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Slade: A Stone Society Novella (The Stone Society)

Page 2

by Faith Gibson

  “You’re free to go, and we can take as much time as we want.”

  “Sweet. I need to go home and pack. Do you want to meet me there? Oh, wait. I don’t have my car.”

  “Nope, I’ll drive you. You ready?” Slade wanted to grab Matthew’s hand, but they weren’t to that point yet. For all intents and purposes, they were friends.

  “Yeah. Let me tell Frey bye.”

  Matthew practically bounced to where Frey was talking to Kai. Slade waited, not wanting to interfere in whatever the large Gargoyle was telling Matthew. He studied the teen as he smiled at the male who had become his brother-in-law as well as father. Slade was taking over responsibility for Matt’s well-being, because Matthew was his. Now that Slade had decided to tell Matt the truth, they would never be apart again. Slade already had an apartment rented close to the UGA campus, and although Matthew wouldn’t be allowed to live with him, Slade would make sure Matthew was safe inside his dorm room every night. He planned to walk him to his classes as often as possible. Matthew might think it overkill, but Slade would never allow something to happen to his mate, whether they were bonded or not.

  “Do you want to drive?” Slade held out the keys to the McLaren when they reached the vehicle where it sat off by itself in the parking lot. He had more sensible vehicles, but he’d been in a hurry to get to the gym.

  “You’re joking.” Matthew looked at the high-end sports car and back to Slade. When Slade kept dangling the keys in front of him, Matthew snatched them out of Slade’s hand as if he would change his mind. “Hell yeah,” Matthew said. Slade raised the driver side butterfly door and held Matthew’s elbow as he lowered himself inside.

  Slade had forgotten what it was like to be enthusiastic over something as mundane as driving. Coming from money, there were few things he truly got excited about. Seeing his mate so happy put a smile on his own face.

  “Where to first?” Matthew asked.

  “To your house. We’ll get you packed then head to the condo so I can grab my things and swap cars.”

  The McLaren was great on the highway, but he didn’t want it near the sand. “I thought the SUV would give us more room,” Slade explained.

  “Yeah, okay.” Matthew was quiet after that, concentrating on the road. He was a bright young man on top of being gorgeous and talented. If Slade had his way, Matthew would skip college so the two of them could travel around the world, but he wouldn’t say that out loud. Slade was already breaking his own rule about not claiming Matt so the male had his freedom to be a regular college student. Slade decided he would allow things to happen organically. He would continue to be friends with the teen, but if Matthew gave any indication he wanted more from Slade, well, he would cross that proverbial bridge when they reached it.

  While Matthew went inside to pack, Slade got on his phone and browsed condos along the Atlantic. He wasn’t too good to stay in a small motel, but he wanted to spoil his mate. Florida, like all other states, had fallen into near ruin when the world fell apart thirty years ago. Some of the areas were still rebuilding, and Slade was having a hard time finding somewhere suitable. When an ad popped up for the Waldorf in New Key West, Slade knew it was the perfect spot. He’d never been to the Keys, but with its laid-back lifestyle as well as acceptance of gay couples, it sounded like heaven. Not that they were a couple. Yet.

  By the time Matthew returned, Slade had a suite booked. The route through central Florida would take them through New Orlando, and if Matthew mentioned stopping off at one of the large theme parks, Slade would be on board for that as well. He knew all about his mate’s troubled past, and he would do everything in his power to help make up for it. Matthew and Abbi had lost their parents when Matthew was young. Their aunt, Judy, had taken them in and proceeded to use their small inheritance for drugs and to pay off Abbi’s former husband, Troy. Both were dead – the aunt from an overdose, and Troy at the hand of Trevor, Jasper’s mate. It wasn’t until Frey and Abbi were mates that Matthew’s life had some good in it.

  “How does New Key West sound?” Slade asked as he stowed Matthew’s bag in the front bonnet. That was another reason Slade wanted to swap vehicles. The front of the sports car had only enough room for two smaller suitcases. He planned on buying everything Matthew wanted on their trip.

