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Third Act (Dark Falkon Book 3)

Page 8

by J. O Mantel

  “I love you, you know that?” Lukas suddenly spoke.

  “And I love you too, Lukas. Very much,” she replied and the two of them kissed. She slowly positioned his cock into her opening and she began riding him, her belly and tits bouncing up and down.

  When they were done, Sienna untied Lukas from the bars and removed the blindfold. He then rolled over and kissed his girlfriend and the two of them lay there in silence for a couple of minutes.

  “Can I ask you something?” Sienna asked, sounding serious.

  “Of course,” Lukas replied, playing with her hair. Sienna got comfortable and rested her head on her hand.

  “I know we’ve already discussed this, but I need to ask you again. I just want to make sure that you really know what you’re getting yourself into with this pregnancy.”

  “I’m not sure I know what you mean?” He replied.

  “What I mean is, Lukas, you’re a musician, you have your whole life and career ahead of you. I don’t want to be responsible for taking all that away from you. If you turn out to be the father, I need to know where we stand, for real.”

  Lukas stopped playing with her hair and looked into her eyes, Sienna was starting to get emotional.

  “Babe, what’s going on? What brought all this on?”

  “I know you said that once the babies were born you would put your career on hold. But for how long, Lukas? A month? Six months? A year? Am I going to be a stay at home mom, full time for the next six or so years?” She couldn’t help herself, she burst into tears and put her head down.

  “Is that what’s worrying you? You think I’m going to leave you to do all this on your own?”

  “But, Lukas-”

  “But what? Sienna, I can’t believe you would even think that I would do that to you. Yes, my career may be soaring right now, and perhaps I’m more successful than I have been in years. But the band and Mike know where I stand with this. If I turn out to be the father, my career is on hold. Period! I can’t tell you for how long, that’s something we need to plan as it comes. Do you honestly think I would put my career ahead of you or family?” He started to get a little angry, he sat up and crossed his arms.

  “Lukas, that’s not what I’m saying at all.” Now Sienna sat up next to him, pulling the sheets over her breasts. “The whole time I was away, all I could think about was you and the fact that you would always be traveling. I was scared that you wouldn’t be around much to watch these babies grow up. The last thing I want is for them not knowing who their father is. I’m not saying I expect you to be home twenty-four, seven. I just want to know if you and Jake are in this for the long run.”

  Lukas sighed, his arms still crossed over his chest. He and Sienna had discussed this on many occasions, there was no way he was walking out on her. He had enough money to last them and their children the rest of their lives, he would always be able to support her. Taking a year or two off work to help raise two children would certainly be a handful, but worth every single minute.

  “Where does Jake stand with all this?” Lukas asked.

  “When I first told him I was pregnant, he told me that he would be there for me all the way. The thing is, it’s a little different with Jake.”

  “How is it different, Sienna?” Lukas asked.

  “Lukas, you’ve been in the industry a lot longer than Jake has, and I’ve known Jake almost my whole entire life. If these children turn out to be his, I know he’d give it all up permanently. I’m not saying you’d never be around, what I’m saying is, it would be a lot harder for people to forget about Lukas Dark and Dark Falkon given how long you’ve been around.”

  “You’re worried that there’ll be questions and comments from fans and the media. You think they’re going to draw me back into the spotlight,” Lukas replied.

  “And you know what, I wouldn’t blame you, Lukas. I can’t be selfish and expect you to give up everything for me and the kids. I knew something like this might happen and we’ve prepared ourselves for it. I just didn’t think it would happen so soon.”

  Lukas leaned over, placed his hands on Sienna’s face and pulled her in for a kiss. He gently tilted her head and kissed her neck.

  “You really need to stop this. Babe, I’ve already told you, nothing and I mean NOTHING will keep me away from you and these kids. I’ve spoken with Mike, he’s already cleared my schedule after the next five months. The rest of the band are going to take some time off too. Even when we do go back to work, my obligations won’t be full time for a while. Put it this way, look at how many rock stars have married, had children and still manage to have a successful career and juggle parenthood.”

