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Third Act (Dark Falkon Book 3)

Page 7

by J. O Mantel

  “I’m afraid I don’t really have a choice, Em. If I push Sienna she could shut me out of her life altogether and then I may never find out.”

  “Why is Sienna being so selfish?” Olivia asked.

  “Forgive me, I don’t mean to interrupt and I know I’m not really family,” It was the first time Chris had spoken since they started the discussion.

  “No, Chris, it’s fine, what’s on your mind?” Jake asked.

  “Look, I don’t know Sienna very well, or Lukas for that matter, but personally, I don’t really think it’s anyone else’s business what Sienna’s choice is, including you, Jake. She’s the one carrying these babies and the one who’s going to have to give birth, when the time comes. You said it earlier, if you push her too far, she’ll shut you out of everything.”

  “So what are you saying?” Emily asked.

  “I’m saying, as much as this is frustrating for everyone, I think its best if everyone just keeps out of it. If you all interfere, she’ll shut you all out.” Chris said.

  The four of them looked at Chris, he had made a valid point.

  “Look, I’ve accepted this, why can’t the three of you just do the same? I know we have to wait five months, but wouldn’t you rather wait, than risk the chance of never finding out if you’re the grandparents?” Jake added.

  They all nodded their heads in agreement; his mom could see that it was all too much for Jake, who had started to tear up. She got up off the sofa and walked over to Jake; “I’m sorry,” she whispered, as she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight.

  “I’m sorry too,” his dad repeated.

  “Me too,” Emily said, walking over to him and giving him a hug also.

  “I know it’s frustrating, and I want to know just as much as you do. But I promise, as soon as the babies are born, all our questions will be answered.”

  They all smiled at Jake as he made his way over to the kitchen. Jake made them a coffee or tea and placed the blueberry pie in the center of the table. He smiled at them, perhaps it wasn’t the ideal way he had planned to tell them about Sienna’s pregnancy, or that they could be grandparents. But as he stood there and watched, he could see how happy they all were. After sitting down, he cut himself a slice of pie and the five of them talked, laughed and drank well into the night.

  Jake waited at the arrivals gate and watched as people walked through them one by one. It seemed to take forever before he could finally see Sienna walking through the gates. She made her way around and Jake greeted her with a great big hug and kiss.

  “Wow! You’ve gotten a little bigger,” he said, looking at Sienna’s stomach, it had grown while she was away.

  “Really?” She asked, rubbing her belly. “Well, all I know is, the two of them are having their own party in there. They didn’t stop moving around and kicking the whole flight home,” she said.

  After they finally got out to the parking lot, Jake loaded her bags into the trunk and stepped into the driver’s seat. He started the car and slowly the two of them headed home.

  Jake sighed as he approached the busy Manhattan peak. Occasionally his eyes would wander over to Sienna’s direction, she rested her head against the window and her eyes were closed. She rubbed her belly with one hand and Jake smiled.

  As soon as they reached home, Sienna opened the door and raced inside. She threw her bag on the floor and kicked off her heels, Jake followed.

  “I seriously have to pee,” she said, running to the bathroom. Jake let out a slight snigger as Sienna shut the bathroom door. He grabbed her bags and placed them on the floor in her room before returning back to the living room.

  A short while later Sienna appeared and headed for the kitchen.

  “Hungry?” Jake asked.

  “Starving! Airplane food sucks,” she said, peeping over his shoulder.

  “I’ll make a start on some nachos, why don’t you go and sit down, I’ll be there in a minute.”

  Sienna poured herself some juice and went and sat down. After placing the nachos in the microwave he grabbed a beer and joined Sienna on the sofa.

  “So, how was the vacation?” Jake asked.

  “Yes, I did tell my family that I was pregnant, Jake, if that’s what you’re really asking.”

  “Am I really that obvious?” Jake asked.

  Sienna didn’t say a word, but raised her eyebrows and her eyes widened as she stared at him.

  “How did it go?” He asked.

