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Slade: A Stone Society Novella (The Stone Society)

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by Faith Gibson


  A Stone Society Novella

  By Faith Gibson

  All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  The author acknowledges the copyrighted or trademarked status and trademark owners of the wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction.

  Copyright © 2020 by Faith Gibson

  Published by: Bramblerose Press LLC

  Editor: Jagged Rose Wordsmithing

  First edition: January 2020

  Cover design: Jay Aheer, ©Simply Defined Art

  Cover photography: Adobe Stock


  This one is for my kids. For being brave in who you love and teaching me the term “love is love” so many years ago.


  As always, I have to thank my tribe. No matter whether it’s an encouraging word, Alpha reading, daily chats, or editing, each one of you are important to me every day… Candy, Chris, Jen, Kendall, Kerstin, Nikki, and Riley, thank you for being you.

  I also want to say thank you to every single person reading this story. You are the ones who allow me to do this thing I love. Without you, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

  As always, I have to mention the man. Thanks, babe, for letting me live my dream. I love you.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen


  A Note from the Author

  Coming Soon

  About the Author

  Other Works by Faith Gibson

  Chapter One

  Matthew couldn’t breathe. He rubbed his chest as he retreated to the back of the gym. Away from the voices. The happiness. He didn’t begrudge his little sister’s joy while his own heart was breaking. It was his own fault. Matt stalked to the laundry room, his shoulder clipping someone, but he didn’t bother to stop and see who it was. He didn’t understand why he couldn’t control his emotions, but if he didn’t do something, Frey was going to rip him a new one. He didn’t mean to be rude or sarcastic or basically pissed off all the time, but he was. Except when he was around Slade. And then he was happy. And horny. Matthew understood that. Slade was a Gargoyle, and that meant he was one-hundred-percent Alpha. But Matthew didn’t react to the other Goyles that way. Only his friend.


  What a fucked-up word. Matthew knew the only reason Slade hung out with him was because Frey asked him to. All the mates and kids had protectors. His just happened to get his dick hard. Maybe Slade had noticed Matthew’s reaction to being near him, and that was why he wasn’t around as much lately. At least when they were hanging out, Matthew didn’t act like a jerk to everyone else. Maybe that was his problem; he missed Slade. Of course, that was it.

  “Matthew, would you like to apologize to Deacon?” Frey’s voice was calm, but Matthew knew his father-slash-brother-in-law meant business. Matthew couldn’t remember a lot about his own father. The memories he had were fading with time. He and Abbi talked about their parents often, but unless he looked at a picture of them, he had a hard time imagining their faces in his mind. When Frey and Abbi mated, Frey not only took Matthew in, but he also adopted him, giving him his last name as well as a home. He would rather cut off his arm than disappoint the male.

  “Yes, I’ll—” Matthew turned around to find Deacon standing next to Frey. Neither one looked mad at him. They were both frowning, but that wasn’t much better. They were worried. “I’m sorry, Deacon. I don’t know what’s gotten into me. Can we chalk it all up to teenage hormones?” Matthew tried to play it off, but neither male smiled. They glanced at each other as if they were having a silent conversation. Matthew knew some mates could speak to each other with their minds, but he didn’t think Frey and Deacon had that ability between them.

  Matthew had to do something to change his environment. “Do you think it’s too late to enroll in summer classes at UGA?” Matthew was slated to start college in the fall with basketball practice beginning two weeks prior. He already had a dorm room locked down, but if he could swing it, he’d rather go ahead and move to campus. Then he would be away from Slade and all the turmoil the male caused.

  “I thought you wanted to take the summer to relax?” Frey stepped closer, leaning his hip against the table where Matthew was folding towels.

  “I did, but if I get a couple classes in now, I won’t have to worry about my schedule as much during the season.” Even with his 4.2 GPA, Matthew knew college would be harder than high school.

  “I’ll have to get with Slade and see if he can get into his apartment earlier, if that’s what you really want to do.”

  “No!” Matthew took a deep breath. “About that. Can we have someone else babysit me?”

  “I’m going to make a phone call,” Deacon said, leaving Matthew and Frey alone.

  “Deke,” Frey called out, but Deacon kept going. Frey sighed, looking at the ceiling. Something was going on they weren’t telling Matthew, but he chalked it up to shifter business.

  “Matthew, Slade isn’t babysitting you. He’s watching your back, just like the other kids and mates have someone watching out for them. Just because one war is over doesn’t mean the Clan is safe. You know this. I think this has more to do with Slade personally. Am I right?”

  Matthew didn’t want to get into this conversation with Frey. It was a little too personal. If he couldn’t talk to his father about it, who could he? Trevor. Yes. He could talk to Trevor about his feelings for Slade. It had been a while since he hung out with his friend now that Trevor had started back to school. And if they couldn’t get together, he could at least call Jasper’s mate and talk to him. He was a human who’d fallen for a Gargoyle, except Jasper ended up being his mate. If only it were that easy for Matthew and Slade.