  “Name one,” Sienna asked.

  He thought about it for a moment; “Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow,” he said.

  “They divorced!” Sienna gasped.

  “Um… what about Eddie Van Halen, didn’t he marry that chick from Hot in Cleveland? What was her name?”

  “Valerie Bertinelli,” Sienna replied.

  “That’s her.”

  Again, Sienna raised her eyebrows and looked at Lukas.


  “They’re divorced too, Lukas.”

  “How about-?”

  “Let’s just forget it,” Sienna said.

  He hadn’t helped the situation, but Sienna knew he was only trying to make her feel better.

  “Lukas I appreciate what you’re trying to do, really. It’s just me, maybe I’m being too selfish.”

  “Selfish? Why would you say that?” Lukas asked.

  “Lukas you should know by now. I’m always selfish when it comes to you. It’s like… I’ve dreamt about this moment for so long. You, me, us having a baby, marriage, and now that it’s all happening, I just want you all to myself. I know, it’s selfish.” She put her head down, ashamed at what she had just said. She still couldn’t stop thinking about Jake and she was angry with herself for feeling the way she was. Lukas lifted her chin, she turned and gazed into his dreamy eyes. He pulled her forward and the two of them kissed.

  “Now do you feel better?” Lukas asked.

  “No! I’m still a mess. Lukas, there’s nothing I want more than for you to be the father, and I can’t wait for us to start planning our future together. I just hate all this uncertainty.”

  “Wait, so what are you saying, do you want to have the paternity test now?”

  Sienna paused for a moment, looking at Lukas. At the same moment, a thought of Jake entered her mind.

  “No. We agreed to wait and that’s exactly what we’re going to do.”

  Frustrated and still slightly angry with herself, she pulled off the covers, put on her nightgown and walked over to the balcony. She leaned on the railing and stared out onto the surprisingly quiet street below her. A few seconds later she could hear Lukas behind her.

  “Are you okay?” He asked, kissing her forehead.

  Sienna looked at him, he was wearing his black Hugo Boss underwear. She never got tired of seeing his nicely rippled six pack and hairless chest.

  “I’m fine, really. Like I said, I think I’m just being too selfish.”

  “So I take it you’ve spoken to Jake about all this?” Lukas asked.

  “Not to the extent that we have. I know where he stands. Jake’s told me that he’s been in love with me since we were children. I was always too blind to see it and I think that’s why I reacted the way I did when he told me. I love Jake, I do, and… ” she turned away, ashamed to look at Lukas.

  “And what?” Lukas asked.

  Sienna remained silent but started to tear up.


  “Lukas, up until recently, a small part of me started feeling the same way toward him. That was the real reason why I went away to stay with my parents over the holidays. Being around both of you just totally confused my feelings even more. I was torn between you and Jake and I couldn’t face either of you, I just had to leave.”

  She waited for something to collide with her
face, or for Lukas to call her a slut or something. But nothing came.

  “Lukas? Did you hear what I just said?”

  “Mmmm,” he mumbled.

  “And???” Sienna asked, still expecting some delayed reaction of some sort.

  “And what?”

  “Aren’t you going to say anything?” She asked.

  “What for? Sienna you’ve been surrounded by this incredible and amazing guy all your life. You grew up together, did things together, everything that friends do. You live together, shop together, eat together and I’m sure there’s many other things you guys do. I then come into your life at a time when you had no idea of Jake’s feelings toward you and kind of swept you off your feet. The guy was heartbroken, and his whole world probably fell apart. And you know what, Sienna? I’d be surprised if you weren’t feeling the way you do. Although it was under false pretenses, you and Jake shared a night of passion. There had to have been something there between you for that to happen, regardless of your drunken state. I’m not suggesting that what you did was right, but all I can say is, I’m not entirely shocked.”

  The two of them stood on the balcony and Sienna listened to Lukas.