  “Like you expected. Dad freaked out and said some pretty nasty things, but Robbie managed to call him down. Mom was in all sorts of hysterics, she kept asking me things like ‘so when are you going to find out? What are you going to do if it turns out to be Jake’s?’ And all that. A part of me wishes that I didn’t even go now.”

  “Well, I don’t-”

  “Don’t say it, Jake. Let’s just agree that you were right. So anyway, how was New Year’s for you? Did you get up to anything special?” Sienna asked.

  “No actually. Mom and dad spent the holidays here with me, so did Emily and Chris.”

  “Oh?” Sienna asked, surprised.

  “Yeah. After I told them that you had flown to Phoenix to be with your family, mom insisted that they spend Christmas and New Year here. They left a couple of days ago.”

  “That sounds nice. Did you all have a great time?”

  “Well… sort of.” Jake replied.

  “What do you mean ‘sort of’?’” Sienna asked.

  He paused for a moment.

  “Jake?” Sienna looked into his eyes.

  “I told them you were pregnant.”

  Jake watched as Sienna’s face turned to a look of concern.

  “Look, I’m sorry if you didn’t want me to tell anyone, but I kind of had no choice. Every time your name popped up in conversation, I just sat there with this look on my face. It wasn’t long before mom worked out that there was something on my mind. In the end I couldn’t help but tell her the truth.”

  “What happened?” Sienna asked.

  “Actually, they reacted almost the same way your parents did. The three of them all asked the same question, they wanted to know when and if you were getting a paternity test. I told them that we had already discussed it and you had made your decision. If it wasn’t for Chris saying something when he did, I don’t know how heated the conversation could have gotten.”

  “What did Chris say?” Sienna asked intrigued.

  “He basically told them that it was your decision and no one else’s. He told them that unless they never want to see their potential grandchild, they should butt out.”

  “I knew there was a reason why I liked that guy,” Sienna smirked.

  “I’m sorry.” Jake said.

  “It’s all right, I can’t say I blame any of them though. I mean can you imagine waiting nine months to find out if you’re going to be grandparents or not? I bet your mom can’t wait to go out baby shopping, just like my mother. I’d be the same.”

  The two of them stared awkwardly at each other for a few minutes, neither of them saying a word.

  “Did you hear from Lukas while you were away?” Jake asked.

  “I spoke to him a couple of times and we were also texting each other. We’re catching up for lunch tomorrow.”

  “Sounds nice. That reminds me, I’m heading to Europe for a few weeks, with the band.”

  “What?” Sienna gasped.

  “A short promotional tour, nothing big. Just a few performances here and there. Stuart thinks it’s a great way to get some exposure before the album is released.”

  “When are you leaving?” Sienna asked.

  “Day after tomorrow.”

  “How long will you be gone?” She asked.

  “About six weeks.”

  Sienna went quiet and looked at Jake, he could see that she was ready to cry.

  “What’s wrong? You don’t want me to go?” He asked.

  “No, it’s nothing like that,” she said, wiping her tear
s with her sleeve. “I’ve just missed you and now you’re heading away. I just feel like we’re drifting further and further apart.”

  Jake couldn’t help but get emotional himself. The timing for his trip couldn’t be worse, but he and the rest of the band had worked so hard to get this far, he didn’t want to jeopardize their chance at fame and fortune.

  “I’m sorry, Sienna. I know it’s really bad timing but… ”

  “No, don’t be stupid, it’s not like we planned on this happening. Don’t worry about it, it’s probably just my pregnancy hormones taking over again.”

  “Are you sure? I mean, I can just tell Stuart that there’s a medical emergency.”

  “Jake, you’re going on this trip. Discussion is over!” Her decision was final, Jake didn’t argue.

  “I’ll have international roaming, so if you need anything you can call me. Or just Facebook me, I’ll get the message eventually.” He yawned and let out a slight sigh.

  “Geez, I’m getting really tired all of a sudden. I think I might head to bed,” he said, standing up off the sofa.

  “Night,” he said, leaning forward and kissing Sienna on the cheek.

