand, I look to Alex for help. To my
surprise, the blood has drained from his face.

  The ice sisters are watching me with a mixture of dislike and glee, which isn’t helping matters at all. But worse, I really, really, really hate lying to Babushka. More than I ever thought possible. She is a grand old lady with a heart of gold and Alex and I are cheating her. I wipe my mouth on my napkin and stand.

  “If you’ll all excuse me, I’m going to go up to my room for a while. Change of air from London, I suspect,” I explain apologetically.

  “Of course, dear. You relax.” She smiles.

  There is something lost and sad about her smile. As if I haven’t passed a crucial test. I want to reach out and hug her, hold her thin body close to mine, and tell her, I would have a dozen of Alex’s babies for her … but I can’t. I’m only pretending. This is not my life. I have another life in London. In a week or two I will be gone, and never see her again.

  “Oh, and I’m sorry about your heating,” she adds. “Someone will come by today to fix it.”

  I smile my thanks and scuttle away before Petra can make any more jokes at my expense. I am halfway up the stairs when I hear footsteps behind me. I don’t need to turn around to know it’s Alex.

  “You made a sharp exit there,” he says, catching up with me

  “Yeah. It’s funny how everyone making jokes at my expense made me not want to stay at the table,” I snap as I take the stairs two at a time.

  As I reach the top of the stairs, Alex grabs my wrist, spinning me to face him.

  “It was in the job description,” he says, his eyes cold and hard. “Don’t forget. This is a job.”

  The shock of seeing him so cold and distant is like being doused with freezing water. “I’m sorry.” My voice sounds small and foreign, even to me. “I’m just tired. I guess I might take a nap after all.”

  He walks me to my door. “Get anything you need and come to my room in five minutes. You can nap there,” he says.

  He walks away before I can respond, which is probably a good thing, because he wouldn’t have liked my response one little bit. Yes, I work for him, but if he thinks he can order me around like that, he has another think coming.

  I go into my room and sit down on the edge of the bed. I don’t doubt that Alex was serious about what he said, but I wonder what he will do when the five minutes pass and I don’t go into his room. Will he come to get me?

  The five minutes feel like an eternity, but they pass, and after ten minutes, I realize he’s as stubborn as I am. He won’t come to me, because he told me to go to him and I didn’t. He’s so frustrating.

  I decide I am not going to just sit here thinking about Alex. The longer I sit on the end of the bed looking at the connecting door between my room and Alex’s, the more likely I am to cave in and go to him. I stand up and grab my cell phone and then I move into the bathroom. I think it’s time I had a long soak in the beautiful big bathtub. I start the taps running and then I call Raven.

  “How’s it going?” she asks.

  I sigh loudly. “That is a very good question.”

  She giggles. “I knew you’d meet your match one of these days.”

  I throw a generous amount of vibrant blue bath salts into the water. “Well, he’s not what I expected.”

  “You slept with him, didn’t you?” she says.

  “What the hell? How did you know?”

  “I didn’t,” she says, and I can hear the smile in her voice. “But I do now. So? How was it?”

  “It was freaking amazing,” I admit. “You know how they say the earth beneath my feet moved. Yeah, there was an earthquake underneath my butt. I know it’s a bad idea, and I know I’m living the cliché by sleeping with the boss. And I did remind myself of all of the reasons why sleeping with him is a bad idea, but everything I know and believe passionately becomes a puff of smoke that blows away when I’m with him.”

  “So what are you guys going to do? Make a go at it?”

  I bite my lip. “No, he told me clearly he’s not into long relationships. We’ve agreed that we’ll have fun while we’re here. You know, get it out of our systems so that when we go home, we can go back to a professional relationship.”

  “So you’re getting half of the Macau. You’re having fun with someone you click with. And yet I get the impression you think it’s a bad thing.”

  “I … I’m not sure it’ll be out of my system by the time we come home. Or ever. I’m scared I’m letting myself fall for him,” I admit slowly.

  “Right,” she says with a sigh.

  “What should I do, Raven?”

  “I learned a long time ago, that you must never help anyone make a decision on something like this. Only you know what is best for you, Cindy. I’ll always be here for you.”

  “To pick up the pieces?”

  “Or to celebrate because you took what you wanted with both hands and to hell with the consequences.”

  “Thanks, I feel so much better now,” I say dryly.