  “I just don’t want him to be tied down with me when there’s other more exciting things he could be doing.”

  “Has Slade given you any indication he’s not happy hanging out with you?”

  “Other than the fact he’s ghosted me the last few times we were supposed to go do something? Nah.” And wasn’t that just a slap in the balls? Matt had gotten so used to Slade being around all the time, and now when he wasn’t? It was almost as if Matthew couldn’t breathe. He didn’t understand why though. He had several friends in school, and none of them left him feeling so out of sorts when they had other things to do. No, his feelings for Slade went deeper than friendship. He’d gone and fallen in love with the tall, blond, blue-eyed, runway-model-gorgeous Gargoyle who would never return his feelings. A Goyle who would find a mate and leave... Holy shit. That’s why Slade had ghosted him. He’d found his mate, and now Matt was—

  “What do you mean ‘ghosted’? Is he
leaving you unprotected?” Frey stepped away from the table, stretching up to his full height. Matthew was tall. He had grown several inches over the last year, and he spent a lot of time after hours at the gym working out with Slade. He was no longer the gangly boy he’d been when Frey took him and Abbi in. But Frey was intimidating no matter how fit Matt was. Hell, his dad put the rest of the Goyles to shame. So, when he was pissed, like he was now, he was a sight.

  “No, of course not. It’s not like he’s canceling dates. He’s just not sitting around playing games all night like he used to.”

  “Would you like to date Slade?”

  “You’re so funny, Frey.” Matthew had stepped into the twilight zone. “If there’s no one else who can watch over me in Athens, then I’ll stick to the original plan. Maybe by then, Slade will either ask you to get someone else to watch me, or he’ll have whatever or whoever’s keeping him busy taken care of. Anyway, don’t you need to be up front with Abbi?”

  “Yes, I do. You and I will finish this conversation later.”

  Matthew nodded, but didn’t respond. What was left to say?


  Slade couldn’t do it anymore. He couldn’t watch his young mate around-the-clock and not touch him. Matthew was eighteen, and Frey had given Slade permission to pursue a relationship with the male, but Slade knew it was too soon. Matthew hadn’t even started living his life. He needed the freedom to go to college and play basketball. Date other guys his own age before he was settled into a lifelong commitment that would last hundreds if not thousands of years. Not that Slade could sit by and watch if Matthew did decide to date. That would kill him.

  Slade had watched over his male for months. Ever since he realized the teen was his mate, he’d spent as much time with him as possible. Matthew had graduated high school and was taking the summer to have a vacation from all things academia before he started at the University of Georgia in the fall. Slade had also attended UGA not long after the college had been established, and he thought it was something akin to kismet that Matthew was going there as well. Yes, Slade was a sappy bastard, and he didn’t care who knew it. He took after his father that way.

  Even though he was one of the youngest Goyles in the Clan, Slade was also one of the richest. His father was better with money than Sixx, and that was saying a lot, considering the amount of wealth Sixx had amassed for the Clan. Slade’s father taught him how to invest, and over the years, it was something he did as a hobby. Before meeting Matthew, Slade had worked as a policeman. Once he felt the bond between him and Matthew, he made it his job to follow the boy and protect him.

  That had been a mistake.

  Being around Matthew Hartley was hard in the beginning. Now, with his mate having turned eighteen, it was impossible. Impossible not to want him. Impossible to turn his safety over to anyone else. Impossible to not piss off Frey when Matthew’s moods turned to shit for reasons the teen didn’t understand. The smart thing would be for Slade to move away for the time being. If he was on the other side of the country, he wouldn’t know what Matthew was doing. Who he was dating. It would be rough, but not as rough as being around him without claiming him. There were Unholy in other places, like California. Slade could talk to Rafael and have him give Sinclair a call. Surely, they could use another Goyle looking after the Clan on the West Coast.

  Slade stepped out onto the balcony of his apartment, looking out over the city. Instead of purchasing a house nestled in the woods like many of the Clan, he had opted for a large high-rise apartment. When he moved from Athens to New Atlanta, Slade bought the complex and had the whole top floor remodeled so it was one huge home instead of four smaller ones. He remodeled the floor beneath his for Paxton. The two of them spent the last few decades together in Athens, so when Paxton moved to be closer to his best friend, Lorenzo, Slade followed.

  Being gay, Slade figured if he ever met his mate, they could spend years getting to know each other, and if the day came they decided they wanted kids, they could adopt. With Matthew being so young, Slade figured that would be many years in the future. Years to order in pizza and play video games on the sofa. Play one-on-one in Frey’s driveway where Matthew’s goal was set up. Babysit Amelia when Frey and Abbi wanted time to themselves. Spot each other at the gym – even though Slade didn’t need a spotter – when Matthew clocked out at work and they hit the weights together. See whatever action movie was new at the box office.