  “Honestly? I’ve never thought about it. You know everything about my life, and I’ve never been out of Georgia, so I’m okay with wherever you want to go. It’s your trip, after all.”

  “No, Matt. This is our trip. I want this to be our vacation.”

  Matthew gave Slade a funny look before his bright smile lit up his face.

  “Okay, but you drive.”

  There was no way Matthew could drive and think about this being their trip. He wasn’t getting his hopes up. Slade could have any one he wanted, male or female. Slade couldn’t be interested in a kid, but as long as he allowed Matthew to hang around, Matthew was going to take advantage. He would enjoy every second with the large blond, and when Slade finally found his mate... Well, Matt would deal with his broken heart then.

  If he wasn’t a coward, he would ask Slade where he’d been. Up until a couple weeks ago, they spent most of Matthew’s free time together. He knew Slade was only acting as a bodyguard. All the family was watched over when their Gargoyle couldn’t be there. Since Abbi and Amelia had Frey, that left Matthew needing a full-time babysitter, and it seemed Slade had drawn the short straw lately. Deacon had watched over him for a while, then one day after school, instead of the large, black male, he found Slade in the parking lot, leaning against the hood of one of his fancy cars, his arms crossed over his chest. Matthew may have tripped over his own feet at the sight. He’d been attracted to Slade since the first time he saw him, and the pull to be more than friends was stronger than ever.

  They stopped off at Slade’s condo so he could pack and change vehicles. Matt had been in the condo more times than he could count, but he felt weird waiting on the sofa, so he stood on the balcony overlooking the city. He’d never thought about how much money Slade had to be able to afford a whole building or the fleet of vehicles parked in the garage under the condos. He knew from living with Frey and being around the others that Gargoyles were loaded. Matt had his own money from working at the gym, but whenever he was with Slade, the male paid for everything. Like this vacation.

  Matt hadn’t envisioned life after college. The classes he was taking weren’t based on a career goal since he didn’t have a clue as to what he wanted to do when he graduated. He wasn’t disillusioned that he would go on to play professional basketball. He loved the sport, but he didn’t see himself making it that far. When it came time to choose his classes, it had been Slade he talked it over with, not Frey or Abbi. Slade had told him he had all the time in the world to figure it out. Matt hadn’t argued, because he trusted the male.

  “Are you ready?” Slade had stepped out onto the balcony while Matthew was lost in thought.

  “Yep.” He followed Slade down to the garage where they climbed into a newer model SUV. It was an expensive one with leather seats and trim, a high-end stereo system, and tinted windows. Matthew’s excitement at going on vacation with Slade, to the beach no less, had him struggling not to wiggle in his seat. Not wanting to appear like a kid around Slade made it easier to control his nerves. Slade. Matthew glanced at the male’s profile and sighed.

  “Everything okay?” Slade asked as he gripped the steering wheel tighter. The squeak of leather was loud without the radio on.

  “Fine. Perfect. Perfectly fine,” Matt rambled. He often found himself tongue-tied around the Goyle. Slade chuckled, and Matt smacked his arm. “Shut it,” he muttered.

  Slade winked at him, and Matthew’s breath caught. He knew it was nothing more than a friendly gesture, but it still made his stomach flip-flop. Slade chuckled again and turned the radio on and the volume up. For the next couple hours, Matthew changed channels, finding songs they both liked. Neither one had a great voice, but both could carry
a tune well enough not to be embarrassed. All the while, Slade kept his eyes on the road while Matthew did his best not to stare at Slade.

  When they crossed the Georgia-Florida line, Slade asked, “Are you ready for lunch? We have enough fuel to keep going, but if you’re hungry, we can stop soon.”

  “I could eat.” Matthew could always eat. Playing basketball and working out meant he was always needing to refuel. Slade, being Gargoyle, ate as much and often.

  Slade didn’t ask where, because he knew what Matt liked. He knew almost everything about him. Every time they hung out, Slade asked a million and one questions like he was interested in getting to know Matthew. Matthew knew quite a bit about the Gargoyle as well. Everything except who the male dated. Slade couldn’t go out too often, because he was almost always with Matthew. That suited Matt fine. He didn’t want to think about Slade with anyone else.