  “Jake loves you Sienna, I can’t hold that against him. If he does turn out to be the father, the three of us will just deal with it when and if it ever happens. As for me not sticking around once the babies are born, you have nothing to worry about.”

  He slid the nightie off her shoulder and covered the bare skin with kisses, then he slowly made his way up her neck until their lips met.

  “I know this really isn’t a great time to be discussing this but, the band and I are actually taking a small break,” Lukas said.

  “What do you mean, a small break?” Sienna replied.

  “We have a bit of free time in our schedules. Before we go back into the studio and record some new material, Mike wants us to take a complete break.”

  “So you mean, just stay at home all day and make love to me,” Sienna flirted, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “Not exactly. I wish I could.”

  “Oh?” Sienna said.

  “Mike’s organized a boating trip around the Caribbean for us. We leave on Saturday.”

  “Saturday? Lukas that’s two days away, that’s not a lot of time to pack things and not to mention I need to-”


  “What?” She said, smiling at him.

  “I’m afraid this is a boy’s only trip,” he said.

  “Boys only?”

  “Mike’s told us not to bring along our partners. He literally wants it to be just a getaway with the boys. A way for us to just de-stress from everything. I’m not saying that you’re stressing me out, but we rarely get the chance to do these kind of trips. Last year we had our world tour, and the year before that I was traveling solo. And this may be the last opportunity I ever get.” He wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her toward him. “Once those babies are born I’m not letting you out of my sight.” He finished his sentence with a passionate kiss.

  “I hate when you do that,” Sienna said.

  “Do what?” he replied, sucking on her neck, making Sienna squirm.

  “Oh my God!” She whispered erotically, tilting her head back before meeting Lukas’s lips.

  “Besides, how the hell could I stay away from something as fucking gorgeous as this?” He whispered erotically.

  “Gorgeous? Yeah right! Lukas I think you need glasses. Look at me, I’m getting fat every day and my makeup is all splotchy.”

  “You’re fucking beautiful. I love you,” he said.

  As they kissed, he gently lifted Sienna up, walked back inside and carried her over to the bed.

  “It’s just goosebumps, I’m nervous knowing that you’re going to be on that thing in the middle of the Caribbean.”

  Lukas comforted her, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in.

  “You don’t need to worry. There’s a radio on board if anything happens. And besides, Annie has over twenty years’ experience with boats.”

  “Annie?” Sienna asked.

  “The captain. This is her boat.”

  No sooner had he mentioned her name, Sienna looked over his shoulder and saw an older woman walking toward them.

  “And here she is,” Lukas acknowledged her.

  “Annie, I’d like you to meet my girlfriend Sienna Forrester. Sienna, this is Annie, our captain.”

  “Sienna, it’s an absolute pleasure to finally meet you. Lukas has been raving about you,” she said, holding out her hand.

  Sienna shook Annie’s hand and looked at her. She was a little shorter than Sienna, wavy strawberry blonde hair, sitting just below her shoulders and she had the most beautiful eyes Sienna had ever seen. “Wow!” Sienna said.

  Annie and Lukas both looked at her.

  “I’m sorry, but you’re eyes are just beautiful,” Sienna said.

  “Oh stop it. I’m nowhere near as beautiful as you are. Lukas is a very lucky man, he’s told me so much about you.”

  “He’s never mentioned you,” Sienna said under her breath.

  “What?” Annie asked.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Sienna said.

  “You too, Hon.”

  “So, this is your boat?” Sienna asked.

  “Yep, this is The Delta,” Annie said.

  Sienna looked behind Annie at the boat. It was rather big, around twenty-five meters long at least, and a combination of blue and purple. There was a mast in the middle which stretched high into the sky, attached to it were sails on either side. Sienna had never seen a boat this close before, and it only made her more fearful knowing that Lukas was about to sail on one.

  “She’s a beauty,” Sienna said, looking at Annie and then Lukas.

  “Thank you. Anyway I really should get back on board and prepare this thing for sailing. It was really nice meeting you, Sienna.”