  “Night,” she replied. She watched as Jake’s bedroom door closed. She grabbed her phone and text Ivy; Hey, hon I’m back home. Just wondering if you’re free tonight? I could really use a friend.

  She threw the phone on the sofa beside her and headed for the kitchen. She prepared herself a nice cup of tea and headed back to the sofa, just as her phone rang.

  “Hey, Hon,” Sienna said.

  “Hi,” Ivy’s voice echoed through the phone. “Everything all right?” Ivy asked.

  “Not really, listen can I come over?”

  “Um, sure. Dick’s working late at the paper tonight and I’m not meeting him until later, and mom and dad won’t be home for hours.” Ivy told her.

  “Thanks. I’ll be there soon.”

  Sienna arrived at Ivy’s house less than twenty minutes later, Ivy made them some tea and coffee and the two of them sat on the sofa.

  “How was the vacation?” Ivy asked.

  “It was okay.” Sienna replied, almost in a whisper, taking a sip of her tea.

  “Just okay?”

  Sienna didn’t say anything further, she sat there staring at Ivy as she drunk her coffee.


  “I’m still confused, Ivy.” She said.

  “About Jake?”

  Sienna nodded.

  “What happened?” Ivy asked.

  “Nothing much, really. The vacation was great, it was nice to get away for a while. But the whole time I was away all I could do was think about a life with both of them. Then today, after coming home and being around Jake again, all my feelings and emotions just came back.”

  “Did you tell your parents that you were pregnant?”

  “Yeah, and as Jake predicted, they freaked out. I think, deep down, they want these babies to be Jake’s more than anything else,” Sienna replied.

  “What makes you say that?” Ivy asked, still sipping her coffee.

  “Just a hunch.”

  She went quiet all of a sudden and Ivy could see that she was tearing up.


  “Ivy, a small part of me wants Jake to be the father also.”

  “You love him, don’t you?”

  “Of course I do, Ivy. But I’m not in love with him, at least I don’t think I am. I don’t know. But that’s not the reason.”

  “I’m not following, Sienna,” Ivy said, confused.

  Sienna stood up, walked over to the window and crossed her arms.

  “I’ve been going over this in my mind for weeks now, Ivy. As much as I love and adore Lukas, I just don’t know if this is going to work. It’s always meetings, meetings, meetings, concerts, tours, Miami one day, Australia the next.”

  “So what are you saying?”

  “I’m saying, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if Jake did turn out to be the father. He would be around a lot more than Lukas. I know he’s just gotten a record deal, but I know Jake, he’d give it all up for parenthood.”

  She started crying. Ivy got up off the sofa and headed over to her. She wrapped her arms around her and hugged her tight.

  “Oh, Hon.” Ivy said. “What about, Lukas? Didn’t you tell me that if he was the father he’d put his career on hold?”

  “But for how long, Ivy? Six months? A year? And then what? Lukas freaked out when we initially spoke about marriage and children. He said that he wasn’t in a position to be thinking about that sort of stuff. And now I’ve thrown this pregnancy into the equation.”

  “Stop being so hard on yourself, Sienna. You’ve already spoken about it. Did he say he was going to do all those things? You’re just speculating the worst. I think the best thing for you to do is talk to both Jake and Lukas. Not at the same time, but you need to ask them if they’ve really thought this through from every possible perspective. Ask if they’re one hundred percent committed and in this for the long haul.”

  “Ivy, I can’t.” Sienna sobbed.

  “Yes, you can. You’ve already told both of them that you’re pregnant and either one could be the father, which was the hard part. This is a piece of cake.”

  The two of them sat together talking for over an hour before Ivy noticed the time.

  “Hon, I’m really sorry, but Dick’s due to finish work soon and come over, I need to beautify myself,” Ivy giggled, giving Sienna another hug.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll get out of your way and head home.”

  Sienna grabbed her purse and started walking out the door before she stopped and turned back to Ivy.

  “Thanks Ivy, for the chat, I needed it.”

  The two of them hugged again and kissed each other on the cheek. Ivy watched and waited as Sienna pulled out of the drive and headed home.