  Slade took the next exit and drove around until he pulled into the parking lot of a bistro. They got out of the car, and Matt stretched his arms overhead. Slade was staring at Matt’s skin where his shirt had ridden up, exposing the space between his tee and shorts. Matt lowered his arms, and Slade turned away, pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger, muttering, “You’re killing me, Smalls.”

  Matthew had no idea what that meant, but Slade recovered quickly, giving Matt his patented grin. Matt smiled back, especially when Slade put his hand on Matt’s lower back as they walked to the door. After they were seated, Matthew excused himself to the restroom so he could get his body in check. Being close to the object of his obsession played havoc on his teenaged libido on most days. Okay, every day. Usually several times a day. Slade’s touch – even if it was platonic – had him ready to combust. After willing his dick down, Matthew took a leak then washed his hands, splashing water on his face to help cool off. When he felt more in control, he returned to the table. Thankfully, Slade was studying the menu. The waitress appeared immediately, and Slade took the liberty of ordering for both of them. It was something he often did, but Matthew never had a problem with it. Instead of thinking Slade was controlling, Matt found it hot to have someone take care of him, even if it was something as small as deciding what he should eat.

  “We’ll hit New Orlando in a couple hours. Would you like to stop off at one of the amusement parks?”

  “We can do that?” Matt asked, unable to curb his excitement. He’d only ever been to small carnivals, but he’d always wanted to ride the large roller coasters.

  “Why not?”

  “It’s just... You’re, you know,” he said, lowering his voice. “And I figure you’ve done all kinds of exciting stuff over the years.”

  Slade put his arms on the table, leaning closer. “I have done exciting things, but I’ve never done them with you.”

  The waitress brought their food, interrupting what Matt thought could be an important conversation. Matt was probably interpreting Slade’s words to fit his own dreams. They were just friends, but that didn’t mean Matthew didn’t hope for more.

  “So, about those roller coasters…” Slade wiped barbeque sauce off the side of his mouth using his tongue. Matthew was too intrigued by the sight to answer. “Matt? Hello?”

  “Huh? Oh, yeah. Roller coasters. Uh, as exciting as that sounds, can we do that on the way back? I really can’t wait to see the ocean.” Matt took a bite of his sandwich, refusing to look across the table. How could Slade not know how he affected Matt?

  “Yeah, we can do that.” Slade chuckled low, and when Matthew dared a glance up, his eyes were laughing. Maybe he did know what he did to Matt’s body.


  Chapter Three

  Slade loved the blush that stained Matthew’s cheeks. He knew the effect he was having on his mate, and he couldn’t stop teasing him. Slade wasn’t going to rush into a physical relationship, not until he was sure Matt was ready. Small touches here and there would hopefully ease Matt into getting used to the changes in the way Slade interacted with him. After they finished eating, Slade paid the bill, and since they were already off the interstate, he stopped at a gas station and topped off the gas tank.

  The next few hours were different than the first few. The teen’s breathing as well as his mood shifted every so often, and Slade figured Matt was confused as well as excited. When he thought Matt might pass out at one point, he handed over his phone. “Since we’re stopping in New Orlando on the way back, why don’t you find us a hotel?”

  Matthew browsed the various hotels in the area, relating their locations and cost. When Matthew kept rattling off the least expensive places, Slade reminded his mate that money was no issue. “I’m not a snob, Matt, but we’re on vacation. I know we don’t talk about my financial situation, but you’ve seen my condo and my cars. We won’t ever have to worry about money, so stop looking at the least expensive places and find us somewhere nice that’s close to the park.”

  “Slade, I appreciate you bringing me on this trip with you, but I’m not going to take advantage of the fact that you’re loaded.”

  “And I appreciate that, but like I said, this is about you having a good time before college starts. So, for the sake of not having this conversation again, I plan on spoiling the shit out of you this trip. That means nice hotels, all the junk food you can eat without throwing up, souvenirs, nice restaurants if that’s where you want to eat, or pizza in our room if that’s what you prefer. Think of this trip as your birthday and graduation present rolled into one since we didn’t celebrate either. This is your trip, and I never want you to forget it.”