  “You too,” Sienna replied, shaking her hand.

  “Lukas, we’re leaving in ten minutes,” Annie said, as she smiled at both of them and walked away.

  Lukas turned to Sienna, he knew he was about to get an earful. She crossed her arms and stared at Lukas, eyes wide open.

  “What?” Lukas said, Sienna still staring at him.

  “How come you never mentioned her, Lukas?”

  “Annie came into my life at a time when I wasn’t really sure where I was going. She was like a second mother to me. She was waitressing at a local restaurant, where the boys and I used to go all the time, we got talking and a friendship developed from there. She made me realize what I really wanted out of life. She pushed me and the boys to go for our goal. If it wasn’t for her, I don’t think that Dark Falkon would still be here. But over time we lost contact.”

  “So how did you get back in to contact then?” Sienna asked him.

  “I ran into her about three years ago in LA. We caught up for a drink and that’s when she told me that she was no longer waitressing. She received an inheritance after her grandmother died; it wasn’t enough for her to give up working full time, but it was enough for her to invest in a boat. Now she spends her time at sea, fishing and whale watching. She earns a living now giving tours and cruises around the Caribbean. Which is why she knows what she’s doing.”

  Sienna looked at Lukas as he told her about Annie and the story of how they met.

  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have questioned you,” she said, hugging and kissing him.

  “It’s ok, she was just above my age limit for girlfriends,” Lukas teased.

  Sienna slapped his chest and as they kissed again, Annie called out from the boat.

  “All right boys, time to set sail,” she yelled.

  “Well, this is it,” Sienna said.

  “Hey, you’re acting as if you’re never going to see me again,” Lukas said.

  “I know. I’m sorry, I just… ”

  He gazed into her eyes once more, lifted her chin and kissed her p

  “You know, I could always break your arm right now. At least then you wouldn’t have to leave.”

  “Stop it! I’m going on a fishing trip, I’m not joining the army,”

  “Lukas, it’s the Caribbean and the sea. You just never know what’s in store for you out there.”

  “I know, but Annie’s been doing this for a while, she knows what she’s doing. She wouldn’t put us in harms’ way,” Lukas said, just as Annie called out to him.

  “Come on, Romeo. We need to get going,” she said.

  “You know I don’t do goodbyes very well,” Lukas said.

  “Then don’t go,” Sienna said.

  “Babe, I’ll be fine. Whenever you’re alone, just imagine me lying there next to you. I’ll be doing the exact same thing.”

  “I’ve just got a bad feeling,” Sienna whispered.

  Lukas leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead.

  “Please be careful,” Sienna whispered, hugging Lukas tight.

  “I love you. I’ll always love you, Sienna,” he said, as they kissed once more.

  “Lukas!” Annie called again.

  He pulled away, threw his bag over his shoulder and ran toward the boat. Sienna stood there and watched as Lukas hopped on board with the others.

  Annie yelled to the boys to untie the ropes from the mooring posts. As she started the engine, Sienna shivered and rubbed her arms to warm herself up. Slowly, the boat started to sail out of the port, Sienna walked toward the edge, as Lukas made his way to the back of the boat. The two of them waved and Lukas blew her a kiss goodbye, as they continued to sail away from the port.

  Sienna stood there and watched the boat sail further out to sea, until all she saw was nothing but a small dot. She turned and headed back to the car, as she sat in the driver’s seat, she checked her phone for any messages from Jake. There weren’t any.

  When she got home, she poured herself a cup of tea and sat on the sofa. Her mind was full with fearful thoughts of Lukas. At the same time, she couldn’t help but think about Jake either. Even though she managed to convince herself that she was no longer in love with Jake, she still cared about his wellbeing. She was used to being on her own by now, but it didn’t make it any easier, sometimes she wanted some noise around her. It reassured her that everything was okay, and she didn’t feel so insecure. Jake wasn’t around to talk to, Ivy was busy with her engagement and wedding plans, and now Lukas was cruising the Caribbean.


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