  “Maybe you should go on vacation more often. That was amazing,” Lukas said as he rolled over in the bed and made himself more comfortable.

  “But that would mean being away from you all the time. Wouldn’t you miss me?”

  “I would. But then the welcome home sex would be incredible.”

  “Welcome home sex?” Sienna laughed.

  “It’s all I could think of at the spur of the moment,” Lukas joked.

  He kissed her on the lips and slowly made his way down her neck before his lips met her breasts. He sucked on her nipple and Sienna squirmed in the bed. Lukas fondled her breasts around in circles with his hands.

  “Oh… my… fucking… God,” Sienna moaned, pulling on the sheets as Lukas continued to suck on her nipples. Slowly, he traced an outline down her chest and onto her growing belly using his finger. He then made his way between her legs, finally finding her opening.

  Gently, he placed his finger inside and slid it in and out. The sensation was all but too much for Sienna, she moaned and wriggled around on the bed while Lukas continued to slide his finger in and out. He could feel her getting wet quickly, so he removed his finger and their lips met once more.

  “Don’t fucking stop! I was about to come.” Sienna said, frustrated.

  “I know, but I’m not quite finished with you yet.” He fondled her breasts a little more and as he did, he placed his teeth on her left earlobe, bit down gently and softly pulled on it.

  “Holy fucking shit,” Sienna gasped, erotically, squirming around again.

  When he finished with her ear, he made his way back to her lips, his tongue flicking inside. Sienna made use of an opportunity, and she flipped Lukas over onto his back and crawled on top of him.

  “It’s my turn. Now you’re going to play my game.”

  Lukas stared into her eyes as she crawled off the bed. She grabbed her panties and bra and then made her way on top of him again.

  “I believe you like black lace panties, Mr. Dark,” Sienna teased.

  “I do,” Lukas replied.

  She grabbed his hands and placed them over his head and between the po
sts on the bed. Using her panties, she tied his hands to the posts, not too tight, but ensuring they couldn’t break loose easily. She then leaned down and kissed him on the lips before grabbing her bra and placing it over his eyes. Again, she tied a loose bow under his head, but tight enough to not break free.

  “I didn’t know you were into kink,” Lukas said.

  “Shh,” Sienna whispered, as she kissed him once more.

  Lukas could feel her tongue swirl down his chest and over his stomach. He could feel her breath just inches away from his cock, then she stopped suddenly.

  “Do you love me, Lukas?” She asked.

  “What? Of course I do,” Lukas replied, raising his head.

  “How much?” Sienna teased.

  “Oh, I get it. This is one of your games, isn’t it?”

  “How much?” She repeated.

  Lukas smiled and Sienna watched as his erection grew.

  “Wow! Lukas you must love me a lot,” Sienna smiled, lowering her head. As she reached the tip she stopped and took another look at Lukas. His face was covered with a smile, and Sienna knew it was the perfect moment.

  She opened her mouth and placed her lips around the head and gently started sucking.

  His cock throbbed in her mouth as her head bobbed up and down. At times she found it a little difficult and almost found herself choking. Lukas was big, but he must have been on heat or something today because it seemed bigger than normal. As she continued to suck she could hear Lukas’s erotic outbursts every now and then. He wriggled around on the bed trying to contain his orgasm, as his hands were still tied. Sienna could tell he was about to blow his load, but she wasn’t finished with him yet either.

  She pulled away from his cock and kissed his abs, slowly making her way up his stomach, then his chest, before their lips touched again. Her belly rubbing against Lukas’s, making it a little awkward to move around. She slid her body onto his stomach, her tits were in just the right position as she guided her nipple into Lukas’s mouth.

  He bit down on the nipple gently, Sienna grabbed hold of Lukas’s hand through the bars and moaned as the sensation soared through her body. He then proceeded to suck on her breasts. He was blindfolded, but he still managed to make it easy work. All he could think about was those tits and how fucking perfect they were. Even in her pregnant state, everything about Sienna was still fucking perfect.


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