  Matthew was quiet as he contemplated Slade’s words. Slade was afraid he’d said too much until Matt tapped at the phone. “Okay. Here’s one. It’s only a couple miles from the park, and it looks nice.” He rattled off the price of a double as well as the five-star rating.

  “Sounds perfect. See if they have a king suite available.” Slade didn’t indicate only one room. By the time they returned north, he prayed they would be mates and they would be sharing a room.

  “They have a king suite, but the price is—”

  Slade growled low in his throat, and Matthew held up his hand. “King suite. Got it. How am I supposed to pay?”

  “Get to the check-out page, and I’ll give you my card number.” Matthew did as instructed, and Slade rattled off the sixteen-digit number along with expiration and pin code. He had set up a bank account for Matthew with his own bank card, and he’d also made sure that if something were to happen to Slade, Matthew was the beneficiary of everything he owned. He wasn’t going to tell all this to Matt until after they completed the mate bond. Once they were safely in New Key West and had settled in, Slade was going to tell Matt the whole truth, then he would give Matt the option of moving forward in a relationship or taking things slow.

  Matthew closed out the browser on the phone and twisted it in his hands. Slade could tell Matthew was thinking too hard, so he took the phone and placed it in the pocket of the door. He reached across the console, taking Matt’s hand and squeezing. He briefly thought about lacing their fingers, but he didn’t want to move too quickly. Instead, he squeezed again then returned his hand to the steering wheel, gripping it tight. Slade rambled on about his past. He told Matthew things about his life they’d never discussed before. Slade had always made sure to keep things light and friendly between them whenever they hung out. Matthew asked plenty of questions, and Slade was honest with him. The one thing they didn’t discuss was Slade’s past lovers.

  The rest of the ride went by quickly. Being in Matt’s company was always a joy, because the teen was so full of life. They sang to whatever song Matt found when changing the station every five minutes. They joked and laughed the way they always did when together.

  Other than stopping to eat supper and to grab a few groceries, Slade kept his speed a few miles over the limit, and they arrived in The Keys a little after midnight. He’d booked them in a two-bedroom suite on the beach. Slade wasn’t going to pres
sure Matt. He wasn’t sure when he was going to tell Matt they were mates. He was going to let things happen naturally, if at all possible.

  Now, there they were, alone in a romantic setting, and Slade didn’t know what to do.

  “Holy shit, Batman. Look at this place. It’s almost as nice as your loft.” Matt explored every inch of the suite before asking, “Which bedroom do you want?”

  The one with you in it. “Either one. They should be set up the same.”

  Matthew took his bag into the closest room, so Slade went into the other one. He took his time unpacking and sorting his clothes into the dresser. When that was finished, he picked up the case he carried his sword in and leaned the weapon against the wall in the closet. Before Alistair Gianopoulos came into the Clan’s lives, Slade hadn’t touched his sword in over fifty years.

  The sliding glass door opened in the living area, and Matt let out another, “Holy shit.” Slade grinned at his mate’s vocabulary, but it didn’t bother him. He was glad Matt found their accommodations exciting. When he returned to the main room, Slade put their few groceries away before joining Matt out on the balcony. He stopped to admire Matt since his back was to Slade. Matt had filled out nicely since they started working out together. The martial arts Frey taught Matt added to the sleek tone. Matt had kicked off his shoes at some point, and Slade found himself staring at Matt’s bare feet. He’d seen them probably a hundred times, but for some reason, Slade found them sexy in that moment. Sliding his gaze back up Matt’s legs, he bypassed the tight ass, because he didn’t need to get an erection thinking about Matthew’s ass being his for the taking.

  He wanted to wrap Matt in his arms, nibble the spot behind his ear, tease his nipples until they were hard nubs. He wanted to slide his hands down the front of Matt’s shorts and wrap his fist around Matt’s cock. But he couldn’t. Not until they talked.


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