  She laughs. “You’ll thank me properly at your wedding.”

  “Very funny.”

  “Stranger things have happened, Cindy. Look at what happened to me.”

  “You know what?”


  “I miss you, Raven. I really do. And I can’t wait to see you again.”

  “Well, I’ll be coming to London soon. Let’s have a pizza night like the good ole days. Just you and me.”

  “Okay,” I say happily.

  We chat for another couple of minutes, then I end the call. I go back into the bedroom and strip off. Leaving my phone on the bed, I go into the bathroom again. Shutting the taps off I pour essential oil into the bath tub and climb into the gorgeously hot, sweet smelling water.

  I sit down, enjoying the silky feel of the water on my swollen pussy. Laying back I close my eyes and relax. Raven is right. If I’m going to get hurt, I might as well have fun along the way. That way I’ll have nothing to regret. I took the bull by the horns. So what if I lose a little blood along the way. There is majesty in dying on the horns of the bull.

  I lay in the bath, and my mind goes to the way Alex’s eyes are so intense when he looks at me. The way his kisses taste. The way he lights my body up in ways I never even knew were possible. I can’t help but smile as I remember the way I felt wrapped up in his arms.

  I’m in so much trouble here.

  I am already in way too deep.

  I force myself to think about something else, but it’s hard. Eventually, I give up and get out of the bath. I wrap myself in a large white towel and go to the bedroom. I dry my hair and slip on a pair of leggings and a comfy top.

  I think I am more than a little disappointed that Alex never came to me.

  My intention is to go through to the lounge and watch a movie, but when I look at the bed, it looks so comfortable, so inviting … and I really am exhausted.

  I move to the big beautiful bed. There are no ghosts in the daytime. I tell myself I’m just going to lay down for five minutes. Who sleeps on such a beautiful day? The sun is shining in through the tall windows.

  I have barely laid down when my eyes close and I fall into a deep, dreamless sleep.


  I wake up and stretch, relishing the feeling of my spine cracking. Then I sit up feeling refreshed and rested. The nap has done wonders for me. I glance out of the window and my jaw drops when I see the summer sun is already so low. No, that can’t be right. It’s still morning time surely. I look at my watch, sure I must have made some mistake, but no, I haven’t. It is almost six p.m.

  I have slept the entire day away!

  My stomach rumbles reminding me that I haven’t eaten since breakfast and I wonder if Alex came to see if I wanted to go for lunch, or if he’s still mad because I didn’t obey his command to go to his room. Dinner is usually around eight here from what I can gather so I get up and get changed into a yellow dress. I put on some make-up and I’m just running a comb through my hair when there’s a quiet knock at my bed
room door.

  My stomach flutters for a second, but then I realize if it was Alex, he would have used the connecting door. The excitement turns to curiosity. I go to the door and pull it open. I smile when I see Babushka standing there.

  “I wondered if you would like to accompany me on a short walk before dinner,” she says with a smile.

  “Oh yes, I’d love to,” I say. “I’ll just be a moment.”

  Babushka nods and smiles. She has grown on me quickly and I very much like the idea of spending time with her. I also think the fresh air will do me good after a day cooped up in my room.

  She has her cane, but she links her other hand through the crook of my elbow. She is slow on her feet, but she’s sure footed and we walk slowly down the stairs, through the dining room, the conservatory, and into the grounds.

  Babushka leads me in the opposite direction to the stables and I get a good look at the house itself from this direction. The place really is one of the most impressive buildings I’ve ever seen, and in such good repair too. Babushka sees me looking at the house and she smiles.

  “It’s in pretty good condition considering parts of it are almost five hundred years old, isn’t it,” she says.

  “Wow. I knew it was old, but I had no idea it was that old. It’s in excellent condition.”

  “The house has been passed down the family for generations. Along with the values needed to take care of a house like this. Or should I say a team of staff who know how to do that,” she smiles, that irrepressible twinkle coming back into her eyes.

  I laugh along with her and she goes on.

  “I’m sure some of my older ancestors wouldn’t approve of the changes I made to the place, but it had to be done. Growing up, the house was beautiful, but it was like something from the dark ages. It badly needed electricity, gas, and modern plumbing installed. It was a big job. Some would say a man’s job, but my brother was a weak man, so I took it upon myself to oversee the transformation. It’s a never-ending job, insanely expensive affair keeping old houses from falling into disrepair.”


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