  All the things they did now.

  All the things except make love.

  Slade adjusted himself in his jeans. He only had to think of Matthew to get hard, and that was bad enough. Keeping Matthew from noticing how he affected Slade was a game of sorts. How many excuses could he come up with for running from the room? It was probably worse for Matthew. He didn’t have two and a half centuries of control to fall back on. Slade knew when the teen was turned on by his emotions alone. He never had to glance down to know when Matt was trying to hide an erection. Thinking of his mate getting hard had his own cock filling out.

  Fuck. Slade tried to push aside his lust, even when he was alone, but sometimes he had to take matters into his own hand just so he could function. This was one of those times. He went back inside for some privacy. Sitting down on the sofa, Slade was reaching for his zipper when his phone rang. Who the hell was cockblocking him now? Seeing who it was, he scrubbed a hand down his face and answered.

  “Deacon? What’s up?”

  “Your boy is getting ready to run.”

  Slade jumped to his feet. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Matthew is ready to go to summer school just to get away. When Frey said he’d talk to you about getting into your apartment earlier than expected, Matthew was adamant about getting someone else to watch him. He’s upset, Slade, and you’re the only one who can do anything about it.”

  “You know I can’t,” Slade groaned, squeezing the back of his neck with his free hand.

  “I don’t know anything of the sort. Frey has given his blessing, so anything else holding you back is just an excuse. Are you going to be okay with another male following him to Athens to watch over him? Spend time with him?”

  “No, I’m not, but… Fuck. I’ll be there in twenty.” Slade disconnected and closed his eyes. He should let Matthew go on to college and have someone else guard him. That would be the honorable thing to do, but it seemed the mate pull was already taking a toll on Matthew. Being apart would be hard on both of them. At least he could go talk to the male and see where his head was. Slade chose his fastest vehicle and made it to the gym in fifteen minutes.

  When he walked through the front door, he didn’t have to search hard to find the teen. His beast instinctively carried their feet to the men’s locker room. When he saw the hangdog expression on Matt’s face, Slade wanted to cry. He had done that. Put that look on his face. The sadness in his heart.

  “Matty?” Slade stopped his feet from carrying him farther.

  “Hey! What are you doing here?” Matthew asked, his smile lighting up his stunning face.

  “I…” Slade ran a hand through his blond hair, grasping the ends hard before letting go. Matthew’s eyes tracked the movement, licking his lips. Godsdamnit. “I was thinking about taking a road trip and thought you might like to go.” Where that idea came from, Slade didn’t know.

  “Really? Where to?” Matthew’s excitement made Slade’s heart beat faster. This young man was his mate. It was his duty to make him happy, and just the mention of doing something together had turned his mood around.

  “I hadn’t got that far. Just thought we’d get out of the city and hang out. If you can get a few days off work, I thought I’d let you choose. Like a getaway before you start college, because once you start school, it’ll be hard for you to do anything fun.”

  Matthew bit his bottom lip, thinking. When he looked at Slade, his eyes were bright. “Can we go to the beach?”

  “The beach? Sure, we can do that. Let me go talk to Frey about
your schedule. Once I get that cleared, I’ll find a hotel for us on the Florida coast.”

  “Yeah, okay. Let me finish cleaning in here, and I’ll meet you in the office.”

  Slade inclined his head before leaving his mate alone. Taking Matthew to the beach where the two of them would be wearing nothing but swimsuits for most of their time would make his life impossible, but Slade would give the male anything he wanted. It was time to stop putting off the inevitable and claim his mate.

  Chapter Two

  Slade didn’t have to go far to find Frey, since the male was walking toward him. “I was just coming to talk to you.”

  “What’s wrong? Is Matt okay?” Frey asked.

  Slade slid a hand through his blond hair again and blew out a breath. “I know you gave your permission already, but I’ve decided to stop putting it off any longer. I’m going to tell him the truth. I’m going to put all my cards on the table and let him decide how he feels about everything. If Matt wants to just be friends when he knows, then I’ll respect that. I asked him to go away with me. I put it out there as one last hoorah before he starts school. He wants to go to the beach, so I need to know when he can have a few days off.”

  Frey clapped Slade on the shoulder. “He can leave whenever you’re ready. I’ve been putting him on the schedule to keep him occupied. We can handle things around here.”

  “Thanks, Brother. I’ll take care of him.”

  “I know you will. You’re an honorable male, and I appreciate how you’ve handled the situation up until this point. Take as much time as you need. We’ve got the gym covered.” Frey held out his hand, and Slade gripped it tight, his emotions at Frey’s trust getting the best of him.

  Slade waited for Matthew outside the office. His mate’s excitement was a tangible thing, floating around him as he jogged toward Slade. “What’d he say?”


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